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Trump basers...interpret please !!!

Billy Jack explains:

It's more demoralizing when you tell them what you're going to do, then do it, and they can't stop it. Good times.
Or it could be a negotiating tactic.

I used that line one time on a fella...haha. Great movie. It was more along the lines of killing you with my bare hands inside of 60 seconds and there's not a damn thing you can do about.So run your mouth all that you want because it's not going to save you one damn bit.

**** the Russians they're slowing slipping back into the dark hole they crawled out of.
I understand how everyone has their own feelings and their reasons for them. I didn't agree with everything Obama either. W was just dumb, but he was a likable character, but yeah, dumb. In 2007 I was set to vote for McCain. Sort of not normal for a dem, but I liked him (still do). His downfall was when he chose Palin. I couldn't tolerate her then, I can't now. My vote went to Obama. So much like those who hated Hillary voted for trump, I'm guilty of that myself. There's never gonna be the "right" guy/woman, there's always gonna be complaints, so yep, whoever the next one is it'll be no different. My strong dislike of trump went way back far before he decided to run for president, it just increased about tenfold.

And theres things to dislike about a persons policy platform...but with Trump, hes everything you DONT want in a president. Everything you don't want in a father, husband but maybe **** you can just deal with at a distance with a sibling. When someone like a Trump shows up at the picnic, its a lot of "goddamn, here comes this ************...get the kids..Babe ? Lets go, ***** about to get loose around here...pack up and lets roll out !!!"

I get it even with politicians that lie or misrep the truth but Trump takes it to a whole new level. He will lie 3 times about the same issue in a days news cycle. When the media calls him out, he gets mad and chastises them and calls them FAKE, WHEN HE SAID IT ON RECORD !!!

I know theres a mental illness with Trump and that was evident when he stated that that person on the Access Hollywood tapes wasn't him. It was at that point I KNEW this guy has a real issue. His world internally is quite insulated from outside reality but it constantly pivots. He never admits fault or takes responsibility for anything. ANYTHING. His delusions while laughable to many are troubling. His presidency is struggling...hes hemorrhaging staff at a record rate. Hes embroiled in scandals often. Hes got the worst approval rating of a president in over 40 years yet in his mind hes done better than all of his predecessors. He makes up facts or parrots information given by alt-right pundits like Hannity, he invests heavily in conspiracy theories and toasts with the finest of White nationalists. Hes a total mess and hes in charge of our government. In the end we will realize how dangerous he was at the helm....wait for the documentaries and books that will come forth.
Blitzburghv5 is one angry sonofabitch. I love it when the nutty lefties lose their **** and get unhinged over everything Trump says and does. It's so entertaining, and so awesome.

Ohh its not anger..don't get me twisted bro...its just amazement how you guys still...STILL hold faith in this clown..if anything its really baffling, seriously. Im trying to wrap my mind around how you folks think and I cant help but conclude youre just as ****** In the head as he is.

You talk about losing ****...wait until hes impeached...the national guard will be deployed because of the unrest from that other side. I know for a fact there will be bloodshed in these streets over Trump being perceived as a martyr. This will be the first time in a long time the government has to kill some of its own. We will be no different in some aspects as Iraq or Syria (civil unrest). Hes got yall cult-ified enough that yall would kill for him.

I think its safe to declare you've lost trust in Trump (but afraid to admit you ****** up supporting him) and you do find it entertaining that hes uprooted the establishment, while not replanting anything of substance, but you get enjoyment out of the chaos and mayhem. A coyote is loose in the hen house. Right....? Well ****...lets enjoy the mayhem.

Lets see him plot to fire Meuller and the real show begins
How many times now has Trump done something like this only to have it become a positive when the other side concedes something. North Korea, China tariffs, the list goes on. You liberals all lose your **** running around like chicken little and then the other side responds positively because they know he means this ****. It is all a negotiating tactic. He plays the crazy card like a ******* genius.
I have a serious question. I keep seeing the term alt-right. So I gotta ask........

What is alt-right? I mean, according to the left, there is the right and the alt-right.

So let me see if I have this right.

Right--Republicans that are trying to be Democrats.

Alt-Right--Republicans that disagree with the left.

