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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Lol! Maher in genius mode like always!
I'm a registered republican, and I am disturbed at the GOP and what it's become.

You CAN NOT defend Trump by using the Clintons as a defense. Trump has failed the party. He may start a new party, and that is fine. But it is definitely not Republican.

You may be the only sensibler CONservative around here. I started a new thread on this without knowing it was being discussed in here.

Funny, i was right on how these guys would run to blame Bill Clinton. Last time i checked he wasn't running for president.
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hahahah - all the losers

This is the final battle between the globalists and free Americans. The fence is being shaken and everyone is falling off on their side.


Let me guess; you listen to Alex Jones and dream about the 1950's

The world has changed, buy a calender
Make that a letter "D" for Deplorables!


You can find a few ignorant Uncle Toms all day long.

Here is one waving the wrong flag during the presidents visit to my home state of Oklahoma. I LIVE IN OKLAHOMA! THE FLAGSHIP STATE OF IGNORANCE,MISOGYNY, RELIGIOUS STUPIDITY, AND RACISM. That this idiot would stand out there waving that flag didn't make me even turn my head.


Bwahahaha - lookit all the desperate socialists come scurrying out of the sewer ready to stuff their tongues up Hillary's crack

Too bad - none of this **** matters, Hillary will lose because Americans know she's a lyin' sack of **** and hate her

New Iowa Poll: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 4 points

Donald Trump leads the presidential race in the swing state of Iowa, lifted by voters’ widespread distrust of Hillary Clinton and pessimism about the nation's direction.

In the new poll, Trump is the first choice for 43 percent of likely voters, compared with 39 percent who back Clinton. Six percent say they’re voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson, and 2 percent favor Green Party candidate Jill Stein.



I just can't see how Trump can even overcome his own history in the public eye, let alone the corrupt political machine that is the 2 party system.

The Republicans screwed up big time in not fighting Trump tooth and nail from the outset and the Democrats are quite content to let Trump hang himself as it distracts from the publicity of Clinton's criminal behavior.
I'm a registered republican, and I am disturbed at the GOP and what it's become.

You CAN NOT defend Trump by using the Clintons as a defense. Trump has failed the party. He may start a new party, and that is fine. But it is definitely not Republican.
Because no Republican has said stupid **** off the record? Get a grip pal.
Bwahahaha - lookit all the desperate socialists come scurrying out of the sewer ready to stuff their tongues up Hillary's crack

Too bad - none of this **** matters, Hillary will lose because Americans know she's a lyin' sack of **** and hate her

New Iowa Poll: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 4 points

Donald Trump leads the presidential race in the swing state of Iowa, lifted by voters’ widespread distrust of Hillary Clinton and pessimism about the nation's direction.

In the new poll, Trump is the first choice for 43 percent of likely voters, compared with 39 percent who back Clinton. Six percent say they’re voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson, and 2 percent favor Green Party candidate Jill Stein.



Damn he could win Iowa!

Levon Kirkland in the closing seconds of lowB repuS 30 yelled at one of the Cowboys O lineman; " You couldn't run the ball on us" To which the lineman responded " Look at the scoreboard."

Here is a scoreboard for you:


As of October 8, 8:05PM EDT:
Snapshot (169 state polls): Clinton 323, Trump 215 EV Meta-margin: Clinton +3.3%
Clinton Nov. win probability: random drift 88%, Bayesian 93%


It's over skippy
GOP men finally disavow Trump. Sad but true.



Latinos For Trump Rally

HOUSTON - "He's the only choice we have." Julio Torres responded as he waved his Latinos For Trump sign at passing cars.

"He's going to give us progress, he's going to give us opportunities, he's going to end all the race-baiting, and he's going to end all of the poverty in our neighborhoods. He's going to do a lot better for us than Hilary Clinton will."


Breaking News Alert!

Bill Clinton Took Twice As Many Flights On ‘Pedophile Island’ Billionaire’s ‘Lolita Express’ Than Previously Reported

Jeffrey Epstein, the “billionaire pedophile” who was accused of keeping under aged girls as sex slaves on his private island, was long known to be friendly with former President Bill Clinton. The extent of that relationship, however, has never been made clear. But new records indicate the former leader of the free world was much cozier with Epstein than originally known.

