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Trumps speech tonight

Was just listening to Michael Savage and he thought Trump hit a home run last night, so case closed.:whistle1:

But seriously, Savage is pretty independent-minded and he explained that the moderate tone he thought Trump set would appeal to the masses more than anything, more than if he went all typical Trump in your face style.

That's why there's no real substance to any rebuttals, only pupil and Adderall experts. I listened to it again and he was trying to catch his breath after just about every couple sentences at about halfway through which makes you wonder about his health, but whoever wrote that speech is damn good IMO.

I'm glad Savage isn't on the radio in Pittsburgh anymore. He makes my blood pressure go too high.
You don't see many pudgy 72 year old speed freaks but whatever Tibs.

The funny thing is I don't even like the guy but the attacks are so ridiculous and outrageous I find myself defending him.

I can't help but find myself doing the same damn thing. It's so crazy (the constant attacks) that it's incomprehensible. Can you imagine if it was the FBP or any other Democrat? People have seriously lost their ****, sorry but no other way to put it.

And yeah, Trump is def pudgy. He's enjoying him some well-done steaks and two scoops of ice cream.
I'm glad Savage isn't on the radio in Pittsburgh anymore. He makes my blood pressure go too high.

Haha, Savage is definitely a character.
You don't see many pudgy 72 year old speed freaks but whatever Tibs.

The funny thing is I don't even like the guy but the attacks are so ridiculous and outrageous I find myself defending him.

That's why Trump gets the 2nd scoop of ice cream. It all makes sense now
Tibs’ vagina.


Can you imagine if that was Trump and the hysteria it would cause? Impeachment based on being a looney the minute it went viral.

Extra. Extra. Read all about it.
Trump an Adderall addict. Tibs broke the story,
The funny thing is I don't even like the guy but the attacks are so ridiculous and outrageous I find myself defending him.

That's where I am as well. While a lot of it is ridiculous and outrageous, some of it is just funny. Would be great if the press would hold all politicians to the same standard. Who knows, government might actually work for the people. Crazy idea, I know.
Wait, what? Can someone explain the logic here?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So border apprehensions have gone down because he’s doing a great job without the wall but he needs the wall because they can’t do a good job without it except that he’s managing it already but also can’t manage it without a wall.<br><br>Got it. <a href="https://t.co/kXCcLCgkGI">pic.twitter.com/kXCcLCgkGI</a></p>— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) <a href="https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1083112686970331136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 9, 2019</a></blockquote>
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When will you dumb ***** realize that apprehensions have nothing to do with how many are still getting over and not getting caught. No way to quantify that but with dollars the American taxpayer (me) spend on there welfare programs to keep them up once they get here and start dropping babies.
Wait, what? Can someone explain the logic here?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So border apprehensions have gone down because he’s doing a great job without the wall but he needs the wall because they can’t do a good job without it except that he’s managing it already but also can’t manage it without a wall.<br><br>Got it. <a href="https://t.co/kXCcLCgkGI">pic.twitter.com/kXCcLCgkGI</a></p>— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) <a href="https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1083112686970331136?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 9, 2019</a></blockquote>
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a simple answer is people found other ways to cross without getting caught. don't know if that is the case or not, but there is really no way of knowing.
When will you dumb ***** realize that apprehensions have nothing to do with how many are still getting over and not getting caught. No way to quantify that but with dollars the American taxpayer (me) spend on there welfare programs to keep them up once they get here and start dropping babies.

What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Immigration is integral to the nation’s economic growth. The inflow of labor supply has helped the United States avoid the problems facing other economies that have stagnated as a result of unfavorable demographics, particularly the effects of an aging work force and reduced consumption by older residents. In addition, the infusion of human capital by high-skilled immigrants has boosted the nation’s capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological change.

For the 2011-2013 period, the net cost to state and local budgets of first generation adults is, on average, about $1,600 each. In contrast, second and third-plus generation adults create a net positive of about $1,700 and $1,300 each, respectively, to state and local budgets. These estimates imply that the total annual fiscal impact of first generation adults and their dependents, averaged across 2011-13, is a cost of $57.4 billion, while second and third-plus generation adults create a benefit of $30.5 billion and $223.8 billion, respectively.

Cost of 1st generation immigrants (-) = $57.4 billion. Net positive of 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants (+) = $30.5bn + $223.8bn = $254.3bn. Net result: $254.3bn - 57.4bn = $196,9 billion plus
Now illegals are making us money, give that **** a rest, you have lost your mind. Not to mention the lives already lost by people that shouldn't have been here in the first place. If you want in do it legally. My mother in-law became a US citizen last year. (Dutch) But she did it legally.
Trump should show the taxpayers the cost to detain, house and release illegals and shove it up Chuck and Nancy's rear end.

Then he should show the documented crime and tell the nation, this is a crisis, interview and put the victims on TV ( A favorite Democratic type of move ) and tell the press Democrats were for a fence/wall back in 2006.
That $1600 figure is just plain ignorant. I'm not sure where they got that number but it isn't close. Over HALF of illegal immigrants and their families (even legal) are on welfare. 76% of immigrant-led households receiving welfare, compared to 52% for the native-born. I'm not surprised the NY Slimes don't understand math.

