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The "Ron DeSantis is a Badass" Thread

His resume is mighty impressive. DeSantis, my governor, will be President one day.

I can't remember the last time I'd buy a politician a beer if I saw him. I can't thank him enough for not acting like a tyrant this last year. It's been real genuine leadership.
I didn't realize people are still sore from that. I think he meant well at the time and didn't really think about the implications of that redflag bs. I'm sure after this last year he knows exactly what he's dealing with in the commie left.

I do like West, but I don't think he could help DeSantis win. I would like to see him in a cabinet position. We need as many patriots in high places as possible.
Yes those of us who pay attention and actually care about the Constitution are “still sore” about a guy that knows better and swore an oath to defend the Constitution who would take a giant **** on half of The Bill Of Rights. Infringeshaw is a RINO that showed his true colors with that statement.
I understand how embarrasing it is when someone holds up a mirror and forces you see your own reflection.

You should understand that better than anyone. We force you to see yourself every time you have the sac to reappear here. We expose your biases, your hate, your selective outrage, your communist tendencies. We've shown how you sit on the wrong side of history on nearly every issue.

In addition you self expose, doing things like ordaining people like Avenatti a True American Patriot and Hero. That revealed your true core to most all of us.

SN is sadly your mirror. This is why you disappear for months at a time. After weeks being forced to really see yourself here, it gets to be too overwhelming.

You're weak Tibs, like your last post.

PS...bookmark Dictionary.com or get a spell checker installed. When you show up and preach and can't possibly spell, it sort of ruins your "I'm better than thou" approach.
My love for my country, the good 'ol US of A, runs deep.
It can't run that deep. If you loved this nation, you wouldn't vote for anything the Democrat party is selling. I'm certainly not saying Republicans are much better, but damn, you are basically voting for communism at this point. Are we there yet? No, but we are heading that way it would seem.
It can't run that deep. If you loved this nation, you wouldn't vote for anything the Democrat party is selling. I'm certainly not saying Republicans are much better, but damn, you are basically voting for communism at this point. Are we there yet? No, but we are heading that way it would seem.
It can't run that deep. If you loved this nation, you wouldn't vote for anything the Democrat party is selling. I'm certainly not saying Republicans are much better, but damn, you are basically voting for communism at this point. Are we there yet? No, but we are heading that way it would seem.

Let me get this right, Sarge. You're suggesting the 81M+ folks who voted for Biden 'basically voted for communism?' Same for all those who've voted for Democratic Mayors, Governors and members of Congress? All of these folks are 'basically voting' to turn America into a communist state?

If you're a Democratic voter, you don't - and can't possibly - love your country because you're supporting the implementation of a communist social, political and economic system in America.

This is your current view of American politics? For real?
Let me get this right, Sarge. You're suggesting the 81M+ folks who voted for Biden 'basically voted for communism?' Same for all those who've voted for Democratic Mayors, Governors and members of Congress? All of these folks are 'basically voting' to turn America into a communist state?

If you're a Democratic voter, you don't - and can't possibly - love your country because you're supporting the implementation of a communist social, political and economic system in America.

This is your current view of American politics? For real?
I don't think folks really understand what they are voting for. We are told one thing during an election, and then things change once the voted in begin to govern. Both sides do this. It is somewhat depressing to know that. We can only vote then on what they actually do, however, with the short attention spans of most people, they forget.

An example of this would be all the people fleeing blue states for red states, but once they get there, forgetting why they left and voting the way they used to and as a consequence, destroying the new state.
I don't think folks really understand what they are voting for. We are told one thing during an election, and then things change once the voted in begin to govern. Both sides do this. It is somewhat depressing to know that. We can only vote then on what they actually do, however, with the short attention spans of most people, they forget.

