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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

I do not see a peaceful future with the left. They're creating some serious ******* hatred and irreparable damage.

Yes, the *left* is really stirring **** up.... looks like we're about to see a second round of Jan 6th play out all over again. Stand back and stand by, folks.



‘We Need to Start Killing’: Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War​

Within minutes of Trump’s indictment, supporters lit up social media platforms with violent threats and calls for civil war.

In what is becoming a now all-too-familiar trend, former President Donald Trump’s far-right supporters have threatened civil war after news broke Thursday that the former president was indicted for allegedly taking classified documents from the White House without permission.

“We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains,” wrote one Trump supporter on The Donald, a rabidly pro-Trump message board that played a key role in planning the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Another user added: “It's not gonna stop until bodies start stacking up. We are not civilly represented anymore and they'll come for us next. Some of us, they already have.”

Trump supporters are making specific threats too. In one post on The Donald titled, “A little bit about Merrick Garland, his wife, his daughters,” a user shared a link to an article about the attorney general’s children.

Under the post, another user replied: “His children are fair game as far as I’m concerned.”
Why do you hate America so much, you delusional libtard commie, show us on the map where USA hurt you.

What a sensitive little **** you are, when your far-right, extremist, traitorous ilk get called out by real patriots. When your beloved leader is held accountable under the Espionage Act, for recklessly jeopardizing national security and endangering the lives of our servicemen and women. You don't know the first thing about loving your country. You lost your moral compass eons ago. All you have left in your dark, wretched soul, is to lash out against those who truly love this nation, respect the Rule of Law, uphold the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. You expose yourself here on the daily. The genie's been let out of the bottle years ago.
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Textbook case of insanity... MAGA has become a dangerous, murderous cult. Americans turning against Americans. Americans turning against the Republic. This is where we are.
Honestly, tibs. This has nothing to do with you. Here's a picture to help you understand.

This has nothing to do with you.

Keep hating Americans who have differing political viewpoints. Burn it all to the ground. Destroy it all.
Keep hating Americans who have differing political viewpoints. Burn it all to the ground. Destroy it all.
I don't hate Americans. Meddling Hungarians, however.
I don't hate Americans.

Do you hate *all* these Americans like me? Or just expats living abroad who *you* don't agree with? We're actually a pretty sizeable voting block, across a divergent political spectrum, naturally.

9.25 million Americans (excluding military) live in 160-plus countries. If all these Americans were placed in one state it would be the 11th most populous state in the U.S. (right between Michigan and New Jersey).
Do you hate *all* these Americans like me? Or just expats living abroad who *you* don't agree with? We're actually a pretty sizeable voting block, across a divergent political spectrum, naturally.
I think this is a problem. People like you not suffering the consequences of what you vote for.
They don’t need to bribe their way out of anything. Nothing is brought to bear for them to need to bribe anyone. It’s just swept under the rug.

Corruption. All of them
What a sensitive little **** you are, when your far-right, extremist, traitorous ilk get called out by real patriots. When your beloved leader is held accountable under the Espionage Act, for recklessly jeopardizing national security and endangering the lives of our servicemen and women. You don't know the first thing about loving your country. You lost your moral compass eons ago. All you have left in your dark, wretched soul, is to lash out against those who truly love this nation, respect the Rule of Law, uphold the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. You expose yourself here on the daily. The genie's been let out of the bottle years ago.
I’ve never hidden my true colors you dumb ************. Proof of your delusions and severe mental illness is that you consider yourself a patriot when the fact is you are the most anti-American communist ************ this board has ever seen. You would be shot in the first 30 minutes of the next civil war by true patriots.
I’ve never hidden my true colors you dumb ************. Proof of your delusions and severe mental illness is that you consider yourself a patriot when the fact is you are the most anti-American communist ************ this board has ever seen. You would be shot in the first 30 minutes of the next civil war by true patriots.
“Justin! Justiiiiiiin! Indy threatened to kill my commie ***!” No, it was a hypothetical prediction. And it would probably be closer to 5 minutes. You Hungarian **** up.
I see you're taking Trump being charged with 37 counts under the Espionage Act fairly well. Par for the course. A group of intelligent, well-balanced, mature individuals, if there's ever been one. Bravo, fellas.
I think this is a problem. People like you not suffering the consequences of what you vote for.

