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Trumps speech tonight

Actually, I'm not opposed to improving border security on multiple fronts, including building additional barriers on stretches of the border where it makes sense, and local governors and congressmen sign off on it. That along with providing whatever further funding required by border agencies for staffing, equipment, etc.

The problem I see now, is the manner Trump has gone about dealing with this whole issue. He had two years of a GOP majority in Congress and couldn't get anything done. Now with the Dems in the House, he's shut down the federal government and is trying to bully his way to through. There was a bipartisan bill with plenty of border security funding on the table, yet that wasn't good enough for him. He's acting like a petulant child. He's lying through his teeth about Dems not caring about border security, trying to make it a binary, open & shut issue. He's clammed up and painted himself in a corner. Now, instead of reaching a negotiated solution, his last option may be to declare a national emergency to push this through. The numbers and the reality on the ground simply don't back that up. In my view, this is a mess of his own making. What happened to the world-renowed deal maker, the master negotiator? All he does is insult the Dems, who's support he needs to pass legislation. Slamming his fist on the table, walking out of meetings. He's stubborn beyond reason and letting his ego get in the way. That is not helping anyone, and is certainly not galvanizing support. It seems he's incapable of arguing on merit. Not a good look for a President who should be serving all Americans, regardless if they voted for him or not.
Not a good look for a President who should be serving all Americans, regardless if they voted for him or not.

The thing is...the utter VAST majority of Americans want the wall.

He's fighting for what America wants.
The thing is...the utter VAST majority of Americans want the wall.

Gulp. Vast majority?? What on earth are you talking about?

Americans are split on their feelings toward building a wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, according to a new Hill-HarrisX survey.

Thirty-four percent said a border wall was "the best path for making America safer at its borders," while 31 percent said it was "totally unnecessary and not worth the expense."

Thirty-five percent of respondents said they believed that Americans need border security, but there are "better options" for securing the border.


The poll shows 51% support for building a border wall, even if it means that a complete wall cannot be finished. 48% say that building a wall is, "a bad idea".


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably meant to write the 'utter VAST majority' of Trump supporters/Republicans. There's no doubt that is true.
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Actually, I'm not opposed to improving border security on multiple fronts, including building additional barriers on stretches of the border where it makes sense, and local governors and congressmen sign off on it. That along with providing whatever further funding required by border agencies for staffing, equipment, etc.

The problem I see now, is the manner Trump has gone about dealing with this whole issue. He had two years of a GOP majority in Congress and couldn't get anything done. Now with the Dems in the House, he's shut down the federal government and is trying to bully his way to through. There was a bipartisan bill with plenty of border security funding on the table, yet that wasn't good enough for him. He's acting like a petulant child. He's lying through his teeth about Dems not caring about border security, trying to make it a binary, open & shut issue. He's clammed up and painted himself in a corner. Now, instead of reaching a negotiated solution, his last option may be to declare a national emergency to push this through. The numbers and the reality on the ground simply don't back that up. In my view, this is a mess of his own making. What happened to the world-renowed deal maker, the master negotiator? All he does is insult the Dems, who's support he needs to pass legislation. Slamming his fist on the table, walking out of meetings. He's stubborn beyond reason and letting his ego get in the way. That is not helping anyone, and is certainly not galvanizing support. It seems he's incapable of arguing on merit. Not a good look for a President who should be serving all Americans, regardless if they voted for him or not.

Once again he did not have a sixty vote majority in the Senate. Without that if the Democrats oppose it is dead. Unless you wanted to see the nuclear option used. You can't make deals with a party where their ONLY agenda is to see you removed from office. I think he has behaved quite well considering the rhetoric and behavior of the opposition since before he was even inaugurated. He gives back exactly what he has received, not something the Dems are used to, normally the Republicans just roll over and expose their bellies like good dogs.
Yeah, I get it. Kudos for putting the work in to create an easy-to-understand metaphor for dumb-dumb's like me. The only problem is, we're being asked to pay out of pocket to 'wall/board-up that window' without really knowing how many people are 'coming through' that window. Or even how often they would try. We are being told this is an urgent, immediate, emergency situation, but frankly, all we're seeing is less and less people showing up at the door, relative to years past, and are just asked to believe - again with little to no proof - what a huge issue the window-intruders are. On the other hand, an alternative option would be to install further lighting, motion detectors and the like near that window, maybe hire a few more armed guards, and improve services for those coming through the front door, all measures that seem to be a better bang-for-the-buck solution than spending loads of cash walling-up, boarding-up the window. Plus, by doing that, you'd be living in a dark ******* house with no sunlight and no scenic view. :bolt:

we're not being asked to pay out of pocket. the money is there. the Dims just don't want to approve it's use since President Trump wants it done.
if President Trump suddenly got on the ObamaCare wagon, they'd pull the plug on that faster than Ruth Bader Ginsburg could fall asleep during a hearing.
if President Trump said we didn't need border security, Amy's uncle, Pelosi and every celebrity in Hollywood would be running to the border to erect a 100-ft high wall with motion sensing lasers on top.
Gulp. Vast majority?? What on earth are you talking about?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably meant to write the 'utter VAST majority' of Trump supporters/Republicans. There's no doubt that is true.

