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Trump to repeal Obama fracking rule


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Muh legacy!

Drill baby drill

The Trump administration is planning to repeal Barack Obama’s landmark 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land.

It is the latest in a series of high-profile Obama environmental rules the Trump administration is repealing or working to change.

The rule was designed to burden the oil industry with excessive reporting requirements which would allow the EPA to delay and derail, new exploration and drilling. It was designed to kill fracking, a key part of America’s energy resurgence, based on unfounded environmentalist fears, namely that fracking poisons drinking water, accelerates climate change, and causes earthquakes. As Investor’s Business Daily commented on the Obama fracking rule enacted in 2015.

Hydraulic fracturing, the technical term, does not cause earthquakes nor has there ever been evidence that it contaminates drinking water. Fracking has been used in oil and gas production in Oklahoma since 1949 and now, more than six decades later, the chicken littles of the left are claiming it now causes major destructive earthquakes?

Trump has also ordered the EPA to consider repealing Obama’s Clean Water Rule, and will soon seek to undo the Clean Power Plan, the coal leasing moratorium for federal land and other climate and environmental regulations.

The Paris treaty was always doomed to fail because it did not take into account that governments, at least democratic ones, operate in four or five year election cycles, not the 30, 40, 50 or 80-year time spans envisioned by the treaty.

Logically, the UN, having boasted that getting the U.S. to sign the 2015 Paris treaty (it never signed the Kyoto accord) was the key to its success, can not now credibly argue Trump’s effective withdrawal doesn’t kill it.

As for Canada, Trudeau — now imposing a national carbon pricing plan — will never acknowledge that the Paris treaty is dead, with Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna already talking bout Canada partnering with China.

But let’s not kid the troops.

With Trump’s moves last week, the Paris climate treaty is as dead as the “Dead Parrot” in Monty Python’s famous skit of the same name.
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Paris climate treaty dead

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will never admit it, the 2015 Paris climate treaty Canada signed with great fanfare died last week.

It died because of the release of U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget plan.

While Trump has to get it through the U.S. Congress, which means parts of it are unlikely to survive, his clear intention to gut U.S. climate change policy by dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency spells the death knell for the Paris treaty.

Trump is proposing deeper cuts to the EPA than any other government agency, reducing its $8.2 billion budget by 31%, laying off 19% of its 15,000 staff and cutting 50 programs.

That includes funding for Barack Obama’s signature climate change initiative, his Climate Action Plan, to reduce America’s use of coal-fired electricity.

Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, made the president’s intention crystal clear Thursday.

“Regarding the question of climate change ... We’re not spending money on that anymore,” Mulvaney said. “We consider that to be a waste of your money ... ”

The Paris treaty was always doomed to fail because it did not take into account that governments, at least democratic ones, operate in four or five year election cycles, not the 30, 40, 50 or 80-year time spans envisioned by the treaty.

Logically, the UN, having boasted that getting the U.S. to sign the 2015 Paris treaty (it never signed the Kyoto accord) was the key to its success, can not now credibly argue Trump’s effective withdrawal doesn’t kill it.

As for Canada, Trudeau — now imposing a national carbon pricing plan — will never acknowledge that the Paris treaty is dead, with Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna already talking bout Canada partnering with China.

But let’s not kid the troops.

With Trump’s moves last week, the Paris climate treaty is as dead as the “Dead Parrot” in Monty Python’s famous skit of the same name.
