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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

How many of those losing their **** and expressing their outrage in this thread actually took the time to read the indictment, like Sarge has?

‘We Need to Start Killing’: Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War​

Within minutes of Trump’s indictment, supporters lit up social media platforms with violent threats and calls for civil war.

And you are sure liberals aren't? You're getting what you're asking for.

Sorry, Democrats: Civil War isn’t likely — even if you’re trying to provoke one​

And they are. You A-holes have been provoking for years.
Antifa, looting arson and all the rest of the "mostly peaceful" protests.

Name one Republican equivalent for each. I'll wait.

1.House Republicans practicing for a congressional baseball game were shot by a liberal supporter and volunteer for 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sanders said he was “sickened” by the shooting and recently dismissed liberal charges that Trump was to blame for the Pittsburgh synagogue slayings.
2. In June, California Rep. Maxine Waters called for threats and attacks on Trump team members. She said, "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."
3, That month White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and her group had to leave a Virginia restaurant because of their work for Trump. “This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals,” said Red Hen Restaurant co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson.
4. White House top aide Stephen Miller was verbally assaulted at two restaurants, in Washington, D.C.
5. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was met with shouting protesters at a Washington restaurant, part of a social media pop up assault.
6. Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were shouted out of a restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters.
7. Democratic Sen. Cory Booker in July urged liberal advocates to “Get up in the face of some congresspeople."
8. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Democrats shouldn’t be civil to Republicans until they win back control of Washington. She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
9. Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder junked former first lady Michelle Obama’s call for civility when he told supporters, “Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” he said, adding, “That’s what this Democratic Party’s about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re willing to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

10. The wife of Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said that she received a graphic text message with a video of a beheading after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh.
11. When Kavanaugh arrived at the Supreme Court to take his seat, a mob pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court. They yelled, “No justice, no peace.”
12. During the Kavanaugh hearings Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins received a potentially deadly mailing of Ricin at her home. “Today’s incident is the latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff,” said spokeswoman Annie Clark.
13. The campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt was allegedly grabbed and yanked by an operative for American Bridge 21st Century, funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. “Politics is a little bit aggressive these days, but this is just insane. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a bruised Kristin Davison.
14. Two Minnesota state GOP candidates say they were attacked, punched by political foes.
15. The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire, a case of arson, according to police.
Washington Secrets

Oh wait another list.

Why do liberals want to kill conservatives? Here's a list of liberal threats and attacks on conservatives since mid-2016​

The problem with reading the indictment is having a shred of faith that what we are reading is even remotely close to the truth.

For a minimum of the past 20 years, the truth comes in a distant second to the political party making the accusations, and we are just pawns being moved around the chess board.
The problem with reading the indictment is having a shred of faith that what we are reading is even remotely close to the truth.

For a minimum of the past 20 years, the truth comes in a distant second to the political party making the accusations, and we are just pawns being moved around the chess board.
This is a fair point. And it is also why in my original post I said “if true” because I have little trust that the government is honest with us about anything.

Reading through the indictment, it appears that 30 (by my count) of the counts against Trump stem from willful retention of national defense information. To me, this is kind of hokee. Pretty much every president since Reagan has done this on some level. Hell, Bill Clinton had recordings of classified national defense conversations stashed in his sock drawer. He declared it to be personal and a judge agreed, so Trump has that precedent in his favor I guess.

I mean Bill’s wife, while not a President, not only transmitted classified documents on an unclassified medium hundreds of times, her and her staff deleted documents off of their unclassified devices, used bleach bit and physically destroyed phones and other devices to hide evidence.

Everyone knows about Biden’s 1850 boxes with classified information stored in various unsecured locations around the country, including his garage with some documents going as far back as 1976.

Look if Trump did wrong, then hold him accountable. Absolutely. What people are tired of is watching the cogs of the federal government put their thumb on the scale of justice in the name of politics to protect certain politicians. That’s not justice, it’s tyranny and it needs to end. Putting Trump in jail isn’t going to make conservatives love democrats and switch sides.
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And reading over the Espionage Act, I’m not sure what Trump did actually falls under that. Seems like a bit of a reach. Now they may have something under the Presidential Records Act, but even then I don’t think it’s criminal.

I don’t know. I think if he just gives the **** back when the ask for it, it’s not an issue. But his ego won’t let him do that. So now he’s opened himself to what could be a dubious prosecution and leaving himself vulnerable to imprisonment. Personally, I think he’s going to jail on this one. Prosecutors will find the right judge with the right jury, I’m sure, even in Florida. And good luck finding anyone without a bias one way or the other.

Question…..if they offer him a deal that this goes away if he never runs for political office again, does he take it? Should he take it? Might be his only shot at freedom. At least if they do make an offer like that, we’ll know what it was all about.
Look if Trump did wrong, then hold him accountable. Absolutely. What people are tired of is watching the cogs of the federal government put their thumb on the scale of justice in the name of politics to protect certain politicians. That’s not justice, it’s tyranny and it needs to end. Putting Trump in jail isn’t going to make conservatives love democrats and switch sides.
Thing is, the Dems and the MSM don't even care any more if everyone knows what they're doing.
Thing is, the Dems and the MSM don't even care any more if everyone knows what they're doing.
One thing about the dems is they’ll aggressively go after you and take you out. Both congressmen and their voters are constantly out doing something.

