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Trump to Comey: You're Fired!


No, I just wait for one of Trump's bizarre tweets or for him to contradict his own staff - that's the official story.

What happened to it just being his campaign style and once he was in office, he'd be focused and productive?

Wait, I'm confused, what of 20 positions are you dancing around now? You're the guy that has bought (hook line and sinker) the Hillary-concocted "Russia Hacked the Elections" nonsense, which makes you nothing more than a foolish, blind lemming who accepts as truth anything the corrupt Democratic party and its operatives feed it's zombified-hordes.

Just in on this page, you've danced a waltz. Are you stating that you believe Trump asked Russia to hack the election? Are you arguing that Trump is bizarre because he combats the corrupt press through Twitter? Are you arguing that Trump has contradicted his own staff and therefore is demonic and no other President or the Grand FBP had ever done anything like that before? Are you arguing he isn't focused? Or (and I hope) you're arguing he's NOT been productive?

Please center your waffling, dancing positions for us to follow.

And we'd LOVE to have the "he's not been productive discussion."
trog will be along to shrill and screech at you, very, very soon, Timothy.

I still don't understand the end game.

It's clear to me liberals are trying to find any/all possible legal loopholes to impeach Trump. That's their goal. I see it from almost every liberal friend I have. Everything he's done over the last 90 days is "one step closer to impeachment". Every event is the "last straw". They scream from their soap boxes that "this HAS to be the thing to make you see it from my point of view, right??!!!"

And I really don't. Not once during his first 100 days do I really seriously doubt my decision to vote for him. There are certainly things I don't like about Trump. I think the twitter phone should be thrown away. I think they should pick a better person than Spicer. But those are pretty minor to me.

The Russia trying to influence our election is some of the craziest, conspiracy-driven "outrage" I've seen in a long time from our liberal press. I mean, so what if Putin came out and endorsed Trump for all we care? Sitting U.S. presidents endorse candidates ALL THE TIME. We've put government money behind coups and dictators depending on who we like more. Do liberals really think we sit idly by while election go on in Europe?

So what if Putin didn't want Clinton in the White House? And so what if he used the entire KGB to try and do it? Isn't that kind of his prerogative?

The idea/proof/facts that Trump (or his team) colluded with Putin/KGB about the timing of their "leaks" is so far-fetched and lacking evidence right now, liberals that actually believe it are just grasping for straws. And personally, I'm not even sure THAT is illegal (what law does that break exactly?). If I'm a candidate and I can get help/endorsement from another foreign leader, I can't accept that? You don't think Macron in France gladly accepted Obama's endorsement? You don't think Obama helped tear down Le Pen in France in nefarious ways? You don't think French leaders that aren't professional politicians and might actually do something for a living in business have ties to the U.S.? Same in Belgium, Germany, England... you name it.

Is this ONLY because it's Russia? The supposed "irrelevant, 1980's" world power that liberals in 2008 weren't worried about?

And I have contended from the VERY BEGINNING of the Podesta leaks, that if a major, reputable news organization like BBC, WSJ, NY Times, et. al. had been given access to those e-mails and published them as "in the best interest of the American people" (which they certainly were and legally able to do), those same journalists would be getting awards and Pulizer's for their work. They would be praised to this day for exposing the DNC for favoritism, kickbacks, bribery and racism towards their voters.

I have (and never gotten a straight answer) that if the roles were reversed. If the RNC had been hacked, the information handed over to a liberal news organization (like CNN), published at the most "opportune times" during the campaign (and likely coordinated with the DNC), that we would never hear a peep out of libarals of "wrong doing" and any witch hunt by right wing activists would be laughed off by the majority of people in this country.

There is no illegality in Russia picking favorites in a U.S. election. None. The hacking was illegal, but they are not in any jurisdiction to prosecute. Who they handed the information over to and when means nothing. Spying, both physically and electronically, is obvious in this case, but so what? You don't think we spy on Russia anymore? You don't think Obama spied on Russia? Hell, Obama spied and wiretapped Chancellor Merkel for Christ's sake!

This whole story is just bullshit, made up, conspiracy that liberal America is just eating up hook, line and sinker. It's sad.
trog will be along to shrill and screech at you, very, very soon, Timothy.

That was utterly horrific to watch. Where the hell did you find that?

Mind you, I do view most Liberals that way.
That was utterly horrific to watch. Where the hell did you find that?

Mind you, I do view most Liberals that way.

