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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

Okay, then, dingbat Hollywood lefties - put your money where your mouth is. Movies should no longer have lights, or cars, or buses, or airplanes, or helicopters, or fires, or special effects, or explosions, or horses, or cows, and actors will no longer be allowed to fart - all in the name of saving our environment.
If the United States had simply implemented the candidacy requirements I outlined five years ago, Occasional-Cortex would not be in Congress. To sum up:

  • All candidates for public office must have either worked for 10 years in private enterprise. or served active duty military for ten years. No exceptions.
  • All candidates must pass a civics test, equivalent to a college-level final exam. Knowledge of the branches of government, limits on government powers, the essential functions of each branch, the legislative process, Constitutional law, and economics would be required. The exam would take two days. First day, three hours of multiple choice - 100 questions - in the morning, and another 3 hours - 100 questions in the afternoon. The second day, 3 hours for essay questions, a total of four such questions, morning and 3 hours for essay questions, just two questions this time, afternoon. (I modeled the test in large part on the bar exam, which tests applicants on 15 different subjects.) The test would eliminate those who lack the requisite knowledge of how our government is organized, the limits on government power, and who cannot organize thoughts, think clearly, budget time, or write proficiently - and would boot a very large number of current House members in my estimation.
  • All candidates must write their own speeches. No exceptions. Candidates would be unable to hide behind speechwriters, and would be required to state their own views, rather than reading a teleprompter and telling us what a speechwriter crafted. We know what Churchill and Lincoln thought, because they prepared their own speeches - every word.
  • Any candidate caught reading materials prepared by someone else would immediately be taken off the ticket and/or removed from office.
  • No candidate will be allowed to retain campaign finance contributions for personal use. Lefties are worried about money corrupting politics, but I wager the (D) House-millionaires-through-contributions would find a way to oppose this edict.
  • All elected representatives are required to show the cost of every piece of legislation proposed. If the law actually costs more, then the excess will come out of Federal funds that otherwise would have been spent in the legislator's district. If that step cannot fund the law, the law is voided automatically.
  • That would require legislators to be genuine about the cost of legislation, or risk seeing their own districts hammered and they put out to pasture, or the bill voided.

These steps would dramatically improve our elected representatives, and force them to (1) state their own thoughts and views and (2) accurately tell us how much their bills will cost us, the lowly taxpayers.

by not including a candidate's race in this, you showed the entire free world exactly how compassionate and understanding you are to those of low-income households. As such, we know you now to be a racist bigot who cannot feel empathy towards those of a different skin color than you have. Your privilege has afforded you the opportunity to graduate high school, attend college and establish yourself in a business or professional world. Thus, you have no idea what it's like to wake up at 2pm, sift through the remnants of last night's ash tray for enough green to make a blunt, gnaw through the last non-frosted strawberry pop tart, lick the inside of the cheetos bag and wait for your Xbox to warm up so you can kick more 13 year-old *** in COD (and you have a used Xbox not a new 360 since someone has to buy your weed, pop tarts and cheetos). Ever had to make chocolate milk with powder and water? If not, check your privilege. As such, you cannot possibly know what its like to have to wait for your next government check to come in.

Your post was the most racist thing ever posted on the internet. I look forward to your next.
Your post was the most racist thing ever posted on the internet. I look forward to your next.

So um, if we get 100% rid of fossil fuels, how are our thousands of fighter/bomber and military transport jets going to fly? Is the Air Force going to be using blimps and wind? No more nuclear powered Naval vessels? Carriers and destroyers powered by oars? Why are they giving this blowhard any airtime? Living salaries for those who are unwilling to work and removing cow farts....c'mon.
This is standard liberal incrementalism. Policies that would never fly before will seem downright conservative and common sensical by comparison.
ok, i'll say it since none of you will.

she needs to show her ****.

Patience. There is precedent here.

Stephanie Clifford was once recruited to run against David Vitter for his Senate seat. That didn't go forward. Ms Clifford apparently was occupied by her career where she is currently known as Stormy Daniels. Stay with me. Princess Notsobright, er, 'AOC', the twice evicted erstwhile waitress / bartender could be 'primaried' in 2020 leaving her to fall back on their shared 'pedigree', if you will. I mean her being famous n'all.
Patience. There is precedent here.

