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They're sending their best...criminals. someone should f'n pay!

But...DACA. Dreamers. Refugees.

what if it was his dream to rape a woman twice? who are you racist xenophobes to deny a person their dream?
Here is a good article on immigration and the media. Wasn't sure where else to put it, and didn't want to start a new thread.


That is a tremendous article. Very good. Posted (opinion) on MSN no less.

We would ask that Tibs and Trog read an understand this. That this notion that the crime rate of illegal immigrants is less than our population's crime rate is faulty if not wrong. That the media is willfully burying stories they should be covering, like the illegal immigrant serial killer in Texas. He makes Dylan Roof look like Willy Wonka in comparison. Yet no one is discussing it. Why? The media.

Which leads me to my final point. The MSM cannot be trusted. They lie to us every day.

I'm reposting it Sarge in full because it needs to be read.


The Media Needs To Stop Hiding The Truth About Illegal Immigrant Crime

A man in a Texan prison, already charged with murdering an 81-year-old woman, was charged in May with murdering 11 more elderly women ranging in age from 76 to 94. The accused serial killer, Billy Chemirmir, worked in home health care and allegedly posed as a maintenance worker to gain access to his victims’ homes.

Chemirmir is accused of smothering his victims with a pillow, then stealing their jewelry and other valuables. Dallas police are now reevaluating 750 other cases in which elderly people died alone, to determine if Chemirmir may have been involved.

This awful story should have been big national news. It wasn’t. Chemirmir is a Kenyan citizen living illegally in the United States and hadn’t been deported despite two prior jail stints for driving while intoxicated convictions, plus another for assaulting a girlfriend.

Because Chemirmir used pillows, not guns, to kill his victims, his crimes presented no opportunity for gun-control advocates to manipulate the story. To be blunt, his race (black), legal status (illegal), and murder weapon (pillows) were all factors that ensured that this story wouldn’t receive the attention it would have if these factors were otherwise.

CNN, USA Today, MSNBC, NPR, The Daily Beast, BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, and many other news outlets ignored the story. NBC News referred to Chemirmir as a “Texas man” and made no mention of his illegal status. The Washington Post didn’t mention his immigration status until around the 20th paragraph of their article on it.

CBS reported on the story a year ago but didn’t mention that he was illegally present, and hasn’t covered it since. ABC News failed to identify Chemirmir as an illegal alien,
and only briefly mentioned as an aside near the end of their story that he “also has an immigration hold against him.”

Elites often repeat the talking point that immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans. In truth, however, most states don’t keep comparative crime statistics. Regardless of the statistical breakdown, media outlets purposely ignore stories that upend their preferred immigrants-as-choirboys narrative.

The same news outlets that ignored the Chermirmir story also ignored the tragic case of Ariana Funes-Diaz, a 14-year-old girl who was stripped naked, beaten with a baseball bat, then stabbed to death with a machete. Her assailants, a pair of teenage MS-13 gang members who had recently entered the country from El Salvador, threw her body in a creek.

One of Funes-Diaz’s accused murderers crossed into the United States in December 2015 with his family, who claimed asylum but didn’t show for their hearing. An immigration judge ordered his removal in March 2017. The other assailant was taken into custody as an unaccompanied minor in August 2016 but was later released to a family member.

A year ago, the pair were arrested on murder, armed robbery, and other charges in a separate case, but were never deported because Prince George is a sanctuary county that refuses to cooperate with federal officials in enforcing U.S. immigration laws. Just as with the Chemirmir case, most national media outlets ignored the story.

The Washington Post’s coverage initially minimized the immigration angle then later blamed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for scapegoating local officials. The Post quoted Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Immigrant’s Rights Project, who said that ICE’s news release about the case was part of “the Trump administration’s efforts to essentially bully jurisdictions into becoming instruments of immigration enforcement.”

Given the horrific nature of this crime, that it was apparently committed by teens who shouldn’t have been in the country, and that the reporter reached out to the ACLU but not conservative organizations like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) or The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) says a lot about the distorted lens through which the Post and other news outlets view immigration. They’re eager to cover stories about immigrants who became class valedictorians, but only begrudgingly cover immigrant serial killers, gang members, or other undesirables, if they cover them at all.

The media tiptoes around or outright ignores these stories primarily because they don’t fit their “immigrants-commit-fewer-crimes than Americans” narrative. Google also appears to keep immigrant crime out of the headlines. Googling “horrific crimes committed by illegal immigrants” or other similar search terms, and you’ll notice that most of the top results are bogus studies asserting that immigrants almost never commit serious crimes.

Yet readers don’t want editors to function as censors who withhold stories because they don’t advance their politics. A recent Knight Foundation and Gallup Poll found that 94 percent of Republicans and 75 percent of independents said they trust the media less now than they did a decade ago. As trust in the media has eroded, so too has the media’s trust in its readers. Readers have sensed that lack of respect and are increasingly retreating toward media that reflect their preexisting viewpoints.

Consumers of conservative-themed news outlets will know all about the Billy Chemirmirs of the world, just as devotees of liberal outlets can recite by heart every offensive statement Rep. Steve King has made. Each side becomes well-versed in their team’s talking points but rarely receives information that challenges their thinking.