Think about how many times you have to practice screaming to get it that perfect and loud.... I think the whole campus heard her.
The more I think about the timing of this, it is clear to me that Comey told Trump something straight to his face and then told the Senate committee something completely different.

That, and only that, would explain everything. The idea Trump did this as a reaction to "asking for funds" or "getting close on something in his investigation" doesn't make any sense because no matter what the FBI finds out it's still Sessions that decides if any charges are brought. And it was Sessions that likely wanted Comey gone as much as Trump. Recusing yourself from the Russia - Trump investigation does not mean you can't endorse firing Comey if you don't think he is capable at his job. Or lies. Or is not independent.

I wonder if there is any record of Sesssions speaking publicly about Comey before he became AG. Something tells me they were never the best of buddies.
Sen. John Cornyn among 4 who will interview for FBI director job

Sen. John Cornyn (Tex.), the second-ranking Senate Republican, who has in recent weeks become a more outward defender of President Trump, and acting FBI director Andrew McCabe will interview Saturday to serve as the FBI’s permanent director, according to people familiar with the matter.

The men are two of at least four people who will interview to replace James B. Comey, whom Trump fired this week, the people said.

The others are Alice Fisher, a white-collar defense lawyer who previously led the Justice Department’s criminal division, and Michael J. Garcia, a judge on the New York State Court of Appeals who previously served as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

I have as much issue with this as all.of you lefties had with Bill Clinton coincidentally meeting Loretta Lynch on the tarmac.

Actually, I lean strongly to the right on most political/socials issues, and I actually agree with, say, 70-80% of Trump's agenda, but I just do not like or trust the man. He gives off too much of an unscrupulous snake oil salesman vibe.

I've felt that way LONG before he ran for President, and his actions since being elected have only reinforced those views.

I do not want to think that Trump colluded with Putin and is under his thumb, but like I said, I do not trust Trump at all and him destabilizing the FBI by firing its chief at the apex of the Russia investigation does not look good, regardless of how one feels about him.
The more I think about the timing of this, it is clear to me that Comey told Trump something straight to his face and then told the Senate committee something completely different.

That, and only that, would explain everything. The idea Trump did this as a reaction to "asking for funds" or "getting close on something in his investigation" doesn't make any sense because no matter what the FBI finds out it's still Sessions that decides if any charges are brought. And it was Sessions that likely wanted Comey gone as much as Trump. Recusing yourself from the Russia - Trump investigation does not mean you can't endorse firing Comey if you don't think he is capable at his job. Or lies. Or is not independent.

I wonder if there is any record of Sesssions speaking publicly about Comey before he became AG. Something tells me they were never the best of buddies.

Comey could still have brought incriminating information to congress without Session's consent
In time, many here will be embarrased by fact they supported and stood by Trump. But surely they'll be men enough to apologize and be accounted for.

#gettoknowyourpresident #nothingtoseehere #draintheswamplol #specialprosecutor

<iframe src="//media-service.vara.nl/player.php?id=372765" height="270" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

<iframe src="//media-service.vara.nl/player.php?id=373030" height="270" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>
In time, many here will be embarrased by fact they supported and stood by Trump. But surely they'll be men enough to apologize and be accounted for.

#gettoknowyourpresident #nothingtoseehere #draintheswamplol #specialprosecutor

<iframe src="//media-service.vara.nl/player.php?id=372765" height="270" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>

<iframe src="//media-service.vara.nl/player.php?id=373030" height="270" frameborder="0" width="480"></iframe>
Tibs must have subscribed to Efliero's youtube channel.....
The more I think about the timing of this, it is clear to me that Comey told Trump something straight to his face and then told the Senate committee something completely different.

That, and only that, would explain everything.

LOL. So the reason Trump couldn't get his story straight was because Comey doesn't have any integrity.

******* Classic!
Trump can't get his story straight because he's an egomaniac who wants people to think it was all him that fired Comey and not that he did it because of advice of others. That's also irrelevant.

All that matters is that Comey was terrible at his job, both sides wanted him fired and Trump had authority to fire him and he did. End of story.
Actually, I lean strongly to the right on most political/socials issues, and I actually agree with, say, 70-80% of Trump's agenda, but I just do not like or trust the man. He gives off too much of an unscrupulous snake oil salesman vibe.

I've felt that way LONG before he ran for President, and his actions since being elected have only reinforced those views.

I do not want to think that Trump colluded with Putin and is under his thumb, but like I said, I do not trust Trump at all and him destabilizing the FBI by firing its chief at the apex of the Russia investigation does not look good, regardless of how one feels about him.

