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The truth about the ghetto

Bomma has to keep African-Americans' attention away from the fact that employment and their standard of living has declined on His watch.
The loyalty to this clown and his party is amazing. He lectures about racial problems and his wife bemoans her sleepless nights about them, I guess from one of her luxury vacation suites around the world, while he destroys the very economic ladders desperately needed. The more obvious examples are his flooding of the lower class workforce (voting base) with illegal aliens and the Trans-Pac "Partnership".
The loyalty to this clown and his party is amazing. He lectures about racial problems and his wife bemoans her sleepless nights about them, I guess from one of her luxury vacation suites around the world, while he destroys the very economic ladders desperately needed. The more obvious examples are his flooding of the lower class workforce (voting base) with illegal aliens and the Trans-Pac "Partnership".

So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so after they first arrived in the New World. What "whitey" doesn't seem to want to mention is that maybe... just maybe.... whitey's treatment of black people played a major role in creating the welfare society in the first place. Nobody here thinks that the upward mobility of black folks as a whole was inhibited by first the enslavement, and afterwards the rampant discrimination that existed for 100 years following had anything to do with many seeing the need for welfare in the first place. The biggest factor in predicting how successful an individual ultimately becomes is the family in which the individual is born into. They were **** on for the majority of the country's history, but they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...

It's 2015 and you people still continue to spout this same old song and dance. Just kill yourselves and put yourselves out of your misery, cause another 100 yrs will pass and you'll be talking the same ****.

It all starts in the home and it all starts with personal responsibility...the inconvenient truth you lberal hacks don't want to hear.

"Just about every negative social outcome is directly and strongly related to fatherlessness. Whether you are talking about unemployment, illiteracy, crime, or drug dependency, the absence of a father is a principal driving factor." - Mike Adams, Ph.D., criminology.
The loyalty to this clown and his party is amazing. He lectures about racial problems and his wife bemoans her sleepless nights about them, I guess from one of her luxury vacation suites around the world, while he destroys the very economic ladders desperately needed. The more obvious examples are his flooding of the lower class workforce (voting base) with illegal aliens and the Trans-Pac "Partnership".

Here is the stat that refutes most of what has been stated in this thread: over 75% of federal taxes are paid in blue states.
The Northeast and West Coast supports this country.
Here is the stat that refutes most of what has been stated in this thread: over 75% of federal taxes are paid in blue states.
The Northeast and West Coast supports this country.

Because that's where most of the people live. /Captain Obvious
I don't even need ark's degree in statistics to blow that out of the water.
50% of America's population lives within 50 miles of a coast.
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They are free to go back. No one is stopping any one from any race from leaving. We're not like Cuba, East Germany, or North Korea that shoot people who try to leave.
Of course Kenya, Nigeria, etc. have no welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, heating assistance, or cable.

Free to go back??? Yeah, ok...

Voluntarily, voluntarily.....
lol ,,...I saw that and went..


I look at things logically and I'm a free-market economics sort of guy. If you blame whitey for your problems then moving to where whitey isn't is only a couple of plane rides and less than a day away. The African nations of Liberia and Sierra Leone were both founded by freed American slaves. It's not a new idea. /Sheldon
I look at things logically and I'm a free-market economics sort of guy. If you blame whitey for your problems then moving to where whitey isn't is only a couple of plane rides and less than a day away. The African nations of Liberia and Sierra Leone were both founded by freed American slaves. It's not a new idea. /Sheldon

Yep, but that still doesn't clear up for me where Burmuda was goin with that picture. Made no sense.
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Yep, but that still doesn't clear up for me where Burmuda was goin with that picture. Made no sense.
I think he thinks that I think we should round up all the black people and send them back to Africa, which is not what I meant. I'm just saying that if some black people don't like white people they are free to buy their own plane ticket and go where most everyone is black. I mean, I don't like where I live for a number of reasons but I am taking steps to have a more marketable skill so I can move. As I said on my company's internal message board a couple weeks ago, people can call me a lot of things but hypocrite isn't one of them. The "**** all y'all" was left unsaid but strongly implied.
Voluntarily, voluntarily.....

In an attempt to clarify what I think Kevin was referring to when he responded to Jon's comment...

Posted by Ron Burgundy
They are free to go back. No one is stopping any one from any race from leaving. We're not like Cuba, East Germany, or North Korea that shoot people who try to leave.
Of course Kenya, Nigeria, etc. have no welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, heating assistance, or cable.

He responded with.."Free to go back??? Yeah, ok..."

Take the "are" out and insert "were" and it makes more sense. Slaves were initially drug here, many by other blacks, without any hope of rescue or freedom. Today things are quite different. Anyone unhappy with this Country and the way they perceive their future happiness is free to go anywhere they think life will treat them better. it wasn't always like that and that's where I think Berm was coming from.

