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The truth about the ghetto

So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so

I can tell that you got no Irish in ya...if you did, you wouldn't say dumb **** like that. All kinds of persecution happened to all kinds and colors of folk that settled in the States. Some could work their way above it and some couldn't.
I can tell that you got no Irish in ya...if you did, you wouldn't say dumb **** like that. All kinds of persecution happened to all kinds and colors of folk that settled in the States. Some could work their way above it and some couldn't.

The only difference being that one of those "colors" came here against their will.... Other than that though..... What else can you say but "Wow!" when you hear someone say **** like this.
The only difference being that one of those "colors" came here against their will.... Other than that though..... What else can you say but "Wow!" when you hear someone say **** like this.

They are free to go back. No one is stopping any one from any race from leaving. We're not like Cuba, East Germany, or North Korea that shoot people who try to leave.
Of course Kenya, Nigeria, etc. have no welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, heating assistance, or cable.
So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so after they first arrived in the New World. What "whitey" doesn't seem to want to mention is that maybe... just maybe.... whitey's treatment of black people played a major role in creating the welfare society in the first place. Nobody here thinks that the upward mobility of black folks as a whole was inhibited by first the enslavement, and afterwards the rampant discrimination that existed for 100 years following had anything to do with many seeing the need for welfare in the first place. The biggest factor in predicting how successful an individual ultimately becomes is the family in which the individual is born into. They were **** on for the majority of the country's history, but they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...


I got no YT guilt. Slavery ended over 100 years before I was born so I cant possibly have any culpability in that. Every ethnic minority has started at the bottom rung on the social ladder. There seems to be a concerted effort though to keep black Americans "On the plantation". The left is constantly telling black Americans that the deck is stacked against them and they should just give up and settle for what ever scraps and crumbs they get pitched to them from the table by the political left in exchange for votes. Mediocrity is encouraged in the black community at large. Sloth and failure is being subsidized and so we are getting more of it, and it isn't being confined to just blacks, the Leach Class is expanding in all ethnic groups. The sad thing is the education system has been dumbed down by the same political left to the point that people are now lacking the critical thinking skills to realize that dependence on others leads to serfdom.
Sloth and failure is being subsidized and so we are getting more of it, and it isn't being confined to just blacks, the Leach Class is expanding in all ethnic groups.

Sloth and failure is respected. Being successful is seen as selling out and acting white. I live where I live and I hear what I hear.
The only difference being that one of those "colors" came here against their will.... Other than that though..... What else can you say but "Wow!" when you hear someone say **** like this.

Ever hear of the Highland Clearances?

Chip mentioned the Irish, do you think the English just letting the Irish population starve during the potato famine wasn't a deliberate move to push the population off the land?
33 years ago Richard Pryor nails it.

they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...

Really, that is what you get from that? I've seen some piss poor reading comprehension skills here before, but this is ******* redickerous.
Getting back to the title of this thread "truth & ghetto" etc etc.....I just got this e-mail and if there's any truth to it at all, then we have all been conned big time in Baltimore.

The Media is not telling us the entire story about young Freddie, who is becoming a Folk Hero in Baltimore . You might want to share this around, because the Media is not going to tell you. They seem to want to keep the conflict going. As the newsprint used to say, "if it bleeds, it leads" to the front page. So young Freddie had back surgery a week before and ignored doctor's orders to be in bed that night.

Here are the facts on the late Freddie Gray of Baltimore :

Freddie Gray had a pre-existing spinal and neck injury and had severe nerve damage and scar tissue from an accident that Allstate Insurance was paying him for, in a structured settlement. T his monthly payment and drug money were his means of support. Freddie had had several unsuccessful spinal fusion surgeries over the past 4 1/2 years. His most recent spinal/cervical operation was a week and a half before he was arrested on April 12. He was on doctor's orders to remain home and in bed to speed recovery from that major operation. Instead, Freddie was out manufacturing and distributing drugs on the streets of Baltimore , and strenuously resisting arrest.

