I wonder when Biden's gonna say "If I could adopt a son (since my real one is a no-good shitbag), he'd look just like George"?
This has nothing to do with race IMHO. Cops do the same stuff to white people but nobody cares. I saw a video from a few years ago where a guy crashes his car. I assume he was running from the police. He climbs out of his car (that has flipped) and the cop just shoots him. He isn't armed and the cop doesn't even warn him. He isn't running. He's just climbing out of his car. To this day the cop hasn't been prosecuted. But the guy he shot was white. So no protest, marches, white lives matter no nothing.
Also as far as "This needs to stop". It's never going to stop. Just like medical malpractice is never going to stop. Murder is never going to stop. Why do people think that mistakes aren't going to be made by guys that are full of adrenalin, chasing people, shooting at people ETC...? It happens to fully trained doctors who receive some of the best education in the world along with years of certification. It is never going to end because it involves people.
I wonder when Biden's gonna say "If I could adopt a son (since my real one is a no-good shitbag), he'd look just like George"?
Glad this dead man can entertain you, immature coward.
The lady in the wheelchair is ramming people, kicking at them and wielding a big knife. Is she trying to stop looters? Not knowing all the details, the lady needed to be restrained.****'s getting ugly:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">At the Target in Minneapolis that was being looted tonight during the BLM riot, a woman in a wheelchair was attacked. <a href="https://t.co/JxsXTB30xI">pic.twitter.com/JxsXTB30xI</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1265860082408943616?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Golly, how outraged we were by Colin Kaepernick peacefully taking a knee to bring light to such injustice. Kaepernick was attacked mercilessly for observing a moment of silence. And the cycle of police violence against minorities continues unabated. Shocking, I tell you, to see cities like St. Louis and Minneapolis up in flames.This has nothing to do with race
After weeks of crazed right-wingers screaming at cops and parading around armed to the teeth while protesting covid shutdown measures, I am sure we're all cool with protestors showing up armed at the Minneapolis rallies, correct?
Sean Hannity criticized armed protesters who demonstrated against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home orders last week outside Michigan's Capitol building, saying they were not helping their cause.
"I'm the number one supporter [on] radio and television, that I know of, [of the] First Amendment and the Second Amendment. Now, no one is a bigger defendant of the Second Amendment than yours truly," Hannity said Monday night on his televison program.
"Everyone has the right to protest, protect themselves and try to get the country open," the host said as video rolled of Thursday's protest in Lansing. "This, with the militia look here, and these long guns, uh... no. Show of force is dangerous. That puts our police at risk. And by the way, your message will never be heard, whoever you people are."
After weeks of crazed right-wingers screaming at cops and parading around armed to the teeth while protesting covid shutdown measures, I am sure we're all cool with protestors showing up armed at the Minneapolis rallies, correct?
Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks while a worldwide pandemic was raging out of control. Grab your automatic weapons and march to the mayor's office, hang an effigy of the governor! Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.When Americans, who protest unconstitutional government overreach, are now referred to as crazy, we have entered a dangerous time in this country.
Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks while a worldwide pandemic was raging out of control. Grab your automatic weapons and march to the mayor's office, hang an effigy of the governor! Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.
Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks while a worldwide pandemic was raging out of control. Grab your automatic weapons and march to the mayor's office, hang an effigy of the governor! Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.
After the riots you’ll still be able to find work boots. Just like Ferguson.
I know you won't be able to find Air Jordan's, a rap CD or a TV any time soon.
Yup we were asked to wear masks. That all it was.Terrible injustice, you were asked to wear a mask in public and stay at home for a few weeks while a worldwide pandemic was raging out of control. Grab your automatic weapons and march to the mayor's office, hang an effigy of the governor! Unconstitutional government overreach, my ***.
We will look back on this as a shameful period in American history.