With that said, I think I'll sneak today's toon in here...

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Thanks Uncle Chip.

I'll elaborate more a bit myself...

To those that did not understand the use of the "slave trade" image - sorry, but, not everyone came to America on their own free will. There is no specific race underlying that statement; because it's true. While some may feel that my intent was to "stir the herd" - it was not - my view, like BigApple, is simple - and lest someone live a day in the shoes of the author - you cannot, no matter how closely you think you scenario may be, understand fully, how that author writes his/her life story.

As a second generation "free man", I can only speak to the knowledge of my specific family because that's what I know. We've all read about the stories in history how some minorities were bamboozled and tricked on to the slave ships, jammed into the hulls of ships (in chains), they were fed poorly and were shipped across the ocean. Once in America, they were sold - families were split up. Individuals were renamed. Legacies and families were changed forever...I won't take the time and run through the timeline from then until now; but, as you can see, if you look at this with an open mind, "no one was free to leave" then. Can their descendants leave now??? Of course they can - but, guess what, where do you suggest they go? Back to Africa? LOL - research will show you that the African-American is not welcome in Africa either...

So, this leaves us in a bit of a quandary now doesn't it...

By no means can I justify the actions of violence in the cities across America because some African-Americans feel mistreated and some feel that the powers that be believe that "Black lives don't matter". The anger has been smoldering and for those that live in "the ghetto", yes, let's get to the crux of the matter, they see things differently than those that live in suburbia - they see things differently from yes, even me - BECAUSE I DO NOT LIVE in the ghetto. I can relate to each and everyone one of them, but, that does not mean that I'll be accepted just because of the color of my skin.

I've said it in that past, and I still believe it, that some of the topics discussed here really show the true colors of those that hide behind the internet and a persona on SteelerNation. The privilege was mine to meet a few of you and during those meetings - NOT ONCE - did anyone treat me differently because I am African-American. Not once.

Reality tells us that it's 2015 - it also tells us that times are becoming increasingly and increasingly worse because of stupid little things like EQUALITY and SOCIAL STATUS.

As I've typed this a wonderful idea popped into my head - there was or is a show on TV - "Wife Swap". How about this, "Life Swap"??? I dare someone to create a reality show on the basis of "swapping lifestyles" between one that lives in the ghetto and one from the middle-class or above. Oh, and I'd make the show REALLY INTERESTING by swapping the entire family from one location to the other. There ain't no spa in the ghetto, ain't no golf course in the ghetto, ain't no DirecTV in the ghetto and you ain't getting a $25,000 credit card in the ghetto...

Again, I've stayed away from this topics because they can become quite volatile but, I've never hid behind my feelings and I won't start now.

While we may smile at the fun photo shared above - sometimes those little "facts" sting - a few years ago, for Christmas, my kids learned a valuable lesson from their African-American father, me. Instead of spending the allocated money on my kids that year - I took it - and I spent it. I spent it on 45 mattress and shipping to Haiti. I spent it on a mission trip for my eldest daughter to accompany the mattress enroute to Haiti and yah know what? My kids know, now, what it's like to sleep in less accommodating conditions than the 5 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom home that we have in JAX. They know, because of Jacq's reports, how one cup of rice has to last for two days for some less fortunate kids from the ghetto in Haiti.

Put on their shoes for a while - walk around a bit - then tell us how you feel...because I bet that if they had the opportunity to live in a different set of shoes they'd change too...hopefully, not w/ money getting to their head.
In an attempt to clarify what I think Kevin was referring to when he responded to Jon's comment...

He responded with.."Free to go back??? Yeah, ok..."

Take the "are" out and insert "were" and it makes more sense. Slaves were initially drug here, many by other blacks, without any hope of rescue or freedom. Today things are quite different. Anyone unhappy with this Country and the way they perceive their future happiness is free to go anywhere they think life will treat them better. it wasn't always like that and that's where I think Berm was coming from.
I totally get that. I wasn't referring to the time of slavery, I was referring to today where you can go pretty much wherever you want. If you're black and think white people are the problem then there are countries you can go to where there are very few white people as explained in the Richard Pryor video I posted a while back. My background is in economics where we think that voting with your feet or your wallet is a great idea.

This is just a domestic map but for ***** and giggles click on Detroit or anywhere in New Jersey:

But I think we need to recall that a slave trade existed in Africa before white men set foot there. That does not excuse the ignorance or sinfulness of white people getting involved with it but let's not pretend they invented it either.
I dare someone to create a reality show on the basis of "swapping lifestyles" between one that lives in the ghetto and one from the middle-class or above.

