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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Robert De Niro asked to deliver plea for people to vote, delivers withering take-down of Donald Trump instead

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GOP panics as outrage with Trump boils over

Hypocrites. Virtually all of them have done the same if not worse.
Robert De Niro asked to deliver plea for people to vote, delivers withering take-down of Donald Trump instead

<iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/624246174001/82f79524-152c-485f-bcb0-09197a216c87_default/index.html?videoId=5162125430001' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe>

an actor that doesn't like Trump is not news.
Hypocrites. Virtually all of them have done the same if not worse.
Without a doubt. It's comical. The high horse scumbag Clinton tries to stand on is comical. I wouldn't vote for Clinton,not even at gunpoint under penalty of death .

If I'm Trump I stick to message. I'd sprinkle in Bill Clinton tidbits. Who is by far and away worse.
If anything, I've seen Trump support go UP overnight....at least on FB. The majority of the people aren't changing their minds and think what Clinton has done is worse than what Trump said.
I could give a **** whether the entire GOP abandons Trump. They made their bed, and now they will have to **** in it. This is fun to watch.

The Daily News Just Released Tomorrow’s Cover Photo

‘I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it […] I did try and **** her. She was married […] And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I moved on her like a *****, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony **** and everything. She’s totally changed her look.’

“Donald Trump married his current wife, Melania Trump, just five months before this conversation took place. They had been dating for several years at that time, and Mrs. Trump told interviewers that her husband first asked her out in 1998, when he was still married to Marla Maples, who he cheated with and left his first wife, Ivana Trump, for in 1992. Photos and records prove that Donald Trump has either been married or cheating with his next wife since 1977.” What a swell guy.
And this was before Trump's '*****-grabbing, *******-married-women' bit....

Evangelical Leaders Don’t Want Trump To Win: The ‘Integrity Of Our Faith Hangs In The Balance’

Nearly 100 evangelical leaders have signed onto a letter urging their fellow Christians to vote against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who, they write, “has fueled white American nationalism with xenophobic appeals and religious intolerance at the expense of gospel values, democratic principles, and important international relationships.”

The letter was posted to Change.org on Thursday, and had nearly 5,000 signatures by midday Friday.

The evangelicals behind the letter do not necessarily endorse Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, they write ― but they are united in their opposition to Trump, who is working to maintain the Republican stronghold on the evangelical community.

“Imperfect elections and flawed candidates often make for complicated and difficult choices for Christians,” the letter reads. “But sometimes historic moments arise when more is at stake than partisan politics ― when the meaning and integrity of our faith hangs in the balance. This is one of those moments.”

Evangelical voters tend to support Republicans ― former President George W. Bush won 78 percent of evangelicals in 2004, Sen. John McCain of Arizona won 74 percent of them in 2008, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 78 percent in 2012, according to exit polling.

Trump is likely to win with evangelicals this year, polling suggests. That support will “probably have much less to do with him personally than with his rhetoric on abortion and his promises to protect Christianity in America,” political science professors Paul Goren of the University of Minnesota and Christopher Chapp of St. Olaf College wrote in The Washington Post this week.

Racism is America’s original sin. Its brazen use to win elections threatens to reverse real progress on racial equity and set America back. -- Letter from evangelicals

The evangelical leaders who signed the Change.org letter wrote that they object to the media’s representation of evangelicals as “mostly white, politically conservative, older men,” and that they come from a number of races, ethnicities, denominations and ages. Trump has performed worse among black, Latino and Asian voters than he has with white voters.

Trump’s efforts to fuel the birther movement ― which claims President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president, was not born in the U.S. ― along with his statements on Mexicans, immigrants and Muslims inspired their opposition, the leaders wrote.

Most evangelicals support immigration reform that would allow some undocumented immigrants to stay in the country, and faith groups have been active in advocating for welcoming refugees, including non-Christians. In the letter, evangelical leaders wrote that immigrants and refugees are “those whom Jesus calls ‘the stranger’ in Matthew 25, where he says that how we treat them is how we treat him.”