Stephanie Clifford was once recruited to run against David Vitter for his Senate seat. That didn't go forward. Ms Clifford apparently was occupied by her career where she is currently known as Stormy Daniels. Stay with me. Princess Notsobright, er, 'AOC', the twice evicted erstwhile waitress / bartender could be 'primaried' in 2020 leaving her to fall back on their shared 'pedigree', if you will. I mean her being famous n'all.

Vinnie, I don't think we are going to have to wait that long. Like her college dance video, I believe there is some sexually provocative "stuff", caught on film, that will emerge.
It's also hilarious that they call it the Green New Deal when the original New Deal is what started us on a road to ruin. Many economist now openly acknowledge that FDR made the depression worse and last longer.
So um, if we get 100% rid of fossil fuels, how are our thousands of fighter/bomber and military transport jets going to fly? Is the Air Force going to be using blimps and wind? No more nuclear powered Naval vessels? Carriers and destroyers powered by oars? Why are they giving this blowhard any airtime? Living salaries for those who are unwilling to work and removing cow farts....c'mon.

War is racist.
It's also hilarious that they call it the Green New Deal when the original New Deal is what started us on a road to ruin. Many economist now openly acknowledge that FDR made the depression worse and last longer.

You should listen to AOC talk about how bad the new deal was during one interview and then say the exact opposite a few days later when talking about her "Green new deal". She's a ******* moron and is very close to the most stupid human I've ever heard speak. And I've talked to people that can't write their names but they make more sense than anything this dumbass has said.

HEY idiot, how about remembering what you said TWO ******* DAYS AGO before you contradict yourself and make yourself look more like a ******* retard.
but wait, there's more

A O C calls to abolish ICE says Latinos exempt from immigration laws because they are Native to US

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vowed to defund U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and said all Latino people must be exempt from immigration laws because they are “native” to U.S. lands as they are descendants of Native people.

The Democrat Socialist made a speech against immigration laws and promised to abolish ICE just before she unveiled her widely-mocked Green New Deal on the same day. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib also joined the calls to abolish ICE.



Mexicans are Native Americans?

so...we can put them on reservations, then?
It would be great if the public schools taught US history. My kids are reading a book on the holocaust every year starting in grade five. Every ******* year. Don't know the first thing about George Washington and 1776, but they know all about how bad Hitler was.
It would be great if the public schools taught US history. My kids are reading a book on the holocaust every year starting in grade five. Every ******* year. Don't know the first thing about George Washington and 1776, but they know all about how bad Hitler was.

Y'know, the skeptical mind might be drawn to 'conspiracy theory' by that, right there.
It's all working out nicely...

Politico has turned into a hippie punching outlet recently, cool

GOP Giddy as Democrats Embrace Green New Deal

“Prominent Democrats have rushed to embrace the Green New Deal — and Republicans couldn’t be happier about it,” Politico reports.

“As liberal groups pressure presidential candidates and lawmakers to back the ambitious climate proposal, Republicans hope their opponents may drift so far to the left that they will be more vulnerable in 2020. Since the election of President Donald Trump — who dismisses the link between carbon emissions and rising temperatures — Republicans have mostly steered clear of climate change, but in the Green New Deal they see a chance to pivot the argument back towards economics as growing majorities accept the underlying science.”

There has to be a sex tape out there somewhere, if only someone had the money to draw it out.

President Trump- I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal

"I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military - even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!"

The mysterious case of AOC’s scrubbed 'Green New Deal' details

On Feb. 5, the congressional office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a new blog entry under “energy issues” detailing her "Green New Deal" proposal and answering “frequently asked questions.”

The page, announcing an 8:30 a.m. launch on Feb. 7, is now gone, and a top adviser suggested Friday it was actually authored and distributed by the GOP.

By the afternoon of Feb. 7, Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., removed the document from her website without explanation but following backlash and even ridicule over the radical plans outlined within it, including a call to "eliminate emissions from cows or air travel" — which would functionally ban the latter — and to provide “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

The document vanished just hours after Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., formally unveiled a "Green New Deal" resolution that has so far attracted 67 Democratic co-sponsors in the House. It’s a nonbinding measure that is less detailed than the now-deleted FAQ document but calls for a complete and speedy overhaul of the nation’s energy, transportation, and farming sectors in order to eliminate carbon emissions in the coming decades.

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn’t represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

Ocasio-Cortez later Saturday admitted the same, tweeting at a Washington Post reporter, "There was also a draft version that got uploaded + taken down. There's also draft versions floating out there."