The mainstream media should play a constructive role in bridging this polarization by simply presenting the news with equal treatment of facts that favor the left and the right, not censoring or sanitizing stories that may be offensive to some or inconvenient to others. Report the news and leave deciphering the narratives to us.
One of Funes-Diaz’s accused murderers crossed into the United States in December 2015 with his family, who claimed asylum but didn’t show for their hearing. An immigration judge ordered his removal in March 2017. The other assailant was taken into custody as an unaccompanied minor in August 2016 but was later released to a family member.

A year ago, the pair were arrested on murder, armed robbery, and other charges in a separate case, but were never deported because Prince George is a sanctuary county that refuses to cooperate with federal officials in enforcing U.S. immigration laws. Just as with the Chemirmir case, most national media outlets ignored the story.

The legislators are damn lucky - DAMN lucky - it was not my daughter who was brutalized due to their ******* "sanctuary" stupidity.

Damn lucky.
Federal prosecutors should start charging local elected officials for obstruction of justice for not following federal laws. This is just stupid.

My thoughts as well but I can't understand why it isn't already being done ?

Like Steeltime says...

The legislators are damn lucky - DAMN lucky - it was not my daughter who was brutalized due to their ******* "sanctuary" stupidity.

It doesn't seem possible that somebody hasn't already gone after these 'sanctuary ' politicians that are breaking the law.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in the Pacific Northwest are taking the unusual step of criticizing Washington state’s new sanctuary state law and giving detailed examples of the danger they believe it presents to the public. The office recently issued a press release which lists seven cases in which ICE requested detainers on criminal illegal aliens being held in local jails and those requests were ignored, many with tragic consequences.

According to ICE, Rosalio Ramos-Ramos was arrested last January for murder and dismembering his victim. It happened just months after Ramos was released from a Washington jail despite ICE’s request for an immigration detainer and notification of his pending release, neither of which were honored.

ICE also cites the case of Mexican national Martin Gallo-Gallardo, who was in a Clackamas County Oregon jail. The statement said jail officials ignored ICE’s request for an immigration detainer and notification of release. Gallardo was released and within months was re-arrested, this time for allegedly murdering his wife.

The most recent case involves Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, who was also in the U.S. illegally. He was convicted of raping a wheelchair-bound Seattle woman twice. He was sentenced to time served and released, under the judge’s order that he self-deport back to Mexico. King County Sheriff’s officials say he eventually did return to Mexico, but not before assaulting his victim a third time.


Idiot leftists:

Gun control: "If it saves just one life ..."

Deporting illegals: "Hey, rape, murder and dismemberment are not that bad."
Washington state releases illegal alien rapest after only 12 months. He attacks his victim again!!!


I'll say it again, someone needs a documentary film on the USA victims at the hands of illegals. Interview them. Show the families destroyed by hard core drugs. Shine light on human trafficking.

Then debate AOC or any Democrat, and document the count of crimes and the facts. Let them hear it. Federal and state data. For good measure show, some of our own homeless people who can use better housing, then challenge them on why people from Latin American who came here illegally are suddenly more important!

To close it out, use some of Obama words.

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My neighborhood got hit by a hail storm and there are hundreds of houses that need their roofs replaced. Several different contractors, every one of them, without exception, using Mexican laborers. They work 10-12 hours in 85-90 degree heat on asphalt roofs. God bless em!
My neighborhood got hit by a hail storm and there are hundreds of houses that need their roofs replaced. Several different contractors, every one of them, without exception, using Mexican laborers. They work 10-12 hours in 85-90 degree heat on asphalt roofs. God bless em!

They are raping this country by abusing the system. They can go **** themselves.
No worse than the labor unions.

So two wrongs make a right? So the labor unions are stealing healthcare, welfare, housing Etc.. by the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS?

Just because something is bad doesn't mean something else isn't bad. That's horrible logic and typical for liberals.
My neighborhood got hit by a hail storm and there are hundreds of houses that need their roofs replaced. Several different contractors, every one of them, without exception, using Mexican laborers. They work 10-12 hours in 85-90 degree heat on asphalt roofs. God bless em!

What are their names?
My neighborhood got hit by a hail storm and there are hundreds of houses that need their roofs replaced. Several different contractors, every one of them, without exception, using Mexican laborers. They work 10-12 hours in 85-90 degree heat on asphalt roofs. God bless em!

In 2014, same thing happened in my neighborhood. I think my house took roughly $38,000 in damage. Crew of white guys replaced my roof under the same conditions. God bless em!
They are raping this country by abusing the system. They can go **** themselves.

And we still don't have the political will to jail the people that continue to hire them. Honest businesses can't compete with businesses that hire illegals and don't have to pay overtime and benefits.

Planned ICE raids are putting the restaurant industry on edge


The national restaurant industry is bracing for a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation that could round up hundreds of migrant families that have received deportation orders. Restaurant owners and worker advocates hope the operation, planned to start on Sunday, will not disrupt an industry already hurting for staff, or broaden into a wider investigation of employees not on the Trump administration's deportation lists.


So we have the National Restaurant Industry admitting to hiring illegals and nobody cares ? If they jailed a couple of the big chain managers, I bet that would get somebody's attention.