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Third Party ... its always an option


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
Here is a list of the other candidates... If you are totally pissed at the dems and Repubs and want to try to bet on the real long shot...here you go... Gary Johnson polls at almost 12% now... many of the rest will have to be write ins over most of the country.... but there are people who fit most every degree of lunatic political thought here... from ought to be democrats and republicans to window licking psycopaths... you can find a Bernie clone, a trumpish guy or two, a couple cruzes and a clintonesque person without the establisment backing... enjoy!

2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Management and Market Research
Ed Baker

Dissatisfied with the job done by entrenched career politicians from both parties, Ed Baker has bold ideas to resolve a variety of issues including crime, spending and immigration. Conservatives, independents and progressives can all find common ground with at least one of Bakers positions.
More on Ed Baker


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Software Engineer
David Boarman

David Boarman has always believed in the Christian God – he just never acted like it until the age of 44, when a personal crisis brought on an intense devotion to his faith. Today, he's running for President because he's convinced that's what Gods wants him to do. He's a right-wing candidate with a strong emphasis on religious freedom.
More on David Boarman


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Music Lover
Brian Briggs

Brian Briggs fancies himself the “average guy” that America needs as President. An Independent, he is beholden to neither major party, and his platform borrows from both. He's on the right side of the spectrum on gun control and his feelings towards Obamacare, but he has leftist attitudes on workers' rights.
More on Brian Briggs


2016 Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate
Community Organizer
Dean Capone

Dean Capone doesn't share much about his personal history, but he's vocal on his political beliefs. A proud Socialist, he calls for a Universal Basic Income, a strongly unionized workforce, and the nationalization of the penal system. He says that socialism is more popular than many people realize.
More on Dean Capone


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Entrepreneur, human rights activist
Paul Chehade

The Delaware-born Chehade is an idealist. A successful entrepreneur, Mr. Chehade is also the chairman of the non-profit organization Solidary Foundation, which is dedicated towards providing food, education and other critical support services to needy communities the world over.
More on Paul Chehade


2016 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Ordained Minister
Scott Copeland

An ordained minister and member of the religious Constitution party, Scott Copeland puts God first and believes that Judeo-Christian values are the foundation of the US. He's totally unambiguous, and it's easy to see both the sort of people who will support him, and those by whom he will be opposed.
More on Scott Copeland


2016 Constitutionist Party Presidential Candidate
Middle Class Citizen
James "JD" Criveau

The Constitutionist Party's candidate doesn't offer much on his qualifications, be they academic or professional. But as his party's name implies, he's big on upholding the Constitution, which to him means limiting the power and scope of the federal government and respecting foreign nations to handle their own governmental affairs.
More on James "JD" Criveau


2016 Reform Party Presidential Candidate
Management consultant and semi-retired professional engineer
Ken Cross

A member of the Reform party and fiscal conservative, Kenneth Cross confidently asserts that he has been studying politics throughout his entire life. He is a trained engineer, who presently works as a management consultant, and has owned three different small businesses.
More on Ken Cross


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Robert Dionisio

Robert Dionisio is a prolific business owner, starting as a little boy when he would collect forgotten litter and earn money turning it in for recycling. A critic of both major political parties, he\'s nevertheless a right-leaning presidential candidate, with budget reform intentions and a strong support of gun rights.
More on Robert Dionisio


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Veteran and Electrical Servicing Business Owner
Art Drew

Art Drew is a Vietnam veteran who has owned his own business. He's also from a rural farming area, where he learned hard work and an appreciation for people who cultivate the land. His policies are non-extreme, and find their most comfortable reception in the political center.
More on Art Drew


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Strong Believer in the Middle Road
Mark Dutter

Mark J. Dutter is an Independent from Spearfish, South Dakota with a strongly centrist platform, he is disappointed in both the Republican and Democratic parties, believing that candidates from each caucus put party before country, are beholden to big business interests, or both.
More on Mark Dutter


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Licensed Physician
Marc Feldman

A minor candidate without a large financial backing, Marc Allan Feldman questions the prevailing wisdom that deep pockets are a prerequisite to victory in politics, contending that “votes are not for sale”. He is a Libertarian and opposes the fiscal policies of both major parties.
More on Marc Feldman


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Lead Minister of Saint Valentine's Christian Church
Martin Hahn

If you ask Martin Hahn, Republicans and Democrats are too concerned with battling each other to busy themselves with getting the people's work done.
More on Martin Hahn


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Conservative Christian and 2012 presidential candidate
David Holcomb

Residing in Springfield Nebraska, David is a lawyer who specializes in family law. Holcomb describes himself as conservative, Christian, pro-life, and pro-Second Amendment. His presidential run as an independent didn't gain much traction in 2012.
More on David Holcomb


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Actor and Business Owner
Cecil Ince

