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Today is the big day (IG Horowitz report)

“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion.” Original marx maxim also attributed to lenin, goebbels, alinsky, and now is the core MO of the dims. There are many examples, but the emerging $multibillion/election corruption Ukraine affair is the most immediate and illustrative.

Oh, and speaking of Quid Pro Quos.

Drives me nuts that people don't see this.
Sorry to say, but Bill Barr is deeply corrupt, personally implicated in this scandal, and should be removed from his position as AG immediately.

That's the story folks, with much - if not all - of this Trump cabinet. Compromised and complicit, would be the key words.

Sad times in US history.

Wow. that is RICH. I am speechless that you would even attempt to argue that after building up people like Adam Schiff and Michael Avenatti. I am gobsmacked that your compass could be so off kilter. Defend the people trying to rip the US Constitution to shreds and condemn the guy trying to uphold the Constitution. That's some world view.
“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion.”
Drives me nuts that people don't see this.

And the saddest part? This is exactly what Trump has been doing from day one. Projecting his own illegimate acts onto others. Projecting his own corruption onto others.

That's what should be driving all of us nuts. But sadly, Trump's behavior and actions are shielded - with a magic, invisible cloak - from his supporters.

I'm starting to think it may take five, ten years in hindsight, for many of you to see this President for what he was all about. It was all too easy to get caught up in the rapture of his lies and deceptions. I blame none of you for sticking by him, it seems like the right thing to do, given the media - and a large segment of the population - has been in opposition to him from day one. And he does profess to stand for red-meat, gun-toting conservative American values. He bangs that like a drum. Unfortunately, it's all a ruse. The shady businessman, casino owner, tv producer, real estate tycoon has been toying with you all, this entire time.

I wish Mark Twain was still alive. I'd love to read his take on these past three years in America.
There are so many examples of Trump projecting his lies and insecurities. This is one from the rally tonight. He was just literally laughed at by NATO leaders in London a week ago, for the world to see. But at his rah-rah rallies, the Trump cultists have no idea about the deception being played on them. Over and over again. It's actually sad and alarming, to see so many Americans purposefully - or unwittingly - falling for his bald faced lies. I guess you could call it the willing suspension of disbelief. It must feel good to pretend what Trump is saying is true. It helps create a false worldview, a make-believe, cinderalla world where all is well, as long as Trump says it is. Scary ****, if you ask me. George Orwell wrote a book about exactly this, down to the last sentence.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">President <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a>: "This country is so respected and we were not respected four years ago. We were laughed at." <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpRallyHershey?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpRallyHershey</a> <a href="https://t.co/OAOHP8k9a5">pic.twitter.com/OAOHP8k9a5</a></p>— The Hill (@thehill) <a href="https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1204561748436631552?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 11, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.69e02060c7c44baddf1b5629549acc0c.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.69e02060c7c44baddf1b5629549acc0c.html?origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.steelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
And the saddest part? This is exactly what Trump has been doing from day one. Projecting his own illegimate acts onto others. Projecting his own corruption onto others.

That's what should be driving all of us nuts. But sadly, Trump's behavior and actions are shielded - with a magic, invisible cloak - from his supporters.

I'm starting to think it may take five, ten years in hindsight, for many of you to see this President for what he was all about. It was all too easy to get caught up in the rapture of his lies and deceptions. I blame none of you for sticking by him, it seems like the right thing to do, given the media - and a large segment of the population - has been in opposition to him from day one. And he does profess to stand for red-meat, gun-toting conservative American values. He bangs that like a drum. Unfortunately, it's all a ruse. The shady businessman, casino owner, tv producer, real estate tycoon has been toying with you all, this entire time.

I wish Mark Twain was still alive. I'd love to read his take on these past three years in America.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. In reality, history will not be kind to what the Democrats have been doing all through the Trump Presidency. It will be viewed as a traitorous coup by deep state activists in an attempt to destroy the Constitution.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. In reality, history will not be kind to what the Democrats have been doing all through the Trump Presidency. It will be viewed as a traitorous coup by deep state activists in an attempt to destroy the Constitution.

