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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

She's actually attractive as long as she keeps her mouth closed.

I think that's the best picture I've seen of her. No crazy eyes or ranting and raving. Politics may not be her calling, seems it's stressing her out already.
2. No evidence of collusion, despite repeated attempts by the Russians (and the FBI) to infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Jim Quinn reported two years ago that even if there was collusion, which there wasn't, it isn't illegal anyway. Might be unethical but there is no law against it.
Paul Ryan: AOC Didn't Listen to My Advice

"I talked to her, AOC — everybody calls her AOC . . . She's the youngest person now there – I gave her just a few little tips on just being a good member of Congress, new," Ryan said. "I don't think she really listened to a thing I said."

"Take it easy, just watch things for a while, don't ruffle any — see how it works first," he added of the advice he gave her.

That's right you weirdo, even that whacknut AOC knows you have nothing valuable to say.
It's a beautiful thing to see so many of you with your panties in a bunch over Ocasio-Cortez.

Job well done gents. Kudos for helping highlight the liberal, progressive cause. Politicians like AOC are indeed working on making America great, so on her behalf, appreciate the attention and support. Keep up the good work!



Oh yeah and about that report...

How did this doozy go uncovered by the ever-watching MSM?


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) left many confused after she claimed that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) didn’t need to be fixed because it already provides quality health care services to veterans in the United States.

During a town hall in her home district, Ocasio-Cortez had only kind words for the health care services at the VA. She claimed that those who want to “fix” the VA are only looking to benefit pharmaceutical companies, not veterans.

BrainDeadWithNiceFunBags said:
There are some things that we are hearing today. There are some themes that we’ve got coming out, especially when it comes to the VA. All I can think of is that classic refrain that my parents always told me growing up, which is that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

She claimed that calls to privatize the VA aren’t in the best interest of veterans because they already receive “some of the highest quality care” and they don’t need the system to be “optimized” or “tinkered with.”

“Who are they trying to fix it for is the question we’ve got to ask,” she said. “They’re trying to fix the VA for pharmaceutical companies, they’re trying to fix the VA for insurance corporations, and ultimately, they’re trying to fix the VA for a for-profit health care industry that does not put people or veterans first.”

Many people had a problem with Ocasio-Cortez’s assertion that the VA provided quality care because, as IJR previously reported, that is often not the case.

Several took to Twitter to question her statement, providing examples of some of the horror stories that have come out of the VA health care system.

tweeted reactions at the link
Many people had a problem with Ocasio-Cortez’s assertion that the VA provided quality care because, as IJR previously reported, that is often not the case.

I have been going to the VA in Gainesville since I moved up here to north Florida in '98. Not once have I ever been made to wait or been treated with anything but quality care. It is not perfect and I'm sure they have their problems but I don't know anyone that has had a problem and there are are a bunch of us old foggie vets round heyh.

To your point, they are updating all the time but I'm sure they are not yet into the current millennium technically....but it's not as bad as it used to be, at least not here.

Can she really be as stupid as she presents herself to be? It's almost over the top and it's offensive to people who pay attention.
Uncle of mine is a Vietnam Vet. He was exposed to Agent Orange and had part of a lung removed two years ago. He gets winded just walking short distances. My aunt posted this on her Facebook wall...

The VA wants to cut Donald from 100% down to 30% benefits. He can barely walk 100ft without stopping to huff and puff trying to catch his breath. All I can say is the government best do right by by our Vietnam vet who was exposed to Agent Orange and developed cancer in his lung and had to have the bottom left lobe removed. By golly he best have quality of life. He will spend the next few days gathering information from his personal doctors (Not VA doctors) to fight this battle. God give him strength.

yeah, aint broke, don't fix it.
Ocasio-Cortez blown away by first experience with a garbage disposal

By Tamar Lapin

May 7, 2019 | 12:05am


New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is learning a lot of new things in Washington — including what a garbage disposal is.

The 29-year-old freshman congresswoman posted photos and videos on Instagram showing the apparently “terrifying” contraption at work in her swanky DC apartment and saying she’d never seen one before.

“OK everyone I need your help because I just moved into this apartment a few months ago and I just flipped a switch and it made that noise and it scared the daylights out of me,” Ocasio-Cortez can be heard saying in footage.

“I am told this is a garbage disposal. I’ve never seen a garbage disposal. I never had one in any place I’ve ever lived,” she later said.

The “Green New Deal”-touting Bronx Democrat wondered whether the device was “environmentally sound.”

“This DC apartment is bougie and has things I’ve never seen before…,” Ocasio-Cortez captioned the video, later noting: “Is this what social mobility is? Using kitchen appliances you never saw growing up?”

The Bronx-born representative ended her Instagram story by quipping, “All you people telling me to reach in and grab whatever’s there are just Republicans trying to test my health insurance.”

“I’m onto you.”
Ocasio-Cortez blown away by first experience with a garbage disposal

I'm not fan of AOC obviously but in fairness garbage disposals are illegal in New York City and if it's the only place you've ever lived it's entirely possible that you've never seen one.

Placeholder for the inevitable cornucopia of AOC garbage disposal memes...................................................................................It's early.
AOC finds the sink monster.

The people who voted for her thought they were voting for a young, working class hero, who was wise beyond her years, making her own way in a man's world.

What they actually got was a girl from a rich suburb in CT whose father owned an architecture firm, she went to private schools and was backed in her campaign by an internet millionaire who broke several election finance laws to get her elected. Oh, and she's dumb as a stump. She only knows what she has read on socialist blogs or on signs at an antifa rally.
She gets her talking points from the Justice Democrats. You know, that communist group. She reads what they send her. She tries to regurgitate but stumbles every time. She truly is an idiot. Her handlers are ok with it though. She gets plenty of publicity and that's all they really want.