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This is police brutality


Yep. Sad as it is. Yep.
So you're saying Trump is doing an acceptable job keeping things calm best he can, reducing tensions, bringing Americans together right now?

Psalm 2:1: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"

Nothing but heathens raging. The thin veneer of civilization removed for the world to see. Don't blame Trump for this.
Yep. Sad as it is. Yep.
Seems to me Americans of all walks of life should band together and stand up for the country - and each other - at a time like this. You see signs of it all over, including the clean-up in Minnesota, police joining peaceful marchers, folks kneeling en masse in support and solidarity.

Those posts on here talking about grabbing guns and running for the hills, is that where we're at? Seems like that kind of talk just feeds into fear & loathing more than anything, in fact fuels it.

I pray for the country and for all you Stateside to be safe & sound. I hope this simmers down, and gets back to civil discourse and dialogue.

I watched a discussion this afternoon between Sen. Joe Kennedy and several black professors, civic leaders and a police chief. It was eye-opening. These types of conversations should be happening all over, in place of the chaos and rioting on the streets. Same goes for rapper Killer Mike, pleading on live tv yesterday for protestors to stay non-violent in Atlanta. Best thing he said was to have strong community review boards for police dept's. Sounds like a good place to start. It's community leaders like that who will help us find our way out of this.

Hopefully some politicans step-up too, Mayors and Governors around the country and call for calm. Since you-know-who seems unwilling - or unable - to do so.
So typical and not shocking at all to see the usual TDSers Blaming Trump for the savages going savage. Do you honestly think that this is going to keep him from getting re-elected? It’s the opposite actually. I know you’re dumb but come on... this is one of the best things ever for his re-election. It’s clearly left-wing driven, just like the Russia hoax and virus extreme overreaction.
Psalm 2:1: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"

Nothing but heathens raging. The thin veneer of civilization removed for the world to see. Don't blame Trump for this.

It's the sole purpose of the obsessed, to twist the narrative and deflect in order to achieve their only objective. There is no reasoning, there will be no compromise.
It's the sole purpose of the obsessed, to twist the narrative and deflect in order to achieve their only objective. There is no reasoning, there will be no compromise.
The lack of reasoning and no hope for compromise is not coming from my end. But whatever.
Carroll Quigley was Dean of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown. In Bill Clinton's address to the DNC in 1992, he credited Quigley with "clarifying" his call to citizenship and cited him as a mentor. Quigley wrote a book released in 1966 entitled "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" and surveyed history and in particular the explosion of technology from 1895-1960. The last chapter, "The Future in Perspective" stands out and reverberates in light of the systemic fault lines evident today.

Quigley's work, if even read today, would be banned on college campuses in 2020 as racist. In the last chapter, he observes:

"Most crucial have been the demands of the modern industrial and business system, because of advancing technology, for more highly trained manpower. Such training requires a degree of ambition, self-discipline, and future-preference (do you see any of that with the looters?) that many persons lack or refuse to provide, with the result that a growing lowest social class of the social outcasts (the Lumpenproletariat) has reappeared. This group of rejects from our bourgeois industrial society provide one of our most intractable future problems, because they are gather in urban slums, have political influence, and are socially dangerous.

In the United States, where these people congregate in the largest cities and are often Negroes or Latin American, they are regarded as a racial or economic problem, but they are really an educational and social problem for which economic or racial solutions would help little. This group is most numerous in the more advanced industrial areas and now (in 1966) forms more than 20% of the American population. Since they are a self-perpetuating group and have many children, they are increasing in numbers faster than the rest of the population. Their self-perpetuating characteristic as a group is not based on biological differences but on sociological factors, chiefly on the fact that disorganized, undisciplined, present-preference (a characteristic of a looter FWIW) parents living under chaotic economic and social conditions are most unlikely to train their children in the organized, disciplined, future-preference and orderly habits the modern economic system requires of its workers, so that the children, like their parents, grow up as unemployables. This is not a condition that can be cured by providing more jobs, even if the jobs are in the proper areas, because the jobs require characteristics these victims of anomie do not possess and are unlikely to acquire."

Quigley wrote this around the time of the Watts riots. Watts never recovered.

