Read the article I linked. Every policy Trump has proposed would do harm to the economy. The Trump and Bernie supporters
have at least one thing in common, "they don't understand the globalized economic system that now rules". It's impossible
to reverse it, you can only position your country to take advantage of it. Bernie and Trump are selling fool's gold. If either were elected,
nothing they proposed would pass either the House or Senate. We would spend 4 years standing in place, while the rest of the
world takes advantage of the situation. The new battlefield is Economics and we are not positioning ourselves to win this war, because
most politicians and citizens don't understand what's going on.
The Chinese are engaged in price fixing, currency manipulation, trade barriers, massive theft of American ideas and ingenuity, and have benefitted to the tune of billions of dollars with their cheating.
If an American company wants access to the Chinese consumers, that company must share its intellectual property, a condition that violates international fair-trade standards, World Trade Organization rules and common sense. But the worst of China’s sins is not its theft of intellectual property. It is the wanton manipulation of China’s currency, robbing Americans of billions of dollars of capital and millions of jobs.
According to the United State Trade Representative, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is consistently among the worst countries with respect to infringing intellectual property. Beijing also has perhaps the world’s most extensive system of subsidies, which block foreign access to the Chinese market.
When a politician says that enough of this bullshit, I don't simply discard the idea, 21Steelers. I agree that a trade war is generally not a good idea ... but China is already in a ******* trade war with us.
Your solution, it seems, is to pull down your boxers, and ask the Chinese to lube-up before having another go at you. Uhhh, no. I don't think starting a trade war is a good idea, but neither do I believe that pretending the war is not already being fought and harming America's economy is a good way to proceed.