I suspect CD was talking about interracial crimes. The data are tough to interpret accurately in large part because the FBI data for some reason combines Hispanics and whites as "offenders" when listing murders of blacks, so very tough to determine how many offenders guilty of murdering a black were actually white, rather than Hispanic. Also, the FBI data for some reason details only incidents of one victim, one offender. Not sure why.
Anyway, as of 2016, the latest report I've found, there were a total of 1,049 interracial murders. Excluding the "race unknown" for either victim or the offender, that leaves 869 interracial murders, again where Hispanics are deemed white in the calculation, apparently under the George Zimmerman rule.
Of those 869 interracial murders, 533 involved a black killing a white and 243 involved a white killing a black. Therefore, blacks account for 66% (570 out of 869) such murders, whites 34% (299 out of 869), once again where white includes Hispanic as an offender.
Those are the raw numbers, but if we convert to proportionate share of the population, the data are worse as to African-American interracial offenders in homicides. Much, much worse.
Whites are 73% of the population, blacks 13% where the term white includes Hispanics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States#Race
Therefore, to convert the raw numbers to per capita involves the following:
0.13 x 869 = 113 expected homicides, African-American killing other race.
0.73 x 869 = 634 expected homicides, whites killing other race.
So instead of 113 homicides for the African-American population, the number is 533, or 470% of the expected result. Using the same numbers for whites, the results show just 38% (0.38) of the expected homicides. The 81% number is not accurate in terms of the gross numbers but is close to the facts for interracial crime.
Two points. The background information matters in certain cases with claims of self-defense by the assailant or suspicion of criminal activity by the person who winds up getting injured or killed. If it turns out the victim had a history of participating in the "knock-out game" then a claim of self-defense makes a lot more sense than if the victim was a 48-year old pastor. If the victim had a history of being a thief, than that plays a role in determining motive or intent when checking out possible theft.
I know you think a video is it, the be-all and end-all, but it is just evidence. The best evidence around, almost certainly, but the video does not show intent, or motive, or thought process, or the reasons why things were what they were when the camera came on. So adding other evidence to the story makes perfect sense, particularly where a claim is made (Michael Brown) that the dead suspect was a sweet guy, not violent, loved people, would never attack a cop, etc. - and where a video shows that guy roughing up a store owner when stealing just minutes earlier.
Right? Or should we not disparage the wonderful character of Michael Brown and just string up the cop??
Not true unless the police witness the offense. If you or I are involved in some physical altercation and a guy winds up dead, the police don't simply "arrest us" cuz a guy is dead. They get statements, evidence, get a warrant issued by a judge and then arrest us.
Same is true for a cop. The court needs to issue a warrant after the state makes out the charges. If the police **** up a warrant and the warrant is not valid, guess what? Evidence seized as a result of a bad warrant goes buh-bye.
Indeed, a period that began with the inauguration on January 20, 2017. It's been all downhill from there.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Very relevant MLK quote <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/minneapolisriots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#minneapolisriots</a> <a href="https://t.co/NEhMfWTHsI">pic.twitter.com/NEhMfWTHsI</a></p>— Langston (@langisaac64) <a href="https://twitter.com/langisaac64/status/1265937761581891586?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Tibs, you are posting lies about this cop to feed your agenda. He was not at a Trump rally and it's not him wearing that hat. It's some guy from Tampa Bay. Research before you post lies, please. This is not about Trump or Republicans. This is about police officers that over-stepped their bounds and killed a man with no regard for his life.
He's gotten really sloppy. Just reposting crap.
Indeed, a period that began with the inauguration on January 20, 2017. It's been all downhill from there.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheView?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TheView</a> here’s the murdering cop next to the corrupt union leader at the <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> rally in Mpls. Tell me they don’t feel emboldened. Tell me they don’t feel righteous. <a href="https://t.co/7TVodnobkY">pic.twitter.com/7TVodnobkY</a></p>— Zelenograd (@PanCisMan) <a href="https://twitter.com/PanCisMan/status/1265661908545306625?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 27, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>