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Trump's DAMN tax plan! HOLY **** IS THIS AWFUL!!


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates for Individuals and Businesses



WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday proposed sharp reductions in both individual and corporate income tax rates, reducing the number of individual income tax brackets to three — 10 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent — and easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the rich.

The Trump administration would double the standard deduction, essentially eliminating taxes on the first $24,000 of a couple’s earnings. It also called for the elimination of most itemized tax deductions but would leave in place the popular deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions. The estate tax and the alternative minimum tax, which Mr. Trump has railed against for years, would be repealed under his plan.

As expected, the White House did not include in its plan the border adjustment tax on imports that was prized by House Republicans. However, it did express broad support for switching to a so-called territorial tax system that would exempt company earnings abroad from taxation but would encourage companies to maintain their headquarters in the United States.

The plan would include a special one-time tax to entice companies to repatriate cash that they are parking overseas.
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Mr. Trump also signaled support for changes to the tax code that would help families with child-care costs. His plan also would end the 3.8 percent tax on investment income that was imposed by the Affordable Care Act.

Trump administration officials called the blueprint one of the largest tax cuts and broadest overhauls of the tax system in history.

“We want to move as fast as we can,” Steven T. Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said at an event in Washington as the White House planned an afternoon rollout of its principles for what it bills as the first overhaul of the tax code in three decades. “This bill is about creating economic growth and jobs.”

He vowed it would be “the biggest tax cut and the largest tax reform in the history of our country,” in line with Mr. Trump’s grandiose portrayal. But there was no expectation that the White House would elucidate how the deep cuts would be financed, and administration officials are cognizant of the challenges of pushing through a proposal that could dramatically add to the national debt.

If, in fact, the proposal cuts taxes but fails to close loopholes or raise some other taxes, it would not be a true reform of the tax code. It would be a tax cut along the lines of President George W. Bush’s tax measure in 2001 and 2003. Nor is it clear that it would be the largest in history. Tax cutters from Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge to John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan vie for that title.

Mr. Mnuchin offered few specifics about the blueprint, other than confirming that its centerpiece will be a 15 percent business tax rate, which would apply not only to corporations, but also to small businesses and other large owner-operated conglomerates, such as Mr. Trump’s real estate empire. He also said the White House is not on board with the border-adjustment tax that is central to House Republicans’ tax plan “in its current form,” setting up an intraparty struggle over the elements of the plan and how to offset the deep reductions envisioned.

Mr. Trump also wants to increase the standard deduction for individuals, according to people briefed on the plan, an attempt to fulfill his promises to provide tax cuts for middle-income people and simplify the process of filing returns. That proposal is likely to engender strong resistance from home builders and real estate agents, who fear it would diminish the importance of the mortgage interest deduction, as well as other sectors that could see the tax benefits associated with their businesses curbed or eliminated.

And Democrats are gearing up for a fight. “Trump’s latest proposal is another gift to corporations and billionaires like himself,” said Tom Perez, the Democratic Party chairman. “Trump must release his tax returns, as millions of Americans are demanding, before Congress can consider any Trump tax plan. We must know how much Trump would personally financially benefit from his own proposal.”

The long-awaited White House blueprint is intended to formally begin the push to get a tax overhaul done before the end of the year.

Officials have cautioned that the announcement will be light on detail and should not be viewed as the final word in what is likely to be a mammoth negotiation. While Mr. Trump has portrayed the effort as a top priority, he had no plans to appear publicly on Wednesday to roll it out, leaving that task to Mr. Mnuchin and Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, who are to brief reporters at the White House in the afternoon.

The plan contrasts starkly with one that has been championed by House Republicans, who had proposed paying for their tax cuts in part with the new tax on imports, an effort to ensure that the measure would not swell the deficit.

But on Wednesday, many Republicans — even leading proponents of that plan — insisted they were in broad agreement with the White House on the contours of a tax rewrite.

“I think there’s 80 percent or more common ground here — we’ve got some work to do,” said Representative Kevin Brady, Republican of Texas and the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. “I think the president is going bold here.”

Mr. Mnuchin said this week that the tax changes would spur the economy to grow by 3 percent, which he said would pay for the vast cuts in federal revenues. But even Republicans privately concede that stronger growth would not entirely offset the cost. Democrats scoffed at the notion on Wednesday.

“America is a great nation,” said Representative Ted Lieu, Democrat of California, “but we haven’t yet discovered magic.” He called Mr. Trump’s tax proposal “mathematically impossible.”

Republicans have long called for comprehensive permanent changes to the tax code, but lately they have shown increasing openness to the possibility of tax cuts with an expiration date. If they embark on a plan to move legislation that adds to the deficit and cannot be filibustered by Democrats, Senate budget rules dictate that the tax cuts would expire after a decade.

“The goal is to make it permanent, but there’s lots of levers here,” Mr. Mnuchin said. “If we have them for 10 years, that’s better than nothing.”

Beyond cutting the tax rate to 15 percent for large corporations, which now pay a rate of 35 percent, Mr. Trump also wants that rate for a broad range of firms known as pass-through entities — including hedge funds, real estate concerns like Mr. Trump’s and large partnerships — that currently pay taxes at individual rates, which top off at 39.6 percent.

