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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

stunning and brave. simply amazing. and you can't even tell.

check out the mental gymnastics in this

Trump’s order says it is intended to protect women’s spaces from those who “self-identify” as women.

It defines the sexes in an unconventional way, based on the reproductive cells — large cells in females or small ones in males. And it suggests that humans have those cells at conception.

Biologists say that’s a problem because egg cells develop many weeks later, and sperm cells are produced at puberty, not at conception.

“At that stage, sexual differentiation has not started to take place,” said Carl Bergstrom, a University of Washington evolutionary biologist. “I can’t see any logically coherent way to interpret the definition in this executive order, given the addition of the phrase ‘at conception.’”

Bergstrom said a scientific explanation could specify sex chromosomes, but the executive order seems to deliberately avoid that, presumably to sidestep the range of variations that include intersex people, who have physical traits that don’t fit typical definitions for male or female categories.
AllahDammit, Flog