An example of this would be all the people fleeing blue states for red states, but once they get there, forgetting why they left and voting the way they used to and as a consequence, destroying the new state.
Yep, most Americans, in my opinion, are lemmings to the media, where on any given day, are subject to coverage deeming one party evil and the other their saving grace.
So, many of those 81+ million, impressive number by the way, pay no attention to what is going on around them, because the teleprompter readers haven't told them what to think yet. 36% of Americans getting their news from Facebook doesn't bother me, because it's likely as credible as anything else out there. We've become sheep, willing to be led, told what to think and do, and have lost the ability to think for ourselves, because it's easier to be part of the flock.
Let me get this right, Sarge. You're suggesting the 81M+ folks who voted for Biden 'basically voted for communism?' Same for all those who've voted for Democratic Mayors, Governors and members of Congress? All of these folks are 'basically voting' to turn America into a communist state?

If you're a Democratic voter, you don't - and can't possibly - love your country because you're supporting the implementation of a communist social, political and economic system in America.

This is your current view of American politics? For real?
Do you sit there and see the things they do and honestly think they're not? Maybe they weren't all voting for communism, but it is looking increasingly like that is what they voted for.

Considering more and more young people have a favorable view of communism, I'd say in a generation, maybe two the voters will be mostly communist too. I'm talking about the politicians. The American voter is by and large, intellectually lazy. And I think that most voters are one issue voters. For example, the gay voter doesn't much care about enviromentalism as long as he gets gay rights, and the enviromentalist doesn't much care about LGBTQ as long as the trees are saved, and the unemployed don't much care about taxes as long as they get their unemployment check, for seniors it's social security and medicare, and on and on. So I get that the guy is an incompetent, senile boob, but I vote for him because he (supposedly) supports gay rights. You get the idea.

So the politician can promise all of those things to all of those groups, and as long as everyone gets their handout, the give fuckall what the government is doing. Our government is doing some cool stuff like giving money to illegals, offering free state run health care, free state run college, Universal Basic income, cranking open the borders, indoctrinating our kids in kids in school to hate people that don't look like them (READ: white kids) rather than teach them the skills they need to compete on planet earth, government control of energy and wealth redistribution through the Green New Deal, silencing speech that opposes the party line, and higher taxes everywhere to pay for this pie in the sky nonsense. They are also tearing down institutions like the police, the military, our history. And you think we aren't headed toward communism?
Yep, most Americans, in my opinion, are lemmings to the media, where on any given day, are subject to coverage deeming one party evil and the other their saving grace.
So, many of those 81+ million, impressive number by the way, pay no attention to what is going on around them, because the teleprompter readers haven't told them what to think yet. 36% of Americans getting their news from Facebook doesn't bother me, because it's likely as credible as anything else out there. We've become sheep, willing to be led, told what to think and do, and have lost the ability to think for ourselves, because it's easier to be part of the flock.

I refer you back to the 45 Communist Goals of 1963, #21 and #22

20 – Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21 – Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
I just want to say this here and now (which many of you already know but there are some fence-sitters who just thought it was all about one guy - Orange Man Bad):

If DeSantis runs, he's going to be absolutely **** on at every turn by the media, big tech & every other corrupt communist body like it's nothing. A decent man & politician is going to be drug through the mud because he has a spine and won't kneel to the mob. Thought people learned their lesson after Brett Kavanaugh and countless others, but it's going to continue to get worse as they see their plan coming to fruition and can't dare have anyone challenging that 'plan'.

Buckle up.
Yes those of us who pay attention and actually care about the Constitution are “still sore” about a guy that knows better and swore an oath to defend the Constitution who would take a giant **** on half of The Bill Of Rights. Infringeshaw is a RINO that showed his true colors with that statement.

I have seen absolutely nothing from Dan that would make me think he's a rino. And I've paid attention to pretty much every word he's said since he first became an elected representative.
Considering more and more young people have a favorable view of communism, I'd say in a generation, maybe two the voters will be mostly communist too. I'm talking about the politicians. The American voter is by and large, intellectually lazy.

Thanks for your reply, Sarge.

I see what you're getting at. I think the term you're describing is more akin to democratic socialism, a political movement with a larger social net for a larger segment of the population.

