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Trump's call to a Gold Star Widow

My first comment on the thread.
President Obama and his White House sent representatives to the funerals of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. When General Harold Greene was killed in Afghanistan, Obama, Moose, nor any representative of the White House showed up at Dover or at the funerals. He was the highest ranking military person killed on foreign soil since 1972. Obama ignored it.

That is disrespect. There were crickets at the time.

John Kelly's own son was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan. President Obama never even placed a phone call.

That is disrespect. NOTHING was reported about it at the time.

Events like these? Under-reported: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/01/politics/donald-trump-dover-afb-william-ryan-owens/index.html


Let's keep **** in perspective. When a R sits on the throne, there is a perpetual witch hunt. When a D is in the house, there are crickets. Both sides are equally guilty of being insensitive, demeaning, offensive, and so on. Don't fool yourself otherwise.

You are so full of **** Tiny Tim that I can't even figure out how you can see past the brown that must cover the inside of your eyeballs.

Defense secretary Chuck Hagel attended Greene's funeral AT THE REQUEST OF OBAMA..... The secretary of defense IS a White House cabinet member you mental midget.

Obama couldn't attend because he was actually doing work, NOT watching Fox and Friends or tweeting about how great he is....

Furthermore: Nixon (REPUGNICAN) did not attend the funeral of Major General Dillard who was killed in Nam in 1970......

George W. Bush (REPUGNICAN) did not attend the funeral of LT. General Maude who was killed during the 9/11 attacks......

There is no tradition of Presidents calling people or attending funerals, some do, some don't. Sometimes they are busy working(Not Trump of course..that's laughable). Trump was just bothered that's all. AND of course he attacked them, THAT IS HIS M.O. ASK THE KHANS, ASK McCain....

And so what that Obama didn't call Kelly when his son was killed? Obama probably didn't even know who Kelly was at the time.

What you should be more concerned about is the fact that Kelly is now upset because he mentioned this to Trump in private not knowing the Clown in Chief would go public, but of course he did because whenever Trump screws up he turns and bashes Obama. It's his M.O., it's his obsession. Trump going behind Kelly's back and using his dead son to attack Obama IS THE ULTIMATE DISRESPECT!

Of course we will hear crickets as you say concerning Trumps behavior. When we don't here crickets we hear wild illogical excuse making in his defense......pathetic.

So you are as big a lying sack of **** as your clown president Tiny Tim, congratulations.
Who says we were wrong about Ferguson? Let's flip that coin; then the O.J. murder trial outcome in '94 was correct...RIGHT?

Of course not..........of course not.....

Seventeen eye witnesses and the forensic evidence...........thats who.
Out of 18 witnesses only one told the "hands up dont shoot" story and guess who that was! But yet obama, erich holder, the fake news media and YOU chose to believe the lie.
If you are really that stupid to believe Browns thug friend over real evidence then you are ether truly stupid or a liar. Ether way you can never hold any merit.

btw........OJs son was the one who committed the murder.
Like i said before the main problem is how trump handled it afterwards. He and Kelly could have easily diffused the situation, but Trump threw gas on the fire. Any little slight or criticism and Trump throws a temper tantrum.
Wilson was IN THE CAR OF THE WIDOW when Trump called. It was put on speakerphone (on thecell). WHY was Wilson in the widow's car?????

They were on their way to the airport to meet the body of the deceased hero.
They were on their way to the airport to meet the body of the deceased hero.

How is Wilson connected to any of this? That's what I don't get.
Who says we were wrong about Ferguson? Let's flip that coin; then the O.J. murder trial outcome in '94 was correct...RIGHT?

Of course not..........of course not.....

Some people let a brutal butcher loose because Mark Fuhrman used the N word once. Let that sink in. A jury full of your idiotic peers to be sure. Thankfully the Ferguson jury actually considered the evidence and not the dumbass racial cop-hating rhetoric.
So was Johnson's mother................and she doesn't work for the Psychopath in Chief.

Were you trying to make a point PPHP?

