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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

WGAF? This is the USA. We’re talking about what goes on here. Not ******* Hungary.
we wont be discussing Hungary anymore since Tibs took his socialism and went back across the pond. again.
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
I tried to get a work visa for Italy in 2017, i.e. be a legal immigrant, and couldn’t do it.
This would be the country that told LQBTQ-etc to pound salt, doesn’t recognize Islam as an official religion, and recently outlawed synthetic meat.
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
huh. interesting that you were not only spreading Covid in Hungary via your restaurant but also spreading it internationally on your globe trotting.

"rules for thee and not for me" were never so apt to describe you, Tibs
I find it humorous that the socialists run and hide after being pummeled and shown to be wrong thread after thread, Russia, Russia, Russia, the plague, etc.

That's not to say that they may finally get Trump, now whether the punishment fits the charges or not can be debated, because face it, our current justice system is a political clown show.
remember when Tibs was screeching endlessly that Trump was beholden to Russia for selling condos to Russian millionaires?

wonder how many cups of Covid-laced coffee Tibs served Russians in the meantime.
remember when Tibs was screeching endlessly that Trump was beholden to Russia for selling condos to Russian millionaires?

wonder how many cups of Covid-laced coffee Tibs served Russians in the meantime.

Mass Super Spreader, Johnny CovidSeed

Unknown how many he killed...after lecturing us all so sternly.
A brief overview of socialists - what they claim and how they actually behave

Chinese flu will kill us all, wear masks, you murderer!Spreads Chinese flu to customersTravels to Florida to get away from those pesky restrictions
Taxes are good, pay your taxes!Does not live in the US, does not pay taxes in AmericaClaims medical necessity for Pornhub subscription, pays as little as possible in taxes
Donald Trump is a draft-dodger and mentally unfit to be President!Voted for draft-dodging, dementia-riddled Joe BidenVoted for draft-dodging, dementia-riddled Joe Biden
Trump is ruining America!Moved out of America when Bammy was PresidentDoing great due to Chinese flu and wow, traffic is so much better!
Trump deserves to go to jail cuz classified documents!Voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, believes their mishandling of classified documents was ... differentVoted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, believes their mishandling of classified documents was ... different
Trump is a tax cheat!Voted for blatant tax cheater Joe Biden, the "big guy"Voted for blatant tax cheater Joe Biden, the "big guy"
Trump is a Russian asset!No evidence to back up claim, but knows Joe Biden is not a Ukrainian asset despite millions of dollars of bribesNo evidence to back up claim, but knows Joe Biden is not a Ukrainian asset despite millions of dollars of bribes
Trump will get us all killed by getting us into a war!Gets erection thinking about sending more of our arms to propagate Russia-Ukraine warGets erection thinking about sending more of our arms to propagate Russia-Ukraine war
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
Tuck tail and run AGAIN you scurrilous curr!
to be fair, Tibs moved away back when Bill was still getting blowjobs from interns
Huh, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah:
  • Vietnam
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Now Ukraine
"War diverts scarce resources from improving society to destroying people and infrastructure, killing the healthiest, most productive part of the population, causes disease and chaos, leads to generations of anger and resentment but it's all GOOD!"
- Flogic
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.
That is without question true.

However, do you apply that same principle to those accusing this country of being a racist and oppressive nation? Have you ever told any of them to shut up and realize that they too are more fortunate than the vast majority of the people of the world? Or does this only apply to Trump voters?
The people crossing the border seem quite willing to deal with whatever racism they might experience.
And how did this nation become the strongest and the most profitable on the planet? Not by being pusssified *******. And now people like you want to take that away.

bty............We do know how good we have it. We just want to keep it that way. Why do you not?
There’s a lot to be proud of and some not to be so proud of in the building of this country.
The people crossing the border seem quite willing to deal with whatever racism they might experience.
What fcking racism?? What the fck are you talking about? The only people they have to fear, is their own cartels.
The Latinos that already live here do not want the illegals coming here. Is that racism??
There’s a lot to be proud of and some not to be so proud of in the building of this country.
Thats the same for every country. What's your point? Maybe you are referring to humankind in general?
Nice attempt at being vague.
What fcking racism?? What the fck are you talking about? The only people they have to fear, is their own cartels.
The Latinos that already live here do not want the illegals coming here. Is that racism??
He meant to say they are willing to deal with whatever laws they broke because the biden admn is breaking our border laws also.
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

You are dumber than dumb. W. Bush was the President who launched the Afghani war. The United States fled, leaving 13 dead soldiers and chaos behind. The Taliban run the country just as they did before we sent thousands of our boys to their deaths in that shithole. The supreme incompetence that Dementia Joe displayed in that horrendous withdrawal/surrender was a key factor in convincing Putin to invade Ukraine and prodding China into preparing to invade Taiwan.

What ******* idiot believes that limp-wristed pantywaist Obama had anything to do with Bin Laden's death?!? Didn't Joe Biden, the dementia patient you voted for, advise AGAINST killing Bin Laden? My God, TSF is right. Your comical idiocy is worth the cost of having to read your moronic claims.

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

WWII was not this country's deadliest war; the Civil War resulted in at least 200,000 more dead Americans.

WWII destroyed central Europe, bankrupted Great Britain and put the Soviet Union in power due to Germany's destruction. You think that's a good thing? Yeah, you are that stupid.

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.

Ukraine can fight all it wants - knock yourself out! But they should do so on their dime and Europe's dime, not mine.

And once again, you are simply showing your profound ignorance. The territory that is now Ukraine was part of Russia since 1793 and remained part of that nation for almost 200 years. Imagine if Mexico reclaimed Texas. Would you say, "Oh well, good for them"? If the United States launched a campaign to reclaim the state, would you lobby for every other nation on earth to arm Mexico to oppose the re-conquest?
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.

Nothing good came out of Afghanistan, because at the end of the war the Taliban walked right back in and were welcomed by the people with open arms. If we had left the day after bin Laden was killed, it would’ve been a success, but the Obama regime had to make forcing feminism and butt sex on the Afghan people a priority.
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?
So, I lost brothers in that ******* shitbox and you think that was justified because we no longer talk about terrorism? "That's good, right?" <-- says the soft as mutha ****** who wouldn't lace 'em up for paintball. It's not about the "good" that comes from war it's the PRICE. So no, there was no good from the war in Afghanistan ESPECIALLY when your boy Biden cocked up the withdrawal and then further armed and enriched them. What a ******* waste of young, good men and women.
Nothing good came out of Afghanistan, because at the end of the war the Taliban walked right back in and were welcomed by the people with open arms. If we had left the day after bin Laden was killed, it would’ve been a success, but the Obama regime had to make forcing feminism and butt sex on the Afghan people a priority.

"So you admit a lot of good came in out of that war?"
- Flogic
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.
How do you know? How many Ukrainians have you talked to? More than half the country speak Russian. Because they WANT to.
i dont see how Flog is going to respond to this overwhelming *** kicking, but i'm sure the dumb ******* will lace up his big red clown shoes and march right in here to lower the thread IQ another point.
Obama’s involvement in getting Bin Laden…..

SEALs: we know where he’s at and we can go in and kill him. You want us to take care of that?

Obama: I guess so.

*SEALs kill Bin Laden.

Libs: Obama got Bin Laden!!

That assertion is as dumb as people saying Trump destroyed ISIS.

Neither of those dipshits ever served. They got ****.