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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

I don't have a problem with whoever being held accountable as long as its equal. Biden was just busted for having classified documents here and there and i don't see any charges or talks of charges being brought against him. I am not a Trump fan and i hope Desantis or someone steam rolls him, but if Trump did some of the things Biden did or was accused of dems would be running around with pitch forks.
So was Pence… who is also running for President as a Republican … and will not be charged.
all of this is as legit as a Michelle Obama pregnancy picture.
If you're so upset, why not organize a demonstration at the DOJ, for instance? You know, like how they do in a functioning democracy. Right to assemble, right to peacefully protest. But please, leave your guns, nooses, zip ties, and other weapons at home this time. Make some cardboard signs, bring your MAGA flags, and raise your voices.
Agreed 100%!

Should be seeing much more of that in protest of Biden and his horrendous performance, and without a doubt being the worst US President ever.....

That's the problem with conservatives...they do not participate in demonstrations and such gatherings to let the swamp and media see and hear them...
And the one big event they did participate in......they get fleeced into looking like insurrectionists by their own government...

The lefties definitely have the better playbook on such things.....especially events that are mostly peaceful demonstrations...
The America you love doesn't hold criminals accountable for their actions? The America you love doesn't have equal justice under the Law or hold itself to the Rule of Law?

In that case, the America you love is one that I'm not familiar with, sorry. Must be some twisted, bizarre, MAGA American hellscape, where politicians like Trump are allowed to run roughshod over the Constitution, the Republic and its laws. That is certainly not the country as it's stood since 1776.
Our current government is breaking our border laws. Hold them accountable.
No wonder so many GOP candidates threw their hat into the ring past few days. They knew.

Oh well, at least you guys have your culture wars to focus on.

Sorry about President Numbnuts… this train derailed a long ******* time ago, few of you guys cared to notice.

There’s so much ground to cover. Already facing 34 felony charges in Manhattan, now this federal case in FL brought under the Espionage Act and other federal charges and… the Jan 6 Insurrection DOJ Special Counsel investigation, and... the Georgia Election Fraud investigation. Oy vey.

As the saying goes, if you bed down with a crooked, gangster criminal, you’ll wake up laying next to a crooked, gangster criminal. ‍In that sense, I presume nobody is particularly surprised or upset by this. You knew what you were getting into with Trump & MAGA. So, here we are.

As the disgraced former President is indicted for the 2nd time this year, thinking about the 246-year history of this great nation, built on the pillars of democracy, Rule of Law & equal justice for all. And all those who came before us, and sacrificed so much, to uphold these principles. Encouraging to see the Republic stand strong, and not spin in the wind like a weather vane, because some ******-up ******* tried to overthrow our democracy.

See you on Tues when Trump’s sorry *** shows up at the Federal Courthouse in Miami. What a guy.
Yaaawn Today is my day off. I think I will take a nap.
If you're so upset, why not organize a demonstration at the DOJ, for instance? You know, like how they do in a functioning democracy. Right to assemble, right to peacefully protest. But please, leave your guns, nooses, zip ties, and other weapons at home this time. Make some cardboard signs, bring your MAGA flags, and raise your voices.

Under no circumstance should you hold your favorite politican's feet to the fire, and question why does he constantly break the law? That would be preposterous.
If we riot and destroy property will the left defend us and just encourage us to do so?
Agreed 100%!

Should be seeing much more of that in protest of Biden and his horrendous performance, and without a doubt being the worst US President ever.....

That's the problem with conservatives...they do not participate in demonstrations and such gatherings to let the swamp and media see and hear them...
And the one big event they did participate in......they get fleeced into looking like insurrectionists by their own government...

The lefties definitely have the better playbook on such things.....especially events that are mostly peaceful demonstrations...
When we do the FBI shows up to create trouble and get us locked up without bail or our rights.
"At least seven counts?" Gawd, it's a lot more than that.

Trump indicted on 37 federal counts​

31 Counts related to withholding National Defense information under the Espionage Act.
5 Counts related to concealing possession of classified documents.
2 Counts related to false statements.

That's a lot of counts.

"The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack," the indictment states. "The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods."

Mother ******. I hope they throw the book at him. How ANYONE can defend this level of ineptitude, incompetence and treachery is beyond the pale, regardless of your political views. Let's get real. This is absolutely indefensible.


Photos from Mar-a-Lago included in the Special Counsel indictment of former President Donald Trump. (U.S. Department of Justice)
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The special counsel alleges Trump "endeavored to obstruct the FBI and grand jury investigations and conceal his continued retention of classified documents" by suggesting that his attorney "falsely represent to the FBI and grand jury" that he "did not have documents called for by the grand jury subpoena."

