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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

It isn’t that he is never wrong dipshit. It is your guy is never wrong only Trump even when he isn’t wrong. If Trump actively tried to do something illegal and it can be actually proven then so be it. BUT they better not have different standards for those they like. Fat chance of that.
“My guy” has absolutely nothing to do with Trumps former associates and appointees turning on him, dipshit.
interesting that you know for a fact and believe that those were "classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents"

Read the indictment, Superman. 🔍 📚

According to the indictment, the documents found at Mr Trump's Florida home were highly sensitive.
They include details of US nuclear weapons programmes, the potential vulnerabilities of the US and its allies, and US plans for retaliatory military attacks.
They were found in boxes in various rooms in Mar-a-Lago, including a storage room, two ballrooms and a bathroom, tucked between a shower and a toilet.

Read Donald Trump’s 37-count federal indictment in full

It's right there, summarized on the second page:

3. The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection method.
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Going by what's in the indictment. It will play out in court. You think this gets past a judge & Grand Jury if that's not the case? You think DOJ doesn't have ironclad evidence in this case? Come on, man.
For your sake you'd better hope this is true or else Michael Avenatti will pale in comparison.

What will you do if nothing comes of this?
America's most sensitive, highly classified military and nuclear secrets: "They were found in boxes in various rooms in Mar-a-Lago, including a storage room, two ballrooms and a bathroom, tucked between a shower and a toilet."

This is what Trump thinks of America's most sensitive national security secrets, he stashes them in a bathroom, tucked between a shower and a toilet.

Outrageous. Infuriating. Humiliating. A slap in the face of every American. It boils the blood.

For your sake you'd better hope this is true or else Michael Avenatti will pale in comparison.

What will you do if nothing comes of this?

What will the Florida Grand Jury do? I don't know, ask them.
For your sake you'd better hope this is true

For my sake? For *my* sake? How do YOU feel about our most sensitive military and nuclear secrets being handled so recklessly? Jesus ******* Christ.

Are you not aware of the loads of foreigners who march through Mar-A-Lago on the daily? Including the Chinese, Russians, Saudis et al? The national security risk is sky ******* high, and you're concered about what some random dude on the internet thinks about this?
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For my sake? For *my* sake? How do YOU feel about our most sensitive military and nuclear secrets being handled so recklessly? Jesus ******* Christ.

Are you not aware of the loads of foreigners who march through Mar-A-Lago on the daily? Including the Chinese, Russians, Saudis et al? The national security risk is sky ******* high, and you're concered about what some random dude on the internet thinks about this?
Don't flatter yourself, I couldn't care less what you think, just attempting to point out that you've been wrong in the past, jumping at the chance to execute the sentence before the trial, answering questions with questions to evade the subject or steer it in a different direction. If Trump is convicted, then it should have consequences for him, but unless our justice system has changed, perhaps we should all wait and see how it plays out.
To begin to grasp the acute national security risk in play, consider for a moment the number of foreigners who pass through Mar-a-Lago on the daily…Chinese, Russians, Saudis. Add to that the constant events & weddings, plus the foreign workers employed there. It’s astounding.

And you Trump supporters call yourselves patriots? This seems like a pretty straightforward litmus test right here.


Amb. John Bolton, former Trump National Security Advisor, the floor is yours.

Oh, yeah, John Bolton. The guy who 100% assured us that Iraq had WMD and should be invaded, and told us we were "winning" in Afghanistan, and has bravely pushed for every war he would not actually fight in? That guy?

He is the worst of the worst scum getting rich by endangering worthwhile Americans with endless lies. He is a disgusting lying liar and that has nothing to do with Trump.

Simply hand over the classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents as requested - time and again - over a year and a half, respond to the subpoena for the same, don't lie and deceive federal investigators and instruct others to do so.... and none of this happens. Goes away in an instance, like magic. Trump had every chance to set this right, and refused to do so. Now, he will face the consequences.

Sure. Right. You bet.

I mean, it's not like he is being targeted by crazed lefty loons who will stop at nothing to end his freedom. I mean, nobody made up a ******* lie about him being a "Russian asset" and spewed that excrement for four years, knowing the entire time the thing was bullshit, or some absolutely inane criminal charges for overstating the value of real property (as if the ******* lenders take the word of the property owners for property valuation :ROFLMAO: ) and for claiming the payment to Stormy Daniels as legal fees, which would be a misdemeanor charge from a DA who routinely lowers felony charges for violent offenses to misdemeanors and then dismisses the charges entirely, or where a state legislature literally changed the statute of limitations on civil claim for sexual assault specifically to target Trump for claims by a psycho who alleged he raped her in a dressing room in a department store in 1995 or 1996 or maybe 1994 (she can't remember).

I mean if **** like that happened, then nobody on earth would believe Trump was being treated equally under the law. Can you imagine how half the country would feel if such ****** games were played against a guy whose big crime is ... enforcing the nation's borders? Not starting a war? Lowering energy costs? Not depleting the US ammunition reserves to dangerous levels?
A self-declared patriot tells us what he’s gonna do tomorrow in Miami for Trump’s indictment. This is the dead-end road where Trumpism will lead you. Be careful what you wish for, champ.

America's most sensitive, highly classified military and nuclear secrets: "They were found in boxes in various rooms in Mar-a-Lago, including a storage room, two ballrooms and a bathroom, tucked between a shower and a toilet."

This is what Trump thinks of America's most sensitive national security secrets, he stashes them in a bathroom, tucked between a shower and a toilet. Outrageous. Infuriating. Humiliating. A slap in the face of every American. It boils the blood.

So I'm guessing you would be fine if he had them in his garage.

