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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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which ones?

Read it and weep.

No quid. No quo. No scandal in the latest emails, no matter how hard the media twists.

The media is deeply committed to the pretense that:

1. The Wikileaks documents are not just someone’s personal email being doled out by Russian intelligence forces in the service of the Trump campaign
2. We’re not paying enough attention to these documents (repeat this message through all available channels, at least 50 times per day, to demonstrate how it’s not getting attention)
3. Somewhere between the pasta recipes and inter-office gossip, if you hold the paper sideways, or read it backwards, is something Hugely Bad for Hillary Clinton.

The latest Hugely Bad thing? A supposed 'quid pro quo' deal between the State Department and FBI to get the classification altered on emails that landed in Hillary Clinton’s private server.

“In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed,” Chaffetz said. The Utah Republican said documents recently released from the FBI’s year-long investigation into Clinton’s private email server proved it.

Which sounds … well at least Bad if not Hugely. Except there’s a slight problem with this latest teed-up-for-Trump talking point. Though this isn’t actually a Wikileaks thing, but a part of notes released this week concerning the FBI investigation into email practices, but that doesn’t mean it’s directly tied to that investigation.

... the bureau is pushing back against that claim, saying that the email in question doesn’t prove any such arrangement.

There’s a very good reason. Not only did no such deal occur, it would have been impossible.

First, there was no reason for Hillary, or the State Department, to seek reclassification of any particular email that eventually landed on Hillary’s server, because this thing occurred before there was an investigation of that server.

In a statement to CBS News, the FBI said that prior to the agency’s investigation into the Clinton server, the State Department asked them to “review and make classification determinations on FBI emails and information.” The State Department, at the time, was producing emails to publish in accordance to Freedom of Information Act requests.

Instead, the State Department was asking if the email could be made public as part of a FOIA request. The FBI agreed to check.

That’s the supposed “quid.” So what about the “quo?” That’s the part about how the FBI was going to get additional assignments overseas. And it’s in there, only it’s missing the “pro.” Chaffetz (and Trump, and a hundred eager, clumsy columnists) seem incredibly anxious to insert an “in return” into this story. As in “In return for altering the classification ...”

Only that’s not what the emails says.

“Having been previously unsuccessful in attempts to speak with the senior State official, during the same conversation, the FBI official asked the State Department official if they would address a pending, unaddressed FBI request for space for additional FBI employees assigned abroad,” the bureau said.

A happened. B happened. But that doesn’t make B the result of A. There’s no attempt to make it that way in the memo, or in later conversations.

The truth is that this document was absolutely routine. The State Department often engages in discussions about classifications with other departments, especially when there’s a desire to get information out to the public. The FBI had previously asked about the posts, and took this opportunity to ask again.

The email in question was not addressed because of Hillary’s server, which wasn’t even under investigation at the time.
The email was under review because of a FOIA request.
The supposed ‘quid pro quo’ never existed, not in the message and not in reality.
The entire exchange was absolutely routine, and indicative of no attempt to do anything wrong on anyone’s part.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">State & FBI confirmed today - allegations of quid pro quo are flatly inaccurate. Interagency debate about classification is 100% routine.</p>— John Kirby (@statedeptspox) <a href="https://twitter.com/statedeptspox/status/788146203632476160">October 17, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And finally, this story is not even new. The email in question was already public knowledge and was discussed months ago. The attempt to make it into a story now is just part of the desperate attempt to find something, anything to talk about out of the Wikileaks documents that makes the whole mess seem worthy, instead of a sloppy, poorly executed hack of a private person’s email for the express purpose of helping the Republican candidate advance his Russia-friendly agenda.
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Oh boy, this should be good. :popcorn1:


Michael Moore unveiled his own "October surprise": A secret movie about Donald Trump.

I don't think it can be stated eloquently enough, but, **** Michael Moore.
Spin Tibs. Spin.

So what you're saying is, the folks who have been accused of doing something wrong are saying "We didn't do anything wrong." Is that about the size of it?

Got it. Thank you.

I'm starting to think we don't even NEED a legal system. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE could pretty much clear stuff up by saying "no, that's pretty much our routine process..."

