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This is police brutality

I get the right to protest. The Boston Tea Party was a protest. But then they Threw tea away. These guys are stealing TVs. not really the same. Most are peacefully protested. then you got the idiots that are stealing from their neighbors. I don't get that aspect of it
I get the right to protest. The Boston Tea Party was a protest. But then they Threw tea away. These guys are stealing TVs. not really the same. Most are peacefully protested. then you got the idiots that are stealing from their neighbors. I don't get that aspect of it

They are doing a lot more than stealing TVs -
Nice to know we have some good 'ol boy racists on the board. Flying the confederate flag high this morning, gents? Credit to you, at least you flaunt your racism, out in the open. Makes it easier to know what we're dealing with around here. By all means, carry on...

That's been a running joke for years. **** off, Karen.

Oooh...I think that one's going to stick. Karen is the perfect nickname for El Tibtardo.
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I can see them wanting to burn down the police station, but what did Target do? Or the local, small businesses? I understand the anger, but not the destruction. Very counter productive that hurts their community.
Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.

Just how do you know what hamster is experiencing in his neck of the woods?
Just how do you know what hamster is experiencing in his neck of the woods?

I believe we were discussing the Michigan situation. At least I was.
But, the same measures generally applied here in PA. with our Emperor Tom Wolf.
These are not protests. They are riots and looting. Protests have a point. The cops were fired and will shortly be prosecuted, so what are these alleged protests supposed to achieve?

I’ve seen people complaining that they haven’t been arrested or charged yet. That’s disconnected from reality. In real life you don’t just arrest people and charge them moments after you suspect them. You have to investigate first. You have to make sure you have your evidence and that all rules are followed so they don’t get off on a legal technicality later. It takes some time, even for one that looks open and shut.

When an incident like this happens and it’s months later without an investigation or an arrest, then protests are warranted, but not here. Not yet.

Unless some other shocking video emerges that gives the cops some sort of justification (I can’t imagine what that could possibly be) then this is a slam dunk. It appears the main cop is going to jail for murder and the others will probably get small sentences for something less.

This is now being used to virtue signal and to push agendas.
Nice to know we have some good 'ol boy racists on the board. Flying the confederate flag high this morning, gents? Credit to you, at least you flaunt your racism, out in the open. Makes it easier to know what we're dealing with around here. By all means, carry on...

Nice to see we have our troll back and making accusations about things he knows nothing about. Another self hating white egotistical blow hard that lives thousands of miles away thinking he knows what is going on here based on CNN, MSNBC and a few AP clips.

I understand you think all those business owners deserve to have their stores looted because of the actions of another person. I get it. White man bad... orange man bad. That's about the depth of your limited understanding.
These are not protests. They are riots and looting. Protests have a point. The cops were fired and will shortly be prosecuted, so what are these alleged protests supposed to achieve?

I’ve seen people complaining that they haven’t been arrested or charged yet. That’s disconnected from reality. In real life you don’t just arrest people and charge them moments after you suspect them. You have to investigate first. You have to make sure you have your evidence and that all rules are followed so they don’t get off on a legal technicality later. It takes some time, even for one that looks open and shut.

When an incident like this happens and it’s months later without an investigation or an arrest, then protests are warranted, but not here. Not yet.

Unless some other shocking video emerges that gives the cops some sort of justification (I can’t imagine what that could possibly be) then this is a slam dunk. It appears the main cop is going to jail for murder and the others will probably get small sentences for something less.

This is now being used to virtue signal and to push agendas.

Of course it's being used for that. Dems see this as an opportunity to slam Trump. Never let a crisis go to waste. Plus you have a bunch of thugs, thieves and opportunists who don't care about police brutality but see a way to take what they want. They need to be found a prosecuted. All those poor business owners who are already struggling being stripped of everything they have.
I can see them wanting to burn down the police station, but what did Target do? Or the local, small businesses? I understand the anger, but not the destruction. Very counter productive that hurts their community.

That’s my question as well. I don’t understand that mentality.
It's like a warzone in Minny....

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A few scenes from the aftermath here in Minneapolis. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GeorgeFloyd?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GeorgeFloyd</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/minneapolisriots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#minneapolisriots</a> <a href="https://t.co/OM9knLyCt8">pic.twitter.com/OM9knLyCt8</a></p>— Hakan Çınar (@DrHakancnr) <a href="https://twitter.com/DrHakancnr/status/1266006726416965632?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
That's about the depth of your limited understanding.

Yeah, you're right, everything's perfectly fine. It is the new normal, this is America. Just shut up and get used to it, I know.

Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks while a worldwide pandemic was raging out of control. Grab your automatic weapons and march to the mayor's office, hang an effigy of the governor! Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.

