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The "Ron DeSantis is a Badass" Thread

Don't forget the ultimate gain of "Defund the Police" is a Federal Police Force. The Constitution grants policing to the States. Make no mistake, defund the police is the first step before we see proposals to have policing federalized.

Good point. Also, the disgusting intrusion of the government by way of spying on citizens, misusing the NSA and Patriot Act, the use of cell phone data to go after January 6 protesters who didn't go a goddamn thing wrong.

In other words, bye-bye 4th amendment and 10th amendment.

"But that's just the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th amendments under assault. I'm sure the government stops after that!"

- Stacy Decaf
the government pushing minimum wage so high that small business will undoubtedly suffer, is not leading to communism or democratic socialism?
the government also requiring employers to supply health insurance to employees is also not leading to communism or democratic socialism?

why can't a free market push that? wouldn't it make more sense for big companies to offer more benefits to employees and potential employees - those that small businesses cannot offer? wouldnt that then also push innovation for small businesses to compete? say offer more PTO, shares of stock, etc?

government officials pushing for the pay increase are also seeing the long game. why do they want this so badly? if you think any career politician gives one **** about the average person, you've fooled yourself and are embarrassing your ancestors - regardless of party. By increasing the average person's income, they're also increasing the amount of tax paid by that person(s). Which means more money to their pockets by shady pet projects. All politicians have those. Well, maybe not all, but the ones with multiple homes in multiple states sure didnt get to where they did by honest investing and repeatedly being in the right place at the right time.

these are also the same politicians who want to decry the success of big company leaders/owners. They want to decrease the "income inequality". Its entirely visible what is going on. We've seen government step in to take over companies, offer breaks for companies, etc. Its not difficult to believe that in the future these same politicians will pass bills and laws that allow the government to essentially take over companies if the income inequality from top down exceeds a certain percentage.

not really sure if that meets everyone's definition of government-run, but it sure checks the boxes, dots the is and crosses the ts.
Problem is, the liberal political belief system is lurching toward communism. You can refuse to see the signs and deny it all you want, but the signs are there. And it is a dirty word. Tens of millions of people have died under communism's evil. We'd be wise to remember that.
Yeah...problem is Sarge...........how do we stop the spread ?

But Trump kept banging away at his promises. T or F? I was pleasantly surprised.
Go figure why that doesn't work up there on the hill...

It's like the establishment is going to make sure nothing like that will ever happen again. There's a plan.
The American ideals, "the experiment", on it's death bed.
Maybe. He did deliver on Supreme Court nominees, which I am very thankful to him for. However, overall, in my opinion anyway, Trump showed some positives of a non-politician, but also negatives. Too me he was a big idea man, but wouldn't roll his sleeves up and do the dirty work to get things done like he could have. He was too used to the Trump Organization, where he can have a big idea and the people he is boss over better work out that big idea or they are gone. Government ain't that say, unfortunately in this case, and I am not sure he ever adjusted. For example, with the election, there were rumblings for months about mail in ballots and so on, and all he did was *****. What did he really do? Fire Fauci, for crying out loud, instead of bitching about him all the time. Send in the damn National Guard, show strength and stop the cities from burning. His approach was way to much of thinking people would see the mess and vote for him because they didn't want that mess. It doesn't work with the short attention span, tick tock society we are in.
And as per DeSantis...I like the guy, a lot of you here like him as well I gather. But who does he bring to the table? Trump got some people who would not ordinarily vote Repub to do that both times. I just don't see DeSantis doing that.

I think the next Republican nominee has to be something other than a white guy. Hate to say it, but that is where we are. Somehow, they have to head some of that racist bullshit they are always accused of off at the pass. They Dems and the media will still try somehow, but it will be more difficult.
I hear you, Sarge, but I disagree.

Let me know when you see the first sign of any of this happening, and perhaps you'll convince me:
Act like Trump never existed.
Then research what the democrats policies have done to this country and are trying to do.
Could have had the name changed to Jimmy...

We gave Jimmy one job. One...simple...job. Move to AZ and don't **** things up. Jimmy don't do most things good.
And as per DeSantis...I like the guy, a lot of you here like him as well I gather. But who does he bring to the table? Trump got some people who would not ordinarily vote Repub to do that both times. I just don't see DeSantis doing that.

I think the next Republican nominee has to be something other than a white guy. Hate to say it, but that is where we are. Somehow, they have to head some of that racist bullshit they are always accused of off at the pass. They Dems and the media will still try somehow, but it will be more difficult.
Trump showed how to get swing voters. He did it by having a spine and fighting back against both the GOPe and the Dems. The formula is really pretty simple.