Put your personal feelings about the President aside for a moment, anybody and everybody.

This sham is based on hurt feelings over losing an election (impeachment was publicly discussed mere minutes after Trump won) and likely, revenge for drafting articles of impeachment against President Clinton. Thing is, Mr. Clinton broke multiple federal laws by perjuring himself not once, but multiple times under oath. And he was still acquitted in the Senate.

This is a soft coup against a duly elected President that they hate with every fiber of their being. It is indeed a sad time in America.
I know most of you hate anything coming out of either coast, east or west, but this is an perfect summary of the Trump phenomena that many of you are simply ignoring, or pretending does not exist. You'll likely cite this as the media bias Trump is railing against. But if you take off your Trump bifocals, even for a moment, you'd see this for what it is. Trump has made a laughing stock of this great nation. He is an embarrassment beyond description. It is beyond anything imaginable, how out of wack this presidency has become. I pray for this nation. I hope things will work out at some point down the line.

We're at the stage where a humor show poking fun at the President is not at all funny anymore. There's nothing funny about what Trump has done with this country. It's pathetic, point blank. At least Jimmy Kimmel and his audience still get a kick out of it. I don't, not anymore.

Well I for one am glad that the late night political activists, err, comedians, will have another 5 years worth of material.
I know most of you hate anything coming out of either coast, east or west, but this is an perfect summary of the Trump phenomena that many of you are simply ignoring, or pretending does not exist. You'll likely cite this as the media bias Trump is railing against. But if you take off your Trump bifocals, even for a moment, you'd see this for what it is. Trump has made a laughing stock of this great nation. He is an embarrassment beyond description. It is beyond anything imaginable, how out of wack this presidency has become. I pray for this nation. I hope things will work out at some point down the line.

We're at the stage where a humor show poking fun at the President is not at all funny anymore. There's nothing funny about what Trump has done with this country. It's pathetic, point blank. At least Jimmy Kimmel and his audience still get a kick out of it. I don't, not anymore.

JImmy Kimmel aka the biggest ******* hypocrite on the planet? He went from ogling girls jumping up and down bouncing their **** to lecturing everybody to stop being misogynists. **** Jimmy Kimmel. He's a piece of **** phony and a joke.
Holy ****, let's cite late night talk show hosts when talking about the state of our Constitutional Republic.

Again, holy ****.
Holy ****, let's cite late night talk show hosts when talking about the state of our Constitutional Republic.

Again, holy ****.

Late night comics, and SNL, have become the new morality peddlers on the left. How pathetic.
Late night comics, and SNL, have become the new morality peddlers on the left. How pathetic.

Nah, just a slice of life you all pretend doesn't exist. Good on you.
Why? If he is to be impeached, the charges against him are in the impeachment articles for all to see. Why would I list them here, or anywhere else? You can read them for yourself.

And I'm not interested in playing the sad, tired game of whataboutism. Which is all the Trump base seems to be interested in. What about this, what about that? What about Obama, what about Dem corruption, what about the deep state? I'm just tracking and following Trump's trials and tribulations along with the rest of you. He's the President now, this **** show is all his doing and yours to own. I think he's a danger to the country, you don't. I think he's a sociopath, a liar and a scumbag, you don't. I think he's driven US foreign policy into the ground, you don't. I think he's abused the power of his office, you don't. I think he obstructed justice, you don't. I think it's a huge problem that he invites and welcomes foreign interference in our elections, you don't. I want to see him impeached and removed from office, you clearly don't.

