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This is police brutality

That was a pretty dumb tweet, I fully admit. But that's Trump. Out of several great tweets you are gonna get a dumb one..

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Trump needs to keep the military out of this. Leave it to the states and the National Guard. If he brings in the military I think this mob gets what it wants and he doesn't win re-election.
Trump's tweets give you half of what he really means then has to go back and explain it to the outraged:

President Trump on Friday sought to explain his tweets criticizing Minneapolis protesters, doubling down on his assertion that “looting leads to shooting” but pushing back on characterizations that he was inciting violence.

“Looting leads to shooting, and that’s why a man was shot and killed in Minneapolis on Wednesday night - or look at what just happened in Louisville with 7 people shot. I don’t want this to happen, and that’s what the expression put out last night means,” Trump tweeted Friday afternoon, shortly before a scheduled press conference in the White House Rose Garden.

“It was spoken as a fact, not as a statement. It’s very simple, nobody should have any problem with this other than the haters, and those looking to cause trouble on social media,” the president continued. “Honor the memory of George Floyd!”

Trump sparked controversy overnight Friday when he lashed out at Minneapolis’s Democratic mayor and criticized protesters demonstrating in the wake of the death of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man who died after a police officer knelt on his neck while arresting him.

During the protests, crowds cheered as the Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct was burned.

Separately in Louisville, at least seven people were shot during protests over another killing. Breonna Taylor, 26, was shot and killed by Louisville police in March.

In his earlier tweet, Trump called the protesters “thugs” and appeared to threaten military action in Minneapolis if the violence persisted.

“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way,” Trump tweeted. “Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”

The president’s statement was widely interpreted as threatening those protesting Floyd’s death, which was captured on video earlier this week and prompted massive outrage. Floyd was shown on video pleading with officers that he couldn't breathe as the white officer knelt on his neck.

The phrase “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” was used by Miami Police Chief Walter Headley in 1967 during the civil rights movement, when the city had a history of aggressive policing.
Occupy/Resistance/Antifa (all the same) are well organized and funded and out to completely disrupt the country. Yes, there are lots of pissed off people protesting, but the riots are being organized by a different mob. Look that at the pictures. White Antifa clowns. Here are a couple of protesters, ex-military, who recognized that a pallet of bricks had been delivered to give the rioters something to throw. In that thread you can see there were people directing people to the pallet.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Construction crew and/or police department should’ve removed these favorite weapons of Antifa prior to the protests and then the riot that followed.<br><br>Blacks didn’t fall for the Antifa trap. Citizen Journalism!<br><br>FBI has an office in Dallas. Why didn’t they?<a href="https://t.co/PjCfFYHS7f">https://t.co/PjCfFYHS7f</a></p>— Ali † opposes Antifa (@ali) <a href="https://twitter.com/ali/status/1266638422212513792?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

who puts a freakin' pallet of bricks on a corner, at night? 100% orchestrated chaos.

A co-worker has a friend that lives n Minny and saw a van with an out of state plate pull up on his street and several got out of the van with gas cans. WTF?
Yeah man, that's what street uprisings look like. That's how people react, and I'd be among them if this **** was going down around me. .

And you would be among them if they were burning down your family business? No you wouldn't. You would be in the fetal position, sobbing like the emotionally challenged child that you are.

This is an organized effort from outside sources, designed to create chaos. They were just waiting for an opportunity, and what is better than a black man being killed by a white cop. If you look at the protesters, these are the same people you see at Antifa, Occupy, and BLM events. We already know that these groups are funded by far left benefactors. Most of these vandals are entitled white kids from the suburbs, and have little knowledge of the death of this man. Most are anarchists, and will continue this until the pajama boy mayors grow a set of balls, and let the police restore law and order.
As an aside, those saying we must have mail in voting in November because coming out and physically voting will disproportionately affect turnout from certain groups due to Covid-1984 need to STFU, now.