Communism is a different animal, which would involve a complete reshuffling of the entire American political & economic system. Not only do I not see that happening now, I don't ever see that happening. No private enterprise or ownership, no stock market, no three branches of government, no Constitution, no free speech, freedom of press or religion.

It's high time I realized and understood you guys use 'communism' as a catch-phrase, a derogatory, blanket term to basically describe a liberal political belief system. As opposed to referring to actual Communism, as you had in the Soviet Union and have in China & N. Korea to this day.
Thanks for your reply, Sarge.

I see what you're getting at. I think the term you're describing is more akin to democratic socialism, a political movement with a larger social net for a larger segment of the population.

Communism is a different animal, which would involve a complete reshuffling of the entire American political & economic system. Not only do I not see that happening now, I don't ever see that happening. No private enterprise or ownership, no stock market, no three branches of government, no Constitution, no free speech, freedom of press or religion.

It's high time I realized and understood you guys use 'communism' as a catch-phrase, a derogatory, blanket term to basically describe a liberal political belief system. As opposed to referring to actual Communism, as you had in the Soviet Union and have in China & N. Korea to this day.
It's not a blanket statement as I know the difference. Problem is, the liberal political belief system is lurching toward communism. You can refuse to see the signs and deny it all you want, but the signs are there. And it is a dirty word. Tens of millions of people have died under communism's evil. We'd be wise to remember that.

Communism rarely starts as communism. Usually starts with socialism and evolves into communism. I know the left has convinced a large segment of our population that "Democratic Socialism" is somehow different, but it's the same pig with different colored lipstick. And you may be right, it may not happen in my lifetime or yours, but the youth in this nation seems to think that communism is the way to go, and I can't imagine where they might have learned that. We are erasing history rather than learning from it, and where it ends up probably won't be pretty.
It's not a blanket statement as I know the difference. Problem is, the liberal political belief system is lurching toward communism. You can refuse to see the signs and deny it all you want, but the signs are there.

I hear you, Sarge, but I disagree.

Let me know when you see the first sign of any of this happening, and perhaps you'll convince me:

No private enterprise or ownership, no stock market, no three branches of government, no Constitution, no free speech, freedom of press or religion.
It's not a blanket statement as I know the difference. Problem is, the liberal political belief system is lurching toward communism. You can refuse to see the signs and deny it all you want, but the signs are there. And it is a dirty word. Tens of millions of people have died under communism's evil. We'd be wise to remember that.

Communism rarely starts as communism. Usually starts with socialism and evolves into communism. I know the left has convinced a large segment of our population that "Democratic Socialism" is somehow different, but it's the same pig with different colored lipstick. And you may be right, it may not happen in my lifetime or yours, but the youth in this nation seems to think that communism is the way to go, and I can't imagine where they might have learned that. We are erasing history rather than learning from it, and where it ends up probably won't be pretty.

Example 1,426:

Scary ****. And not just limited to healthcare. Hearing rumblings 'social credit scores' will determine who gets bank loans, etc.
I hear you, Sarge, but I disagree.

Let me know when you see the first sign of any of this happening, and perhaps you'll convince me:
China is communist, right? Crazy, but they have a constitution, a congress, a judiciary and a president, among other things. And just about everyone that advocates changing the US constitution or in some cases eliminating it altogether are on the left.

And here's this article about DSA. They advocate ending private enterprise and ownership. There are articles where the likes of AOC, Omar, Talib and other flat out say it. Do you suppose they are just fooling about?

Free speech is already on it's way out.

Freedom of religion is laughable in America, depending on your religion.

I'm not saying it's here now. We are headed that way. Little by little. Bury your head if you like.
I have seen absolutely nothing from Dan that would make me think he's a rino. And I've paid attention to pretty much every word he's said since he first became an elected representative.
You haven’t paid that close of attention then. Infringeshaw Has taken policy stances that are anti-Second Amendment anti-fourth and fifth amendment, pro surveillance state and pro militarized police forces. He is a good speaker and he does a good job of hiding the fact that he is a RINO but he is a RINO nonetheless. Again **** Infringeshaw in both his RINO face and booty hole with a cactus.
We are told one thing during an election, and then things change once the voted in begin to govern. Both sides do this. It is somewhat depressing to know that. We can only vote then on what they actually do, however, with the short attention spans of most people, they forget.
But Trump kept banging away at his promises. T or F? I was pleasantly surprised.
Go figure why that doesn't work up there on the hill...