If you actually listened to what Kelly said and still think he's just covering up for Trump, I mean President Donald J. Trump to you, Twatty, then you are even more evil than I knew you were.

The Fake News is going crazy with wacky Congresswoman Wilson(D), who was SECRETLY on a very personal call, and gave a total lie on content!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2017

Libtard Fake News media is out of their skulls! This is great. They're so unhinged that they are attacking Kelly now.
I knew this story smelled of nasty democrat bs. They seriously have no ethics,morals or anything of value to offer the country. Just repulsive.
Libtard Fake News media is out of their skulls! This is great. They're so unhinged that they are attacking Kelly now.

Yeah, the Empty Barrel thing is apparently racist, although of the people I have asked, no one can tell me why. Even Rep Wilson said it is racist, but she wasn't going to say why. She said she had to look it up in the dictionary. I looked in two dictionaries and it isn't in either of them.
Wilson was IN THE CAR OF THE WIDOW when Trump called. It was put on speakerphone (on thecell). WHY was Wilson in the widow's car?????

Something else that sticks out to me. I am a crier. I cry over just about everything. When you are in THAT kind of emotional state, you do mishear and misinterpret the way things are said. You are keyed up, emotional, and you're not processing correctly. So it's POSSIBLE that what Trump said got mistaken as ****** by the overwrought widow. I'm NOT making excuses for her as I can't IMAGINE her grief. But I can understand how easy it is to mishear something when you are that emotional.

your socks are ugly and mismatched.
cry baby, cry
FACT CHECK: Is ‘Empty Barrel’ A Racist Term?
Photo of David Sivak
Fact Check Reporter
1:51 PM 10/20/2017
0 0 Share
Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson claimed Friday that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly used a “racist term” when he described her as an “empty barrel.”

Kelly made the remark during a press briefing Thursday while defending a phone call that President Donald Trump made to the widow of a fallen soldier.

Verdict: False

The Daily Caller News Foundation could not find any instances where “empty barrel” has been used as a racial epithet.

Fact Check:

During an interview Friday on CNN, Wilson claimed she had looked up the term “empty barrel” in the dictionary and found it to be a racist term.

“That’s a racist term,” said Wilson. “We looked it up in the dictionary because I had never heard of an empty barrel. And I don’t like to be dragged into something like that.”

But TheDCNF found no evidence that the term has racial connotations. The phrase originated from the proverb “empty vessels make most noise” that dates back to at least the 15th century.

According to the Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins, the proverb means that “foolish people are always the most talkative.” Similarly, the Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs defines it this way: “Shallow people with nothing valuable to say are the most talkative or noisy.”

TheDCNF also found no informal use of the term that would suggest a racial connotation. Even Urban Dictionary, a crowdsourcing website for slang terms, did not list any definitions of “empty barrel” or “empty vessel,” as of Friday morning.

Famous writers have used the expression over the centuries. Playwright William Shakespeare used it in Act 4 of “Henry V.” “I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true ‘The empty vessel makes the greatest sound,'” wrote Shakespeare.

The famous author Jonathan Swift wrote, “I have always observed that your empty vessels sound loudest.”

Writers have even attributed the phrase to Plato, although there’s no evidence he actually said those words. “An empty vessel makes the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest babblers,” Plato allegedly said.

Being called an “empty barrel” is by no means a flattering term, but it’s not a racial slur as Wilson claims.
“That’s a racist term,” said Wilson. “We looked it up in the dictionary because I had never heard of an empty barrel. And I don’t like to be dragged into something like that.”

So, create false narrative. Wake up next day to self proclaimed rock star status, get called out for false narrative, and pivot to the race card. How original.
You are so full of **** Tiny Tim that I can't even figure out how you can see past the brown that must cover the inside of your eyeballs.

Defense secretary Chuck Hagel attended Greene's funeral AT THE REQUEST OF OBAMA..... The secretary of defense IS a White House cabinet member you mental midget.

Obama couldn't attend because he was actually doing work, NOT watching Fox and Friends or tweeting about how great he is....

Furthermore: Nixon (REPUGNICAN) did not attend the funeral of Major General Dillard who was killed in Nam in 1970......