Smith says Trump retained classified information originating from the CIA, the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the Energy Department, the State Department and Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

Trump is charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information—including documents concerning White House intelligence briefings related to various foreign countries; documents concerning military capabilities of a foreign country and the U.S. with handwritten annotation in black marker; a June 2020 document concerning nuclear capabilities of a foreign country; an Oct. 21, 2018 document concerning communications with a leader of a foreign country; an undated document concerning military contingency planning of the U.S.; a document from December 2019 concerning foreign country support of terrorist acts against U.S. interests; an undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of the U.S.; an undated document concerning the timeline and details of an attack in a foreign country; and more.

Thank you, President Numbnuts, for making it perfectly clear early on, that you set the precedent - and gave the directive - for the charges brought against you. It's a self-own, in the end, but the country is better for it, nonetheless.

Thank you, President Numbnuts, for making it perfectly clear early on, that you set the precedent - and gave the directive - for the charges brought against you. It's a self-own, in the end, but the country is better for it, nonetheless.

dipshit, thats politicking. Distasteful, yes, but almost all running for office do it.
this is like all the promises, from both sides, of a "balanced budget".


Initial jubilation replaced by utter dread & sadness, reading details of case against Trump. The acute danger & risk posed to national security, military & diplomatic personnel, and those of our allies, is astonishing. Reckless, treacherous behavior by a former President and Commander-in-Chief.
I haven’t read the entire indictment yet, but what I have seen-if true-is damning. In this instance, Trump may have actually done this to himself. It’s not a secret that I don’t care for the guy, and if this is all true, string him up.

That said, I don’t want to hear anyone talk about justice in this country because there is none. Everyone knows it, knows why, and few seem to really care.

I’m tired of watching politicians and so-called “elites” commit all sorts of crimes right out in the open with a ton of evidence they committed said crime and absolutely nothing is done about it. Ever. The media ignores most if not all of it and it’s like it never happened. **** is crazy.

But, if nothing else, we’re gonna find out if conservatives are really that dedicated to Trump. Are they going to go to the mat for their guy? I am assuming most MAGA folks think this is bullshit, so when they lock him up, what are you going to do? And make no mistake, they are gonna lock him up. They’ve been trying forever. This is their only real chance so far. Doubt they let this one slip away. Too close to election time.
Thank you, President Numbnuts, for making it perfectly clear early on, that you set the precedent - and gave the directive - for the charges brought against you. It's a self-own, in the end, but the country is better for it, nonetheless.

Why do you hate America so much, you delusional libtard commie, show us on the map where USA hurt you.

Hungarian **** up.
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Eh, BFD. He'll just pardon himself when we elect him President again next year.
Agreed 100%!

Should be seeing much more of that in protest of Biden and his horrendous performance, and without a doubt being the worst US President ever.....

That's the problem with conservatives...they do not participate in demonstrations and such gatherings to let the swamp and media see and hear them...
And the one big event they did participate in......they get fleeced into looking like insurrectionists by their own government...

The lefties definitely have the better playbook on such things.....especially events that are mostly peaceful demonstrations...

I do not see a peaceful future with the left. They're creating some serious ******* hatred and irreparable damage.
I haven’t read the entire indictment yet, but what I have seen-if true-is damning. In this instance, Trump may have actually done this to himself. It’s not a secret that I don’t care for the guy, and if this is all true, string him up.

That said, I don’t want to hear anyone talk about justice in this country because there is none. Everyone knows it, knows why, and few seem to really care.

I’m tired of watching politicians and so-called “elites” commit all sorts of crimes right out in the open with a ton of evidence they committed said crime and absolutely nothing is done about it. Ever. The media ignores most if not all of it and it’s like it never happened. **** is crazy.

But, if nothing else, we’re gonna find out if conservatives are really that dedicated to Trump. Are they going to go to the mat for their guy? I am assuming most MAGA folks think this is bullshit, so when they lock him up, what are you going to do? And make no mistake, they are gonna lock him up. They’ve been trying forever. This is their only real chance so far. Doubt they let this one slip away. Too close to election time.
It’s not so much the media ignoring it. It’s all out in the open. We’re all seeing it. Social media can be useful.

It’s all money. The rich elites can buy/bribe their way out and all is off the hook with them.

It’s us middle class/working class that get taken advantage of.

He’s more than likely getting locked up. It’s going to be an interesting response/protest coming up. It’s a summer national media past time this past decade to spark protest which will somehow be racially motivated
They don’t need to bribe their way out of anything. Nothing is brought to bear for them to need to bribe anyone. It’s just swept under the rug.