HCMT is bullshit on a stick. Always has been. Ever will be. Remember that Miami passed on him because he was 'too hip hop'. He mesmerized the Rooneys who exclaimed he 'interviews well'.
They hired him to 'coach' a championship roster that had at least several Lombardis left in them, built around the best defense of its era and a decent offense with a 1st ballot HoFer stirring the drink. Several HoFers or will become HoFers. Two Lombardi caliper coordinators, one a HoFer. Stacked deck. Go to any bus stop in Pittsburgh, snatch a stiff, call him the HC, and you'd have had a similar or better result. I submit better because he might have surrounded hissef with better staff. The odds are just in favor of that.
HCMT doesn't understand football, not its Xs & Os, not player development, not staff development, not game management. Nothing. The Steelers run 15 plays. They don't scheme. They don't adjust. They don't conceive game plans. Because HCMT either doesn't understand the game well enough to do so or is too lazy to do so. Bit of both IMHO. But I lean to the latter.
But this was known by some who summarily panned the hire in 07. Stupid, stupid, stupid hire for the wrong reason. Beginning of the woke era. Destroys everything it touches. In this case it has destroyed a storied franchise that teams feared. Didn't want to play them. Knew they'd get the **** pounded out of them. HCMT's teams are a laughing stock that 'play down to their opponent'. They strike fear in nobody. Shame. Lots of good players have been made irrelevant by this tool. Damn shame.
You own it Artie.