Freddie had a long criminal history (rap sheet): many pages long for manufacturing and distributing drugs and controlled substances, including heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine and marijuana. He had been convicted of numerous other felonies including assault, firearms violations, breaking and entering, armed robbery, receiving stolen property, and the list goes on and on from his 18th birthday. In Baltimore County , juvenile records are forever sealed except by judicial order. ( www.mdjudiciarycaseresearch ) Freddie, known on the streets as "Pepper", was 25 years old, 5'8" and weighed 145 lbs. when last arrested. He had been incarcerated at least 12 times, the longest stretch being 2 years in prison in Maryland .

Freddie had recently tried to convert his structured settlement from Allstate into a lump sum payment from Peachtree Funding, of Atlanta . Friends say he was confused by the paperwork and legal terminology.

Following his arrest, Freddie was placed into the paddy wagon by the police officers who had arrested him ---- 3 black officers, 3 white. He could have easily slipped on the floor or bench, or twisted his neck or shoulders to reopen his recently fused and weakened spine. Enroute to the County jail, the paddy wagon stopped once so that officers could put leg restraints on Freddie to calm him down and restrict his movement.

Freddie was a dangerous career felon, well-known to the BPD officers, with a damaged and healing spine and neck, and was supposed to be home healing a week and a half after surgery. He should not have been running around on the streets of Baltimore committing drug felonies and resisting arrest.

Now, why are so many residents of Baltimore destroying their own city with looting and arson? Because it's a good way to get new shoes and T Vs for free? Seems to be. They sure know how to pick their heroes, don't they?

By the way, none of the eight BPD officers who arrested Freddy has ever had a complaint against him for brutality or use of excessive force.
Getting back to the title of this thread "truth & ghetto" etc etc.....I just got this e-mail and if there's any truth to it at all, then we have all been conned big time in Baltimore.

Chip that is all false. The settlement he was getting was for lead paint exposure. Lets stop blaming the victim in this.
So nobody here puts any of the blame on "whitey" and the way black folks were treated by him for the first 250 years or so after they first arrived in the New World. What "whitey" doesn't seem to want to mention is that maybe... just maybe.... whitey's treatment of black people played a major role in creating the welfare society in the first place. Nobody here thinks that the upward mobility of black folks as a whole was inhibited by first the enslavement, and afterwards the rampant discrimination that existed for 100 years following had anything to do with many seeing the need for welfare in the first place. The biggest factor in predicting how successful an individual ultimately becomes is the family in which the individual is born into. They were **** on for the majority of the country's history, but they are now held 100% responsible for not having achieved the same level of economic success as whites have...

There are many groups of people who throughout history have been treated like **** for one reason or another. Some rose above it, some did not.

Look, it really boils down to this...when you subsidize not working, you will have more people not working. When you subsidize having children out of wedlock, you will have more children being born out of wedlock. When you pay people to stay unemployed longer, more people will stay unemployed longer. When you subsidize being disabled, you will have more people trying their damndest to get themselves declared disabled. Anytime the government subsidizes an activity, it encourages more of that activity. It's a simple economic principle. Is this really such a difficult concept to understand?

This is not to say that there aren't really and truly some people who need help at times...who don't actually want to be dependent on the government dole but really have no choice. Of course there are. However the potential for incentivizing negative behaviors is huge. Therefore you need limits and strict standards...otherwise you end up giving help to a whole lot of people who would be way better off if they didn't have the help and were forced to better themselves. So whatever the reasons for the plight of black people, however much we may sympathize with what they've been through, the real question is, is what we are doing for them helping them, or is it hurting them?
Chip that is all false. The settlement he was getting was for lead paint exposure. Lets stop blaming the victim in this.

That's why I posted it 'D', that was an unsolicited undocumented piece from who knows where. Good to know it's not true, that would have really freaked me out.
There are many groups of people who throughout history have been treated like **** for one reason or another. Some rose above it, some did not.

Look, it really boils down to this...when you subsidize not working, you will have more people not working. When you subsidize having children out of wedlock, you will have more children being born out of wedlock. When you pay people to stay unemployed longer, more people will stay unemployed longer. When you subsidize being disabled, you will have more people trying their damndest to get themselves declared disabled. Anytime the government subsidizes an activity, it encourages more of that activity. It's a simple economic principle. Is this really such a difficult concept to understand?

