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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready


Have you read what she's saying?

She wants to




FREE OF CARBON EMISSIONS IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS without the use of nuclear power

“Economic security” for those “UNWILLING TO WORK”
Yea, trains to Hawaii and Tokyo. She's real smart.
You know, I'm wondering if she's not as stupid as she appears to be, but knows her ideas will never be accepted as proposed, but opens the door for incremental changes.

She's pretty stupid, but I was thinking along the same lines. The Dems are letting her run with her wacky stuff knowing that their own leftist proposals will look moderate in comparison.
Yea, trains to Hawaii and Tokyo. She's real smart.

I guess it won't affect the economy art all to lose the entire airline and fossil fuel industries and the associated jobs either.
This is what happens when people grow up without a care in the world and then go to college where they are indoctrinated by left wing loons. Cotex is stupid but her ideas aren't even hers. She's just spouting out what she was force fed in college. She's just stupid enough to think it will work. This woman doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. She shouldn't be anywhere near congress or sharp objects.
Have you read what she's saying?

She wants to




FREE OF CARBON EMISSIONS IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS without the use of nuclear power

“Economic security” for those “UNWILLING TO WORK”

What irritates me most about these tools, and its not even that they're in positions of authority, except Kamala, she kneels, is that all this insanity they seek to impose on us has no (read: zero) effect of global pollution. India, China, North Korea, all of Africa will continue to sully the planet unabated to the quarterback. No foul. No flag. But if all this insanity were to happen, WE would be relegated to the 19th century. Oh wait. Is there an agenda here?
Have you read what she's saying?

She wants to




FREE OF CARBON EMISSIONS IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS without the use of nuclear power

“Economic security” for those “UNWILLING TO WORK”

this cannot be stressed enough.
every single building in this country. from mansions to outhouses
I guess it won't affect the economy art all to lose the entire airline and fossil fuel industries and the associated jobs either.

Jobs, schmobs. Everything will be free.
This is what happens when people grow up without a care in the world and then go to college where they are indoctrinated by left wing loons. Cotex is stupid but her ideas aren't even hers. She's just spouting out what she was force fed in college. She's just stupid enough to think it will work. This woman doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. She shouldn't be anywhere near congress or sharp objects.

If the United States had simply implemented the candidacy requirements I outlined five years ago, Occasional-Cortex would not be in Congress. To sum up:

  • All candidates for public office must have either worked for 10 years in private enterprise. or served active duty military for ten years. No exceptions.
  • All candidates must pass a civics test, equivalent to a college-level final exam. Knowledge of the branches of government, limits on government powers, the essential functions of each branch, the legislative process, Constitutional law, and economics would be required. The exam would take two days. First day, three hours of multiple choice - 100 questions - in the morning, and another 3 hours - 100 questions in the afternoon. The second day, 3 hours for essay questions, a total of four such questions, morning and 3 hours for essay questions, just two questions this time, afternoon. (I modeled the test in large part on the bar exam, which tests applicants on 15 different subjects.) The test would eliminate those who lack the requisite knowledge of how our government is organized, the limits on government power, and who cannot organize thoughts, think clearly, budget time, or write proficiently - and would boot a very large number of current House members in my estimation.
  • All candidates must write their own speeches. No exceptions. Candidates would be unable to hide behind speechwriters, and would be required to state their own views, rather than reading a teleprompter and telling us what a speechwriter crafted. We know what Churchill and Lincoln thought, because they prepared their own speeches - every word.
  • Any candidate caught reading materials prepared by someone else would immediately be taken off the ticket and/or removed from office.
  • No candidate will be allowed to retain campaign finance contributions for personal use. Lefties are worried about money corrupting politics, but I wager the (D) House-millionaires-through-contributions would find a way to oppose this edict.
  • All elected representatives are required to show the cost of every piece of legislation proposed. If the law actually costs more, then the excess will come out of Federal funds that otherwise would have been spent in the legislator's district. If that step cannot fund the law, the law is voided automatically.
  • That would require legislators to be genuine about the cost of legislation, or risk seeing their own districts hammered and they put out to pasture, or the bill voided.

