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The truth about the ghetto

A very profound paragraph in that article hits the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned.

"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large."

Like Fred says.....

"What we have are irreconcilably different peoples. The looting classes are not going to turn into whites, not going to become academically diligent, speak normal English, give up crime and illegitimacy. If they were going to, they would have. There is no sign of change, and no sign that there ever will be change. We have what we are going to have. And yes, as many will point out, there are large numbers of blacks, indeed most blacks, who do not do these disagreeable things. But that has been true of every city which has ever rioted, and it did not prevent the riots.

There being no ideal solution. It is obvious that blacks, or at least the urban underclass, cannot on average support themselves in a modern technological civilization. We are not supposed to say this but, I suspect, most of us know it. Fine. Keep the welfare flowing. Regard it as equivalent to a golf handicap. (The other day I saw that some city is going to make both breakfast and lunch free in schools. This is better than letting them go hungry. It is also a step toward an undisguised custodial state.) But if the riots go on, and spread more widely as they seem likely to do, and the attacks on whites continue, the danger is that one day whites will shoot back. The country would never recover."

Wikipedia says..

In the United States, early government policies included "urban renewal" and building of large scale housing projects for the poor. Urban renewal demolished entire neighborhoods in many inner cities; in many ways, it was a cause of urban decay rather than a remedy.[6][24] These government efforts are now thought by many to have been misguided.[6][25]

For multiple reasons, some cities have rebounded from these policy mistakes. Meanwhile, some of the inner suburbs built in the 1950s and 60s are beginning the process of decay, as those who are living in the inner city are pushed out due to gentrification.[26]

Ironically, any such success stories have no history at the hands of Liberals, at least as far as I can find.

[video]https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEViSIqEtVEXoATEwnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0MW E5dmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyNF8xBHNl YwNzYw--?p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature. ..%26amp%3Bv%3DEUzMPlQb2G4&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch %3Fp%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatc h%253Ffeature...%2526v%253DEUzMPlQb2G4%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hsimp%3Dyhs-003%26hspart%3Dmozilla&fr=%26fr%3Dyhs-mozilla-003&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.q adtHEfnYwT07f79sNgmqw%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DE UzMPlQb2G4&tit=So+God+Made+A+Liberal...&l=2%3A12&vid=344c8abc19c6f8e1b959f927a9ec79b1&sigr=11bam0lk1&sigb=14ffebrke&sigt=10oa5a9c4&sigi=11vt33nbk&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-003[/video]
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The 60's was the decade where this all began. It's taken 50 odd years of incubation but the disease of liberalism has fully developed now.
This Thomas Sowell guy is an obvious racist.

I found this article linked to the prior. Wonderful, if you ask me. A perfect example of how Liberal policies are the root of this evil.

Baltimore: A Lesson in Why Robin Hood–ism Hurts the Poor

"Playing Robin Hood at the local level, it became clear, had a huge downside. Take from the rich (and working classes) at the national level, and the unenlightened among them may grumble. Do the same thing at the local level, however, and they simply move.

With them will go vast quantities of capital in all its forms: not just knowledge, financial wealth, and social networks, but over time the factories, offices, homes, and stores that are the machinery of a successful city. The old capital wears out, and the new investment needed to replace it goes elsewhere...

So it was that Baltimore, which in 1950 enjoyed a median family income 7 percent above the national level, grew progressively poorer (double entendre, um, intended) as it cleared “blight,” sprinkled housing projects around town, expanded social-welfare programs, and paid for it all with 19 property-tax increases in the next 25 years, doubling its former rate. Each hike, via what economists call tax capitalization, reduced property values. It was legal looting, but property owners — capitalists — didn’t like it any better than the illegal kind of plundering, and they fled. Baltimore’s land area is 81 square miles, but within its borders, you are never more than a few miles from a more favorable investment climate.

Naturally, then, many of those left behind are angry. Call it “rage against the absent machine.” Contrary to the teachings of Comrade Marx, capital and labor are not adversaries, but partners in production. Chase the capital — and capitalists — away, and laborers suffer diminished opportunity, productivity, and income. Poverty, crime, and social disorder flourish. The key force here is not racism — which explains little of the wide variation in cities’ fortunes over time — but a misguided devotion to Robin Hood–ism at the local level...

To thrive, Baltimore needs to put aside the Robin Hood model of urban governance and embrace a new one: conscientious protection of its resident's property rights. It must radically reform its tax policy; it must end its reliance on grandiose redevelopment projects that seize land through eminent domain; it must reclaim its public spaces for the use and enjoyment of the law-abiding.

The good news is that the city's recent turmoil and tension provide ample reason for its leaders to question their devotion to old formulas — or for new political blood to challenge them. Nobody in Baltimore is happy right now. Perhaps that discontent will lead us toward the right path."
Baltimore: A Lesson in Why Robin Hood–ism Hurts the Poor

Robin Hood was stealing from "the rich" to give to "the poor". Wasn't "the rich" he was stealing from the government who was overtaxing the populace?
The good news is that the city's recent turmoil and tension provide ample reason for its leaders to question their devotion to old formulas — or for new political blood to challenge them. Nobody in Baltimore is happy right now. Perhaps that discontent will lead us toward the right path."