This is not to say that there aren't really and truly some people who need help at times...who don't actually want to be dependent on the government dole but really have no choice. Of course there are. However the potential for incentivizing negative behaviors is huge. Therefore you need limits and strict standards...otherwise you end up giving help to a whole lot of people who would be way better off if they didn't have the help and were forced to better themselves. So whatever the reasons for the plight of black people, however much we may sympathize with what they've been through, the real question is, is what we are doing for them helping them, or is it hurting them?

There are lazy ***** that wanna live off the government everywhere and they aren't just black people. The vibe I'm getting here is that many of you think there is something inherent to those of African decent that makes them lazy. My point simply is that it's kind of hard to rise up when you are discriminated against the way so many were during the course of this country's history. That being said, there is no doubt that things have changed for the better over the last 50 years or so, and opportunities for minorities has never been better. But it's ridiculous to think that just because things are better now, that the repercussions of years of discrimination aren't still a factor. Sure a kid of color now has the same opportunity a white kid does, but his family can't support him or her the same way the white kids family can.... say when he goes off to college... because that job that white kids grandfather got and the subsequently the one his father got wasn't available to the black kid's family. The consequences of that discrimination are affecting him now, even though that type of thing no longer happens with the regularity it did back in the day.....
The vibe I'm getting here is that many of you think there is something inherent to those of African decent that makes them lazy.

Then you are hearing what you want or have been trained to hear.
There are lazy ***** that wanna live off the government everywhere and they aren't just black people. The vibe I'm getting here is that many of you think there is something inherent to those of African decent that makes them lazy.

I don't believe that at all. The facts are that black people have higher rates of unemployment and unwed parenthood. We could debate the reasons for that, I don't happen to think it's anything inherent to their race. I believe it has to do with our ****** up education system and how it is run and funded, as well as government attempts to "help" that actually do the opposite. I certainly don't discount that discrimination has played a role and continues to play a role, though to a declining degree. The question is, what will help? Does continuing to incentivize the disintegration of the family and work ethic help or harm? Does encouraging black victimhood and dependence on government help or harm?
There are lazy ***** that wanna live off the government everywhere and they aren't just black people. The vibe I'm getting here is that many of you think there is something inherent to those of African decent that makes them lazy. My point simply is that it's kind of hard to rise up when you are discriminated against the way so many were during the course of this country's history. That being said, there is no doubt that things have changed for the better over the last 50 years or so, and opportunities for minorities has never been better. But it's ridiculous to think that just because things are better now, that the repercussions of years of discrimination aren't still a factor. Sure a kid of color now has the same opportunity a white kid does, but his family can't support him or her the same way the white kids family can.... say when he goes off to college... because that job that white kids grandfather got and the subsequently the one his father got wasn't available to the black kid's family. The consequences of that discrimination are affecting him now, even though that type of thing no longer happens with the regularity it did back in the day.....

Why does the rate of black illegitimate births rise the farther we get away from slavery? 30% in the 1930's and 70% now.
The recently departed Steel Not A Player, who is black, had a solution for black crime and incarceration, which was to legalize everything that landed black men in jail.
I worked a ****** dead-end job in a hospital for ten years because they paid for my schooling. That was the ONLY reason I worked there.
I don't believe that at all. The facts are that black people have higher rates of unemployment and unwed parenthood. We could debate the reasons for that, I don't happen to think it's anything inherent to their race. I believe it has to do with our ****** up education system and how it is run and funded, as well as government attempts to "help" that actually do the opposite. I certainly don't discount that discrimination has played a role and continues to play a role, though to a declining degree. The question is, what will help? Does continuing to incentivize the disintegration of the family and work ethic help or harm? Does encouraging black victimhood and dependence on government help or harm?

I try to stay out of this forum, because it sometimes gets a little too "stormy" for my liking- but your post is somewhat fair, so I will address it.

While discrimination is declining, it's still very real. Consider this- my grandfather could not attend certain schools, live in certain neighborhoods, or realistically attain certain jobs b/c of his skin. We are not talking 100 years ago. Just think of the Irish and Italian ghetto's of the early 20th century. Those neighborhoods were poor and riddled with crime. Only difference is when America began to expand economically- those groups were allowed to participate. Leaving one group very much in the dark and left to play 'catch up'.