These steps would dramatically improve our elected representatives, and force them to (1) state their own thoughts and views and (2) accurately tell us how much their bills will cost us, the lowly taxpayers.
This is what happens when people grow up without a care in the world and then go to college where they are indoctrinated by left wing loons. Cotex is stupid but her ideas aren't even hers. She's just spouting out what she was force fed in college. She's just stupid enough to think it will work. This woman doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. She shouldn't be anywhere near congress or sharp objects.

There is HUGE naivete in people under 30 years old in this country that have been told "anything you dream up can be done". I don't know when it started. This whole idea of dreaming for the stars and believing in utopia. I guess it partly came from the hippies movement and when that generation had kids they wanted to protect them from the realities of the world.

But it is one thing to tell your 10 year old to chase their dreams and another to tell college kids who are about to face the realities of a functioning economy and competition the same thing.

How is "guaranteed job" any different from pure communism assigning people, based on aptitude tests, where they are going to work to "help society"? How is a government that supplies all basic needs (housing, healthcare, food, transportation) not just a step away from eliminating currency all together (or creating a currency "payment" used for very limited luxury goods)? How is taxing wealth and luxury items not going to lead to NO ONE having them (like the USSR, where jeans were sold on the black market?).

A free college would just become an aptitude test for where you best "fit" in a social order controlled by the State. Soon, it's not about "learning" and "growing up" and "bettering yourself" but how can you better society with no choice of your own.

Her vision IS the USSR only with 21st century technology. She wants everything run by the government.
Free college would just become an aptitude test for where you best "fit" in a social order controlled by the State. Soon, it's not about "learning" and "growing up" and "bettering yourself" but how can you better society with no choice of your own.

Her vision IS the USSR only with 21st century technology. She wants everything run by the government.

And what is so goddamned irritating about these idiot lefties - particularly Bernie and Occasional-Cortex, neither of whom has ever run a business, or paid employees from profits EARNED, or dealt with the innumerable regulations by imbeciles in government - is that they are so blithely ignorant of the fact that when the government gives you everything, the same government will inevitably take everything from you.

Firearms, free speech, the right to open a business that competes with the government, the right to develop property, the right to travel, the right to criticize the all-knowing, all-seeing government ... those rights disappear under a government that believes it is "giving" citizens everything they need.

You know, I'm wondering if she's not as stupid as she appears to be, but knows her ideas will never be accepted as proposed, but opens the door for incremental changes.

I think she's pretty stupid. That's just me. She has a lot of other things going for her e.g. young, attractive, energetic, ambitious etc. but it really ends there. She's a delusional dolt spouting talking points she either was indoctrinated with or is having fed to her, but yeah she is shaking things up with her new-found celebrity. I wouldn't say in a good way though. Incremental changes towards socialism just isn't going to happen IMO. I mean it can't happen, our elected officials are corrupt and mostly lazy but they're not that stupid, right?
That imbecile Spartacus loves GND plan. Naturally. I hope all the Dim candidates come out in support of it.

Friday at a campaign event in Mason City, IA, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) compared Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey’s (D-MA) so-called Green New Deal to fighting Nazis.

Booker said, “We have to deal with this. Our planet is in peril, and we need to be bold. It’s one of the reasons I signed on to the resolution. I co-sponsored the resolution for the Green New Deal. There’s a lot of people blowing back on the Green New Deal. They’re going, ‘Oh, it’s impractical, oh it’s too expensive, oh it’s all of this.’ If we used to govern our dreams that way, we would have never gone to the moon.”

He added, “We need to be bold again in America. We need to have dreams that other people say are impossible. We need to push the bounds of human potential. Because that is our history. When the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save the earth from the scourge of Nazi and totalitarian regimes? We came forward. Who came forward to save the planet or continents from financial ruin? We came forward with the Marshall Plan.”

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Booker said, “We have to deal with this. Our planet is in peril

Our planet is in peril, so let's give free healthcare, education and income to everybody (even those unwilling to work) to fight it!

This is headache-inducing.
It sounds like she got her ideas from China. Where the government decides what job you will work, where you live, etc. Communism?
ok, i'll say it since none of you will.

she needs to show her ****.
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Have you read what she's saying?

She wants to




FREE OF CARBON EMISSIONS IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS without the use of nuclear power

“Economic security” for those “UNWILLING TO WORK”
I wish tibs was here to try and defend his woman's plans. He would be knocked right back under his rock .