Push conservative policy.

Don’t try to out Democrat the DNC.
Trump showed how to get swing voters. He did it by having a spine and fighting back against both the GOPe and the Dems. The formula is really pretty simple.

Push conservative policy.

Don’t try to out Democrat the DNC.
Again, maybe. But something stuck with me back around when Trump was elected. It was a black comedian, can't remember who, who joked about Trump being "like one of us," the joking reference being his issues with women. The "grabbing *****" thing. What if he got some votes on that kind of thing? Sometimes in humor there is a lot of honesty.

I am just afraid most people don't think deeply about things, and vote on crazy things.

If you think I'm wrong, I remember years ago Chris Rock theorizing about gun control and saying don't worry about guns, just make ammunition illegal or raise the price so much people cant afford it. Sound familiar?
Dems are masters at one issue voters, which unfortunately is a likely a large percentage of the country. Gay rights, free college, free healthcare, $15 minimum wage, dreamers, environmentalists, etc. Reel them in on one issue, and they don't see anything else, certainly not the big picture.
Dems are masters at one issue voters, which unfortunately is a likely a large percentage of the country. Gay rights, free college, free healthcare, $15 minimum wage, dreamers, environmentalists, etc. Reel them in on one issue, and they don't see anything else, certainly not the big picture.
Sound bite voters. They get hooked on the media sound bites and don't do any further research. Then you have politicians who stand up to the woke side and are doing very well like DeSantis. Only knock on this governor is the whelching green amphibian roaming the Tampa area.
Could have had the name changed to Jimmy...

We gave Jimmy one job. One...simple...job. Move to AZ and don't **** things up. Jimmy don't do most things good.

I damn near saved Arizona from the dementia-ridden, open-borders imbecile but unfortunately Maricopa County - where I don't live - saw a 118% (D)imbo voter turnout.

Who knew?
I think the next Republican nominee has to be something other than a white guy.

Why? You know the current Democrat Dimwit in the White House is a white guy, right?

And no thanks to "that is where we are" crap. I don't care if it's a green alien (you know what I mean), as long as they have the citizens of this country's best interests at heart.

(Just not a green amphibian)
Why? You know the current Democrat Dimwit in the White House is a white guy, right?

And no thanks to "that is where we are" crap. I don't care if it's a green alien (you know what I mean), as long as they have the citizens of this country's best interests at heart.

(Just not a green amphibian)

A really old white guy who has been in some type of office for 47 years. A guy who has serious cognitive decline. Which for him is huge considering he's always been a stupid **** moron. You can't fix stupid and it doesn't age well at all.
A really old white guy who has been in some type of office for 47 years. A guy who has serious cognitive decline. Which for him is huge considering he's always been a stupid **** moron. You can't fix stupid and it doesn't age well at all.

Wait, wait, wait, Steelr4evr. It's not like Beijing Joe graduated near the bottom of his class at a mediocre law school, after graduating damn near the bottom of his class from a ****** undergraduate school and where he repeatedly lied about his academic accomplishments.

Biden graduated 506 out of 688 in his [college] class

In his statement today, Mr. Biden, who attended the Syracuse College of Law and graduated 76th in a class of 85, acknowledged: “I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law school and my recollection of this was inacurate.”

As for receiving three degrees, Mr. Biden said: “I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. My reference to degrees at the Claremont event was intended to refer to these majors – I said ‘three’ and should have said ‘two.'” Mr. Biden received a single B.A. in history and political science.

”With regard to my being the outstanding student in the political science department,” the statement went on. “My name was put up for that award by David Ingersoll, who is still at the University of Delaware.”

In the Sunday interview, Mr. Biden said of his claim that he went to school on full academic scholarship: ”My recollection is – and I’d have to confirm this – but I don’t recall paying any money to go to law school.” Newsweek said Mr. Biden had gone to Syracuse ”on half scholarship based on financial need.”

In his statement today, Mr. Biden did not directly dispute this, but said he received a scholarship from the Syracuse University College of Law “based in part on academics” as well as a grant from the Higher Education Scholarship Fund of the state of Delaware. He said the law school “arranged for my first year’s room and board by placing me as an assistant resident adviser in the undergraduate school.”

According to a 1987 Newsweek report, Biden graduated from Syracuse University in the 76th slot of 85 students in his law school class.

He also attended on a half scholarship based on financial need and did not receive three undergraduate degrees, the outlet added.

Okay, okay, but I mean it's not as if he cheated to finish 76th out of 85 (top 89%).