An actor who makes his living pretending to be other people, Cecil Ince's desire to be President is very real. He's a Libertarian who frowns on encroachments upon personal liberty, and worries that the United States is taking an unhealthy globalist attitude in world affairs.
More on Cecil Ince


2016 Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate
Futurist, philosopher, speaker and journalist
Zoltan Istvan

It's all about technology for Transhumanist Party founder and presidential nominee Zoltan Istvan. His main priority is the allocation of funding for research scientists to develop augmentations for the human body that will destroy disease, enhance natural senses, and even conquer the specter of death.
More on Zoltan Istvan


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Former Governor of New Mexico

Gary Johnson

The ex-construction company owner governed New Mexico for eight years, during which time, the state’s deficit was wiped out - without the aid of any new tax increases. He also memorably vetoed over 750 pieces of legislations to keep a check on the state government’s spending.
More on Gary Johnson


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
The Real Grandmaster Jay
John Fitzgerald Johnson

John Fitzgerald Johnson, also known as “The Real Grandmaster Jay” to fans of his musical work, is a civil rights activist with strong feelings on addressing police brutality. Politically left of center, he's also an advocate of woman's rights and greatly sympathizes with the plight of illegal immigrants.
More on John Fitzgerald Johnson


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Executive Consultant
Lynn Sandra Kahn

Lynn Sandra Kahn boasts over 30 years of experience in the fields of government reform and conflict resolution. She touts a comprehensive 7-track strategy for achieving the goals of her platform: Fix government, build peace.
More on Lynn Sandra Kahn


2016 Veterans Party of America Presidential Candidate
Aircraft Maintenance Professional
Chris Keniston

Chris Keniston is a former military man, the third in a line of military service members in his bloodline dating back to his grandfather. His primary focus is on the creation of jobs, and his proposals for accomplishing this concern encouraging business and reforming the existing tax code – including by repeal of the 16th Amendment.
More on Chris Keniston


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Author and CEO
Steve Kerbel

No fan of either the Republican or Democrat parties, Steve Kerbel holds to a defiantly Libertarian platform. He believes in personal freedom and accountability, with the absolute minimum of government necessary to keep the nation running. Kerbel is a pro-business candidate.
More on Steve Kerbel


2016 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Farmer and retired jet pilot
Chad Koppie

A salt-of-the-earth farmer from birth right up to the present day, Chad Koppie is a tried and true conservative. From gun rights to abortion opposition to the importance of faith, there are few surprises in his ideology, making him a good fit for heartland voters.
More on Chad Koppie


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Ordained Bishop and God-First Man of Faith
Bishop Julian Lewis, Jr.

Having spent most of his life in the service of God, Julian Lewis, Jr places his faith before all else. He believes that the will of God can and does inform a leader's policy decisions, and he has even spoken unfavorably about the separation of Church and State.
More on Bishop Julian Lewis, Jr.


2016 Cyber Party Presidential Candidate
Anti-Virus Pioneer and Privacy Advocate
John McAfee

John McAfee has a questionable legal past marked by a murder investigation, but his professional contributions command respect. He developed the first commercial anti-virus software for computers, building a successful company on his accomplishment. He is running for president on a platform that emphasizes technology and privacy.
More on John McAfee


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Middle-Class Working Person
Perry Morcom

Perry Morcom is no fan of the Electoral College; the Texas working man wants it eliminated, and the President chosen strictly by popular vote. He's also against congressmen and Senators serving more than eight years in office. Driven by compassion, he wants to help rather than deport illegal immigrants.
More on Perry Morcom


2016 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Counselor and founder of the Alaska Constitution Party
J.R. Myers

Though born in Montana, J.R. Myers considers Alaska his home, and even sought the governorship of that state before now going for the big chair of President of the United States. He's also chasing two party nominations for the latter goal. He's a conservative fellow and a man of faith, without much for leftists.
More on J.R. Myers


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Educator and Man Of Faith
Mark Pendleton

Mark Pendelton is a man of the people and a person of great faith. He has stumbled and made common mistakes, and that gives him the ability to connect with ordinary Americans. His mantra is “give me one term and I will put the government back in the hands of the people.”
More on Mark Pendleton


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Jeremiah Pent

Without going into details, Jeremiah Pent speaks at length about solving the nation's problems, especially social disunity and the staggering national debt. Like many other independents and third-party candidates, he worries that the Republicans and Democrats have become too powerful.
More on Jeremiah Pent


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Author, Publisher, and Radio/TV host; Libertarian Activist
Darryl Perry

The 36-year old author, publisher, and radio/TV host already has more than 15 years of political activity behind him. Perry is a textbook libertarian, advocating drastic reduction of the powers of the Federal Government, while granting more power to the individual.
More on Darryl Perry


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Lawyer and Engineer
Derrick Michael Reid