Do I have that right? I am asking because initially the alt right was like the skinheads and outliers that voted for Trump. Now it seems that everyone that disagrees with the left, even a modicum, is alt right. It gets confusing, and I just want to make sure I know where I fall.
I understand how everyone has their own feelings and their reasons for them. I didn't agree with everything Obama either. W was just dumb, but he was a likable character, but yeah, dumb. In 2007 I was set to vote for McCain. Sort of not normal for a dem, but I liked him (still do). His downfall was when he chose Palin. I couldn't tolerate her then, I can't now. My vote went to Obama. So much like those who hated Hillary voted for trump, I'm guilty of that myself. There's never gonna be the "right" guy/woman, there's always gonna be complaints, so yep, whoever the next one is it'll be no different. My strong dislike of trump went way back far before he decided to run for president, it just increased about tenfold.
Don't tell anyone here:
I was given Trump's Art of the Deal back in about 92/93 and still have not read it.
I dislike the way he conducts business, and communicates, and thought his TV show sucked ***.
But, he has had a lot of positive effects on the way Washington works, the perceptions around the globe on how the US carries itself, positions itself, etc.
While he is not eloquent or even nice, I wonder why we all think that has anything to do with real leadership? ( does anyone really think that Zuckerberg, or Jobs, or Gates or Carlos Slim, or Jack Welch or Bill Clinton are really nice guys?)

Clinton didn't actually do much as president, W is well documented, and the real effects of Bomma early years was masked by the horrid 2007-9 financial schmozzle caused by a corrupt Congress. His last years were boring or corrupt depending on which color you like.

The Russians couldn't figure out Reagan, drunken Ted K went to Moscow and told the Soviets he was effing crazy and boom, communism collapsed because they spent so much money on a space/arms race that was never real. And because they ran out of other people's money.

Cope brought up the Art of War above. The two most important tenets, for me, from Sun Tzu's classic are : 1) be unfathomable and 2) the best war is the one not fought.
Reagan did both with amazing success felt in the US and globally. Successive US Presidents since have failed. While Trump seems far from done in his work, he is working to a playbook that makes sense to me. Doesn't mean I like the guy, but I like the effect he is causing. Discomfort is a good thing for the entire political and media class.

National and global leadership should not always be easily understood by the average citizen. We choose the leaders to actually lead. Sometime we don't like the direction or style. Effectiveness should be what matters.

Trump has a different style and a different direction than the last guy. I don't understand why so many people need to be angry with him each day. He is an *******. What does that have to do with being an effective leader?

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Correct, as long you hate America and want to destroy capitalism.

There it is !!!....never fails.....if you don't support nationalism to the fullest, you hate America. So conclusive huh....If you don't agree with my standards you hate America....where did this narrative birth itself ? It wasn't always like that in the USA....you could agree to disagree but now, the other side is the enemy. And....their Patriotism is phoney.....smh...alright....there it is.

Let me ask you a direct question...what are some of the strongest attributes Trump displays that makes him a leader ?
I have a serious question. I keep seeing the term alt-right. So I gotta ask........

What is alt-right? I mean, according to the left, there is the right and the alt-right.

So let me see if I have this right.

Right--Republicans that are trying to be Democrats.

Alt-Right--Republicans that disagree with the left.

Do I have that right? I am asking because initially the alt right was like the skinheads and outliers that voted for Trump. Now it seems that everyone that disagrees with the left, even a modicum, is alt right. It gets confusing, and I just want to make sure I know where I fall.

The Alt Right would be those associated with views harbored by the Richard Spencers, the Steve Bannons, Yanno M.,The Steven Millers of the world..that Breitbart crowd, Stormfront group....they do include those who espouse white nationalism -- with a dose of racial bias and white supremacy thrown in. This is arm of the MAGA mantra and movement.

The Alt right is far fringed extremists....they are not mainstream republicans. In fact many mainstreamer don't want any affiliation with Alt righters. The Alt right makes up a strong portion of Trumps base. They used to be subtle....hardly making any noise. **** changed...they are vocal now and pushing agendas because they have their man in power who can thwart the evolution of tanning America. Those genocidal theorists.
I have a serious question. I keep seeing the term alt-right. So I gotta ask........

What is alt-right? I mean, according to the left, there is the right and the alt-right.

So let me see if I have this right.

Right--Republicans that are trying to be Democrats.

Alt-Right--Republicans that disagree with the left.

Do I have that right? I am asking because initially the alt right was like the skinheads and outliers that voted for Trump. Now it seems that everyone that disagrees with the left, even a modicum, is alt right. It gets confusing, and I just want to make sure I know where I fall.