Records show that Clinton “was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the ‘Lolita Express’ — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.”

Official flight logs filed with the Federal Aviation Administration show Clinton traveled on some of the trips with as many as 10 U.S. Secret Service agents. However, on a five-leg Asia trip between May 22 and May 25, 2002, not a single Secret Service agent is listed. The U.S. Secret Service has declined to answer multiple Freedom of Information Act requests


Uncle Billy says "sit on my lap little girl, you sure got a purty mouth"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">At this point Trump surrogates sound like a proctologist at a dinner party explaining why rectums are beautiful <a href="https://t.co/44xau3jeAi">pic.twitter.com/44xau3jeAi</a></p>— Ed Helms (@edhelms) <a href="https://twitter.com/edhelms/status/784909791701397504">October 9, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Donald Trump addresses his leaked audio tapes in this breaking news update during the VP Debate.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fsnl%2Fvideos%2F10154534390611303%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Wall Street speeches are being released!

No wonder all the desperate media attacks on Trump!

ABC Censors 'Embarrassing' Leaks of Hillary Clinton Speeches

As the Trump video leak swirled, Hillary Clinton faced a campaign controversy of her own Friday. Wikileaks released what it says are e-mails from her campaign chairman. They contain some potentially-problematic revelations for the Democratic nominee.


Hillary Clinton's Wall St speeches published by Wikileaks

Transcripts of private speeches by US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have been released by the whistle-blowing site Wikileaks.

In one of the extracts, Mrs Clinton told bankers that they were best-placed to help reform the US financial sector.

She also said she favoured "open trade and open borders". Mrs Clinton's main opponent, Donald Trump, has said he wants to renegotiate key trade deals.

Mrs Clinton had refused to publish the transcripts, from 2013 and 2014.



No wonder Tibs and the rest of the 1%ers are horrified

Where's Ball-less Bernie when you need him?
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The Trumpsters on the board will answer with a resounding YES!
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Blowing up in Hillary's face

Desperate times, call for desperate measures. See Spike's panicky posts. Who thought we'd be sitting here one month before the election watching the GOP pull the rug from beneath Trump's campaign? It's way too late for that. You chose him, now you must own him.


You Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders

You will never live down what you’ve done.

You knew. You all knew. You knew the whole time who and what Donald Trump is.

Mike Pence. Paul Ryan. Mitch McConnell. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Newt Gingrich. Orrin Hatch. John McCain. Marco Rubio. Virtually all of you.

You heard every terrible thing he said. You watched every inexcusable thing he did. You knew Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic, misogynistic, authoritarian con man. You knew about his insatiable appetite for power, his bottomless need for affirmation, his dangerous impulsiveness and uncontrollable temper. You knew he was a huckster who ruined businesses and lives. You knew he debased your party, and you personally. You knew.

You knew he waged a racist campaign against the president’s legitimacy. You knew he called immigrants rapists. You knew he advocated forbidding Muslims from American soil. You knew he said a federal judge wasn’t qualified because Mexican blood flowed through his veins. You knew he besmirched the parents of a dead soldier. You knew he mocked prisoners of war. You knew he courted white supremacists. You knew he admires dictators. You knew he incited violence. You knew he lies ― blatantly, shamelessly, ceaselessly.

You knew all of that, and you asked Americans to elect him president anyway. Shame on you. You knew.

Your condemnations are and have always been empty. Your sudden rush to abandon Trump ― after what’s merely the most recently uncovered manifestation of his hatred for women ― is motivated by the same venal cowardice that led you to support him in the first place.

You knew Hillary Clinton isn’t the monstrous caricature you spent decades depicting. You knew she is ― like each and every one of you ― an ordinary politician, in all the ways that word has positive and negative connotations. You knew she would govern in a perfectly normal way.

