Bikers for Trump’ will be at RNC 'in force'
I could be wrong but I seriously doubt the Soros-funded Libtards, New Black Panthers, and BLM will show up and do anything at all. They WILL show up at the Dem convention. GOP convention where people will hit back? Nah.
Signs and portents
A new species of orchid looks like a devil's head
Witness the signs
Rare Earthquake Strikes Off the Coast of Florida
A friend of mine who lives in Indy isn't a Pence fan. Says he's too Christian for his tastes (My friend is Conservative with Libertarian leanings).
New Active Duty Military Poll – Donald Trump Squashes Hillary
Active U.S. servicemembers overwhelmingly favor Donald Trump for President of the United States over Hillary Clinton by a 2-1 margin, according to a new survey by the Military Times.
The survey included 1,915 active servicemembers, with 49% backed Trump and only 21% backed Clinton, with 13% supporting Libertarian Gary Johnson.
More than 82 percent admitted they are dissatisfied about Clinton as the Democratic nominee.
Is it TRUE that military absentee votes for the 2012 Presidential election were held up for three months, mis-labeled and were not counted as they came in a day later than the election
Thank you.I'm just going to place this here....
And that's After she squeezed out three kids.
Meh it was ok... Still no real details on plans... And the inclusionary stuff the repubs forced in was bland... Still third party for this guy... Gary johnson is way better than either big party person...Great speech, I loved it! Trump Nation, baby! You are either for America (vote Trump) or against America (vote Hillary or a pissant third party with no shot).
Meh it was ok... Still no real details on plans... And the inclusionary stuff the repubs forced in was bland... Still third party for this guy... Gary johnson is way better than either big party person...