It's like the establishment is going to make sure nothing like that will ever happen again. There's a plan.
The American ideals, "the experiment", on it's death bed.
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Let me get this right, Sarge. You're suggesting the 81M+ folks who voted for Biden 'basically voted for communism?'

Biden ran on a blatant lie - "I am a moderate who will bring the country together." Instead, Beijing Joe has appointed racists, imbeciles, hacks and morons to the administration, opened the Southern border, and is the front man for left-wing kooks who want to take over medical care, energy, transportation and continue their ownership of education and now approximately 30% of the workforce.

I hear you, Sarge, but I disagree.

Let me know when you see the first sign of any of this happening, and perhaps you'll convince me: No private enterprise or ownership

Feds regulating energy and directly taking over businesses to the point they own and control transportation, education, and health care, i.e., more than 50% of the economy.

no stock market,

That has nothing to do with government ownership of property and businesses. You clearly have no understanding, at all, of what constitutes communism.

For example, government bonds are sold in the market in the trillions of dollars. You think that's "private enterprise"? Also, the government regulates every aspect of the stock market, from who can trade, how offerings are made, who can buy, who can sell, when they can buy, when they can sell, how much profit they can make. The idea that the speculator class running the stock market and donating tens of millions of dollars to their bootlicking compatriots in public office is somehow indicative of a "free market" is laughable.

no three branches of government,

Court packing, i.e., making the judicial branch another arm of the political branch. Attacking the executive branch with imbecilic, repetitive idiocy to try and neutralize it when "your guy" is not in charge.

no Constitution, no free speech,

You're joking, right? 2nd amendment under attack, 1st amendment attacked daily with government sponsored, backed and propped up censorship of speech. Jesus Christ, we witnessed MEDICAL EXPERTS removed from YouTube by way of decisions of some gender-studies major from Stanford.

freedom of press or religion.

You mean like locking people up if they attend mass or church services?

Like that?
Biden ran on a blatant lie - "I am a moderate who will bring the country together." Instead, Beijing Joe has appointed racists, imbeciles, hacks and morons to the administration, opened the Southern border, and is the front man for left-wing kooks who want to take over medical care, energy, transportation and continue their ownership of education and now approximately 30% of the workforce.

Feds regulating energy and directly taking over businesses to the point they own and control transportation, education, and health care, i.e., more than 50% of the economy.

That has nothing to do with government ownership of property and businesses. You clearly have no understanding, at all, of what constitutes communism.

For example, government bonds are sold in the market in the trillions of dollars. You think that's "private enterprise"? Also, the government regulates every aspect of the stock market, from who can trade, how offerings are made, who can buy, who can sell, when they can buy, when they can sell, how much profit they can make. The idea that the speculator class running the stock market and donating tens of millions of dollars to their bootlicking compatriots in public office is somehow indicative of a "free market" is laughable.

Court packing, i.e., making the judicial branch another arm of the political branch. Attacking the executive branch with imbecilic, repetitive idiocy to try and neutralize it when "your guy" is not in charge.

You're joking, right? 2nd amendment under attack, 1st amendment attacked daily with government sponsored, backed and propped up censorship of speech. Jesus Christ, we witnessed MEDICAL EXPERTS removed from YouTube by way of decisions of some gender-studies major from Stanford.

You mean like locking people up if they attend mass or church services?

Like that?

Don't forget the ultimate gain of "Defund the Police" is a Federal Police Force. The Constitution grants policing to the States. Make no mistake, defund the police is the first step before we see proposals to have policing federalized.
Governor DeSantis should be the next Republican presidential candidate.
He makes too much sense. I don’t think today’s public is ready for that much knowledge