Polls. Yawn.

Even the Hill last year pointed out that these "polls" are bullshit.


Last February, Pew reported similar findings: 62 percent of Americans oppose building a wall. Only 35 percent support it....

Pew ended up with a Democrat-heavy sample: 38 percent Republican/Republican leaning and 52 percent Democrat/Democrat leaning. The 14 percentage point difference means Pew interviewed 38 percent more Democrat thinkers than Republican thinkers. I can’t find any estimate that says the actual U.S. population is politically lopsided along those lines...

Other polls, such as ones exploring the president’s popularity, have similar political breakdowns. In fact, of the polls I looked into during campaign 2016, they always interviewed more Democrats than Republicans;

My favorite line from his article:

All things considered, I came up with my own headline that’s more transparent than many of the ones I saw: “In polls with Democrat-heavy sampling, there’s overwhelming opposition to building a wall along the ‘entire’ border; a concept that nobody is, in fact, proposing.”

CBS Poll: 51% Of Americans Support Border Wall, Major Support For Family Deportations

Most Want Citizenship for Dreamers – And A Wall

Most voters favor the immigration reform plan detailed by President Trump in his State of the Union speech and think it’s likely to finally produce a secure southern border.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a proposal that would create a pathway to citizenship for those brought to this country illegally when they were children, build a wall on the Mexican border and change legal immigration to a more merit-based system. Thirty-two percent (32%) oppose a plan with those key elements in it, while 16% are undecided.

Now given that the majority of these polls involve more Democrats than Republicans, I'll stand by the comment. VAST may be stretching it, but the majority does..
I'll stand by the comment. VAST may be stretching it, but the majority does..
Yes, using VAST is stretching it, by a lot. Using majority is also stretching it, in my view. I don't see how you would have any grounds to claim the majority of Americans support building a wall the way Trump envisions it.

What struck me as odd are all the Congressmen from the Southern border states who don't support it. You would think they'd be eager to placate their constituents.
ha ha, all this wall business is small potatoes compared to the real prize

Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg departure

The White House is reaching out to political allies and conservative activist groups to prepare for an ailing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s possible death or departure from the Supreme Court — an event that would trigger the second bitter confirmation battle of President Donald Trump’s tenure.

The outreach began after Ginsburg, 85, on Monday missed oral arguments at the court for the first time in her 25 years on the bench

Yes, using VAST is stretching it, by a lot. Using majority is also stretching it, in my view. I don't see how you would have any grounds to claim the majority of Americans support building a wall the way Trump envisions it.

What struck me as odd are all the Congressmen from the Southern border states who don't support it. You would think they'd be eager to placate their constituents.

Because the majority, as I've shown, do.

The media has distorted this idea that he intends for a 2,000 mile wall. The media has told us that's how he envisions it, despite saying repeatedly, publicly, caught for the record that it is not a 2,000 mile wall. Just a part of the opposition party...errr, I mean...the media's way of painting a negative picture that was never intended. This point has been brought up to you countless times however.
ha ha, all this wall business is small potatoes compared to the real prize

Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg departure

The White House is reaching out to political allies and conservative activist groups to prepare for an ailing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s possible death or departure from the Supreme Court — an event that would trigger the second bitter confirmation battle of President Donald Trump’s tenure.

The outreach began after Ginsburg, 85, on Monday missed oral arguments at the court for the first time in her 25 years on the bench


I think her career is over, but it isn't being announced because they don't believe liberal America is mentally or emotionally ready for that news. I say just rip off the bandaid and let them find their way to come to terms with it.

What was that female conservative judge's name again? Was it Amy something?
Amy Coney Barret.

I wonder hoe they will attempt to destroy her. False rape allegations won't do it.
Amy Coney Barret.

I wonder hoe they will attempt to destroy her. False rape allegations won't do it.

It will go like this

Catholic = anti abortion = religious zealot = unqualified
While they elected two proponents of Sharia Law to the house.

Conservatives have pointed out for over a decade (longer actually) that the media is biased and working to drive the agenda of one party. In response we were told we were nuts, that we were seeing ghosts. Then we provided facts, like showing that 90% of journalists were registered Dems. The lefties responded saying "well the reporters are still objective." Then we had to have organizations like MRC show the utter imbalance in journalism, the lies, the omissions of facts, the incredibly tilted coverage and bias. Still our Lefty friends said true and fair journalism exists. Hell, even Tibs still says (he's said it on this board) that the NY Times is good, honest journalism.