"I kill folks all the time. Nothin' new here."

Ah. Great. We thought crime had been committed or something, but if you're telling me it's completely routine - well, that's different!
The naked Trump statute has met it's match.


Naked statue of Hillary Clinton sparks fight in Manhattan
BY Laura Bult

An artist erected an obscene statue of Hillary Clinton in downtown Manhattan Tuesday morning causing a heated fight between defenders of the profane piece of protest art and women trying to tear it down.

The grotesque caricature of the Democratic candidate appeared outside the Bowling Green station during morning rush hour on Tuesday and shows Clinton with hoofed feet and a Wall Street banker resting his head on her bare breasts.

The statue was up for less than three hours before an enraged woman toppled it over and started yelling at the statue’s creator.


A statue depicting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared near the Bowling Green subway entrance in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday.

“This is obscene!” shouted Nancy, an employee at the nearby National Museum of the American Indian who would only identify herself by her first name.

“To put something up like this in front of my work place...I shouldn’t have to see this,” she later told the Daily News, fighting back tears as she gestured toward the crude figure.

Video of the dispute shows the museum worker struggling with the artist who erected the statue, who identified himself as 27-year-old Anthony Scioli, as he tried to prop the structure back up. At one point during the tussle, the woman sits down on the statue to prevent Scioli from picking it back up.

A woman in a hijab steps in to help Nancy and stomps her foot on the statue's face, yelling at Scioli: "Don't! Leave it alone!"

A small crowd of morning commuters hovered around the scene with their phones out, some of whom started hurling insults and picking sides in the debate over the statue.


The statue was only up for less than three hours.

“This lady shows up and tips it over and starts assaulting anyone who tried to put it back up!,” Gene H., 39, an IT worker, told the News, citing his belief in freedom of speech as a reason the statue should stay up.

Around 8:30 a.m. officers with the counterterrorism unit arrived to the scene and ordered Scioli to take the statue down because he failed to get a permit for the demonstration.

A sign on the statue credited Mini Master and Boogie Night Production with its creation and witnesses said it went up sometime before 6 a.m.


A nude statue of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, named "The Emperor Has No Balls" was unveiled in Union Square in Manhattan in August.

In August, an unrelated anarchist collective called INDECLINE, put up a naked statue of Donald Trump in Union Square. The political group also erected statues of the GOP nominee in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.
This is the best election ever!
Hows that sayin' go Supe ?....I **** you not

Young Virginia Democrat Registers 19 Dead People to Vote for Hillary


Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote (see “FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia“). While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation…until now.

Young Virginia Democrat Andrew Spieles confessed this week to registering 19 dead people to vote for Hillary. While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people, Spieles just happens to be Democrat who, accorded to a deleted FaceBook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats.

It’s too bad really, sounds like Spieles had all the right “special talents” required to be very successful politician…he just forgot the most important first rule: “Don’t get caught.”

So I'm supposed to believe some **** for brains 20-something had the balls to create imaginary voters ALL BY HIMSELF?

This is clearly a fall guy. Someone was directing him and likely many other young, impressionable democrat helpers to cheat the system not knowing the type of seriousness they could get into when/if the **** hits the fan.

Something tells me we'll never hear this kids story on how he LEARNED how to do this......
This thread is full of a wealth of sweet nuggets - everything that was said about Trump will be mined and brought to the surface - it's my grand plan for another 200 pages!


Yes! The Wall!


400 baby! And still 3 weeks to go.
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National Enquirer, lol. Damn. This election can't get here a day too soon. Watching Trump and the deplorables wiggle and squirm these past few weeks is no longer funny, just sad. Let's keep pushing those wikileaks emails, that'll do her in! Let's huff and puff and claim the election's rigged. Polls are rigged! Media's against us! Everything's rigged. It's a HUGE conspiracy to keep Donald and the people down! Uhm, ****, it's still only October 18th, running low on material. We need something, anything to help turn the tide. Vlaaaaaadddddiiimmmmiirrrrrr please help. Please, pretty please?!?
National Enquirer, running low on material.

