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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

Possibly because they know any lawyer/law firm acting for Trump (and the family of such lawyer) is likely to be subjected to vilification, harassment, boycotts, threats of violence (and possibly actual violence) and false accusations.

A possibility, Aussie. But in Trump's home state of Florida? You'd think there'd be plenty of lawyers who'd jump at the chance, as they did in the ongoing case in Manhattan. Seems rather odd, that the moment the indictiment was released, both of his lead lawyers on the case resigned almost immediately.
**** you, *** hole.

Why didn't Trump's DOJ indict Hillary under Grand Jury proceedings? They had every opportunity to do so over FOUR YEARS, if there was a case to be made. What stopped them? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment proceedings against Biden? They've had every opportunity, if there was a case to be made. What's kept them from doing so?

Ask ******* Trump and ask ******* Republicans, you halfwit.
Having a heavy flow day? Do you need a feminine pad?
Having a heavy flow day? Do you need a feminine pad?

Nah, all good Iron. Just don't like running into internet tough guys who tell others to shut the **** up on a messageboad. That's all, champ.
You again miss the ******* point ignoramus.
When the “point” has NOTHING to do with the subject, you don’t have one.

But go ahead, explain what Biden has to do with Trumps former associates and appointees turning on him, this should be good…
Nah, all good Iron. Just don't like running into internet tough guys who tell others to shut the **** up on a messageboad. That's all, champ.
Shut the fk up.
Tibs you ignorant S L U T,

Shut the fizuck up.

We all know this is Banana Republic type nonsense.
believe everything the state tells you. question nothing.
you're doing a fine job of supporting that boot with your neck.
And you & your ilk are keeping the tinfoil industry chugging along. The truth is out there, Superman.
And you & your ilk are keeping the tinfoil industry chugging along. The truth is out there, Superman.
you finally said something correct - the truth is out there.
Nice! MAGA *** holes abound, lol have a great day, tough guy.
So, I am the internet tough guy? I didnt show up out of nowhere and start a thread that you knew was going to start a **** storm. And now you want to play off like the victim? Fk you Tibs, you are nothing but a hateful piece of ****.
So, I am the internet tough guy? I didnt show up out of nowhere and start a thread that you knew was going to start a **** storm. And now you want to play off like the victim? Fk you Tibs, you are nothing but a hateful piece of ****.
that's Tibs' modus operandi.
He just comes here to finally prove to all us dummies here (many of whom do not actually like Trump) that his moral superiority is finally right and that all who disagree with him are anti-American extremists, because that is what his daily instructional email tells him.
IMO, this is a common trait of liberal keyboard warriors, only answering questions with more questions in an attempt to show their presumed moral and intellectual superiority.
What it does show, again in my opinion, is their lack of ability in having an open discussion and understanding on any given subject. They would rather lecture and judge than debate. I will admit that I find it entertaining to a point, then question if they are actually serious or just trolling.
When the “point” has NOTHING to do with the subject, you don’t have one.

But go ahead, explain what Biden has to do with Trumps former associates and appointees turning on him, this should be good…
Pretty sure it's connected to Little Miss Pageants ......Am I right?
So, I am the internet tough guy? I didnt show up out of nowhere and start a thread that you knew was going to start a **** storm. And now you want to play off like the victim? Fk you Tibs, you are nothing but a hateful piece of ****.
Yeah, an ex-President getting charged with federal crimes for the first time in American history doesn’t warrant it’s own thread. Kept waiting for one of you bozos to start one, but alas, had to do it myself.

No worries. To nobody’s surprise, you have nothing of substance to add to this thread. Run along, boy. 🤡
Yeah, an ex-President getting charged with federal crimes for the first time in American history doesn’t warrant it’s own thread. Kept waiting for one of you bozos to start one, but alas, had to do it myself.

No worries. To nobody’s surprise, you have nothing of substance to add to this thread. Run along, boy. 🤡
there's your issue
right front and center for you to review
why was he charged? did he do anything more or less than Bill Clinton and his sock drawer?

well, other than the very ******* fact that even Biden stated that they have six ways to Sunday to get you.
they tried before he was elected. failed
they tried every day while he was in office. failed
they've tried every day since he was out of office. failed
they're trying now. again.

what a ****** for trying and beating Hillary in the 2016 election. off with his head!
Feeling is mutual. Go back to your communist friends.
Got none of those. My family, going back generations, has been busy putting communists into the dirt. But you’re too obtuse to ever understand that. Nothing new on that front.
Yeah, an ex-President getting charged with federal crimes for the first time in American history doesn’t warrant it’s own thread. Kept waiting for one of you bozos to start one, but alas, had to do it myself.

No worries. To nobody’s surprise, you have nothing of substance to add to this thread. Run along, boy. 🤡
The "Biden Destroying Us Thread" is the perfect place for this subject matter. We don't need some communist sympathizer starting one. Obviously, you had some other commie site you were visiting. Maybe you should go back there. Or maybe you should just go fk yourself.
there's your issue
right front and center for you to review
why was he charged?

Because a Florida Grand Jury, seeing the evidence presented by DOJ prosecutors, decided to push for an indictment.

This really isn’t that hard, Superman.