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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

If you were in Russia or North Korea, would you post criticism of the government on line? Why do you feel safe doing so in the US?
I'd tell you to ask the same question to the Jan 6 protesters but they've been in solitary confinement in a D.C. jail for over two years without a trial date and deprived of their Constitutional rights at the behest of the Democrat party.
National security. I keep reading national security. Our southern border is wide open. Anybody can just walk through there. And no Democrat cares. Or most Republicans for that matter. Our elites don't give two shiits about national security. Biden has pretty much opened the door to the Chinese as well. Oh, boy. He cares about national security. It's not funny, but I find myself laughing that anyone can be outraged at Trump over national security.
For the sake of this nation, I hope it does fizzle out. I hope these charges are proven to be without merit. The notion that a former President and Commander-in-Chief would jeopardize our national security - and that of our allies, and the lives of countless military and diplomatic personnel around the globe, is simply unfathomable. It's hard to imagine that someone even as egotistical and dumb as Trump would be *this* breathlessly irresponsible and reckless handling military and nuclear secrets.
OK, who are you and what did you do with Tibs? Trump is a narcissistic blowhard, but I believe he does want the best for this country. Compare him to our current POTUS and in my opinion it isn't close. Why can antifa burn and loot without repercussions, why can the shelves of your local CVS be cleaned out without fear of arrest, why are people that were arrested on January 6th still in jail without bond and denied their Constitutional rights, why are previous Presidents, Vice Presidents and even Secretary of States not pursued with the same vigor as Trump?

This is beyond stupid and no one, insert media here, seems to care. What is it that I am missing? I'm a smart guy, I have a doctorate degree just like
Dr. Jill.
OK, who are you and what did you do with Tibs? Trump is a narcissistic blowhard, but I believe he does want the best for this country. Compare him to our current POTUS and in my opinion it isn't close. Why can antifa burn and loot without repercussions, why can the shelves of your local CVS be cleaned out without fear of arrest, why are people that were arrested on January 6th still in jail without bond and denied their Constitutional rights, why are previous Presidents, Vice Presidents and even Secretary of States not pursued with the same vigor as Trump?

This is beyond stupid and no one, insert media here, seems to care. What is it that I am missing? I'm a smart guy, I have a doctorate degree just like
Dr. Jill.
Besides being smart, you have common sense, a nice combination. Not many have that anymore. bravo.
Agreed. Trump being so utterly reckless with military and nuclear secrets, jeopardizing American national security, and those of our allies, for sure has leaders with white-knuckles, wiping their brows, in capital cities across the Western world.
Really Dude? This is how you see what is going on?

We have a failure to communicate because you are asleep. and in some dream. Seeing orange all around you 3/4 away around the world

We are being lead by a zombie now. When has that EVER ended up well?
You mean at the behest of the FBI and the DOJ?
Tibs you ignorant S L U T,
You are aware that the US Constitution is Absolute and can't be superseded by bureaucrats right?
For the sake of this nation, I hope it does fizzle out. I hope these charges are proven to be without merit. The notion that a former President and Commander-in-Chief would jeopardize our national security - and that of our allies, and the lives of countless military and diplomatic personnel around the globe, is simply unfathomable. It's hard to imagine that someone even as egotistical and dumb as Trump would be *this* breathlessly irresponsible and reckless handling military and nuclear secrets.
You are a lying piece of shyte.
Besides being smart, you have common sense, a nice combination. Not many have that anymore. bravo.
I'm also old, so..

Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
So what, I’m supposed to believe these posts are acts of bravery? Please!
honestly, its quite apparent that only one person on this board cares what you believe.
You are a lying piece of shyte.

Run along, boy. 🤡 👋
