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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

An elf, eh? Was she hot? Did you ask her for her number or whatever the younger crowd asks or these days? They probably just bump phones.. 🤣
they ask for IG or snap

for you old farts, that's Instagram and Snapchat
I didn't know you'd been to my town. Should have let me know stopped in for a beer.
There out my way now in PHL.

So apparently there was this under the table deal between sheetz, Wawa, and royal farms. Sheetz stayed out PItt area, Wawa in PhL and royal farms down south.

Wawa started to break that so now royal farms been creeping up here and Sheetz is sliding over.
There out my way now in PHL.

So apparently there was this under the table deal between sheetz, Wawa, and royal farms. Sheetz stayed out PItt area, Wawa in PhL and royal farms down south.

Wawa started to break that so now royal farms been creeping up here and Sheetz is sliding over.
A new Wawa is opening on the northside of Indianapolis. It looks like its going to be really nice. It looks like they're putting in Tesla superchargers too.

You show a video of a man.
The word of God is in the Bible for everyone to read.

Dueteronomy 22:5.
A woman dressed as a man and a man dressed as a women is an abomination to the Lord.

Matthew 18:6
the New Testament
Whoever causes one of these little ones to sin would be better off to have a millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Change your name, say you're a girl, go to college on a women's athletic scholarship (thus stealing it from a real female), graduate, and change your name back.
No one will be the wiser.
Sweet gig if you can get it.
You show a video of a man.
The word of God is in the Bible for everyone to read.

Dueteronomy 22:5.
A woman dressed as a man and a man dressed as a women is an abomination to the Lord.

Matthew 18:6
the New Testament
Whoever causes one of these little ones to sin would be better off to have a millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Why are you connecting the two? Robert Morris, Trump’s Spiritual Advisor, wasn’t a cross-dresser or tranny.

Anyway, March 26th is Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving - all proceeds go to charity! God Bless!
Why are you connecting the two? Robert Morris, Trump’s Spiritual Advisor, wasn’t a cross-dresser or tranny.

Anyway, March 26th is Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving - all proceeds go to charity! God Bless!
Trog, as a former pastor, and a guy who has been studying theology since 1983, I am just going to say that this guy is miles of of orthodoxy. He has an agenda that he is applying to the Bible, not the other way around. It's garbage.

Respond if you wish. I won't.
Trog, as a former pastor, and a guy who has been studying theology since 1983, I am just going to say that this guy is miles of of orthodoxy. He has an agenda that he is applying to the Bible, not the other way around. It's garbage.

Respond if you wish. I won't.
The Bible has many contradictions, interpretations vary. Violence, slavery and condemnation vs. love, acceptance and forgiveness. I’m not going to fault the guy for siding with the later interpretation.
You’re overestimating yourself.
ah, yes. asking the person who posted something to explain it... and that person is you... way overestimated your ability. you probably didnt even listen to the message anyway. carry on, little Tesla burner.

Love thy neighbor means being all for letting doctors conduct medical experiments on children that harm their health, turn them into lifelong medical patients, deform and sterilize them? All in the pursuit of something they can never actually attain?

Yeah that's not love to me.

The woman took nearly 800 pictures of men using the toilets in the supermarket.​

A woman has been jailed for secretly recording hundreds of men using the toilet in Aldi.

The sex offender took nearly 800 pictures of men using the toilets in the supermarket.

Chleo Sunter was caught with 790 pictures and 15 videos of men inside the toilet cubicles as well as standing at urinals.

The 37-year-old took the pictures at an Aldi supermarket in Middlesbrough, and at Darlington Train Station between January and November 2023.

Sunter pleaded guilty to two counts of voyeurism at Teesside Crown Court.

Additionally, she admitted six breaches of a sexual harm prevention order.

In 2014, when named John Leslie Graham, Sunter was found to be in possession of extreme pornographic images.

Paul Newcombe of the prosecution told the court: “Some of the males were stood at the urinals. Some were recorded under the cubicles.”

Additionally, the court heard that police investigators found 695 deleted chats, 712 photos, and four videos from the gay dating app, Grindr.

Sunter had been using her phone in incognito mode so that her internet history couldn’t be seen.


What a joke!
Love thy neighbor regardless of immigration status? Lol.
Why didn’t he include political affiliation among that list? Maybe he even thinks that’s going a bit too far.

Hey, I love immigrants regardless of immigration status, but I’d love them more if they went back to where they came from.

You gotta love how liberals only care about the Bible and Christianity when they are able to cherry pick and manipulate certain teachings to coincide with their agenda.
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What a joke!
Love thy neighbor regardless of immigration status? Lol.
Why didn’t he include political affiliation among that list? Maybe he even thinks that’s going a bit too far.

Hey, I love immigrants regardless of immigration status, but I’d love them more if they went back to where they came from.

You gotta love how liberals only care about the Bible and Christianity when they are able to cherry pick and manipulate certain teachings to coincide with their agenda.
Everyone does this, hence the reason I fell out of Christianity altogether. The truth is only revealed when you look at the history of how Christianity became monotheistic.
What a joke!
Love thy neighbor regardless of immigration status? Lol.
Why didn’t he include political affiliation among that list? Maybe he even thinks that’s going a bit too far.

Hey, I love immigrants regardless of immigration status, but I’d love them more if they went back to where they came from.

You gotta love how liberals only care about the Bible and Christianity when they are able to cherry pick and manipulate certain teachings to coincide with their agenda.
When they try to lay that on me I always bring up that "separation of church and state" they love so much.
When they try to lay that on me I always bring up that "separation of church and state" they love so much.
That's a good one.
There is nothing in the Constitution that mandates separation of church and state.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free practice thereof...

That's all it says.

All that means is that there cannot be an official religion of the United States.. It doesn't prohibit a judge from hanging a picture of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, or from a city placing a nativity scene in front of City Hall during Christmas.

The 'wall of separation" was coined by Thomas Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury Baptists which implied that government should not declare an official religion.
During colonial times many states had official state religions. The state of Connecticut had established the Congregational Church as the official state religion and the Danbury Baptists weren't too happy about that.
Everyone does this, hence the reason I fell out of Christianity altogether. The truth is only revealed when you look at the history of how Christianity became monotheistic.
Christianity never became monotheistic. It always was.
Its founding was based on there being only one God, not many.

I don't think everyone does what I was describing. Right wingers do not typically scoff at religion or the Bible.

More democrats and liberals tend to scoff at religion and will use, exploit, or take advantage of the Bible when it aligns with their liberal agenda.

One day its "God is a wizard living in the sky" the next day it's "God says thou shall love thy neighbor, and that would include gays".
Or the famous "Jesus was a liberal" because of this, that or the other.

But that's not to imply that there are no right wing bible thumping hypocrites.
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Christianity never became monotheistic. It always was.
Its founding was based on there being only one God, not many.

I don't think everyone does what I was describing. Right wingers do not typically scoff at religion or the Bible.

More democrats and liberals tend to scoff at religion and will use, exploit, or take advantage of the Bible when it aligns with their liberal agenda.

One day its "God is a wizard living in the sky" the next day it's "God says thou shall love thy neighbor, and that would include gays".
Or the famous "Jesus was a liberal" because of this, that or the other.

But that's not to imply that there are no right wing bible thumping hypocrites.
You always hear about the religious Right but there is a religious Left in this country too, especially when it comes to spending other peoples’ money.
“Don’t you want to help people, you selfish hateful bigot?”
Burgundy: “Madam Libtard, charity comes from the heart and not from the government taking my money at the point of a gun.”
The biggest hypocrite at the moment is The Pope, he’s a straight-up Communist.