Maybe you missed the part about documented proof. And, the Clinton campaign has no material. They can't say anything positive about Hillary and Trump doesn't have a record in government, so all they can do is attack him personally. This is going to be an awesome dose of hypocrite pie.
I took a drive to Brainerd yesterday. About 60 miles. Counted TRUMP signs along the way and saw 38. We're talking rural areas, some farms are a mile apart, the rest small towns. How many Hillary signs? ZERO. Not one. Where exactly is her support?

This in a "Blue" state. ??? Not like someone is stealing them, if someone wants to look like an ***, let them.

Drove over to Otter Tail, 46 miles to the southwest. 29 more Trump signs. Still a zero for Hillary.

WTF is it, who is supporting that *****? No one in my area, supposedly a KKK hangout according to Tib's Hate Group Map. Not ONE ******* "I'm with Her" anywhere to be seen. Gonna guess they ain't polling this hood. If Hillary takes these surrounding counties, then the Cows are voting, not live people.
Drove over to Otter Tail, 46 miles to the southwest. 29 more Trump signs. Still a zero for Hillary.

WTF is it, who is supporting that *****? No one in my area, supposedly a KKK hangout according to Tib's Hate Group Map. Not ONE ******* "I'm with Her" anywhere to be seen. Gonna guess they ain't polling this hood. If Hillary takes these surrounding counties, then the Cows are voting, not live people.
your cows are ********
Drove over to Otter Tail, 46 miles to the southwest. 29 more Trump signs. Still a zero for Hillary.

WTF is it, who is supporting that *****? No one in my area, supposedly a KKK hangout according to Tib's Hate Group Map. Not ONE ******* "I'm with Her" anywhere to be seen. Gonna guess they ain't polling this hood. If Hillary takes these surrounding counties, then the Cows are voting, not live people.

I think it's desperate con by the media, a smokescreen because they know her support is pathetically low.
I think it's desperate con by the media, a smokescreen because they know her support is pathetically low.

So what you're saying is Steal his but don't put up any for their goddess? So on my way to pick up bread and milk and a gallon or two of gas, I see nothing but Trump signs and think to myself, gee, maybe I should vote for Her? Nope, rather have HERpes.

And before you libtards dismiss the source, don't forget that they're the ones who broke the Monica story. How do ya like them apples!

LOL! As if this is the first time a questionable source has been cited on this board.
So what you're saying is Steal his but don't put up any for their goddess? So on my way to pick up bread and milk and a gallon or two of gas, I see nothing but Trump signs and think to myself, gee, maybe I should vote for Her? Nope, rather have HERpes.

Sexist ... the disease is destructive, file, unwanted and therefore must be HIMpes.
So what you're saying is Steal his but don't put up any for their goddess? So on my way to pick up bread and milk and a gallon or two of gas, I see nothing but Trump signs and think to myself, gee, maybe I should vote for Her? Nope, rather have HERpes.


I'm saying that the media is way overstating support for Hillary and way understating support for Trump. The polls can't predict who is actually going to show up and vote, but Trump's rallies can. His rallies aren't doctored like the polls. It's all attack Trump, 24-7. The media has never been THIS one-sided blatantly apeshit against someone ever before. They know what's going on and they're freaking out. So are Tibtard, Elftard, Trogtard and 21Tard21. They are scared. Trump keeps swatting away all the attacks and is still standing. It's beautiful.
Man you guys are slipping!! You telling me NO ONE noticed the guys T-shirt?!!

The naked Trump statute has met it's match.


Naked statue of Hillary Clinton sparks fight in Manhattan
BY Laura Bult

An artist erected an obscene statue of Hillary Clinton in downtown Manhattan Tuesday morning causing a heated fight between defenders of the profane piece of protest art and women trying to tear it down.

The grotesque caricature of the Democratic candidate appeared outside the Bowling Green station during morning rush hour on Tuesday and shows Clinton with hoofed feet and a Wall Street banker resting his head on her bare breasts.

The statue was up for less than three hours before an enraged woman toppled it over and started yelling at the statue’s creator.


A statue depicting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared near the Bowling Green subway entrance in downtown Manhattan on Tuesday.

“This is obscene!” shouted Nancy, an employee at the nearby National Museum of the American Indian who would only identify herself by her first name.

