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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

Or Trump fanboy lawyer Jonathan Turley going on about this case on FoxNews. For those flippantly dismissing Trump's very real legal jeopardy here.

TURLEY: It is an extremely damning indictment. There are indictments that are sometimes called narrative or speaking indictments. These are indictments that are really meant to make a point as to the depth of the evidence. There are some indictments that are just bare bones. This is not. The special counsel knew that there would be a lot of people who were going to allege that the Department of Justice was acting in a biased or politically motivated way.

This is clearly an indictment that was drafted to answer those questions. It’s overwhelming in details. And, you know, the Trump team should not fool itself, these are hits below the waterline. These are witnesses who apparently testified under oath, gave statements to federal investigators, both of which can be criminally charged if they’re false. Those witnesses are directly quoting the president in encouraging others not to look for documents or allegedly to conceal them. It’s damaging.

precisely 100 more. not one less, not one more. 100 other sources. thank you.

So... here you go. Maybe you'll take it at face value this was the discussion on FoxNews. Maybe you won't. Actually, it's likely you won't.

So... here you go. Maybe you'll take it at face value this was the discussion on FoxNews. Maybe you won't. Actually, it's likely you won't.

100 sources of bullshit on the web
100 sources of bullshit
Post one now, pass it around,
99 sources of bullshit on the web...

keep going, Tibs
100 sources of bullshit on the web
100 sources of bullshit
Post one now, pass it around,
99 sources of bullshit on the web...

keep going, Tibs

Ouch, FoxNews will not be happy with you calling it bullshit. Do as you wish. Guess you still have OANN to get your *legit* and *credible* information from. 🤡
Now this is a political movement that sane and reasonable Americans can get behind. :rolleyes:


'I want blood': Rabid Trump supporters' fury is building as arraignment nears​

Donald Trump's supporters are threatening war over the former president's indictment on espionage-related charges.

Republican lawmakers and politicians have responded to the indictment with incendiary rhetoric, while pro-Trump message boards have been ablaze with violent threats reminiscent of the online chatter before the Jan. 6 insurrection, reported Vice News.

“MAGA will make Waco look like a tea party,” said a user called 1776take2 on the pro-Trump forum The Donald. "I used to laugh when my mom said that she was afraid if she registered Republican she may be arrested one day. I’m not laughing any more. Just buying more ammo.”

A federal grand jury indicted Trump last week on 37 charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith, and some of the threats targeted the official who appointed him, attorney general Merrick Garland.

“America cannot allow this cowardly thug to destroy our democracy," wrote one Trump supporter on the forum. "This is what the Second Amendment was made for. Buy a gun or help organize your local militia today.”

Some of the Trump supporters used language suggesting they hoped the unrest would launch a race war.

“Accelerate, the quicker the normies realize this isn’t a free country, the quicker things can be fixed,” wrote one user on The Donald.

Others were more succinct.

“I want blood," one said. "I want f---ing blood.”

Ouch, FoxNews will not be happy with you calling it bullshit. Do as you wish. Guess you still have OANN to get your *legit* and *credible* information from. 🤡
still waiting on those 99 other sources
Or Trump fanboy lawyer Jonathan Turley going on about this case on FoxNews. For those flippantly dismissing Trump's very real legal jeopardy here.

So why wasn't Hillary prosecuted?

Why isn't Biden being prosecuted/impeached?

I'll wait.

"Oh I support their being prosecuted [knowing lefties don't ever get the same treatment for the same behavior]" in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Amb. John Bolton, former Trump National Security Advisor, the floor is yours.

Always the victim. His former associates and appointees turn on him again and again and it’s never him that’s wrong, it’s always them.
It isn’t that he is never wrong dipshit. It is your guy is never wrong only Trump even when he isn’t wrong. If Trump actively tried to do something illegal and it can be actually proven then so be it. BUT they better not have different standards for those they like. Fat chance of that.
Former Trump AG Bill Barr on FoxNews, the floor is yours.

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Amb. John Bolton, former Trump National Security Advisor, the floor is yours.