“Because we believe that racial bigotry has been a cornerstone of this campaign, it is a foundational matter of the gospel for us in this election, and not just another issue,” they wrote. “This is not just a social problem, but a fundamental wrong. Racism is America’s original sin. Its brazen use to win elections threatens to reverse real progress on racial equity and set America back.”
The fact this story from 10 years ago proves how freaking desperate the left is. They are about to get there *** handed to them in November. After the laundry list of stuff that Hilliary has been involved in the last 40 years they latch on to this and make this a story. This is the exact stuff people are so sick of , the liberal controlled media trying to make a story about nothing. This will blow up in there face just wait and see.
If this whole ***** comment comes up in the debate, Bill Clinton's entire ordeal should be brought up and how Hillary attacked and belittled the women that he assaulted and/or raped. And, Trump should bring up the time Hillary got the rapist off on his charges and laughed about it. Again, Trumps comments are not as bad as Hillary's prior actions.
Also, notice this story came out at the same time the new emails were leaked that show Hillary has two sets of policies - one for the public and one for her private donors. The emails show she is for open borders. WTF!
Everyone is missing the real story here. The Bush family uses time travel to send Jeb's cousin back to 2005 to exact revenge. Hell, you have to be impressed by that if nothing else.
If trump is down by 7 points or more he should drop out. Let Cruz or Pence run. He's in a real tail spin.
The fact is that democRATS talk like this all the time. Trump probably was a democRAT 11 yrs. ago.
If trump is down by 7 points or more he should drop out. Let Cruz or Pence run. He's in a real tail spin.

There will be plenty of time - four years to be exact - to rebuild the party simmering under ashes. You guys got what you wanted in Trump. Now come the consequences. It's gonna be a long, uphill battle from here, to rebuild the GOP that got steamrolled and wrecked beyond recognition by a fringe lunatic.
I hope Melania and Ivanka release statements.

As far as "Bbbbut... Bill this and Bill that" - allegations are one thing, recordings are another.
Also, notice this story came out at the same time the new emails were leaked that show Hillary has two sets of policies - one for the public and one for her private donors. The emails show she is for open borders. WTF!

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
One cannot make this **** up.

A nearly unelectable candidate in Hillary is going to win in a landslide because she's running against a literally unelectable one.

How we got to this point in our political system is hard to pinpoint, but it illustrates some of the inherent flaws in democracy.
I hope Melania and Ivanka release statements.

As far as "Bbbbut... Bill this and Bill that" - allegations are one thing, recordings are another.

What? At BEST, Bill got a BJ from an intern in the White house and then lied about it under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by another woman. Yet somehow this is worse? Only in liberal lala land.

Trump is done, but the hypocrisy amazes me.
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I can't believe anyone would consider voting for Johnson after his TV appearances. Dude had my vote until he proved himself a clueless idiot. Now, I likely won't vote. Was gonna be hard enough to vote for Trump before this latest stunt. Now, there is simply no way I can do it.

I'm with you Sarge...I have voted in every presidential election since I was 18. I don't think I can vote for any of these people.
I hope Melania and Ivanka release statements.

As far as "Bbbbut... Bill this and Bill that" - allegations are one thing, recordings are another.

The issue is not what ******* Billy Blythe did. The issue is what the Hildebeast did to clean up after him.

"You might want to put some ice on that."
What? At BEST, Bill got a BJ from an intern in the White house and then lied about it under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by another woman. Yet somehow this is worse? Only in liberal lala land.

Trump is done, but the hypocrisy amazes me.


Yes, bragging about SEXUALLY ASSAULTING women is worse. When did Clinton ever do that????
The issue is what the Hildebeast did to clean up after him.

Only in your world.

To think that had Trump said "I could walk down the street and sexually assault women and people would still vote for me" he would have been right.
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