Then Abramson came out and gave us the smoking gun. She told us point blank that the Times IS the opposition party, that it ran with opinionated headlines and its focus was to destroy Trump. We all already knew it. Knew it for years and years. Liberals refused to admit for the same reasons Patriots fans won't admit to the cheating they KNOW happened. Conservatives just wanted to hear one honest Liberal say "you're right, the media is in our camp and journalism is no longer journalism."

Now switching gears to this...this blatant, obvious attack on Christianity is exactly the same. We all see it. We all know it's there. We know it's coordinated. We know the Left would like nothing more than to see the destruction of Christianity in this country from Hollywood to the media to the Pols Liberals elect - Christianity is under clear attack.

Yet these Progressives do the same Patriots song and dance - "you're seeing ghosts, it's not real, we love you Christians, there's no war on Christianity, put on a tin foil hat."

Despite their Patriots'-like denials, it's fact that the Left is at war with Christianity,
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Remember how for years we have been saying, the media is biased and working to drive the agenda of one party? At first we were told we were nuts, that we were seeing ghosts. Then we provided facts, like showing that 90% of journalists were registered Dems. The lefties responded saying "well the reporters are still objective." Then we had to have organizations like MRC show the utter imbalance in journalism, the lies, the omissions of facts, the incredibly tilted coverage and bias. Still our Lefty friends said true and fair journalism exists. Hell, even Tibs still says (he's said it on this board) that the NY Times is good, honest journalism.

Then Abramson came out and gave us the smoking gun. She told us point blank that the Times IS the opposition party, that it ran with opinionated headlines and its focus was to destroy Trump. We all already knew it. Knew it for years and years. Liberals refused to admit for the same reasons Patriots fans won't admit to the cheating they KNOW happened. Conservatives just wanted to hear one honest Liberal say "you're right, the media is in our camp and journalism is no longer journalism."

Now witching gears to this...this blatant, obvious attack on Christianity is exactly the same. We all see it. We all know it's there. We know it's coordinated. We know the Left would like nothing more than to see the destruction of Christianity in this country from Hollywood to the media to the Pols Liberals elect, universally Christianity is obviously under attack.

Yet these Progressives do the same Patriots song and dance - "you're seeing ghosts, it's not real, we love you Christians, there's no war on Christianity, put on a tin foil hat."

Despite their Patriots'-like denials, it's fact that the Left is at war with Christianity,

Just to add to your point. They want the destruction of western civilization. They hate the west. They hate western ideals, culture and heritage. Point blank they hate white people. Self hating white liberals run the media.
Just to add to your point. They want the destruction of western civilization. They hate the west. They hate western ideals, culture and heritage. Point blank they hate white people. Self hating white liberals run the media.

And don't forget Jews. They hate Jews. It's just about normal now to be anti-Semitic.
The problem I see now, is the manner Trump has gone about dealing with this whole issue. He had two years of a GOP majority in Congress and couldn't get anything done. Now with the Dems in the House, he's shut down the federal government and is trying to bully his way to through.

Whaaaaat, a President using a government "shutdown" (though of course it's not shut down at all) for political purposes?? I'm shocked ... shocked.

There was a bipartisan bill with plenty of border security funding on the table, yet that wasn't good enough for him.

Trump has tried to get the wall funded for years, as part of a much larger immigration approach, and has been repeatedly rebuffed by ... Democrats. The issue is and always has been the simple fact that the (D)'s see the issue as a political weapon.

White House officials asked Democrats to approve $25 billion for President Donald Trump’s border wall in exchange for extending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program through fall of 2020, those sources said. That would give Trump his full wall funding request in the must-pass spending bill and still give him leverage over the DACA program heading into his 2020 reelection campaign.

But Democrats balked, demanding that the White House provide a pathway to citizenship to 1.8 million young immigrants eligible under the DACA program, those sources said. The White House might have been open to negotiating further, but Democrats were only willing to entertain the massive wall funding figure in exchange for helping the same number of immigrants that Trump embraced in a proposal earlier this year.

“We sent the minority leaders’ offices a proposal that is pretty fair,” said a White House official. “It seems like Democrats don’t want to take yes for an answer.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday flatly rejected the idea of approving funding for President Trump’s border wall in exchange for protections for illegal immigrant “Dreamers.”

“They’re two different subjects,” the California Democrat said.

it always makes me laugh with Dems talk about the cost of something. Trump wants, I believe $5 Billion, for the wall. That's nothing in terms of government spending.

Obama wanted the government to take over healthcare and nobody on the Dem side cared what that would cost. Cali says they will give free healthcare to illegal aliens and nobody even asks the cost. It will just be magically paid by ummmm somebody.