Despite billions of dollars poured into these areas, tell me what has changed since then based on what you see now?

That is what we need to "have a conversation" about.
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Proud of peaceful protests like this in my hometown of Long Beach, CA. Hope to see much more of this and an end to the looting and rioting. Though that may be a ways away, seeing the clashes continue elsewhere.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Incredibly peaceful protest in Long Beach today.<br><br>Massive moment of silence while taking a knee in the intersection of Ocean and Alamitos. <a href="https://t.co/XzjxWOebbM">pic.twitter.com/XzjxWOebbM</a></p>— Greg Varley (@GSVarley) <a href="https://twitter.com/GSVarley/status/1267232677683294209?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 31, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Or this scene in Pittsburgh today. Amazing grace and compassion from this police officer. Bless his good heart. Now that's a man and a stand-up dude.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">❤️&#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; <a href="https://t.co/WHgCM45Y24">pic.twitter.com/WHgCM45Y24</a></p>— BlitzburghVideos (@BlitzVideos) <a href="https://twitter.com/BlitzVideos/status/1267252060103282689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Front page of The Houston Chronicle sports section today. Very moving.


Kapernick is thrilled all this is going on so that he gets to be relevant again for 15 more minutes.
Both of my kids are caught up in a violent protest in Greenville, NC. Violence is not far from where they live. My daughter has been forced to leave her apartment. **** is out of control.
Why? When has a President's speech ever ended a riot? You're asking him to somehow do something that NO OTHER President ha EVER been able to do.

I’m just asking him to try. Try to pretend like he gives a ****.

But I don’t fool myself into thinking that some of you will EVER think he he could do better.

He makes me embarrassed to be a Republican. This is not who we are.
You know, maybe, just maybe he had it right. His form of protest may not have been popular, but maybe he was on to something.

There are always going to be rogue pieces of **** like that killer cop in every walk of life. That doesn't mean it represents a significant number.
So typical and not shocking at all to see the usual TDSers Blaming Trump for the savages going savage. Do you honestly think that this is going to keep him from getting re-elected? It’s the opposite actually. I know you’re dumb but come on... this is one of the best things ever for his re-election. It’s clearly left-wing driven, just like the Russia hoax and virus extreme overreaction.

Come on Indy. Even you can’t look at the state the country is in and think this is going to help him.
Come on Indy. Even you can’t look at the state the country is in and think this is going to help him.

I just read an article today that speculated these riots are most likely creating more Conservatives by the minute.
More of this. Weed out the troublemakers...

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“TAKE HIS ***!” Rioter causing damage is detained & handed over to police by peaceful protesters in D.C.<br><br> <a href="https://t.co/AHTGCSxv6x">pic.twitter.com/AHTGCSxv6x</a></p>— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) <a href="https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1267249136937689089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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I just read an article today that speculated these riots are most likely creating more Conservatives by the minute.

Not the kind of conservatives I personally want to be associated with.
But to each his own.

There’s no question these riots are a terrible way to handle this situation. There’s also no question that a different human being could respond with compassion and empathy and words that try to bring people together instead of further inciting them.

Trump Is not to blame for this, but his complete lack of humanity in dealing with it is as always, his biggest flaw.
You know, maybe, just maybe he had it right. His form of protest may not have been popular, but maybe he was on to something.

Well he wore Castro t-shirt to the presser and "Pig" socks to practice mocking the police. Was he on to something then? You sure didn't hear him lamenting the Chinese brutality against the Hong Kongers when he was cashing those Nike checks either.

I get that people are roiled and emotional seeing the agents of chaos burn the country, but that doesn't canonize Kap as any leader or saint. He's just another "fellow traveler" and useful idiot for forces above his pay grade.
More of this. Weed out the troublemakers...

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“TAKE HIS ***!” Rioter causing damage is detained & handed over to police by peaceful protesters in D.C.<br><br> <a href="https://t.co/AHTGCSxv6x">pic.twitter.com/AHTGCSxv6x</a></p>— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) <a href="https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1267249136937689089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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Yes. We need more of this. No more standing around watching. MFer busting up the curb to make "rocks" for weapons.