If it's so bad "in the ghetto" you would think people would be doing everything they possibly could to get out of it, and to get their children out of it. Instead many of them continue to live in deplorable conditions and raise generations of children in them. Why? It's not because they are black. You are a black man who is educated and works hard and takes care of your family. Neither your family history of slavery nor current discrimination have forced you into the ghetto. Your choices got you where you are, their choices got them where they are. I don't doubt black people suffer hardships that white people do not...but is it racist to say that all people are at least partially, (I would say mostly), responsible for their lot in life? I don't think so.
I totally get that. I wasn't referring to the time of slavery, I was referring to today where you can go pretty much wherever you want. If you're black and think white people are the problem then there are countries you can go to where there are very few white people as explained in the Richard Pryor video I posted a while back. My background is in economics where we think that voting with your feet or your wallet is a great idea.

This is just a domestic map but for ***** and giggles click on Detroit or anywhere in New Jersey:

Ahhhh, I understand now. Thanks for clearing that up.
If it's so bad "in the ghetto" you would think people would be doing everything they possibly could to get out of it, and to get their children out of it. Instead many of them continue to live in deplorable conditions and raise generations of children in them. Why? It's not because they are black. You are a black man who is educated and works hard and takes care of your family. Neither your family history of slavery nor current discrimination have forced you into the ghetto. Your choices got you where you are, their choices got them where they are. I don't doubt black people suffer hardships that white people do not...but is it racist to say that all people are at least partially, (I would say mostly), responsible for their lot in life? I don't think so.

Ok, point taken; but, again - I never lived in the ghetto, so I can't answer the questions as to "why" one cannot get out.

Here are a few points to ponder:

1. Considering the conditions and way of life, in the ghetto and trailer park for that matter, what do you propose as an avenue for folks less fortunate to guarantee "a way out"??? Some get out, but, can be pulled back in because of loose morals and the mismanagement of monies gained - ie. athletes, music stars/movie stars

2. Let's take a quick look at a two-time 100 million dollar man - Michael Vick. Did he grow up in the ghetto? I don't know, but, using a bit of logic - I can say that Mike Vick made very bad decisions because he "could let go" of his past and his pre-NFL friends. He'll retire soon and he paid a big price for those decisions. The point is - not everyone will get that opportunity - more probable that not (see what I did there), the "crabs in a barrel" effect will drag the star back down to earth...

3. My uncle, Dr. Benjamin Carson, was raised in the ghetto. His mother had a very strong Christian set of standards and morals as well as high expectations for her children to "do better than she did" in life (my grandparents and parents had the same philosophy). We all know what has become of Dr. Carson and how he achieved his goals. The question I pose to you is - how many succeed vs. the failure rate??? How many fall by the wayside because they get fed up that momma has 4 jobs and she's hardly at home to raise said child? How many fall by the wayside because they're in schools were "teachers just don't give a damn about Shaquille"??

You see, IMO, the past does affect one's future. So of us are just so broken inside that there isn't a positive bone in their body - life, to them, has been hell and always will be hell because - Johnny doesn't have collateral to get a home outside of the ghetto because Johnny has a thin credit file and because of this thin credit file his APR is over 25% for all purchases. This means that Johnny is paying twice as long as Mr. or Mrs. Suburbia to pay off his home or car. Johnny can't get an American Express or Discover card because he doesn't have enough income to substantiate the issuance of a CC to a "risky customer". So, Johnny does what he has to do to survive...his children learn this methodology and lifestyle and they learn to survive...Do you see the vicious cycle?

Regardless of my education or status quo - there are unconscionable actions that happen to me, and those of a darker hue than tan, because of said hue...

Real life situation that happened to me at 60 Wall Street - in my office (Deutsche Bank):

Imagine lining up to get on an elevator - in a mixed crowd. Being the gentleman that I am, I let those in front of me get on first and the ladies. Impressive, no??? It's now my turn to get in the elevator. In front of me, and the elevator IS NOT crowded (maybe 6 people max), stand two women of that wonderful pinkish hue..."Good Afternoon", I say as I enter - neither wanting to move but then suddenly they clutch their purses and part like the Red Sea. To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. As the ladies go off on the next stop I stated, "Ladies, I do not need your money or your negative attitude to wreck my God-given day. God Bless you both and, again, Good Afternoon"...
1. Considering the conditions and way of life, in the ghetto and trailer park for that matter, what do you propose as an avenue for folks less fortunate to guarantee "a way out"???
The military is one option. They'll be happy to have you, you can learn a skill, and they'll pay for college if you want to go. I will note that decades ago when we had a military draft we didn't have as many problems in urban areas because most young men between 18 and 21, your *** was in the Army whether you wanted to be there or not. A bunch of my uncles and my brother-in-law were in the Army and ain't a one of them signed up on purpose.
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