I'm pretty sure Alt Right only applies to the ultra conservative/ racist groups, like the KKK and NeoNazis. The term seems to get thrown around here a as a dig by Lefties. Much like the Right uses the term Libtard to degrade and diminish. I personally don't have time for either of them.
How many times now has Trump done something like this only to have it become a positive when the other side concedes something. North Korea, China tariffs, the list goes on. You liberals all lose your **** running around like chicken little and then the other side responds positively because they know he means this ****. It is all a negotiating tactic. He plays the crazy card like a ******* genius.

Whats positive about N Korea...he has the bomb right ? So ?

China tariffs...whats been concluded ? Anything ? Is there a new deal
There it is !!!....never fails.....if you don't support nationalism to the fullest, you hate America. So conclusive huh....If you don't agree with my standards you hate America....where did this narrative birth itself ?
About the time Bomma went on His World Apology Tour. A lot of us happen to think this is the best place in the world to live and don't have any white guilt.

It wasn't always like that in the USA....
True, at one time Democrats were against Communism.

you could agree to disagree but now, the other side is the enemy.
That comes from the Left. They are taught that they are morally superior (despite killing babies somehow, I dunno) and that the Right is morally inferior and that gives them license to oppose the Right by any means necessary. This is why political violence almost always comes from the Left. Look it up.

And....their Patriotism is phoney.....smh...alright....there it is.
Patriotism doesn't mean giving other nations our money and letting anyone who wants to come here into the country, or bowing down and kissing the ring of a guy who runs a country that oppresses women, anyone who doesn't belong to the official state religion, and executes gay people. The Left is fine with that because they hate America and believe we need to be brought down a few pegs. Bomma only won a second time because He is black. Hildebeast lost partly because she openly was going to be four more years of the same and people didn't want that.

Let me ask you a direct question...what are some of the strongest attributes Trump displays that makes him a leader ?
Gets things done and doesn't play politics. It's time we ran the country like a business. Got a President who can add numbers for a change.
Whats positive about N Korea...he has the bomb right ? So ?
Kim Jong Haircut has agreed to talks. Something other Presidents weren't able to get him to do. Although personally I still think that's the wrong way to handle it. No one really cares about his little pissant third-world dictatorship except that he has nukes and only does what he does for attention. I'd ignore him. Trump successfully put the squeeze on China to put the squeeze on Haircut.

China tariffs...whats been concluded ? Anything ? Is there a new deal
China agreed yesterday to open their markets more. Thing is, 88% of what they make comes here so they need us more than we need them. The Left conveniently ignores the damage that their unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft does to U.S. businesses.
And theres things to dislike about a persons policy platform...but with Trump, hes everything you DONT want in a president. Everything you don't want in a father, husband but maybe **** you can just deal with at a distance with a sibling. When someone like a Trump shows up at the picnic, its a lot of "goddamn, here comes this ************...get the kids..Babe ? Lets go, ***** about to get loose around here...pack up and lets roll out !!!"

I get it even with politicians that lie or misrep the truth but Trump takes it to a whole new level. He will lie 3 times about the same issue in a days news cycle. When the media calls him out, he gets mad and chastises them and calls them FAKE, WHEN HE SAID IT ON RECORD !!!

I know theres a mental illness with Trump and that was evident when he stated that that person on the Access Hollywood tapes wasn't him. It was at that point I KNEW this guy has a real issue. His world internally is quite insulated from outside reality but it constantly pivots. He never admits fault or takes responsibility for anything. ANYTHING. His delusions while laughable to many are troubling. His presidency is struggling...hes hemorrhaging staff at a record rate. Hes embroiled in scandals often. Hes got the worst approval rating of a president in over 40 years yet in his mind hes done better than all of his predecessors. He makes up facts or parrots information given by alt-right pundits like Hannity, he invests heavily in conspiracy theories and toasts with the finest of White nationalists. Hes a total mess and hes in charge of our government. In the end we will realize how dangerous he was at the helm....wait for the documentaries and books that will come forth.

Yep can't disagree with a thing.
At least it’s not a red line to cross.
I have a serious question. I keep seeing the term alt-right. So I gotta ask........

What is alt-right? I mean, according to the left, there is the right and the alt-right.

So let me see if I have this right.

Right--Republicans that are trying to be Democrats.

Alt-Right--Republicans that disagree with the left.

Do I have that right? I am asking because initially the alt right was like the skinheads and outliers that voted for Trump. Now it seems that everyone that disagrees with the left, even a modicum, is alt right. It gets confusing, and I just want to make sure I know where I fall.

that about covers it.
It's time we ran the country like a business. Got a President who can add numbers for a change.
But, Obama was cool as the other side of the pillow.
The very idea that you want to get elected to anything should indicate to everyone that you have a pretty good sized ego. If you don't, how are you going to convince others you are the best person for the job.