Acknowledging concerns that such a move could potentially be used as a tax shelter, Mr. Mnuchin insisted on Wednesday that the administration’s plan would not be used as a loophole to allow people to pay less tax than they should be paying.

The concern would be that lawyers, doctors, consultants or other wealthy people in partnerships could structure much of their personal income as business income, effectively reducing their tax rate from 39.6 percent to 15 percent.

“We don’t need a tax plan that allows the very rich to use pass-throughs to reduce their rates to 15 percent while average Americans are paying much more,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said Wednesday. “That’s not tax reform. That’s just a tax giveaway to the very, very wealthy that will explode the deficit.”
grandma eating dog food and children starving in the streets. Good jaerb Trumpeters.
And Democrats are gearing up for a fight. “Trump’s latest proposal is another gift to corporations and billionaires like himself,” said Tom Perez, the Democratic Party chairman. “Trump must release his tax returns, as millions of Americans are demanding, before Congress can consider any Trump tax plan. We must know how much Trump would personally financially benefit from his own proposal.”

“We don’t need a tax plan that allows the very rich to use pass-throughs to reduce their rates to 15 percent while average Americans are paying much more,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said Wednesday. “That’s not tax reform. That’s just a tax giveaway to the very, very wealthy that will explode the deficit.”

because **** donald trump
It kills me how "keeping your own money" = "tax giveaway". Like it is the governments ******* money to start with. **** heads.

Keeping your own money is obviously racist.
Doesn't look like its going to do anything for me. Lower corp tax and getting rid of the bullshit estate tax is good.

Republicans need to call bullshit on this "paying for" tax cut language.
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays
grandma eating dog food and children starving in the streets. Good jaerb Trumpeters.


Those things got worse under Obama, a spike of people on welfare, the lowest labor rate in years, and a very expensive health care plan. All true.

What the people need Ark is LOWER TAXES. Rating taxes, in theory, is fine for the poor, but not under Democratic political funneling as much of the money is re-touted to support bureaucracy, pension funds, and not the people!

When you lower the business tax rate, they can hire more people here.
you need to dumb it down for ark, Coach. he's one of them elite upper class 1-percent ******* sharing caviar and wine with the likes of Burgundy while looking down his long pointed nose from his towering castle at the little peasants jockeying for crumbs.

Those things got worse under Obama, a spike of people on welfare, the lowest labor rate in years, and a very expensive health care plan. All true.

What the people need Ark is LOWER TAXES. Rating taxes, in theory, is fine for the poor, but not under Democratic political funneling as much of the money is re-touted to support bureaucracy, pension funds, and not the people!

When you lower the business tax rate, they can hire more people here.

You know that was sarcasm, right?
I'm okay with the tax cuts as long as the government is slashing expenditures proportionately for the short term. The issue is that Capitalism needs more than two terms of a Presidency to allow for business growth, job growth, and increased tax revenue to match government spending. The issue is that progressives get elected and begin socialism creating massive spending and increasing taxes and it resets the economy for the next pro-capitalism Presidency To deal with.
That 20% tax cut would help my company immediately. Yugely!
Ark, that's why I try to use the [sarcasm-font] markup [/sarcasm-font]

Then there can be no confusion.
Aren't there governments in Europe who take it all and return to the worker bee what they think they need? I only think so because of an article I read years ago where a far left politician floated it as a good idea for us here in capitalist America. Who in their right mind would go along with this? My hard work and determination is not your property.
If I were Trump, I'd tweet to those sanctimonious liberals so against individual tax cuts that they can opt out if they wish.

There will be a box to check on the IRS Form if you'd rather default to the prior years tax rate and continue giving more of your money to the government.

Doubt they put their money where their mouth is.
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Ark, that's why I try to use the [sarcasm-font] markup [/sarcasm-font]

Then there can be no confusion.

I thought it was so obvious that even a moron would.....nvm...
$24000 is a lot more than the average couple could ever deduct.
I still believe that there should be a higher tax rate on investment income. Money you earn by working 40 hours a week should be taxed less than money from an inheritance while you party your *** off. Think of it as a surcharge for not doing your fair share.

I may be willing to compromise and allow a reduced tax rate for interest off of money loaned to people looking to start small businesses, but you must make these loans directly.
I still believe that there should be a higher tax rate on investment income. Money you earn by working 40 hours a week should be taxed less than money from an inheritance while you party your *** off. Think of it as a surcharge for not doing your fair share.

I may be willing to compromise and allow a reduced tax rate for interest off of money loaned to people looking to start small businesses, but you must make these loans directly.
Investment "income" tax is taxing money that has already been taxed. I buy assets with after tax money from someone who bought them with after tax money. Shouldn't be taxed at all. It's one of those arbitrary "just cause we can" taxes, like the death tax. Tax policy shouldn't have anything to do with how people like you feel about how hard someone worked for their money.
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If a person uses his after tax money to invest ( he is taking a risk) and he makes money, none of it should be taxed.
I surely welcome more money in my paycheck at the end of the day, but tax reform is just as much about reducing the government influence and intrusion in our lives. The less money they have to spend, the better. Our top priority needs to be debt reduction, and how we can find a balance with tax reduction.
If the tax rates drop too far, someone is going to need to employ me. The Glory Hole won't support me on its own.