I forget. Who was the president when Baltimore burned to the ground?
Dude, you're credibility here is toast. No one gives flying **** what you think, just go away.
Was there ever clearer evidence than now of the need for a citizen's militia? The cops seem to have stood down everywhere.
Who would've thought we'd ever get to this? Is Trump gonna scream 'get those sons of ******* out of there?'
We need more of this, and less looting and rioting. At the WH right now...
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code">Wow. Outside the White House pic.twitter.com/jNHkHVpLVg<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp><samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"></code></samp>
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) May 31, 2020
This is what it looks like, before Antifa arrives with their ball peen hammers and lighter fluid.
You must be referring to the Proud Boys and Boogaloos who are increasingly being outed while mingling with the legitimate protestors. Don't be so easily fooled. The dead give away was Barr and Trump immediately leaping to scapegoat and fingerpoint, before any relevant information was gathered from the sites of the various protests. There are surely far-left anarchists involved in the escalation of violence, damage to property, etc. There is no doubt about that, they thrive for this type of chaos and mayhem. But you are cutting yourself short if you don't think far right activists aren't up to their necks in this as well. And no, two wrongs don't make a right, all of those using these protests to sow violence and chaos need to be apprehended. And identified, as far as their affiliations, so everyone gets a clear view of the truth.
Far-Right Extremists Are Hoping to Turn the George Floyd Protests Into a New Civil War
Yeah because that made symbol wouldn't be flashed by ANTIFA trying to start problems. You are not here we are I have family out there seeing what is happening. It isn't White supremacist. It is ANTIFA and those like them that are trying to stir up **** because they simply love anarchy. There are also paid agitators from the left.
...Minnesota “authorities have been monitoring alleged criminals online, including postings by suspected white supremacists trying to incite violence.”
The accelerationists, if you have never heard the term, are an extreme subset of white nationalism whose goal is to bring about chaos and destruction. The basic tenet of accelerationism argues that since Western governments are inherently corrupt, the best (and only) thing supremacists can do is to accelerate the end of society by sowing chaos and aggravating political tensions. “Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms,” Zack Beauchamp explained.
White Supremacists pretending to host a protest to honor Floyd George on Facebook to whip up violence in San Diego were posted on the BLMSD social media warning people not to go and that it was a white supremacist organized rally. People attending demonstrations remarked on the fact that the demographics were wrong, in places like Oakland where the majority of the destruction was perpetrated by young Caucasian men has inspired not just people on social media but reporting in the mainstream media to properly question whether this is a form of infiltration by outside extremist elements.
Accelerationists follow the blueprint laid out by neo-Nazi James Mason in The Siege (not the film with Denzel Washington) whose writing inspires Charles Manson types of killing sprees. Mason, living in obscurity in Denver until he was brought out of retirement by Atomwaffen, a right wing Neo Nazi group. The goal of accelerationism is to burn everything down and to use violence both to target enemies and instigate an overt and extreme response from the government. Their strategy echoes Gustavo Gorriti’s writings about the Shining Path terrorist group that the movement’s “goal was to provoke blind, excessive reactions from the state… Blows laid on indiscriminately would also provoke among those unjustly or disproportionately affected an intense resentment of the government.”
Similarly accelerationists hope to “demolish the state apparatus that stands between them and a white-dominated future.” And the White Supremacists here could be of a different orientation too – organized to discredit the protestors with no clear or deliberate vision for greater political change in mind.
Bellingcat has documented the involvement in the protests of a largely white, and far-right movement called the Boogaloo, whose leaders “expect, even hope, that the warmer weather will bring armed confrontations with law enforcement, and will build momentum towards a new civil war in the United States.” “As protests over the death of George Floyd heated up in Minneapolis on May 26th, members of Boogaloo groups across Facebook considered it a call to arms,” wrote Bellingcat’s Robert Evans.
On Twitter, Evans has said he does not think the Boogaloo group is behind the destruction of property. Vice News’ Tess Owen wrote about the Bugaloo Bois, anti-government extremists recognizable by their Hawaiian shirts, that “in addition to their physical presence at the protests, the #boogaloo hashtag on social media has been flooded with memes in the last couple days egging on violence, and talking about how they hope this is the beginning of a civil war.”
You must be referring to the Proud Boys and Boogaloos who are increasingly being outed while mingling with the legitimate protestors. Don't be so easily fooled. The dead give away was Barr and Trump immediately leaping to scapegoat and fingerpoint, before any relevant information was gathered from the sites of the various protests. There are surely far-left anarchists involved in the escalation of violence, damage to property, etc. There is no doubt about that, they thrive for this type of chaos and mayhem. But you are cutting yourself short if you don't think far right activists aren't up to their necks in this as well. And no, two wrongs don't make a right, all of those using these protests to sow violence and chaos need to be apprehended. And identified, as far as their affiliations, so everyone gets a clear view of the truth.
Far-Right Extremists Are Hoping to Turn the George Floyd Protests Into a New Civil War
Too bad I can’t post pics. Went to Minneapolis to bring supplies and help.
That's gotta be one of the weakest, most limp-wristed defenses ever of a sitting President during a time of national calamity. If this is how his own base is looking at it, Trump is indeed in a world of trouble right now, a few short months before he asks Americans to re-elect him, for being... an...um...cough...great leader of the country.
Yeah like Obama did during Baltimore and Ferguson and oh wait never mind.
So you're saying Trump is doing an acceptable job keeping things calm best he can, reducing tensions, bringing Americans together right now?