You knew this, but you told voters she was more dangerous than Trump. More evil. A greater threat to the republic. And this, after so many of you spent the presidential primary campaign warning the U.S. that Trump is exactly who he appears to be. But you fell in line. You knew, and you endorsed him anyway.

You did all of this in service of ideology. You did this because you believe Trump will enact the policies you favor to allow businesses to pump more pollution into our air and water, to take away food and medicine from the neediest among us, to disenfranchise minority voters, to slash taxes for the rich.

Your voters elevated Trump nearly to the White House, and he may yet make it there, in spite of everything. They did so because you have primed them for Trump for more than half a century. Half a century of barely concealed appeals to racism, of fomenting fear and hatred and coaxing the worst instincts out of enough voters to gain power. Years of nurturing ― on AM radio and cable TV and the internet ― a propaganda machine that encourages ignorance, mistrust and anger.

You have lost control of the golem you created.

You made promises you knew you couldn’t keep, and your voters finally lost faith in you. Now, they’re turning on you.

They follow a man who doesn’t even share your beliefs. You’re learning just how little those voters cared about conservatism and how very much they cared about stomping their boots on the throats of people who don’t look like them or love like them or think like them. You made this possible by making villains out of African-Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ people, the poor.

When this is all over, you may win your own re-elections. You may retain control of Congress and of governors mansions, state legislatures, county councils and school boards all across the nation. You may sigh in relief that you survived. You may even ― and not terribly long from now ― regain the presidency and resume carrying out your agenda. Your own careers may be successful.

But history will condemn you. History won’t forget your callowness. Because you knew.
Oh boy, can this get even uglier these next 24 hours?

Turmoil reigns inside Trump Tower

ST. LOUIS – No candidate has entered a presidential debate so cloaked in disgrace or deeper in a hole than Donald Trump – and no candidate has ever been less prepared to face the most searing trial of his public life than the shaken Republican nominee.

The walls were already closing around Trump before the Friday release of a video showing him blithely describing, in lurid and demeaning language, his efforts to seduce a married woman and how he would kiss and grope women even if they didn’t want him to. Those walls have now fallen in on him – and what aides were describing last week as an opportunity to rebound is now being cast as one final shot at survival.

“It is a complete sh-t-show,” said one GOP operative who still backs Trump on Saturday – a day of mass defections by Republican women and down-ballot Senate and House candidates. “There’s one chance, one opportunity left – and that’s to get on bended knee and project the image of contrition… That’s not going to happen.”

A senior Trump aide described the mood of the campaign on Saturday evening as “very demoralized.”

The staggering events of the 72 hours leading up to Sunday’s showdown here with Hillary Clinton – capped off by an unprecedented exodus of at least two dozen high-profile GOP supporters – would have posed an overwhelming challenge to any debate-prep team. But Trump doesn’t really have such a team, not in the conventional sense. His rotating circle of advisers are confused about what to do and the candidate is unwilling or incapable of preparing a game plan, Republican officials and people close to the campaign told POLITICO.

Even if Trump’s Friday fiasco had never happened, he’d still be in deep trouble -- and his campaign remains in a state of disarray. In interviews conducted over last week, campaign aides complained about improvisational decision-making, and a lack of communication that often leads to mixed signals and confusion. With so few people on staff – Trump’s skeleton operation is a fraction the size of Clinton’s massive Brooklyn operation – senior advisers are often scattered around the country on various assignments, making it hard to implement consistent messaging, a coherent communications strategy and a debate prep system that will protect the vulnerable candidate.
So the criminals operation in Brooklyn is well organized. So is the mafia. Bravo! They're pretty close to the same in covering up criminal deeds.They also have a massive media propaganda machine that the nazis would be proud of. Bravo!
Congratulations. My comments were directed at your misdirected opinion - "Face it, Clinton is a pig, but nowhere near the creep Trump is." The facts say otherwise. You may have your opinion, but it is just that, based upon fact and evidence we have.

You were arguing that my opinion was politically biased. It's not, it's based on the fact that Trump has made several disturbing comments both publicly and privately which make me seriously question his judgement as much as his character and morals. Maybe Clinton has made similar comments, but that is speculation, not fact.
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