Six days before he withdrew from the 1987-88 presidential race, then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), who was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, confessed that he had plagiarized a paper in law school, as the Washington Post reported at the time with the headline, "Biden Admits Plagiarizing in Law School."

At the time, Senator Biden was also facing numerous other allegations of plagiarism, including lifting passages from British Labor leader Neil Kinnock, Robert F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and even John F. Kennedy. Biden also misrepresented his standing in law school, claiming that he had graduated in the "top half" of his class when he actually was ranked 76 out of 85.

Waiting for Decaf to explain how graduating 506 out of 688 is "near the top" and how graduating 76 from a class of 85 ranks you "in the top half." Jesus, how ******* stupid are you to cheat and wind up finishing near the bottom of your class?

Beijing Joe ... imbecile. Liar. Cheater. Loser. Scumbag. Nobody.
Nothing to see here, no siree, nothing at all. Six Seattle police officers who attended a mostly peaceful protest ordered to turn over cell phones, bank records, personal documents because ... there is literally no evidence they did a damn thing wrong. Other than attend a rally on January 6, I mean.

EXCLUSIVE: Seattle police officers forced to 'turn over phone data, personal documents, and bank statements' after attending Jan 6 Trump rally

"If the officers refuse, they will have to refuse a direct order, which then constitutes punishment ranging from suspension to … also no surprise, firing," said a source within the Seattle Police Department.

Katie Daviscourt Seattle, WA
May 26, 2021

Six Seattle police officers are under an extreme investigation by Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes and Office of Police Accountability (OPA) Director Andrew Myerberg for being in DC on January 6, the same day of the riot at the US Capitol.

Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes is forcing the six Seattle police officers to "turn over phone data, personal documents, and bank statements in relation to the investigation," a demand that is in direct violation of labor laws and guild contracts, a source told The Post Millennial.

Sources within the Seattle Police Department told The Post Millennial that the Seattle Police Officers Guild briefed the department on Wednesday informing them of the unlawful investigation by Holmes and Myerberg.

The OPA has so far failed to find the officers culpable of any wrongdoing in DC on January 6, as the officers maintain they were there for the Trump rally and not involved in the riot and no evidence has been presented to the contrary. As a result Holmes is now attempting to possess their personal property in a blatant unlawful attempt to convict the officers.

"If the officers refuse, they will have to refuse a direct order, which then constitutes punishment ranging from suspension to…also no surprise, firing," said a source within the Seattle Police Department.

Although Pete Holmes through these actions is in direct violation of the officers' rights and is subject to legal battles after the investigation, it’s evident he is using every means necessary to find evidence to convict the officers; even if it’s something as simple as a city policy violation unrelated to the incident.

The disgraced Seattle City Attorney has cultivated a society in Seattle run by criminal lawlessness and disorder. His failure to prosecute criminals has put the entire Seattle community in danger as homicides and violent crimes skyrocket due to his catch-and-release policies.

It’s unclear why Holmes decided to enact an extreme investigation on these officers when he refuses to prosecute far-left extremists involved with the ongoing violent riots in the city, including an armed insurrection last summer that left many dead.

The six SPD officers under investigation were placed on administrative leave in January, although some have since returned to the beat.

Interim Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz announced the initial investigation in a statement on January 8 and said the OPA would investigate to determine "if any potential illegal activities need to be referred for criminal investigation."

"If any SPD officers were directly involved in the insurrection at the US Capitol, I will immediately terminate them. While OPA investigates, these officers have been placed on administrative leave," Diaz said in the statement.

This investigation is taking place at the same time Mike Solan, President of Seattle Police Officers Guild, announced that by the end of the month almost 300 police officers will have left the department since last year, adding to the dire staffing crisis within SPD.

Sources within the Seattle Police Department told The Post Millennial that morale on the force is at an all-time low. Just recently, an SPD officer and trainee were denied service at a local chocolate shop and LGBTQ officers were banned from attending Capitol Hill Pride.

Seattle City Council has so far defunded the police by more than $50 million in response to the 'Defund the Police' movement. A movement that has resulted in hateful anti-police treatment and rhetoric, which only further harms the city as citizens begin to despise police officers when the department needs to be supported to ensure public safety.

Though many of the perpetrators of the riot at the US Capitol have been pursued and arrested by law enforcement, so far no evidence has surfaced to illustrate these officers were involved, even after an intense taxpayer-funded investigation by the OPA for nearly six months.

