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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

First of its kinds for damn good reason. It shouldn't have happened. Timing is everything and you know it.

Wut? Trump had a year and half to return sensitive, highly classified military & nuclear secrets. He was asked repeatedly, then subpoened to do so. He did not comply. He doubled down, lied and obstructed feds trying to do their job. He ****** around and found out. Shocking. And here you are all, defending this **********. Bravo.
This going to go on way past the election. Discovery alone will take a year. He’ll be elected President for the third time and then pardon himself if need be.

Why tell that lie?
You hate anyone that will not give up their rights and freedoms to an all powerful state.

Textbook definition of insanity. Any one of your posts. Keep on being you.
If some citizens (foreign or domestic) are creaming in their jeans thinking, watching what is happening in this country, it's pretty much over.
Power corrupts absolutlely.
We are gonna implode.
So sad.
let the record show that Tibs does not hate "this version" of Ogre, but Ogre hates Tibs.

also, let the record show that ogres know no other emote but hate.

also, part two, let the record show that Supe hates Ogurr.
If some citizens (foreign or domestic) are creaming in their jeans thinking, watching what is happening in this country, it's pretty much over.
Power corrupts absolutlely.
We are gonna implode.
So sad.

Agreed. Trump being so utterly reckless with military and nuclear secrets, jeopardizing American national security, and those of our allies, for sure has leaders with white-knuckles, wiping their brows, in capital cities across the Western world.
Good for you. They say never look back in anger, I guess it doesn't apply to wackadoos. Show me on this doll where the mean man on an internet messageboard hurt you. What a guy. No wonder your posts are so pathetic. Speaks volumes about your depraved soul. "One day, I'm gonna get that guy...who was mean to me on the internet." 🤡

God, you just get tougher with every post. I mean, when you told Iron95, "The second I’m done using this steel wool to scrub your mom’s crustified womb-milk off my dick — the crumbs of which I will sauté into an omelette that I’ll feed her fat ghoulish body for breakfast — then I’ll **** myself knowing she’ll kiss her baby boy on the forehead with that barnyard mouth," I knew you were a second Chuck Norris.

Now challenging Ogre? Ho-lee ****, you are a combination of General Patton and Superman. The real fake one, not Supe.

My God, why don't you just walk to Moscow and tell Putin to surrender??
Wut? Trump had a year and half to return sensitive, highly classified military & nuclear secrets. He was asked repeatedly, then subpoened to do so. He did not comply. He doubled down, lied and obstructed feds trying to do their job. He ****** around and found out. Shocking. And here you are all, defending this **********. Bravo.
I am not defending him. I am pointing the very incredibly beneficial timing of the indictment as news of what would be earth shattering corruption, if Biden were a Republican, was just released. But now it is Trump, Trump Trump. You have to admit despite how much you have TDS if the same News we got on Biden were about Trump you would want him hung already. Show your honesty here unlike Trog and admit Biden is a piece of **** and if it is all true which it seems likely it is he is far worse than Trump as he sold us out while in office. Trump was just a stubborn idiot.
Thoughts & prayers.

During hearing, Trump remained quiet

Donald Trump’s appearance at the hearing was unprecedented in American history, as he became the first former president to face federal criminal charges. What he did not do, however, was speak about the case in court.
His attorney entered his plea of not guilty. Trump otherwise only whispered to his attorneys, who sat alongside him in court, and did not say anything to address the case or the court. He appeared glum, at various points crossing his arms, slouching in his chair and fidgeting.
God, you just get tougher with every post. I mean, when you told Iron95, "The second I’m done using this steel wool to scrub your mom’s crustified womb-milk off my dick — the crumbs of which I will sauté into an omelette that I’ll feed her fat ghoulish body for breakfast — then I’ll **** myself knowing she’ll kiss her baby boy on the forehead with that barnyard mouth," I knew you were a second Chuck Norris.

Now challenging Ogre? Ho-lee ****, you are a combination of General Patton and Superman. The real fake one, not Supe.

My God, why don't you just walk to Moscow and tell Putin to surrender??
it might be time to bring them back.
and you know who they are.
Agreed. Trump being so utterly reckless with military and nuclear secrets, jeopardizing American national security, and those of our allies, for sure has leaders with white-knuckles, wiping their brows, in capital cities across the Western world.
Thank you for proving my point Hungarian Communist.
it might be time to bring them back.
and you know who they are.

No idea who "they" might be, Supe.

Tibs exposed


such mild-mannered, calm, cool and collected Democrats
@Tibs keep believing what they want you to believe, and question nothing.

Trump is an idiot for opening himself up to all of this but the fact that Hilary, Biden and Biden’s disgusting offspring are facing no consequences for their far worse crimes leaves the DOJ without a shred of credibility.
A second hand allegation from a single source that was in the hands of Bill Barr in 2020 and didn’t result in a criminal or investigation.
The DOJ is staffed by career Washingtonians. D.C. is a company town and the company is the government. Also people in D.C. know what happens when you cross the Clintons. If you're lucky your career will be destroyed, if you're unlucky you'll end up dead in a convenient plane crash or murdered in a D.C. mugging while your wallet and cell phone are not taken.
The DOJ is staffed by career Washingtonians. D.C. is a company town and the company is the government. Also people in D.C. know what happens when you cross the Clintons. If you're lucky your career will be destroyed, if you're unlucky you'll end up dead in a convenient plane crash or murdered in a D.C. mugging while your wallet and cell phone are not taken.
If you were in Russia or North Korea, would you post criticism of the government on line? Why do you feel safe doing so in the US?
This thread will be hilarious if this latest attempt to take down Trump fizzles out, just like all the others.

For the sake of this nation, I hope it does fizzle out. I hope these charges are proven to be without merit. The notion that a former President and Commander-in-Chief would jeopardize our national security - and that of our allies, and the lives of countless military and diplomatic personnel around the globe, is simply unfathomable. It's hard to imagine that someone even as egotistical and dumb as Trump would be *this* breathlessly irresponsible and reckless handling military and nuclear secrets.