Republicans are all talk no show in the same matter. If the republican party wants to succeed they need to be more proactive in action. Boycotting light beer and corporate merchandise only works for a few months meanwhile liberal policies seem to gain more traction by the year and are becoming stronger in conservative communities.
Republicans are all talk no show in the same matter. If the republican party wants to succeed they need to be more proactive in action. Boycotting light beer and corporate merchandise only works for a few months meanwhile liberal policies seem to gain more traction by the year and are becoming stronger in conservative communities.
Don’t forget making memes and owning the libs. You know, **** that counts. Republicans have been fighting the wrong fights since Reagan left office.
Attention Merrick Garland and the media - Read and MEMORIZE paragraphs 6, 7, and 8
Judicial Watch: Clinton Sock Drawer Audio Tape Case Exonerates Pres. Trump

A decade old legal case that could exonerate former President Donald Trump has been buried by legacy media.

“[Special counsel] Jack Smith is terrified of the only standing legal case decision from a court concerning the Presidential Records Act,” said Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch.

The case Farrell is referring to is titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration – also known as the “Clinton sock drawer” case. Former President Bill Clinton created White House audio tapes with historian Taylor Branch and stored them in his sock drawer. Judicial Watch sued to obtain access to the tapes and lost.

“He took them from the White House with him into private life,” said Farrell. “There’s classified material on those tapes and arguably it’s the sort of running stream of consciousness record of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Pretty important stuff.”

Special counsel Jack Smith is currently investigating the 45th president for his handling of classified documents since departing the White House. But Farrell says the ruling in this specific case from 2012 exonerates Trump from any alleged wrongdoing.

“Amy Berman Jackson, the judge presiding on that case, said a couple of very important things,” said Farrell. “That the president had an absolute, unreviewable right to take any records or documents that he wants when he leaves office. “

“No one can come back and second guess or double think or ask questions about what the president elects to take with him,” Farrell continued.

In her ruling, Jackson wrote that “the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: ‘[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.’”

Farrell points out that this ruling has existed without challenge or question for ten years...

Farrell claims this classified documents investigation is yet another example of the double standard that exists in the U.S. justice system.

“That’s the legal standard,” Farrell said. “And that’s okay for Bill Clinton, but when you apply the same standard to Donald Trump, suddenly everybody develops amnesia. Nobody knows what you’re talking about.”
So that’s the hypocrisy and that’s the phony double talk that no one will go anywhere near or talk about,” Farrell continued.”

Trump’s defense regarding his conduct has been consistent with this legal precedent.
"So, Vlad. Write this down. Ok, Mar-a-Lago, got it? Docs are in storage room, in an office, a bedroom and the ballroom. There is also little room in the shower where some other stuff is. You got it, fam?” :ninja: 🇷🇺




In Summary,

All he had to do was return all the classified docs when asked.

But, he didn’t.

The End.

What a dumb mother ******. 🤡
Back when jailing politicians was the MAGA Flavor of the Month. Oh, how the tables have turned.




...meanwhile liberal policies seem to gain more traction by the year and are becoming stronger in conservative communities.

Makes you think, doesn't it? Perhaps there's a reason for it. That some liberal policies have merit and enjoy widespread support among the American population? Strange how that works, isn't it?
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Makes you think, doesn't it? Perhaps there's a reason for it. That some liberal policies have merit and enjoy widespread support among the American population? Strange how that works, isn't it?
Tibs, I’m pretty middle of the road, and I can’t name one liberal policy that has merit. Most of what they put forth anymore plays on people’s emotions. Just because people support something that stirs them emotionally doesn’t make it good policy. It means democrats know their audience and they rarely miss their target.

I mean, let’s face it. 20th century American politics is dead. There will be no more bipartisanship in the true spirit of the word. The left and the right are so diametrically opposed that we are a breath away from Crips-Bloods style political warfare. The party in power will force their will on the minority until one side breaks and the shooting starts. It’s sad, but that’s where we are.
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Makes you think, doesn't it? Perhaps there's a reason for it. That some liberal policies have merit and enjoy widespread support among the American population? Strange how that works, isn't it?
I agree with some policies to an extent. If you’re a legal citizen, you pay your taxes and you’re courteous to your fellow American regardless of politics, race, class, gender then you’re ok in my book.

I don’t get into these “culture wars”. The democrats win them because they actually go after their opponents.

The republicans are good at selling an ideology to their poor voters, but they live off of conspiracy rather than taking action.

Doesn’t really make you think. You just see how stupid and gullible the majority of these people are
Still can't believe President Numbnuts didn't simply return these highly classified nuclear and military secrets.

Even harder to comprehend how anyone in their right mind is still defending this doofus.

The fact Trump is being held accountable for recklessly jeopardizing national security & the lives of countless Americans should be a no-brainer, non-partisan issue.

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The republicans are good at selling an ideology to their poor voters, but they live off of conspiracy rather than taking action.
I don’t think you know many Republicans. You wanna know who sold me conservative ideology? Liberals. That’s not conspiracy. It’s called rejecting lunacy.

I do agree, however, that republicans do not act. They talk. And talk. And talk. They do very little, despite their constituency screaming for action. If Democrats weren’t completely bat **** crazy I might consider voting for them. But since they believe that boys and men menstruate, I can’t with good conscience vote for that party.
Tibs, I’m pretty middle of the road, and I can’t name one liberal policy that has merit. Most of what they put forth anymore plays on people’s emotions. Just because people support something that stirs them emotionally doesn’t make it good policy. It means democrats know their audience and they rarely miss their target.

I mean, let’s face it. 20th century American politics is dead. There will be no more bipartisanship in the true spirit of the word. The left and the right are so diametrically opposed that we are a breath away from Crips-Bloods style political warfare. The party in power will force their will on the minority until one side breaks and the shooting starts. It’s sad, but that’s where we are.
The right can go **** themselves too. They’re mostly Rinos except for a few patriots. It’s now MAGA party or bust.