Wow, I can imagine that the NY Slimes and Washington Compost will be all over this, given the patent, clear illegal actions, the complete lack of probable cause for the demand which is why the department could not possibly obtain a warrant, the targeting based on political views, the disparate treatment of hundreds of rioters in Seattle let out of jail without a ******* bond despite engaging in violence and arson.

Just you wait.

Nahh, instead some blithering ******* idiot will say, "What do they have to hide? Insurrection bad."

Because yes, liberals really are that stupid. Decaf, your dunce cap awaits.
Why? You know the current Democrat Dimwit in the White House is a white guy, right?

And no thanks to "that is where we are" crap. I don't care if it's a green alien (you know what I mean), as long as they have the citizens of this country's best interests at heart.

(Just not a green amphibian)
Yeah, but he is a Democrat white guy. Big damn difference. You aren't a racist with the D after your name. Hell, Robert Byrd wasn't a racist anymore, that D rehabilitated him.

Look, even if you take out all of the fake votes for Biden, a lot of people still voted for the guy. Do these people even understand what is in their best interests?
Nothing to see here, no siree, nothing at all. Six Seattle police officers who attended a mostly peaceful protest ordered to turn over cell phones, bank records, personal documents because ... there is literally no evidence they did a damn thing wrong. Other than attend a rally on January 6, I mean.

Wow, I can imagine that the NY Slimes and Washington Compost will be all over this, given the patent, clear illegal actions, the complete lack of probable cause for the demand which is why the department could not possibly obtain a warrant, the targeting based on political views, the disparate treatment of hundreds of rioters in Seattle let out of jail without a ******* bond despite engaging in violence and arson.

Just you wait.

Nahh, instead some blithering ******* idiot will say, "What do they have to hide? Insurrection bad."

Because yes, liberals really are that stupid. Decaf, your dunce cap awaits.

There's never going to be a happy medium with the leftist party. Either submit or else. I'm still partially hopeful we can gut them all from office. But not if we can't get legitimate elections secured or at last ditch effort a states convention.

They are literally proceeding to run us completely into the ground socially and financially. And it's just starting into The Imposter's tenure.

I'm not sure what outcome they're trying to attain by the relentless attacking on law enforcement. So you drive them all out and replace them with what? antifa turds. I got news for them, citizens will not afford them the same restraint afforded to them under the law by law enforcement. Maybe they need a taste of the old wild west to appreciate what we have now. I'd certainly enjoy seeing some politicians tarred&feathered and run out of town.
Yeah, but he is a Democrat white guy. Big damn difference. You aren't a racist with the D after your name. Hell, Robert Byrd wasn't a racist anymore, that D rehabilitated him.

Look, even if you take out all of the fake votes for Biden, a lot of people still voted for the guy. Do these people even understand what is in their best interests?
I seriously doubt it would make any difference if the top of the ticket for the Republicans were a black individual, because the media will not recognize them as such.

Michael Vincent Stazzone

Just in case you were wondering why 60 Minutes had a hit piece on this Paisan - the Governor of Florida. Anyone who criticizes him - I have a question for you - can you please post your education and service to our country resume so we can put things in perspective?
“Ronald Dion DeSantis was born on September 14, 1978, in Jacksonville, Florida, the son of Karen (née Rogers) and Ronald DeSantis.[1] He is of Italian descent.[2] His family moved to Orlando, Florida, before relocating to Dunedin, Florida, when he was six years old.[3] In 1991, he was a member of the Little League team from Dunedin National that made it to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.[4][5]
After graduating from Dunedin High School in 1997, DeSantis attended Yale University. He was captain of Yale's varsity baseball team and joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.[5][6] On the Yale baseball team, DeSantis was an outfielder; as a senior in 2001, he had the team's best batting average at .336.[7][8][9][10]
He graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude in history.[11] He then spent a year as a history teacher at the Darlington School.[12] DeSantis then attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 2005 with a Juris Doctor cum laude.[13][14]
DeSantis received his Reserve Naval officer's commission and assignment to the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) in 2004 at the U.S. Naval Reserve Center in Dallas, Texas, while still a student at Harvard Law School. He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. Later that year, he received orders to the JAG Trial Service Office Command South East at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a prosecutor. In 2006, he was promoted from lieutenant, junior grade to lieutenant. He worked for the commander of Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO), working directly with detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Joint Detention Facility.[15][16][17]
In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[18] with the troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.[15][16][17]
DeSantis returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. The U.S. Department of Justice appointed him to serve as an Assistant U.S. Attorney[18] at the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Florida. DeSantis was assigned as a trial defense counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the US Navy Reserve.[19] He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal.[15][16][17”