To your second point, what do we do? I dont know. I dont think anyone in the black community is looking to be a victim or wanting to lean on the government. In fact, the majority of those rec'ving aid have jobs. Affirmative Action lol? That helped white women more than any other group. I think what is best is to give those struggling in the community a fighting chance- better schools and better infrastructure.
I try to stay out of this forum, because it sometimes gets a little too "stormy" for my liking- but your post is somewhat fair, so I will address it.

While discrimination is declining, it's still very real. Consider this- my grandfather could not attend certain schools, live in certain neighborhoods, or realistically attain certain jobs b/c of his skin. We are not talking 100 years ago. Just think of the Irish and Italian ghetto's of the early 20th century. Those neighborhoods were poor and riddled with crime. Only difference is when America began to expand economically- those groups were allowed to participate. Leaving one group very much in the dark and left to play 'catch up'.

To your second point, what do we do? I dont know. I dont think anyone in the black community is looking to be a victim or wanting to lean on the government. In fact, the majority of those rec'ving aid have jobs. Affirmative Action lol? That helped white women more than any other group. I think what is best is to give those struggling in the community a fighting chance- better schools and better infrastructure.

Black people are not all one way or all another way, I want to make that clear from the get go. But if you don't think this victim mentality is harming the ability of young black kids to succeed, you need to gain some more life experience. I've lived and worked in Philadelphia and DC and I have worked with wonderful, hard-working African Americans. I have also worked with African Americans who don't show up after a few days, immediately invoke the "you don't like me cause I'm black" defense when their performance is questioned, quit because child support catches up with them, try to collect unemployment even after they quit or are fired for clear cause, etc. Was it only black people doing things like this? No. It was disproportionately so though. We didn't discriminate against anyone. We had high school age kids (most of whom already had a kid or two by the way) who got raises and promotions to dispatchers and manager...IF they were willing to work hard and show up.

I have a close friend who taught inner city kids in Wilmington DE and she would tell you that any kid who tries to learn, speak well or display intelligence is ridiculed and told he is acting white. Many of the kids don't show up for days on end, most don't do any homework, many do not really know how to read, and many come to school drunk or high. I don't care how "good" the school is or how much money you pour into it, you can't teach a kid like that, and it's not fair that kids who might actually want to learn are warehoused right next to these kids and basically ignored because the teacher is busy all day dealing with behavioral problems.

If you really want better schools let kids take their education dollars with them to the school of their choice. Make it acceptance based on merit, so the kids can compete for spots in the good schools. You won't save many kids who are already too far gone because of their poor parenting, but you will save many who want to succeed but can't because of their zip code and financial circumstances.
You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.

The author of this piece Tom Sowell is brilliant,...fortunately he is black, otherwise this piece is racist to the nth degree.

Its astonishing how liberals spewed the same garbage back when Thomas Sowell was a young man...nothing has changed.

I try to stay out of this forum, because it sometimes gets a little too "stormy" for my liking- but your post is somewhat fair, so I will address it.

While discrimination is declining, it's still very real. Consider this- my grandfather could not attend certain schools, live in certain neighborhoods, or realistically attain certain jobs b/c of his skin. We are not talking 100 years ago. Just think of the Irish and Italian ghetto's of the early 20th century. Those neighborhoods were poor and riddled with crime. Only difference is when America began to expand economically- those groups were allowed to participate. Leaving one group very much in the dark and left to play 'catch up'.

To your second point, what do we do? I dont know. I dont think anyone in the black community is looking to be a victim or wanting to lean on the government. In fact, the majority of those rec'ving aid have jobs. Affirmative Action lol? That helped white women more than any other group. I think what is best is to give those struggling in the community a fighting chance- better schools and better infrastructure.
Throwing more money at it won't work. This particular problem has to be solved by that community. We've got a black president and a black attorney general. The bullshit about one group being left to play catch up is ridiculous. That is a talking point of the white liberal left, whose survival depends on that insulting characterization of a voting block that needs to get their collective **** together.
Throwing more money at it won't work. This particular problem has to be solved by that community. We've got a black president and a black attorney general. The bullshit about one group being left to play catch up is ridiculous. That is a talking point of the white liberal left, whose survival depends on that insulting characterization of a voting block that needs to get their collective **** together.

Bomma has to keep African-Americans' attention away from the fact that employment and their standard of living has declined on His watch.