College Students Shocked to Hear Hillary, Obama & Schumer Pushed Border Security

Students at American University reacted unfavorably to calls for increased border security to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, expressing shock that prominent Democrats have agreed with the idea in the past.

Students were presented with several quotes that sounded a lot like President Trump's speeches, but actually came from then-Senator Barack Obama, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Hillary Clinton -- including:

“Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.” - Schumer, 2009

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked” - Obama, 2005

“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” - Clinton, 2015

What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?

Cost of 1st generation immigrants (-) = $57.4 billion. Net positive of 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants (+) = $30.5bn + $223.8bn = $254.3bn. Net result: $254.3bn - 57.4bn = $196,9 billion plus

you're still confusing ILLEGAL immigration with LEGAL immigration.
no one here has a problem with someone immigrating to this country, legally.

kinda like ... if you had people coming into your house through the window and you'd told them to come in through the front door. yet they didnt respect your request, and continue to come through the window. You tried closing the window, but they keep finding ways to open it. you even put bright neon lit arrows in your yard pointing to the door. yet they continue to come in through the window. wouldnt you eventually just wall/board up that window?
you're still confusing ILLEGAL immigration with LEGAL immigration.
no one here has a problem with someone immigrating to this country, legally.

kinda like ... if you had people coming into your house through the window and you'd told them to come in through the front door. yet they didnt respect your request, and continue to come through the window. You tried closing the window, but they keep finding ways to open it. you even put bright neon lit arrows in your yard pointing to the door. yet they continue to come in through the window. wouldnt you eventually just wall/board up that window?

It's utter horseshit abuse of stats. From the NYTimes no less, the company Abramson point blank said was at war with Trump, printed opinions and steered clear of the news.

And you're right. ILLEGAL immigrants cost the country $185Billion annually.

Leave it to Libs to try to tell us how something bad is something good because there is "benefit" to it.
Nice, simple analogy about the door/window Supe. Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears.
He may need an immediate psychiatric evaluation. Scary stuff.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump (on the wall/fence):<br><br>"During the campaign, I would say Mexico is going to pay for it. Obviously, I NEVER SAID THIS, and I never meant they are going to write a check!"<a href="https://t.co/iwwfApBwn2">pic.twitter.com/iwwfApBwn2</a></p>— William LeGate (@williamlegate) <a href="https://twitter.com/williamlegate/status/1083385729395245056?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 10, 2019</a></blockquote>
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:pound: EVERYBODY is slamming him over the twitterverse. Good, he's a self-serving douchebag of the highest order.
you're still confusing ILLEGAL immigration with LEGAL immigration. no one here has a problem with someone immigrating to this country, legally. kinda like ... if you had people coming into your house through the window and you'd told them to come in through the front door. yet they didnt respect your request, and continue to come through the window. You tried closing the window, but they keep finding ways to open it. you even put bright neon lit arrows in your yard pointing to the door. yet they continue to come in through the window. wouldnt you eventually just wall/board up that window?

Yeah, I get it. Kudos for putting the work in to create an easy-to-understand metaphor for dumb-dumb's like me. The only problem is, we're being asked to pay out of pocket to 'wall/board-up that window' without really knowing how many people are 'coming through' that window. Or even how often they would try. We are being told this is an urgent, immediate, emergency situation, but frankly, all we're seeing is less and less people showing up at the door, relative to years past, and are just asked to believe - again with little to no proof - what a huge issue the window-intruders are. On the other hand, an alternative option would be to install further lighting, motion detectors and the like near that window, maybe hire a few more armed guards, and improve services for those coming through the front door, all measures that seem to be a better bang-for-the-buck solution than spending loads of cash walling-up, boarding-up the window. Plus, by doing that, you'd be living in a dark ******* house with no sunlight and no scenic view. :bolt:
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The only problem is, we're being asked to pay out of pocket to 'wall/board-up that window' without really knowing how many people are 'coming through' that window. Or even how often they would try. We are being told this is an urgent, immediate, emergency situation, but frankly, all we're seeing is less and less people showing up at the door, relative to years past, and are just asked to believe - again with little to no proof - what a huge issue the window-intruders are.


The Secure Fence Act of 2006

The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, authorized about 700 miles of fencing along certain stretches of land between the border of the United States and Mexico.

The act also authorized the use of more vehicle barriers, checkpoints and lighting to curb illegal immigration, and the use of advanced technology such as satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the time the act was being considered, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer were all members of the Senate. (Schumer of New York is now the Senate minority leader.)

Obama, Clinton, Schumer and 23 other Democratic senators voted in favor of the act when it passed in the Senate by a vote of 80 to 19.

You cow tow to the current opinions preached by your leaders based upon the moment. In 2006, I'm sure you supported Clinton, Obama, and Amy's uncle advocating the building of 700 miles of walls.

Now that Trump wants the wall...not so much.

It's comical to watch.

Apparently they thought it was a problem then, enough to vote for it. But now, not so much. Odd, that.