A hard worker with a bright mind that has brought him great academic advancement, Derrick Michael Reid is more at home solving equations than discussing politics. He has some fervent political opinions, mostly focusing on personal liberty, but his difficulties in communicating them promise to be a liability.
More on Derrick Michael Reid


2016 Humane Party Presidential Candidate
Humane Party Nominee
Clifton Roberts

Representing the Humane party, Clifton Roberts is all about animal rights. He himself is a vegan, and believes in banning the slaughter of animals for food. He also supports sustainable energy, environmental protection policies, and an end to the death penalty, among other left-wing initiatives.
More on Clifton Roberts


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Wall Street finance expert and serial entrepreneur
Scott Smith

With extensive experience working with money on Wall Street, as well as a prolific businessman, Scott Smith wishes to enact economic policies that veer right even of most dyed-in-the-wool conservatives. His goals are dubious, but his confidence is unshakable.
More on Scott Smith


2016 America's Third Party Presidential Candidate
Intellectually Gifted Entrepreneur
David Jon Sponheim

It's easy to think of incidents in American history that may have turned out better had the President at the time enjoyed an IQ score of 185, and that's just what David Sponheim brings to the table. Disillusioned with Democrats with whom he identified for decades, he's started his own party – and he has some big ideas.
More on David Jon Sponheim


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Computer Science and Political Studies expert
Tami Stainfield

After living in nine different states, visiting twenty-nine countries all over the world, and living and studying in Africa for more than five years, the independent candidate Tami Stainfield is definitely an Anti-Globalist who has traveled the globe.
More on Tami Stainfield


2016 Green Party Presidential Candidate
Physician, Reformer, Environmental Activist
Jill Stein

Jill Stein is no stranger to national politics. As the Green Party nominee in 2012, she understands the rigors of a national campaign. Stein is a fierce advocate for the environment and believes that investments in green issues can propel the American people and economy forward.
More on Jill Stein


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Woman of Faith
Shawna Sterling

Shawna Sterling has opinions all her own, even on matters which might not generally be considered up for debate. She blames GMOs above all else for childhood obesity, and pledges to eliminate their use in school cafeteria food. Otherwise, she is generally conservative, with a strong faith and strict opposition to abortion.
More on Shawna Sterling


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Citizen, entrepreneur, advocate for equal treatment for all
Samm Tittle

Samm Tittle is an advocate for everything that made America great. As an experienced entrepreneur, Tittle understands that when given a job and an equal playing field, an individual can achieve great things. As a citizen politician, she believes in truth in government and equal rights for all.
More on Samm Tittle


2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Veteran and Spiritual Visionary
Joy Waymire

Joy Waymire is a Godly woman who believes the Lord has shown her the way, even to the point of healing a slew of incurable medical conditions from which she once suffered. Politically, she is a straight-laced Libertarian, calling for little government and maximum personal freedom.
More on Joy Waymire


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Bus Driver
Benjamin Weigel

Benjamin Weigel is a Marine who saw action in Iraq, and retired from service due to his injuries. He remains strongly pro-military and believes the nation would be best served by a President who has served – which, he notes, most of Congress has not done. He is a right-of-center candidate.
More on Benjamin Weigel


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Veteran and former Gymnast
Terry W. Wheelock

Terry Wheelock is a former competitive gymnast who believes he's got the moves to be the next president. He's his own candidate, running on a platform that fits on neither the left nor right side of the political spectrum – instead, he borrows ideas from each.
More on Terry W. Wheelock


2016 Independent Presidential Candidate
Insurance Manager
Daniel Zutler

Daniel Zutler is not optimistic about the structure of the United States – he believes we live under a system that is irrevocably broken, impossible of repair. As such, he calls for starting over completely, based on the Constitution as it was originally written and intended. Most of his policies come down right-of-center.
More on Daniel Zutler

Not one comment here yet... Come on guys you are so letting me down... There are some grade a loonies mixed in with the serious candidates here... The real grandmaster jay.... Really?
Not one comment here yet... Come on guys you are so letting me down... There are some grade a loonies mixed in with the serious candidates here.

Jill Stein is rock 'n roll, very intelligent lady. Too bad there's no real movement behind her.

2016 Green Party Presidential Candidate
Physician, Reformer, Environmental Activist
Jill Stein

Jill Stein is no stranger to national politics. As the Green Party nominee in 2012, she understands the rigors of a national campaign. Stein is a fierce advocate for the environment and believes that investments in green issues can propel the American people and economy forward.
Not one comment here yet... Come on guys you are so letting me down...

1. Starting a thread nobody cares about doesn't mean we hate you...let it go...just let it die. It happens.

2. Look how coach does it, he goes into a popular thread, scurries around like a rat in grain mill, finds a nibble somebody else is talking about, steals it and starts his own thread.

That's how attention ****** work