Really? the Russia investigation is at an apex? If that were true, you'd have a point, but the so called investigation is a farce. I think this supposed investigation is the reason Comey lasted this long. Trump finally had enough of stall tactics. Comey was a politician trying to play both sides.
Really? the Russia investigation is at an apex? If that were true, you'd have a point, but the so called investigation is a farce. I think this supposed investigation is the reason Comey lasted this long. Trump finally had enough of stall tactics. Comey was a politician trying to play both sides.

Based on what we know, Comey had just asked for additional resources to help come to a conclusion on this ****. Apex is a relative term, but Comey obviously saw something he needed to look further into after nearly a year of investigating this.

The timing of firing Comey stinks, plain and simple.

Trump had the legal authority to fire Comey for nearly four months, but just almost arbitrarily decided to do it now.
To keep this all in perspective

Media Forgets Bill Clinton Fired FBI Director One Day Before Vince Foster’s Death


The usual suspects in the liberal media have branded the timing of President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey as suspicious, accusing Trump of trying to block an investigation into alleged collusion with Russia. Never mind that even the likes of California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein admit there is no evidence of any such thing or the Congressional testimony of acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe that Trump has not interfered or could not interfere, with an investigation that, contrary to rumors, is adequately funded.

But as long as we’re discussing conspiracy theories, let us talk about the only other time a President Fired and FBI Director, the firing of William Sessions by one William Jefferson Clinton. The timing of thefiring of Sessions is at least equally curious, and the conspiracy theories surrounding the firing may have significantly more basis in truth.

President Clinton fired FBI Director William Sessions on 19 July 1993, one day before Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster, a longtime associate of the Clintons, was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The death of Vince Foster, ruled a suicide, came amidst a bevy of Clinton scandals and, while many dispute that it was a suicide, another likely scenario is that Vince Foster killed himself due to the unbearable pressure, and perhaps guilt, of coving up for Bill and Hillary Clinton. The firing of FBI Director Sssions came as games were played with the records he held in his office, possible evidence of the Clinton’s guilt.


Let's review

Foster was a lefty, gun found in RIGHT hand

Gun looped around finger that required firing by THUMB

No serial number on gun

Very little blood at scene

Weird inner blood pooling location indicated body was moved, post mortem

Foster’s car not found at park

Hillary aides entered Foster’s office shortly BEFORE body was discovered, removed documents

After body discovered, Hillary aides interrupted inside Foster’s SEALED office, were removing additional documents

No dirt on Foster’s shoe soles

Foster body covered in CARPET FIBERS

“Suicide” note torn into many pieces, note NOT found in his attache case, discrepancy noted. THEN presto! Note WAS found in that SAME attache case

Additional NECK wound noted, medical professionals pressured to renounce neck wound discovery
Let's review

Foster was a lefty, gun found in RIGHT hand

Gun looped around finger that required firing by THUMB

No serial number on gun

Very little blood at scene

Weird inner blood pooling location indicated body was moved, post mortem

Foster’s car not found at park

Hillary aides entered Foster’s office shortly BEFORE body was discovered, removed documents

After body discovered, Hillary aides interrupted inside Foster’s SEALED office, were removing additional documents

No dirt on Foster’s shoe soles

Foster body covered in CARPET FIBERS

“Suicide” note torn into many pieces, note NOT found in his attache case, discrepancy noted. THEN presto! Note WAS found in that SAME attache case

Additional NECK wound noted, medical professionals pressured to renounce neck wound discovery

Vince Foster MAY have killed himself, but regardless he didn't kill himself at Fort Marcy Park where his body was found.
His car did get to Fort Marcy Park but it got there after his body did. Witness reports bear this out.
If he shot himself in his office then how did he get in there with a gun when you are not supposed to carry a gun into a Federal office, which may have been in the White House, and there are supposed to be metal detectors to keep you from doing that?
Libs are completely unhinged - YOU LOST, GET OVER IT!


Based on what we know, Comey had just asked for additional resources to help come to a conclusion on this ****. Apex is a relative term, but Comey obviously saw something he needed to look further into after nearly a year of investigating this.

The timing of firing Comey stinks, plain and simple.
Trump had the legal authority to fire Comey for nearly four months, but just almost arbitrarily decided to do it now.

No the Deputy Attorney General directly stated their was no official request for more resources and had their been it would have to have been made to congress which it wasn't. Furthermore he also stated the FBI does not make requests for individual cases. Go look at his testimony! This is all made up bullshit.