We've both been watching and listening to the same President over the past three years and see two completely different storylines playing out. I'm alright with that. I understand his supporters will go to the wall for him. I'll respectfully disagree and post my views here, as I've done for 10+ years. I'm not here to change anyone's mind or to prove a point. I just call it as I see, as do all of you. We just happen to fundamentally disagree on this President. So be it.

yet that is precisely what you are doing. You're crowing for Trump to be impeached, when all the man simply did was suggest the Ukraine president look into instances of corruption in his country. No aid was ever withheld. Not even for a minute. The Ukrainian president said as much.

and you quite simply cannot say that Trump did order aid be withheld and call it an abuse of power and conveniently look the other way when it's pointed out that an ex VPOTUS did precisely what Trump is being accused of and is running for POTUS in 2020. That, my friend, is the sheer, italicized, underlined, bolded, impact fonted definition of hypcrisy. And a reason why many roll their eyes and scoff when a card-carrying, blue-blooded Democrat calls for impeachment due to alleged abuse of power.

Our country's politicians should be working together. Instead, those on the left are doing nothing but causing further division. Which was their modus operandi for eight years.

You won't hear me say that Trump acts presidential, as he doesn't many times. But, you also have to look at how we got to having this man in the White House.You cannot do that without looking at the previous administration and leveling some blame. a lot, to be fair.

You're continuing to see Trump through blue-tinted glasses and condemning the man for what the media tells you, shows you or says you should condemn him for. Others have been to his actual rallies (as suggested above) and can relay precisely what was said and how the media spun it. For crying out loud at the sky, even you said Trump blatantly called on Russia to find Hillary's lost emails. The man was being facetious when he said that since he was 100% speaking about the accusations being leveled against him by the DNC. Yet the media spun it to a way that makes him look bad, worse and worst and those who do not question what the media sells took it hook, line and sinker.
I couldn't care less whether he is an ******* or the nicest guy on the planet, I'll likely never meet him.

I do care about whether I will make enough money to live my life in a manner that justifies how hard I work.

I care that there are enough jobs for everyone who wants to work.

I care that my very limited investments grow at a rate that suggests I might be able to retire some day, instead of having to work until I die so I can pay in to a 'collective' of people who don't work of have recently snuck into our country.

I care that we have a President that ensured that rapes in America haven't increased by 1000%+ in the past three years, the way they have in Europe.

These are all things that Barack Obama couldn't do, and Hillary Clinton wouldn't do.

But I agree with Tibs that there isn't any point in comparing Trump to Obama, they are worlds apart in ability. Picture a 6 year old girl in her kitchen struggling to open a jar of pickles for 8 years, that was Obama. She gives up and says its hopeless, she'll never have pickles again, so she should just get used to it. Then her dad walks into the kitchen, picks up the jar, effortlessly spins the cap off and hands it to the girl so she can enjoy her favorite snack, the dad is Trump. The girl's mom then tries to make the girl feel better by telling her that her dad was only able to open the jar at all because the little girl loosened it for him, this is the media.

Comparing Trump to Obama is like comparing a grown man to a little girl. Daddy's job isn't to be your friend, its to simply put food on his family's table, something not enough people were able to do for eight years prior to Trump.

And spare me the 'its about civility' bullshit. George Bush was the picture of civility, he ate the media's **** for eight years without response, and you hated him too.
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Once again, where are the crimes? They are demanding Trunp give them access to basically every document in his life and he said No and is going to the courts. You know, that 3rd branch of government. He has acted properly. It's the Dems abusing power by essentially declaring themselves all powerful.
Trump can ask any world leader to investigate whomever he wants. Bottom line.
That’s a poignant observation. Did your white sheets & hood get back from the dry cleaners, or are you still waiting on them?

Can’t get enough of the faux outrage on the board when the Trump base - at least a part of it - is accused of racism & anti-Semitism.

It’s in the air, I tell ya.
Groundhog Day Tibsy!

"Everyone else is a racist nazi!!!"

lather, rinse, repeat

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I know this is hard to believe, but CNN and MSNBC are not airing the live Senate hearing on the IG report.
I know this is hard to believe, but CNN and MSNBC are not airing the live Senate hearing on the IG report.

I know this is hard to believe, but CNN and MSNBC are not airing the live Senate hearing on the IG report.

Current CNN headline: Graham Pokes Holes in FBI Russia Investigation

This forum should be renamed “Alternative Reality”