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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

So what, I’m supposed to believe these posts are acts of bravery?

Wait, WHAT? We disagree with Captain Tibilo, the bravest and most dangerous man in the world!! Putin hides in his basement at the mere thought Tibilo is on the way, Trump cowers in fear at that idea Tibilo may be angry with him, and Biden ***** his pants and wanders around aimlessly because ... okay, that one is not due to Captain Tibilo but you get the point!

The timing of my unjust INDICTMENT is no coincidence.
Crooked Joe’s Department of Injustice is not just attempting to silence and IMPRISON his leading political opponent (me, an INNOCENT man), they’re actively COVERING UP one of the biggest scandals in our nation’s history!
On the very same day that the Biden-appointed Special Counsel unjustly indicts me on the “Boxes Hoax,” credible evidence is brought to light showing that Crooked Joe and his Crime Family collected at least $10 MILLION IN BRIBESfrom a foreign national.
It’s very simple, this is a smoke-and-mirrors witch hunt designed to ELIMINATE our campaign and divert theAmerican peoples’ eyes from Crooked Joe Biden’s REALCRIME.
At this point, you can’t even call this a two-tiered justice system. There is no justice at all in Biden’s America.
The radical Left Democrats and the Deep State have transformed our country into a Third World tin-pot dictatorship. They have crossed a line that will be written in the history books as the beginning of the END of our once great Republic.
Our incredible America First Movement – 75 MILLION patriots strong – is the one and ONLY movement with the sheer will to SAVE America before it is lost for good.
Together, we will stand tall in the face of tyranny, and we will NEVER SURRENDER our country to the radical Left.
Mark my words, we will WIN BACK the White House in 2024, we will DISMANTLE the Deep State once and for all, and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you and God bless you,
Can anyone provide information on attorney client privilege and how that gets pierced?
Can anyone provide information on attorney client privilege and how that gets pierced?

The method used by the prosecution here is the "crime-fraud exception," holding that the privilege does not apply to communications a client has with an attorney where the client is using the communication to commit a crime or is trying to cover up a crime by way of the communication.

The exception should be very narrowly applied. Seriously, doesn't every criminal defendant relating the facts of his activity do so to try and "cover up" a crime? What the **** else would be the point of the discussion? The exception generally applies only where the client tells the lawyer he is destroying evidence, for example, or bribing a witness.

The use against Trump was relative to his communications with counsel about the 2020 election and the argument that Trump was trying to "subvert" the election by filing lawsuits and communicating with counsel about the process. Unlike of course what Al Gore did in 2000 or Kerry in 2004, of course. THOSE communications were privileged because, see ... they were not challenging the electoral ... I mean, they were communicating with an ATTORNEY about the rigged ... I mean, those guys have a (D) after their name, goddammit!!
Damn liberal pinko Communists... how dare they criticize our mighty cult leader Trump?

Retired Commanding General of the United States Army Europe and the Seventh Army Mark Hertling, the floor is yours.

A former President is being indicted - for the 2d time - & there's non-stop coverage.

Some good analysis, some not so good.

Many keep bringing up how "those in the military are likely the most upset about Trump absconding with intel secrets."

Yes, but there's more. 1/

Having read the indictment (4x's now), the amount & type of classified information Trump took, hid, did not secure, and refused to give back is, IMHO, gobsmacking.

Many analysts have called them "war plans." I doubt any documents fit into that specific contingency category. 2/

The documents were likely extremely detailed intelligence assessments, w/ potential foe (& friendly) capabilities & weaknesses & US capabilities we would not want anyone - especially foes - to know.

Many have said, this isn't a document issue it's a national security issue. 3/

I have seen intel agencies, military units, foreign service officers put sweat & blood into providing these documents, making sure they are accurate.

All those individuals KNOW they must get it right, because their work, their assessments, are provided to key decision-makers. 4/

Those who view these docs - the President, high-level military leaders, State Dept officials & others - use these assessments for critical decision making. FOR our citizens, FOR our country.

One phrase in the indictment struck me like a bullet.

Trump saying: "my boxes." 5/

None of these are "personal papers." These documents provide information/intelligence - gathered through the use of US capabilities, put together by really smart, dedicated, patriotic individuals - to be used by US officials to defend against all enemies, foreign & domestic. 6/

Strategic leaders see and use these documents when they are in a position to serve the American people.