Agreed, like when expat Americans vote for Trump and deranged MAGA Republicans. I have beers with them all the time. Chaps my hide.
You would be shot in the first 30 minutes of the next civil war by true patriots.

And there you have it. The MAGA base is a violent, criminal, extremist cult. Best to cut your losses, while you still can, for the decent conservatives left on this board. And I know there are many of you here. Respect to you, for not going over to the dark side. Americans have always agreed to disagree on politics, respected differing points of view and shades of gray. It is what makes this nation the greatest country on earth. We must stand up to extremists - on both the left and the right - to set this country back on course. It is not too late. It is never too late. ❤️🇺🇸
“Justin! Justiiiiiiin! Indy threatened to kill my commie ***!” No, it was a hypothetical prediction. And it would probably be closer to 5 minutes. You Hungarian **** up.

The fact that your call for murder and violence against Americans - and fellow Steelers fans - is allowed on this board has nothing to do with me, personally. It speaks for itself.
I think this is a problem. People like you not suffering the consequences of what you vote for.

Agreed, like when expat Americans vote for Trump and deranged MAGA Republicans. I have beers with them all the time. Chaps my hide.
You, the EX pat (emphasis on EX) getting a say in American policy is like me getting a vote in how Hungary is run. I don't live there, never going to live there. Yet, I would get to stick my nose in your business, affecting your life and all Hungarian's lives.
The fact that your call for murder and violence against Americans - and fellow Steelers fans - is allowed on this board has nothing to do with me, personally. It speaks for itself.

And there you have it. The MAGA base is a violent, criminal, extremist cult. Best to cut your losses, while you still can, for the decent conservatives left on this board. And I know there are many of you here. Respect to you, for not going over to the dark side. Americans have always agreed to disagree on politics, respected differing points of view and shades of gray. It is what makes this nation the greatest country on earth. We must stand up to extremists - on both the left and the right - to set this country back on course. It is not too late. It is never too late. ❤️🇺🇸

There you have it. again, a leftist sitting atop his perch of liberal superiority talking about civility.
As someone who sides with a vile hateful, liberals with their history of violence, you shouldn't be preaching to anyone.

It's too late. America as the greatest nation on the earth is no more when a government agency appointed themselves as the guardians of the people by concocting a hoax in order to oust a duly elected president they believe is "dangerous"....with no indictments.

The gall we have preaching to the world about democracy.

With this indictment, we are officially a banana republic. Thanks to you demonrats.

So disingenuous you are you refuse to finally concede to the fact that this has been a 7 year witch hunt intended to disqualify a man who is a serious threat to win again.
Most of the indictment is garbage, things that Biden, Hillary, Obama all have done. ...except for one paragraph.
You, the EX pat (emphasis on EX) getting a say in American policy is like me getting a vote in how Hungary is run. I don't live there, never going to live there. Yet, I would get to stick my nose in your business, affecting your life and all Hungarian's lives.

Hate to break the news for you. American citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in America. Hungarian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Hungary. Greek citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Greece. Egyptian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Egypt. Canadian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Canada. Turkish citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Turkey. French citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in France. Brazilian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Brazil.

I could - should - go on, as you may not fully comprehend it. At the rate you're going, you never will. 🤷‍♂️
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Hate to break the news for you. American citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in America. Hungarian citizens living abroad vote cast their mail-in votes in Hungary. Greek citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Greece. Egyptian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Egypt. Canadian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Canada. Turkish citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Turkey. French citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in France. Brazilian citizens living abroad cast their mail-in votes in Brazil.

I could - should - go on, as you may not fully comprehend it. At the rate you're going, you never will. 🤷‍♂️
Look, I get it for people that got a job assignment of some kind and plan on living in America when they are done. I'm talking about folks that are never coming back. Never plan to make America their home because they like it better where they are. I'm glad they/you found happiness in another country but, if you're not coming back, you shouldn't get to vote. But it really doesn't matter at this point. Votes aren't going to change the direction of this country.
. ...except for one paragraph.

100 people lingered outside a bank with masks on, but only *one* actually went inside and robbed the bank. And the cops arrested him? How dare they? This is a Witch Hunt!! The outrage!!!

😭 😭 😭
you shouldn't get to vote.

Instead of wasting our time bellyaching about overseas votes, why don't you write your Congressman and demand it be banned. Just be careful what you wish for.

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