Except that the lesson that these "leaders" learned is that they aren't spending enough money...
Robin Hood was stealing from "the rich" to give to "the poor". Wasn't "the rich" he was stealing from the government who was overtaxing the populace?

I'm shocked at how many people haven't read about Robin Hood or don't realize what he was doing.
I'm shocked at how many people haven't read about Robin Hood or don't realize what he was doing.

Good point but when I looked it up it turns out he was just a generous guy that didn't like the sheriff because of the restrictive forest laws.

"Robin became a popular folk hero because of his generosity to the poor and down-trodden peasants, and his hatred of the Sheriff and his verderers who enforced the oppressive forest laws, made him their champion. Some chroniclers date his exploits as taking place during the reign of Edward II, but other versions say the king was Richard I, the Lionheart."
They're all about taking Whitey's money but don't have a clue what to do when Whitey and his money are gone.
In 1960 Detroit had the highest median income of any large city in the country.
the racism is thick in this thread
Good point but when I looked it up it turns out he was just a generous guy that didn't like the sheriff because of the restrictive forest laws.

"Robin became a popular folk hero because of his generosity to the poor and down-trodden peasants, and his hatred of the Sheriff and his verderers who enforced the oppressive forest laws, made him their champion. Some chroniclers date his exploits as taking place during the reign of Edward II, but other versions say the king was Richard I, the Lionheart."

He was generous however he still took money from the evil government (Sheriff). He didn't steal money from rich non-government people and give it to poor people.
Or steal from rich non government people to give to the government to give to people regardless of whether they needed it.
Or steal from rich non government people to give to the government to give to people regardless of whether they needed it.
Limbaugh was talking about this today, as far as Democrat political strategery. 40% of the people pay 80% of the Federal income tax. Therefore the Democrats are going after the other 60% and say **** the people who pay the bills (my words).
Limbaugh was talking about this today, as far as Democrat political strategery. 40% of the people pay 80% of the Federal income tax. Therefore the Democrats are going after the other 60% and say **** the people who pay the bills (my words).

The census data and data from the IRS show that in fact, the top 10% in terms of annual earnings pay 70% of Federal tax revenues, and the 25% of wage earners pay 85% of the Federal income tax revenues.


"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
Hey when you feed a mans laziness his laziness grows. Its not something that we haven't known. How old is that fable about the grasshopper and the ant?
They're all about taking Whitey's money but don't have a clue what to do when Whitey and his money are gone.
In 1960 Detroit had the highest median income of any large city in the country.

Probably due to the peak of industrial America....of which, automakers were prospering...and automation/lean in the manufacturing process was almost non-existent.
Which meant more people working, as opposed to efficient "processes" with a minimum amount of people....

I would venture to guess that Pittsburgh area had an above median income at that time also, for the same reason, we just produced a different product.
Probably due to the peak of industrial America....of which, automakers were prospering...and automation/lean in the manufacturing process was almost non-existent.
Which meant more people working, as opposed to efficient "processes" with a minimum amount of people....

I would venture to guess that Pittsburgh area had an above median income at that time also, for the same reason, we just produced a different product.
Exactly. Also Detroit spent 20 years with Coleman Young as mayor and he openly bragged about shaking down the automakers and related companies and encouraging white flight because it enhanced his chances for reelection. Ten to twenty years ago offices of my company in the Detroit area were kicking *** because the auto industry was doing well. About ten years ago I recognized some familiar signs and told my buds up there that you are where Pittsburgh was in 1979 and you should sell and get the hell out. No one listened to me and now they can't give their franchises away.
They're all about taking Whitey's money but don't have a clue what to do when Whitey and his money are gone.
In 1960 Detroit had the highest median income of any large city in the country.

So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so after they first arrived in the New World. What "whitey" doesn't seem to want to mention is that maybe... just maybe.... whitey's treatment of black people played a major role in creating the welfare society in the first place. Nobody here thinks that the upward mobility of black folks as a whole was inhibited by first the enslavement, and afterwards the rampant discrimination that existed for 100 years following had anything to do with many seeing the need for welfare in the first place. The biggest factor in predicting how successful an individual ultimately becomes is the family in which the individual is born into. They were **** on for the majority of the country's history, but they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...
You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.
So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so after they first arrived in the New World. What "whitey" doesn't seem to want to mention is that maybe... just maybe.... whitey's treatment of black people played a major role in creating the welfare society in the first place. Nobody here thinks that the upward mobility of black folks as a whole was inhibited by first the enslavement, and afterwards the rampant discrimination that existed for 100 years following had anything to do with many seeing the need for welfare in the first place. The biggest factor in predicting how successful an individual ultimately becomes is the family in which the individual is born into. They were **** on for the majority of the country's history, but they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...
Not totally true. I blame Whitey in part for giving them welfare and removing the need for both fathers and a work ethic. In the 1930's the rate of black illegitimate births was a bit under 30% and now it is 70%. The path to success and out of poverty is clear but urban blacks see that as selling out and doing the white man thing. So apparently doing the black man thing means doing drugs, crime, and indiscriminate *******.

BTW, I don't feel an ounce of guilt, white or otherwise. They made their bed, they can lie in it.
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