A policy adviser to Ocasio-Cortez, though, told Fox News Friday night that the claims were some kind of hoax perpetuated by Republicans.

Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," called the contents of the now-missing blog post “some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating.”

Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people “unwilling to work” and does not want to ban airplane travel.

He said Ocasio-Cortez “tweeted it out to laugh at it.”

He added, “It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there.”

Hockett may have been referring to the Ocasio-Cortez Friday tweet of a doctored version of the blog post by frequent tweeter and humorist David Burge and others that called for recycling urine to conserve water.

“When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

Ocasio-Cortez again referred to "doctored versions" in her Saturday tweet, though she did not address why the original post on her website, which initially said "we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast" and was apparently later updated to instead include the emissions language, was edited and removed.

Chakrabarti tweeted a link Saturday to the green economy group New Consensus, which has authored an "explainer" of the Green New deal. "Don't worry," New Consensus tweeted. "Policy deets are coming."

As for the blog post, it has not been restored to her congressional website as of Saturday morning but is available via archive and its text saved online.

There are no new entries under the site’s “Energy Issues” section, just a picture of an oil rig, where the post once appeared. The page at the original web address for the post says "Page Not Found."
The mysterious case of AOC’s scrubbed 'Green New Deal' details

On Feb. 5, the congressional office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a new blog entry under “energy issues” detailing her "Green New Deal" proposal and answering “frequently asked questions.”

The page, announcing an 8:30 a.m. launch on Feb. 7, is now gone, and a top adviser suggested Friday it was actually authored and distributed by the GOP.

By the afternoon of Feb. 7, Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., removed the document from her website without explanation but following backlash and even ridicule over the radical plans outlined within it, including a call to "eliminate emissions from cows or air travel" — which would functionally ban the latter — and to provide “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

The document vanished just hours after Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., formally unveiled a "Green New Deal" resolution that has so far attracted 67 Democratic co-sponsors in the House. It’s a nonbinding measure that is less detailed than the now-deleted FAQ document but calls for a complete and speedy overhaul of the nation’s energy, transportation, and farming sectors in order to eliminate carbon emissions in the coming decades.

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn’t represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

Ocasio-Cortez later Saturday admitted the same, tweeting at a Washington Post reporter, "There was also a draft version that got uploaded + taken down. There's also draft versions floating out there."

A policy adviser to Ocasio-Cortez, though, told Fox News Friday night that the claims were some kind of hoax perpetuated by Republicans.

Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," called the contents of the now-missing blog post “some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating.”

Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people “unwilling to work” and does not want to ban airplane travel.

He said Ocasio-Cortez “tweeted it out to laugh at it.”

He added, “It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there.”

Hockett may have been referring to the Ocasio-Cortez Friday tweet of a doctored version of the blog post by frequent tweeter and humorist David Burge and others that called for recycling urine to conserve water.

“When your #GreenNewDeal legislation is so strong that the GOP has to resort to circulating false versions, but the real one nets 70 House cosponsors on Day 1 and all Dem presidential candidates sign on anyway,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

Ocasio-Cortez again referred to "doctored versions" in her Saturday tweet, though she did not address why the original post on her website, which initially said "we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast" and was apparently later updated to instead include the emissions language, was edited and removed.

Chakrabarti tweeted a link Saturday to the green economy group New Consensus, which has authored an "explainer" of the Green New deal. "Don't worry," New Consensus tweeted. "Policy deets are coming."

As for the blog post, it has not been restored to her congressional website as of Saturday morning but is available via archive and its text saved online.

There are no new entries under the site’s “Energy Issues” section, just a picture of an oil rig, where the post once appeared. The page at the original web address for the post says "Page Not Found."

so the DNC is now being hacked by the Russkies AND the Republicans?
ha ha

Democrats Squirm as Lindsay Graham Calls for a Vote on the Green New Deal

Senator Lindsey Graham wants to hold Democrats' feet to the fire on the Green New Deal and is asking for a vote on the non-binding resolution.

"Let’s vote on the Green New Deal! Americans deserve to see what kind of solutions far-left Democrats are offering to deal with climate change"


I don't know why the (R)'s don't do this a lot more.

Want to eliminate ICE? Let's put it to a vote, and see where Warren and the Tribe land.

Want to eliminate fossil fuels? Let's put it to a vote, and see if Kamala Harris can get her mouth off Willie Brown's **** long enough to register a voice vote.