George W. Bush (REPUGNICAN) did not attend the funeral of LT. General Maude who was killed during the 9/11 attacks......

There is no tradition of Presidents calling people or attending funerals, some do, some don't. Sometimes they are busy working(Not Trump of course..that's laughable). Trump was just bothered that's all. AND of course he attacked them, THAT IS HIS M.O. ASK THE KHANS, ASK McCain....

And so what that Obama didn't call Kelly when his son was killed? Obama probably didn't even know who Kelly was at the time.

What you should be more concerned about is the fact that Kelly is now upset because he mentioned this to Trump in private not knowing the Clown in Chief would go public, but of course he did because whenever Trump screws up he turns and bashes Obama. It's his M.O., it's his obsession. Trump going behind Kelly's back and using his dead son to attack Obama IS THE ULTIMATE DISRESPECT!

Of course we will hear crickets as you say concerning Trumps behavior. When we don't here crickets we hear wild illogical excuse making in his defense......pathetic.

So you are as big a lying sack of **** as your clown president Tiny Tim, congratulations.

SMH. You obfuscate.

Fine, Obama sent a "delegate" to the General's funeral. Couldn't bother to attend himself. Meanwhile, Trump flies to Dover to welcome home and respect the fallen. Clearly you can see the difference.

This whole **** storm is about a phrase that Trump supposedly did or didn't say. The media and this idiot lying DemocRAT are once again on a witch hunt to make a guy that's been nothing but utterly honorable and respectful to the military, especially the fallen, and try to destroy him. That's all this is about.

Funny, "Obama probably didn't know who Kelly was when his son died" but Trump manages to call the parents of a fallen soldier. One President makes the time for situations like this, the other can't...unless he's running to the cameras to proclaim the likes of Trayvon or Michael Brown have been wrongfully murdered before having any damned facts on the matter.

It was always clear what Obama's priorities were. He was there front and center to stir the racial divide. Trump has been front and center to honor and defend the military, no matter how much you DemocRATS try to change the story.
It's a ******* shame that she had to do this.....Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan

Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

“I am so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a horrible thing, except that he’s an unbelievable hero,” Trump told her in the call about her husband Army Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, which The Washington Post released.

“Thank you. I really, really appreciated it,” she said. “I really do, sir.”

Trump also told the widow if she is ever in Washington D.C. that she is welcome in the Oval Office.

“If you’re around Washington, you come over and see me in the Oval Office,” he said. “You just come over and see me because you are just the kind of family … this is what we want.”

“Say hello to your children, and tell them your father he was a great hero that I respected,” Trump said. “Just tell them I said your father was a great hero.”

The phone call was released after White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly pushed back against Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson’s criticism that Trump told a Gold Star widow “he knew what he signed up for.”

It's a ******* shame that she had to do this.....Gold Star Widow Releases Trump’s Call After Husband Was Killed In Afghanistan

Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

“I am so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a horrible thing, except that he’s an unbelievable hero,” Trump told her in the call about her husband Army Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, which The Washington Post released.

“Thank you. I really, really appreciated it,” she said. “I really do, sir.”

Trump also told the widow if she is ever in Washington D.C. that she is welcome in the Oval Office.

“If you’re around Washington, you come over and see me in the Oval Office,” he said. “You just come over and see me because you are just the kind of family … this is what we want.”

“Say hello to your children, and tell them your father he was a great hero that I respected,” Trump said. “Just tell them I said your father was a great hero.”

The phone call was released after White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly pushed back against Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson’s criticism that Trump told a Gold Star widow “he knew what he signed up for.”


This shows you clearly what Trump is dealing with. That congresswoman should be removed from office. She can take her cowboy hats with her.
I bet if the dead soldier wasn't black, Wilson would not have gone. This woman will do anything to further her career. She's a nasty ***** with an ax to grind
This congress woman , Wilson can't be taken seriously. She walks around in a god damned cowboy costume like some kind of cartoon character She is more interested in being some kind of celebrity than a serious member of congress. She needs to be drained from the swamp.