If people can get out and burn down Minneapolis, Atlanta, DC, Portland, and LA, then by God they can get out to a physical polling station and vote.

This sorry episode puts all that to rest.
And you would be among them if they were burning down your family business? No you wouldn't. You would be in the fetal position, sobbing like the emotionally challenged child that you are.

This is an organized effort from outside sources, designed to create chaos. They were just waiting for an opportunity, and what is better than a black man being killed by a white cop. If you look at the protesters, these are the same people you see at Antifa, Occupy, and BLM events. We already know that these groups are funded by far left benefactors. Most of these vandals are entitled white kids from the suburbs, and have little knowledge of the death of this man. Most are anarchists, and will continue this until the pajama boy mayors grow a set of balls, and let the police restore law and order.

Would go even further and say that this quite possibly was a staged event from the start for this specific purpose. The cop and Floyd worked security for the same bar owner. Floyd was in the outer bands of the entertainment world as a rapper and friends with NBA-er Stephen Jackson. The cop managed to hit every jackboot thug sensibility in the vignette and mocked Kap by "taking a knee" on the actor's neck. MN was in play for Trump. Minority support and enthusiasm for Biden was listing.

Most would mock and perish the thought. However? We've already seen ABC News try to pass off a pyrotechnics show at a KY gun range as a Turkish offensive against the Kurds. CBS News was busted to trying to pass off chaotic hospital footage in Italy as hospital footage in Brooklyn, NY. 5 Corporations own all media in the US. We should question EVERYTHING at this point or at least half of what you see and none of what you hear.
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I copied this, but it says all that needs said.

Minneapolis, you were given the world’s stage. You had the world’s ear. Everyone was in your corner.
• The public spoke out against those officers.
• Police officers all over the country spoke out against those officers.
• Elected Officials spoke out against those officers.
• ALL races and ethnicities spoke out against those officers.
• President Trump spoke out against those officers.
But you wasted it. You wasted the perfect platform and opportunity to unite everyone together. To coordinate a bipartisan, nationwide, uniformed movement that would’ve gone down in the history books as a tipping point for reform. Everyone around the world was on your side and listening.
But you ruined it. And while we still expect to see justice served, we can’t stand with you anymore. Looting, rioting, destroying your neighborhoods and one another’s livelihoods. You had the world watching and told them that you don’t care about George Floyd. You care about lawlessness, destruction, and a talking point.

What a waste.
I copied this, but it says all that needs said.

Minneapolis, you were given the world’s stage. You had the world’s ear. Everyone was in your corner.
• The public spoke out against those officers.
• Police officers all over the country spoke out against those officers.
• Elected Officials spoke out against those officers.
• ALL races and ethnicities spoke out against those officers.
• President Trump spoke out against those officers.
But you wasted it. You wasted the perfect platform and opportunity to unite everyone together. To coordinate a bipartisan, nationwide, uniformed movement that would’ve gone down in the history books as a tipping point for reform. Everyone around the world was on your side and listening.
But you ruined it. And while we still expect to see justice served, we can’t stand with you anymore. Looting, rioting, destroying your neighborhoods and one another’s livelihoods. You had the world watching and told them that you don’t care about George Floyd. You care about lawlessness, destruction, and a talking point.

What a waste.

I get the sentiment. Two comments. The riots were organized by outsiders. Minneapolis had a completely ineffective response, but they don't own the riots entirely. The other comment is that we don't need some sort of national reform because MN sucks at training and enforcing police behavior. Go ahead and do a full DOJ anal probe on MN and reform that piece of ****, but that's it.

By the way, go and count up all the black people wounded and killed every weekend in these riot cities. Not a ******* peep about that.
I think these people "rioting" are sheeple being led by people with higher agendas.