A self-declared patriot tells us what he’s gonna do tomorrow in Miami for Trump’s indictment. This is the dead-end road where Trumpism will lead you. Be careful what you wish for, champ.

Wow, Tibby is getting worked up at a keyboard in Hungary. I wager that guy is cowering at the mere thought.

And hey wait a minute, I thought you said Trump is a criminal. Isn't it 100% hunky-dory for citizens to protest, burn things down, attack, plunder, loot, even murder when a criminal is targeted? What if Trump changed his name to Donald Floyd? Rioting and burning things down all good then, I guess.

This is why I put you on ignore. You are a pompous nobody waiter at some ****** restaurant in Hungary because America was too tough for you to succeed. You make these serial asinine statements that are completely devoid of reason, and then start talking like an internet tough guy. Maybe you and PittRon should buy us plane tickets to Riverside and Hungary.

Back to ignore for the blithering cretin, where he belongs.

To begin to grasp the acute national security risk in play, consider for a moment the number of foreigners who pass through Mar-a-Lago on the daily…Chinese, Russians, Saudis. Add to that the constant events & weddings, plus the foreign workers employed there. It’s astounding.

And you Trump supporters call yourselves patriots? This seems like a pretty straightforward litmus test right here.

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If it is true and he was that careless **** him over this. If it is true. Now when are you going to be as upset about the man currently in office who sold out the Country for policy to the Chinese and Ukrainians. Who apparently is even on tape. When you say **** them both I will listen to you ***** about Trump.
For your sake you'd better hope this is true or else Michael Avenatti will pale in comparison.

What will you do if nothing comes of this?

Simple. Remember after the Great American Patriot and Hero Avenatti was found to be corrupt?


Remember after 500 pages in the Covid thread when Tibor came down with the virus and spread it to thousands of people?


We know what happens. A 6 month break from his insanity.
Are you not aware of the loads of foreigners who view Hunter's daily? And then hang out with him in the garage in Delaware duscussing Ukranian oil companies' political problems while he smokes crack? Including the Chinese, Russians, Saudis et al? The national security risk is sky ******* high, and you're concered about what some random dude on the internet thinks about this?
Simple. Remember after the Great American Patriot and Hero Avenatti was found to be corrupt?


Remember after 500 pages in the Covid thread when Tibor came down with the virus and spread it to thousands of people?


We know what happens. A 6 month break from his insanity.
He did the same hiding under a rock post 2016 election, and then another time, probably post Russian hoax.

He just comes here to finally prove to all us dummies here (many of whom do not actually like Trump) that his moral superiority is finally right and that all who disagree with him are anti-American extremists, because that is what his daily instructional email tells him.

His entire lens on his country of birth is thru the prism of Trump and the folks he presumes to support the Bad Orange Man. It easy to mail it in!
What's this all about? Don't tell me Trump will end up getting a court-appointed public defender, like a crackhead, homeless bum? Why is it, nobody wants to represent him? Such a famous, wealthy, powerful man? Strange...

Trump scrambles to find lawyer on eve of first federal court appearance
In familiar predicament for famously challenging client, multiple Florida lawyers decline to take Trump’s case, people familiar with the matter say

Donald Trump spent the day before his historic appearance in federal court scrambling to find a qualified Florida lawyer willing to join his defense team as he faces the Justice Department’s first prosecution of a former president.

After touching down in Miami on Monday, Trump spent the afternoon interviewing prospective lawyers and meeting with his legal team, along with other top advisers, to discuss the case, in which he is accused of mishandling classified documents and obstructing the government’s efforts to retrieve them, according to people familiar with the sessions. Several prominent Florida attorneys declined to take Trump on as a client after two of the key lawyers handling the documents matter — Jim Trusty and John Rowley — resigned last week, according to people familiar with the matter.
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His entire lens on his country of birth is thru the prism of Trump and the folks he presumes to support the Bad Orange Man.

Nah, just on this board, with you esteemed, kind and gregarious folks. The *lens and prism* is thankfully much wider than that. And I know there are plenty of non-Trump fanatics here. Well, maybe not plenty, but some. Just playing my role, don't want to let anyone down, who depend on the constant outrage. I mean, come on, Tim Steelersfan even wrote a long poem about me... how cool & adorbs is that? 💝🧸
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So eight pages in, a quick summary of where we're at. Perhaps there is some middle ground here, that we can all agree on:

- Trump is presumed innocent, until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and will have his day in court, same as any American under the Constitution.
- If the allegations as presented in the indictment turn out to be true, this case is worrisome for *any* American, and our allies, regarding the reckless, dangerous manner that national security secrets were handled - including sensitive military & nuclear documents.
- We all agree that the DOJ, Special Counsel, FBI, the legal system overall, should be non-partisan and work equally for the rich, powerful and everyday citizens.
- We all agree that corrupt, criminal behavior by *anyone,* is unacceptable, particularly politicians and elected officials, be they Democratic or Republican.
- Based on what we know in this case, it seems Trump *could have* avoided this predicament if he *would have* cooperated with feds & returned documents as asked.
- The realities of *this* case seem to be different, more sobering in nature, than allegations in the past, since they entail real-world legal jeopardy and national security risk, due to specific actions regarding handling of classified military & nuclear documents.

Yes, no? Anything else?
What's this all about? Don't tell me Trump will end up getting a court-appointed public defender, like a crackhead, homeless bum? Why is it, nobody wants to represent him? Such a famous, wealthy, powerful man? Strange...
Possibly because they know any lawyer/law firm acting for Trump (and the family of such lawyer) is likely to be subjected to vilification, harassment, boycotts, threats of violence (and possibly actual violence) and false accusations.