They don't get to keep them, or review them, or show them around, or not keep them secure, when they are no longer in the position. 7/

As a military leader in command of different organizations, I "used" each kind of the type of documents found in the trove at MAL.

Each kind: Secret, Top Secret, TS-SCI, TS-HCI, NOFORM, TK, even the kinds of ones that were "redactted" (mostly likely various code word). 8/

I was ONLY allowed to see them because they helped me make better decisions, plans, or conduct more effective operations. When I left the military or a specific job, I was "read out" of the clearance.

That's what happens to everyone, including the President. 9/

Yes, the President has declassification authority.

But that requires a process that then protects a LOT of people. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.

And anyone who says someone can do it after leaving their leadership role is even more moronic. 10/

There's a reason I reacted viscerally to the "my papers" statement.

To claim they are "his" - as if they've been given to him for personal use or vanity just like the WWE belt, the NY Post clippings, or any other trinket or memento found in these boxes - is horrid. 11/

Yes, military & intel officials are pissed. They know the power of these documents that were treated cavalierly.

All Americans should be equally pissed. But it seems many are not because of how some in government are treating this case.

We need to treat this seriously. 12/12
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Damn liberal pinko Communists... how dare they criticize our mighty cult leader Trump?

Retired Commanding General of the United States Army Europe and the Seventh Army Mark Hertling, the floor is yours.

“Yes the President has declassification authority. But that requires a process that then protects a lot of people. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.”

Rex Tillerson knows this.
“Yes the President has declassification authority. But that requires a process that then protects a lot of people. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.”

Rex Tillerson knows this.
Bill Clinton didnt know this
On Trump's truly appalling and humiliating post-indictment rally at Bedminster last night. This sums it up perfectly:

His remarks were among the most chilling and demagogic ever uttered by a major figure in modern American history. And on a somber day in the nation’s story, they said everything about the former president and the divisive spectacle ahead as he runs for the White House under the shadow of two criminal indictments to which he has pleaded not guilty – with more possibly to come.

Trump’s defiance reinforced the impression he views the law with contempt. By ignoring the gravity of a situation he created, he once again put immediate personal and political needs ahead of the national interest – a trend reflected in his haphazard storage of classified documents in a bathroom, ballroom and shower. The material included secrets about America’s nuclear program and key military plans and, according to the indictment, he allegedly obstructed government efforts to get them to safety.
On Trump's truly appalling and humiliating post-indictment rally at Bedminster last night. This sums it up perfectly:
His remarks were among the most chilling and demagogic ever uttered by a major figure in modern American history.

Wow, Tibby the brave, Hungarian keyboard warrior, is afraid? Oh ****, I get it since I saw a video of his speech!! Holy ****, he called Biden voters a threat to America and outright threatened them! Lookit:


******* Trump is a goddamn lunatic ... hold on.
Wow, Tibby the brave, Hungarian keyboard warrior, is afraid? Oh ****, I get it since I saw a video of his speech!! Holy ****, he called Biden voters a threat to America and outright threatened them! Lookit:


******* Trump is a goddamn lunatic ... hold on.
DarkBrandon is the ****. No, literally, he **** himself while doing that.
wow - can you post 99 other bullshit left-leaning sources spouting the same thing?
What’s bullshit?

Was the case brought by the government or a private group? Were the tapes personal or official records?
Much ado about nothing. What sucks about these political shenanigans is that each side pushes the envelope so far then loses power and the other side pushes it twice as far out of spite.

Anyone who doesn’t think this is politically driven is either completely oblivious or an actually mentally stunted individual.
This is going to end up in a massive constitutional crisis and honestly some of the potential end results none of us will want…

They are opening a can of worms out of spite. Its a terrible idea, but hey at least I have to hear this bullshit every day for another year and a half
The left is scared to death of Trump. He knows all the secrets now and will destroy them all this time because he won’t play their little games.
Trump is an outlier in an inlier game. Only reason I admire him.
Well that and that the law abiding middle class had it pretty dang good under his command.
Some folks have amnesia. in addition to other sicknesses

I would still like your opinion of JFK jr Tibs.