“To put something up like this in front of my work place...I shouldn’t have to see this,” she later told the Daily News, fighting back tears as she gestured toward the crude figure.

Video of the dispute shows the museum worker struggling with the artist who erected the statue, who identified himself as 27-year-old Anthony Scioli, as he tried to prop the structure back up. At one point during the tussle, the woman sits down on the statue to prevent Scioli from picking it back up.

A woman in a hijab steps in to help Nancy and stomps her foot on the statue's face, yelling at Scioli: "Don't! Leave it alone!"

A small crowd of morning commuters hovered around the scene with their phones out, some of whom started hurling insults and picking sides in the debate over the statue.


The statue was only up for less than three hours.

“This lady shows up and tips it over and starts assaulting anyone who tried to put it back up!,” Gene H., 39, an IT worker, told the News, citing his belief in freedom of speech as a reason the statue should stay up.

Around 8:30 a.m. officers with the counterterrorism unit arrived to the scene and ordered Scioli to take the statue down because he failed to get a permit for the demonstration.

A sign on the statue credited Mini Master and Boogie Night Production with its creation and witnesses said it went up sometime before 6 a.m.


A nude statue of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, named "The Emperor Has No Balls" was unveiled in Union Square in Manhattan in August.

In August, an unrelated anarchist collective called INDECLINE, put up a naked statue of Donald Trump in Union Square. The political group also erected statues of the GOP nominee in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle.
Nothing to see here, just a bunch of more libtards being led by their noses...

Nobel Prize winners endorse Clinton for president

In an open letter to the American people, 70 winners of the Nobel Prize endorsed Hillary Clinton for president Tuesday.

In the letter, the laureates write that Clinton will preserve the country's freedoms, safeguard national security and unite the country to work toward a better future.

"It is imperative that Hillary Clinton be elected as the next President of the United States," the laureates wrote.

"Some of the most pressing problems that the new President will face — the devastating effects of debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer, the need for alternative sources of energy, and climate change and its consequences — require vigorous support for science and technology and the assurance that scientific knowledge will inform public policy."

That support is essential to the U.S's economic future, the laureates wrote.

"Strong advocacy for science agencies, initiatives to promote innovation and sensible immigration and education policies are crucial to the continued preeminence of the U.S. scientific work force. We need a president who will support and advance policies that will enable science and technology to flourish in our country and to provide the basis of important policy decisions."

The letter makes no mention of Clinton's GOP rival Donald Trump.
Nothing to see here, just a bunch of more libtards being led by their noses...

Nobel Prize winners endorse Clinton for president

Yeah, I remember when I believed that scientists had no interest in grant money, or prestige, or recognition, and instead were huddled in their laboratories, making humanity better.

Then I became an adult.

Scientists suck off the government teat more than dairy farmers (pun intended). Of course they will support the candidate promising a bigger nipple.

Is this some statement that has any convincing force? Of course not.

Further, the nobel prize winner's comments about Clinton's economic plans are silly unless the person is actually an economist and won his or her nobel prize in economics. Seriously, some nobel winner in literature - like Bob Dylan, who has never written a book - endorses Hillary's economic proposals and that is supposed to matter? Who gives a ****? I have more credibility on issues of economics, since unlike the vast majority of those scientists, I have a degree in Economics.
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LOL! As if this is the first time a questionable source has been cited on this board.

I know. Anytime Tibs cites the Daily Kos, I stop reading. Same with Mother Jones and the Wiccan clan. Still waiting for fair journalism from the Huffington post as well . It has been years.
I know. Anytime Tibs cites the Daily Kos, I stop reading. Same with Mother Jones
That's your loss. Passing up a good opportunity to gain some perspective and learn something. Being brainwashed by fox & breitbart is no way to go through life.
That's your loss. Passing up a good opportunity to gain some perspective and learn something. Being brainwashed by fox & breitbart is no way to go through life.

I read all information sources. I often check the supporting links, in fact, to see if the story is reflecting the facts accurately.

But the Daily Kos is basically unreadable. Jesus, does every ******* story have to have a link to "donate $3" to some schmuck Democrat??
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