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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

She needs more help than her kid does. Welcome to the twilight zone.

I swear to God...if I am told by my school district that we have a student who identifies as a cat and we have accommodated his needs. I will march down there is a nano-second to inform my daughter is highly allergic to cats and to remove the animal from the classroom....period. If you want to play this stupid game, let's go all the way. I'm talking lawsuits to prove he or she is a cat down to their cells and dander.
I swear to God...if I am told by my school district that we have a student who identifies as a cat and we have accommodated his needs. I will march down there is a nano-second to inform my daughter is highly allergic to cats and to remove the animal from the classroom....period. If you want to play this stupid game, let's go all the way. I'm talking lawsuits to prove he or she is a cat down to their cells and dander.
Why do you hate cat people?

I don't even give a fukk anymore. You see those 2nd & 3rd place women laugh and put their arms around him? Fukk them! They support men erasing women. Who am I to care if they don't care? It's not going to stop until the little, itty bitty, weak women stand up for themselves. Until then, enjoy losing everything the women of past generations fought, struggled & died for.
Not only did that "female" powerlifting champion win...."she" lifted a combined 1,316 pounds over the squat, bench and deadlift. "Her" next closest competitor was only 400 pounds less than her combined lifts....only. Oh, did you know "she" is 40 years old.

I can't understand how women are even competing and not just walking away in disgust. What was the point of feminism?
I swear to God...if I am told by my school district that we have a student who identifies as a cat and we have accommodated his needs. I will march down there is a nano-second to inform my daughter is highly allergic to cats and to remove the animal from the classroom....period. If you want to play this stupid game, let's go all the way. I'm talking lawsuits to prove he or she is a cat down to their cells and dander.
My granddaughter teaches 9th grade science here in the N. Florida woods and she has a girl in her class that thinks she is a cat, acts like a cat and makes noises like a cat. Must be a new trend.

My granddaughter teaches 9th grade science here in the N. Florida woods and she has a girl in her class that thinks she is a cat, acts like a cat and makes noises like a cat. Must be a new trend.


It's for attention. To be different than everyone else. Which has gone off the deep end of silly ****.

Her parents need smacked for allowing it.
Not only did that "female" powerlifting champion win...."she" lifted a combined 1,316 pounds over the squat, bench and deadlift. "Her" next closest competitor was only 400 pounds less than her combined lifts....only. Oh, did you know "she" is 40 years old.

I can't understand how women are even competing and not just walking away in disgust. What was the point of feminism?
The same as the point of transgenderism - divide and conquer.
Not only did that "female" powerlifting champion win...."she" lifted a combined 1,316 pounds over the squat, bench and deadlift. "Her" next closest competitor was only 400 pounds less than her combined lifts....only. Oh, did you know "she" is 40 years old.

I can't understand how women are even competing and not just walking away in disgust. What was the point of feminism?

Didn't you get the memo? It's part of our fundamental change in society. The guy couldn't compete with men and place, so why not become a fictional woman and feel like a champion.

Why a very small fraction of delusional people are supported by anyone in these endeavors is beyond me.

The overwhelming majority do not want this nonsense and waited too long to finally speak up.

This crap should have been crushed before it ever got rooted.

You want trans games? By all means have your own division separate from the others. That levels the field of play again.

It's funny you don't see a bunch of women trying to compete with men. Which in some fields could be competitive. They'd have to juice up to the gills and testosterone and other compounds are much more powerful than estrogen.

From my perspective it appears society has had it with this bullshit and it will die the death it deserves as people take a stand.

I do agree women need to refuse competing with men in women's sport. They have solid male support in this.
My granddaughter teaches 9th grade science here in the N. Florida woods and she has a girl in her class that thinks she is a cat, acts like a cat and makes noises like a cat. Must be a new trend.

Yeah must be..
Heard the cape henlopen SD here had the same and they have to put kitty litter on the restroom for her!
Can’t confirm or deny the rumor..but she is using the girls room lol..

Btw… that school district is where parents send their kids where Bidens beach home is located ..just saying.
Maybe a little 'off-target' but I saw this article this morning and had a decent chuckle. Climate Change indeed...lol


“Disney [theme park] attendance has dropped substantially,”
Reports Inside the Magic.com. The terms “ghost town” and “barren” are being used to describe this stunning turn of events.

What’s to blame? Well, I can tell what is certainly not to blame, and that’s having anything to do with Disney’s head-first dive into identity and sexual politics. No, no, no, no… Disney’s obsession with race and gender has done nothing to do with killing the magic—even though almost all of Disney’s movies are bombing and Disney+ is losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers and billions of dollars.

And Disney’s ongoing efforts to groom childing by seeding kiddie content with drag queens, transsexual propaganda, and homosexuality certainly has nothing to do with it.

Oh, and don’t you dare blame Disney for hiring a straight-up transvestite to greet children at its theme parks. Don’t. You. Dare.


There’s only one reason Disney theme parks are “barren” and a “ghost town,” and that’s—dah, dah, dahhhh— Climate Change.

Oh, okay… Well, this whole Climate Change (which is a hoax) problem thing must have launched this year because here’s a headline from this same site from last October: “Universal Park Revenue Increases 42%, Higher Attendance than Disney.”

Maybe a little 'off-target' but I saw this article this morning and had a decent chuckle. Climate Change indeed...lol


“Disney [theme park] attendance has dropped substantially,”
Reports Inside the Magic.com. The terms “ghost town” and “barren” are being used to describe this stunning turn of events.

What’s to blame? Well, I can tell what is certainly not to blame, and that’s having anything to do with Disney’s head-first dive into identity and sexual politics. No, no, no, no… Disney’s obsession with race and gender has done nothing to do with killing the magic—even though almost all of Disney’s movies are bombing and Disney+ is losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers and billions of dollars.

And Disney’s ongoing efforts to groom childing by seeding kiddie content with drag queens, transsexual propaganda, and homosexuality certainly has nothing to do with it.

Oh, and don’t you dare blame Disney for hiring a straight-up transvestite to greet children at its theme parks. Don’t. You. Dare.


There’s only one reason Disney theme parks are “barren” and a “ghost town,” and that’s—dah, dah, dahhhh— Climate Change.

Oh, okay… Well, this whole Climate Change (which is a hoax) problem thing must have launched this year because here’s a headline from this same site from last October: “Universal Park Revenue Increases 42%, Higher Attendance than Disney.”

Oh how I love common sense combined with intelligence and science. That was beautiful.

And of course the commies who run Facebook, who own Instagram censor this for someone being over 18 to view. There's zero adult content.
I *******. Hmm. I would love to just. Yeah. Boating accident.

The society they're cultivating in that state and several others will fail. There's no way for it survive. It is completely destructive to the individual in every way I can think of.

These places are time bombs.