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Trump to Comey: You're Fired!

The timing is strange, but this all comes at the recommendation of Atty General Sessions so maybe it took so long because DOJ was looking into James Comey, making sure they were right before they pulled the trigger. That is what you hope, anyway.

And as far as the Russian investigation, I have two questions.

1). Why were there ZERO concerns about Russian meddling until AFTER Hillary lost?

2). Why, after 7 months of investigating is there ZERO evidence of Russian meddling?

If there was anything there, you know the Dems would have it all over the news. But the lap dog media will keep this fake narrative alive at all costs. It is ridiculous and needs to stop. If you have something, put it out there and stop speculating. It does nothing good for our nation.
Let's see. Dems wanted Oduma to fire Comey. Up until a day ago, the Dems wanted Trump to fire Comey after lambasting him for his comments about Hilldog's emails again and the election. Trump concedes and fires Comey. The Dems throw a hissy fit and scream abuse of powers and Trump is covering something up. Are you ******* kidding me? You just can't make this **** up.

If the Dems didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
I have as much issue with this as all.of you lefties had with Bill Clinton coincidentally meeting Loretta Lynch on the tarmac.

BUT>>>BUT , never die, the libs will never die

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
The timing is strange, but this all comes at the recommendation of Atty General Sessions....

Actually from what I've read/watched, it was the new Deputy Attorney General, a guy respected widely on both sides of the aisle, who made the very STRONG recommendation that Comey needed to go.

The more I watched last night, wow...Comey was a real loose cannon. That guy was more dangerous than I'd given him credit for.
Comey must have been doing a decent job because both sides wanted him fired at some point. However i think that he helped trump way more than hillary. To me it seemed that they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute her so the next best thing for Comey was to keep her from being elected. Comeys announcement about new emails surely swayed some voters. Also like someone mentioned he left out the fact that people in the trump campaign were being watched. To fire him now makes trump look bad. If hillary was pres and did the same thing this board will implode. People try to argue that bill and hillary did this or that and there is no doubt they are crooked. However that serves no relevance as to what is going on right now. Trump never released his taxes and it is pretty obvious that people in the campaign or people close to trump have some kinda ties with russia. It may not be anything serious, but it should be looked into.
The dems would have made up **** about the timing regardless of when it was done.
The idiot Dems who screamed for his head a few months ago are the same ones crying about the firing. Do they realize every word they said is on video. Enough with the Russian ****, if there was a shred of evidence we would have heard it by now.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad!

Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant.

James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI.

hahahahahaha - he can appoint anyone he wants
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The dems would have made up **** about the timing regardless of when it was done.



McConnell rejects call for special prosecutor

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected calls for a special prosecutor or independent commission to investigate Russia’s election meddling in the wake of the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

"Today we'll no doubt hear calls for a new investigation, which could only serve to impede the current work being done," McConnell said on the Senate floor, referring to the Senate Intelligence Committee's current probe of Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with President Donald Trump's campaign.

McConnell also slammed Democrats for their criticism of the Comey firing after knocking his performance repeatedly.

Lock her up!




Rudy Giuliani next FBI director? Former mayor due at White House; insists he isn't being considered

Rudy Giuliani has denied that he is a candidate to be the new, permanent FBI director, despite saying that he was scheduled for a meeting at the White House Wednesday.

The former New York City mayor and presidential candidate was rumored by many to be a possible choice to replace James Comey

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Funny to watch the Dems do a 180 so quick on Comey.

Funny to watch the Dems do a 180 so quick on Comey.

This is great, it just goes to show the liberal audience has no idea what they are supposed to think until told by their masters.... Sheep

Imagine if deputy attorney general Rob Rosenstein strongly recommended that Trump remove Comey from his duties, and Trump declined. Today we would be reading how this proves Trump is in bed with the Russians and Comey is in on it and further explains why Comey released the information prior to the election on Clinton. Trump could personally off Putin, and the left would swear it was only because Putin was going to release information proving Trump's collusion... It's pure gold, Jerry.
You have to give that audience a break. They are liberals so they don't have thoughts of their own. This was breaking news so they hadn't been told what they think about it yet.

For nine months they've been told that Comey is the debbil and kept The First Woman President from being elected.
The look on Wolf Blitzer's face is priceless.

This is great, it just goes to show the liberal audience has no idea what they are supposed to think until told by their masters.... Sheep

Imagine if deputy attorney general Rob Rosenstein strongly recommended that Trump remove Comey from his duties, and Trump declined. Today we would be reading how this proves Trump is in bed with the Russians and Comey is in on it and further explains why Comey released the information prior to the election on Clinton. Trump could personally off Putin, and the left would swear it was only because Putin was going to release information proving Trump's collusion... It's pure gold, Jerry.

and then personally hand each and every American citizen $1,000 cash, grant every single illegal immigrant naturalized citizenship, fund each every children's hospital in the country out of his own pocket, cure cancer, put a LGBTQUERIWE{(^# on Mars, apologize profusely in-person to every single Muslim on the planet and commit suicide immediately afterwards and the left would absofuckinglutely STILL have a ******* problem with the man.
This is all much ado about nothing. From the very beginning the Russia - CIA - Trump Camp - FBI - Hillary e-mails "stories" didn't mean that much. The news media loves to spin their story, hoping beyond hope to become the next Woodward and Bernstein, but 99% of the time there just isn't that much there.

This isn't changing policy. This isn't changing laws.

To me, Comey deserved to be fired because I can't remember a time the FBI (and the CIA for that matter) has been mistrusted by the American people more. Maybe not since Hoover and the witchhunt for communists. To me, the decline of trust in our FBI and their ability to be impartial and investigate criminality effectively has fallen under Comey's leadership. This is not just from the right, but the left as well.

How long does he get to hide behind "it's an open investigation" excuse? And even when he decides something, it's coded in legaleze and protectionist language. No wonder the American public has no faith in our intelligence agencies. Massive leaks to the media, politicized investigations, vague public statements... that's pretty much the trifecta of a badly run government agency.

Drain the swamp. Comey was just part. Can't wait for the congressional primaries..... that's where America can make a difference.
Sessions, Rosenstein interviewing potential interim FBI directors Wednesday

Washington (CNN)Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are interviewing potential interim FBI directors Wednesday, according to a Justice Department official.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is one of those being interviewed, the official said. By statute, McCabe became acting FBI director Tuesday in the wake of James Comey's firing.

The official said an announcement of the decision should come soon -- later Wednesday or Thursday. The candidates are not just limited to FBI officials -- they must be someone with significant law enforcement experience. The official said it cannot be a former US attorney.