A good sized ego, often, comes with being an *******. So I am told. A couple of times.

Being "presidential" got us $19T in debt. Before the last guy who was oh so "respectful and presidential" <cough>bullshit<cough>, it was half that. If being "presidential" means doubling the debt, i want nothing to do with it.

So, far NOT being "presidential" seems to be debt increasing too, though, since spending doesn't appear to have slowed.
Whats positive about N Korea...he has the bomb right ? So ?

China tariffs...whats been concluded ? Anything ? Is there a new deal

Are you serious? Do you not pay any ******* attention? Oh yeah you only watch Leftist dribble. Open up your ******* eyes and read what is actually happening with both of those and you will see what's going on.
But, Obama was cool as the other side of the pillow.

And I've forgotten more about economics than He knows. His only excuses for His economic policies are that He is either 1) a Socialist or 2) a moron, although I realize they're kind of the same thing.
So, far NOT being "presidential" seems to be debt increasing too, though, since spending doesn't appear to have slowed.

However if the economy grows, which it is, then more money comes in to the government. Said the economist to the mathematician.
However if the economy grows, which it is, then more money comes in to the government. Said the economist to the mathematician.

when the money coming into the government grows, politicians see more money to spend, says the mathematician to the economist (who should know better)!
when the money coming into the government grows, politicians see more money to spend, says the mathematician to the economist (who should know better)!

Need more Rand Pauls and Donald Trumps and less Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells.
About the time Bomma went on His World Apology Tour. A lot of us happen to think this is the best place in the world to live and don't have any white guilt.

True, at one time Democrats were against Communism.

That comes from the Left. They are taught that they are morally superior (despite killing babies somehow, I dunno) and that the Right is morally inferior and that gives them license to oppose the Right by any means necessary. This is why political violence almost always comes from the Left. Look it up.

Patriotism doesn't mean giving other nations our money and letting anyone who wants to come here into the country, or bowing down and kissing the ring of a guy who runs a country that oppresses women, anyone who doesn't belong to the official state religion, and executes gay people. The Left is fine with that because they hate America and believe we need to be brought down a few pegs. Bomma only won a second time because He is black. Hildebeast lost partly because she openly was going to be four more years of the same and people didn't want that.

Gets things done and doesn't play politics. It's time we ran the country like a business. Got a President who can add numbers for a change.

See, youre pimpin that Breitbart, Mark Levin bullshit...I know for a fact that narrative originates in that circle. Theres no room for discussion or common ground with folks that nurse on such bullshit. You think left leaners are pro baby killers when in reality they are pro choice, meaning, its not governments business or anyone elses business what a woman does with her unborn. Far cry from, "lets kill babies", but the narrative you vibe with conflates it just that way. You believe left leaners are pro open borders. When in fact they are not. You believe left leaners are anti-2nd amendment...they are not.

YOu are fed bullshit from the Hannitys, the Levins, etc and you willfully digest that bullshit because you've invested your political roots. Not shocking the fruits that tree bears, is it ? You believe the left hates America not because you have any such proof nor do you have open engaging dialogue with anyone from the left, but because your choice of informants dictate what you believe.

The US has been giving other nations money for decades....70 years to be exact (Marshall Plan post WWII). We grant more military aid to Israel than any other country. You take issue with that ? Trump signed a 10 yr deal to continue foreign aid to Israel to the tune of $38 Billion over the next 10 years.

And prove to me that Obama let ANYONE come into this country ...do the number bear out what you say ? Is there proof of a Border Patrol stand down rule ... ?

And Obama won ONLY BECAUSE HES BLACK ? Okay...elaborate on that... and don't forget Hildebeast won more votes (3 million) than Cheeto Jesus...but of course if you buy into the bullshit theory that dead folks voted and 5 million immigrants voted then perhaps that feeds the narrative

So get things done huh ? Okay....a go getter..what are some other attributes...or is that the only one ? Running this country like some of his businesses would be a nightmare...hes a 4 time bankruptcy filer. And, have you taken a look at the Congressional Budget Office's projection of the deficit ? Its bad...worse than originally projected...those numbers are adding....adding up to the tune of additional 2 Trillion by 2020 based on current budget projections (with the tax cuts) and we aren't even spending that money towards lifting out from a recession. God forbid we endure one under this admin that number would rocket up even more...