Exactly. Soros-paid riff-raff come in and start burning and breaking things trusting that the locals will catch the vision.
I get the sentiment. Two comments. The riots were organized by outsiders. Minneapolis had a completely ineffective response, but they don't own the riots entirely. The other comment is that we don't need some sort of national reform because MN sucks at training and enforcing police behavior. Go ahead and do a full DOJ anal probe on MN and reform that piece of ****, but that's it.

By the way, go and count up all the black people wounded and killed every weekend in these riot cities. Not a ******* peep about that.

Nor Chicongo on a hot weekend.
This is what strong leadership looks like. Let's hope people listen and de-escalate the violence, stop the vandalism, looting and destruction of their cities. She is right. The best way to protest and 'fight back' is to register to vote and then vote en masse, to achieve the change so badly needed in America right now.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Atlanta Mayor Bottoms condemns rioters in fiery speech: "You are disgracing our city, you are disgracing the life of George Floyd" <a href="https://t.co/QPCVkG0JIO">pic.twitter.com/QPCVkG0JIO</a></p>— BNO News (@BNONews) <a href="https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1266547800092876802?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Hey Sybil, wasn't it just yesterday that you were saying that you'd "be among them", damaging property and starting fires, because "thats what street uprisings look like"?
Interesting that both the Governor, and Mayor of Minneapolis are saying those that have been arrested are not from Minnesota.

I'm sure this will be the lead story on the news tonight.
Interesting that both the Governor, and Mayor of Minneapolis are saying those that have been arrested are not from Minnesota.

I'm sure this will be the lead story on the news tonight.

And I'm sure even though the economy is struggling, business is booming in the Crisis Actor and Agent Provocateur Sections of Soros's Agenda 21 Ground Combat and Psyops Division.
Y'all are just a bunch of far right conspiracy theorists!
You probably believe that there is potential voter fraud with mail in voting too. Sheesh.
Y'all are just a bunch of far right conspiracy theorists!
You probably believe that there is potential voter fraud with mail in voting too. Sheesh.

What could go wrong?!
And you would be among them if they were burning down your family business? No you wouldn't. You would be in the fetal position, sobbing like the emotionally challenged child that you are.

This is an organized effort from outside sources, designed to create chaos. They were just waiting for an opportunity, and what is better than a black man being killed by a white cop. If you look at the protesters, these are the same people you see at Antifa, Occupy, and BLM events. We already know that these groups are funded by far left benefactors. Most of these vandals are entitled white kids from the suburbs, and have little knowledge of the death of this man. Most are anarchists, and will continue this until the pajama boy mayors grow a set of balls, and let the police restore law and order.

Now the narrative is being shifted to these are white supremacists looting and rioting. You can't make this stuff up.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">MUST WATCH TV: If you’re still unclear what impact the rioting and violence is having on the most vulnerable among us, please listen to Stephanie, a disabled Minneapolis woman who offers her heart-wrenching experience after last night’s violence. Great work by ⁦<a href="https://twitter.com/BenryNews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@BenryNews</a>⁩ <a href="https://t.co/k73Q65Psvs">pic.twitter.com/k73Q65Psvs</a></p>— Tom Hauser (@thauserkstp) <a href="https://twitter.com/thauserkstp/status/1266766315911622663?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Dan McLaughlin

I'm not sure I've ever seen three such contradictory narratives from the same voices in real time as (1) public gatherings will literally kill people via virus (2) public gatherings to riot are a legitimate & justified thing, & (3) the riots are the work of white nationalists.
Wait....who said it was White Nationalists???
Wait....who said it was White Nationalists???

‘They want their civil war’: Far-right ‘boogaloo’ militants are embedded in the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis

Young, white men dressed in Hawaiian-style print shirts and body armor, and carrying high-powered rifles have been a notable feature at state capitols, lending an edgy and even sometimes insurrectionary tone to gatherings of conservatives angered by restrictions on businesses and church gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Just as many states are reopening their economies — and taking the wind out of the conservative protests — the boogaloo movement found a new galvanizing cause: the protests in Minneapolis against the police killing of George Floyd.