Blacks kill whites at a higher rate? You have a source for that stat? From what I have seen from the FBI stats more whites kill whites and more blacks kill blacks not this high amount of blacks killing whites.
I suspect CD was talking about interracial crimes. The data are tough to interpret accurately in large part because the FBI data for some reason combines Hispanics and whites as "offenders" when listing murders of blacks, so very tough to determine how many offenders guilty of murdering a black were actually white, rather than Hispanic. Also, the FBI data for some reason details only incidents of one victim, one offender. Not sure why.
Anyway, as of 2016, the latest report I've found, there were a total of 1,049 interracial murders. Excluding the "race unknown" for either victim or the offender, that leaves 869 interracial murders, again where Hispanics are deemed white in the calculation, apparently under the George Zimmerman rule.
Of those 869 interracial murders, 533 involved a black killing a white and 243 involved a white killing a black. Therefore, blacks account for 66% (570 out of 869) such murders, whites 34% (299 out of 869), once again where white includes Hispanic as an offender.
Those are the raw numbers, but if we convert to proportionate share of the population, the data are worse as to African-American interracial offenders in homicides. Much, much worse.
Whites are 73% of the population, blacks 13% where the term white includes Hispanics.
Therefore, to convert the raw numbers to per capita involves the following:
0.13 x 869 = 113 expected homicides, African-American killing other race.
0.73 x 869 = 634 expected homicides, whites killing other race.
So instead of 113 homicides for the African-American population, the number is 533, or 470% of the expected result. Using the same numbers for whites, the results show just 38% (0.38) of the expected homicides. The 81% number is not accurate in terms of the gross numbers but is close to the facts for interracial crime.
and why is it that when someone shows a black person suffering an injustice at the hands of the cops, or in Ahmaud Arbery's case at the hand of wanna be cops there is always someone to jump in and give some what aboutisms showing inappropriate actions from the other side or try to pull some crap up the person did in their past to show......well I don't know what.
Two points. The background information matters in certain cases with claims of self-defense by the assailant or suspicion of criminal activity by the person who winds up getting injured or killed. If it turns out the victim had a history of participating in the "knock-out game" then a claim of self-defense makes a lot more sense than if the victim was a 48-year old pastor. If the victim had a history of being a thief, than that plays a role in determining motive or intent when checking out possible theft.
I know you think a video is it, the be-all and end-all, but it is just evidence. The best evidence around, almost certainly, but the video does not show intent, or motive, or thought process, or the reasons why things were what they were when the camera came on. So adding other evidence to the story makes perfect sense, particularly where a claim is made (Michael Brown) that the dead suspect was a sweet guy, not violent, loved people, would never attack a cop, etc. - and where a video shows that guy roughing up a store owner when stealing just minutes earlier.
Right? Or should we not disparage the wonderful character of Michael Brown and just string up the cop??
Also, why isn't that cop in jail right now? The average person would be sitting in jail at this moment for some **** like that, but because he's a cop he is wandering around free. Sure, he lost his job, but the other guy lost his life.
Not true unless the police witness the offense. If you or I are involved in some physical altercation and a guy winds up dead, the police don't simply "arrest us" cuz a guy is dead. They get statements, evidence, get a warrant issued by a judge and then arrest us.
Same is true for a cop. The court needs to issue a warrant after the state makes out the charges. If the police **** up a warrant and the warrant is not valid, guess what? Evidence seized as a result of a bad warrant goes buh-bye.