Yeah only 25% unemployment and maybe 40% of small businesses shuttered forever. No biggie!
Yeah only 25% unemployment and maybe 40% of small businesses shuttered forever. No biggie!
Yes pandemics like this leave a devastating wake in their aftermath. It sucks. My life has been turned upside down, as far as my businesses go, and I live on the other side of the planet. I'm just tired of the blame game, sorry, as far as blaming mayors and governors for following Trump-appointed CDC measures and directives.
Yes pandemics like this leave a devastating wake in their aftermath. It sucks. My life has been turned upside down, as far as my businesses go, and I live on the other side of the planet. I'm just tired of the blame game, sorry, as far as blaming mayors and governors for following Trump-appointed CDC measures and directives.

Are you equally tired of Trump being blamed for following WHO guidance and Birx and Fauci guidance?

Yeah i thought not.
This is now being used to virtue signal and to push agendas.

Of course it's being used for that. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Yeah, I hate it when people do **** like that.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Our country is totally fractured and, with our weak leadership in Washington, you can expect Ferguson type riots and looting in other places</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/537160060682924032?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 25, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
I've read this entire thread and I have no idea what people are debating or even why Tibs is insulting people around here.

Not one person is saying the police officer shouldn't be charged with murder. Not one.

And I'm confused. Is Tibs DEFENDING the rioting and looting? Tibs are you saying this response by the community is acceptable?

Looting and rioting is not a "protest". Let's get that straight right now.

Holding weapons during a "protest" is different then holding weapons while you loot, vandalize and riot (which by definition includes the word "violent"). So Tibs, if you are trying to say carrying weapons by "whites" in a peaceful protest (no violence, no rioting, no vandalism, no looting) is the same of should be treated the same by the press as armed "black" rioters, then you are just way off base. And I use those races in quotations because if you change them around, you would be shouting from the roof tops for different coverage as well.

Look... we've seen this before and we'll see it again. News looks to exacerbate and profit on a tragic event. Politicians look to capitalize. The uneducated masses feed on this type of coverage. The black community has long been a tinderbox easy to light. There are some white communities that are equally easy to rial up and entice violence but fortunately it's not main stream media doing the heavy lifting on that, often it's just the capitalizing politicians.

None of this is defendable. Not the actions of the police. Not the actions of the community. It's reprehensible.

I just don't quite understand what Tibs is even trying to say at this point, other than to just find a few posts and troll people calling them racist and Trump supporters and trying to (once again) equate the two. And of course this makes ALL of us Trump supporters defensive and angry at Tibs.

Let's just hope there is reasonably swift and fair justice in this case.
"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard."

Martin Luther King, Jr
March 14, 1968
"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard."

Martin Luther King, Jr
March 14, 1968

MLK was not perfect. He was wrong many times. Rioting is wrong. It doesn't matter if he thinks it's justifiable or not. You don't punish others for the injustices of another. I would guess if a bunch of people showed up at his door and rioted his house because someone was wronged he'd wonder WTF they were doing. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Yeah, you're right, everything's perfectly fine. It is the new normal, this is America. Just shut up and get used to it, I know.


Dropping more irrelevant memes I see. I can just as easily show you pictures of white guys being held down and black guys just being handcuffed. It's simply minded and just ignorant of you. But trolls got to troll.
MLK was not perfect. He was wrong many times. Rioting is wrong. It doesn't matter if he thinks it's justifiable or not. You don't punish others for the injustices of another. I would guess if a bunch of people showed up at his door and rioted his house because someone was wronged he'd wonder WTF they were doing. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Unhead and not getting your way are two different things.

To say any black issue is "unhead" is just ludicrous in today's society. If anything, minorities are MORE heard as the coverage by main-stream media is non-stop because it is a constant source of ratings. I listen to NPR radio and they put "The Takeaway" , which is broadcast by NYC Radio in their prime noon hour every weekday. Literally, not a DAY goes by that "The Takeaway" does not talk about race. Every. *******. Day. Corona Virus? How can we report on it with race. Hurricanes? Nope.... need to talk about race. Politics? Yep, you guessed it.... race.

The amount of media coverage ABOUT race is arguably 2-3 TIMES that of other injustices (those that don't involve race).

There is nothing "unheard" when it comes to race anymore. Nothing.

Policy is a different issue. The fact some policies blacks want isn't getting the public support or votes is NOT a reason to riot. In fact, there is evidence riots make it harder to get support/vote for some issues.
a friend posted that meme earlier today. I don't know why the white guys survive during a mass shooting. Does he surrender because he's a ***** and unable to take his own life? I'm amazed that the Stanton Heights shooter survived SWAT and PGH PD or theTree of Life shooter survived a shootout with SWAT, etc. I wish they got taken out to save taxpayers money. I could care or less about the info they can provide taken alive.
It's certainly tragic to be choked out or have his neck kneeled onto that they lost their lives, but I don't see the connection of the meme.
I'm just tired of the blame game, sorry, as far as blaming mayors and governors for following Trump-appointed CDC measures and directives.

Show me where the CDC, Fauci, or Birx mandated closing businesses, lock downs, or quarantines of healthy individuals. All along the directives have been social distancing...it was the governors that decided to take it to draconian measures and violate state constitutions, the Constitution of the United States as well as the Bill of Rights.