Keep in mind Tibs this now sets the precedent for future behavior. This ups the ante from Clintons legal but stupid impeachment then The Bush GOre fiasco followed by the unending hate and protests over any Republican leading to the fake Russian crap and two less than responsible impeachments to today where we will just jail the opposition. Tit for tat will get us nowhere but that is where things are headed.
Keep in mind Tibs this now sets the precedent for future behavior. This ups the ante from Clintons legal but stupid impeachment then The Bush GOre fiasco followed by the unending hate and protests over any Republican leading to the fake Russian crap and two less than responsible impeachments to today where we will just jail the opposition. Tit for tat will get us nowhere but that is where things are headed.

I've got three words for you, Lebanon: Florida Grand Jury. That's how this case was brought forth against Trump. Not by President Biden, George Soros, AOC, Democrats, liberals, leftists, communists, transgenders, Antifa, LGBTQ activists, or anyone else.
So why wasn't Hillary prosecuted?

Why isn't Biden being prosecuted/impeached?

I'll wait.

"Oh I support their being prosecuted [knowing lefties don't ever get the same treatment for the same behavior]" in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Hey Tibs
Until you answer Sleeltimes question, shut the fk up.
Hey Tibs
Until you answer Sleeltimes question, shut the fk up.

**** you, *** hole.

Why didn't Trump's DOJ indict Hillary under Grand Jury proceedings? They had every opportunity to do so over FOUR YEARS, if there was a case to be made. What stopped them? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment proceedings against Biden? They've had every opportunity, if there was a case to be made. What's kept them from doing so?

Ask ******* Trump and ask ******* Republicans, you halfwit.
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**** you, *** hole.

Why didn't Trump's DOJ indict Hillary under Grand Jury proceedings? They had every opportunity to do so over FOUR YEARS, if there was a case to be made. What stopped them? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment proceedings against Biden? They've had every opportunity, if there was a case to be made. What's kept them from doing so?

Ask f*cking Trump and ask f*cking Republicans, you halfwit.
well, it may have been - and this is sheer speculation - that it would be rather difficult to build a case on evidence that was either destroyed with hammers, lost in a fire or scrubbed with BleachBit.

interesting the number of fires that Democrat politicians faced when Trump was first elected. Remember when Hillary was running a server in the bathroom closet? Remember the fire that happened just before she was to have the property searched?

so, yes, it is a very valid issue. why was Hillary not brought up on charges. but the problem is robust and would have been very costly, very time-demanding and likely have seen the democrats

**** you, *** hole.

Why didn't Trump's DOJ indict Hillary under Grand Jury proceedings? They had every opportunity to do so over FOUR YEARS, if there was a case to be made. What stopped them? Why haven't Republicans began impeachment proceedings against Biden? They've had every opportunity, if there was a case to be made. What's kept them from doing so?

Ask ******* Trump and ask ******* Republicans, you halfwit.
Valid point. The truth is that it really isn't two parties, it's more the elites vs the rest of us. Elites protect their own, regardless of party. Love Trump or hate him, I don't think we can comprehend how much he upset the apple cart that is D.C.
Valid point. The truth is that it really isn't two parties, it's more the elites vs the rest of us. Elites protect their own, regardless of party. Love Trump or hate him, I don't think we can comprehend how much he upset the apple cart that is D.C.

Simply hand over the classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents as requested - time and again - over a year and a half, respond to the subpoena for the same, don't lie and deceive federal investigators and instruct others to do so.... and none of this happens. Goes away in an instance, like magic. Trump had every chance to set this right, and refused to do so. Now, he will face the consequences. This has nothing to do with politics, the elites vs. the rest of us, or Biden and Democrats "weaponizing" the justice system. Perhaps, in time, this will become abundantly clear.
Simply hand over the classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents as requested - time and again - over a year and a half, respond to the subpoena for the same, don't lie and deceive federal investigators and instruct others to do so.... and none of this happens. Goes away in an instance, like magic. Trump had every chance to set this right, and refused to do so. Now, he will face the consequences. This has nothing to do with politics, the elites vs. the rest of us, or Biden and Democrats "weaponizing" the justice system. Perhaps, in time, this will become abundantly clear.
interesting that you know for a fact and believe that those were "classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents"
interesting that you know for a fact and believe that those were "classified, top-secret military and nuclear documents"

Going by what's in the indictment. It will play out in court. You think this gets past a judge & Grand Jury if that's not the case? You think DOJ doesn't have ironclad evidence in this case? Come on, man.