CNN? Now that’s a riot I can fully support. Burn that ************ down! Fake News!
C'mon man. They're complete ******** liberals, but don't go there.
CNN? Now that’s a riot I can fully support. Burn that ************ down! Fake News!
The President specifically ordered the DOJ and AG to expeditiously look into action over the murder of George Floyd. Forget about words spoken or typed right now, I (and many others) believe the President and the DOJ's oversight helped the county DA file charges quickly against this despicable cop.
C'mon man. They're complete ******** liberals, but don't go there.
He's raised almost $400,000.00 so far. Good for him!
And now, let's turn to the White House for some much needed leadership from the President.
Shut your piss flaps.Hey, **** you *******!
What did CNN do?
There is nothing Trump can do.
There's actually something that he did, and that was assign the DOJ to expeditiously get this cop arrested. And it happened. And that's the way our justice system works (actually very different than a normal case), but good that the President got involved because Minneapolis seems pretty inept.
This is how you jump the sharkAnd now, let's turn to the White House for some much needed leadership from the President.
Watching your country slowly burn to the ground city by city shouldn't be watched when you have reality TV or Dancing With the Stars to potentially watch, yes, you make such an excellent point there.
And just an aside, but I guess it's safe to say the lockdowns are done now?
Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared early Friday morning that the Minneapolis Police Department headquarters must be demolished as a “contrition to Black America” in the midst of rioters setting a police precinct ablaze.
“Good citizens burning down the evil police precinct in MN after all police were out & safe. All police should go home,” Michael Moore tweeted. “No violence please. Police HQ must be demolished by the city tomorrow as a show of contrition to black America. Rebuild PD with decent kind ppl aka ppl of color.”
Now that it has happened, please listen to this. This was made before the protests turned into riots and predicts exactly what has happened and who is doing it.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You’re being played: Protests, Riots, Looting and how to psyop America <a href=""></a></p>— Ali † (@ali) <a href="">May 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
That was a great educational video. I had to skim through parts of it since it ran 2 hours, but it reaffirms what is going on.
And now, let's turn to the White House for some much needed leadership from the President.
And do you think it was acceptable for him to tweet out the words of segregationalists, 'you gonna loot, we gonna shoot?' Are those words you expect from the leader of the country at a time like this? Is that going to help defuse the situation and calm things down?He already said that these riots are disrespectful to George Floyd's memory. And he's 100% correct.
And do you think it was acceptable for him to tweet out the words of segregationalists, 'you gonna loot, we gonna shoot?' Are those words you expect from the leader of the country at a time like this? Is that going to help defuse the situation and calm things down?