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Tyreek Hill ARRESTED right outside Dolphins stadium....

Even though I was born a poor black child (The Jerk reference before anyone gets bent outta shape)
I agree with this 1000%
Mods need to get rid of this trash!
You were not born black and you'll never know what it means to be black or Mexican or anything other than what you are in USA. Maybe you thought you were joking but your timing is questionable & Sonia your judgement to joke at a time like this.
You were not born black and you'll never know what it means to be black or Mexican or anything other than what you are in USA. Maybe you thought you were joking but your timing is questionable & Sonia your judgement to joke at a time like this.
It’s a quote from a comedy movie tool.

But alas how do you know what I am
I am of Arab descent and know a thing or two
You were not born black and you'll never know what it means to be black or Mexican or anything other than what you are in USA. Maybe you thought you were joking but your timing is questionable & Sonia your judgement to joke at a time like this.
Lighten up Francis.
I love the part where he said they should have suspended him for the game.
I agree completely. He put lives in danger speeding like that then he did not comply.
Speeding like what? He wasn't speeding. He was a citizen driving to work who ran into the organized crime boss of that sector. The cop couldn't have been less professional -- and 99% of them are like that and get $250,000 a year to act that way
Speeding like what? He wasn't speeding. He was a citizen driving to work who ran into the organized crime boss of that sector. The cop couldn't have been less professional -- and 99% of them are like that and get $250,000 a year to act that way
does that include tip money?
Speeding like what? He wasn't speeding. He was a citizen driving to work who ran into the organized crime boss of that sector. The cop couldn't have been less professional -- and 99% of them are like that and get $250,000 a year to act that way
Alex, Can I get you didn’t watch the video for $500
All I know is that I am some little white boy who is here because I know how to keep my big mouth shut and follow directions to a "T"! If not, I would have been drilled in the head with a .45. Is it too much to ask to just do what they say without attitude, regardless of color? Damn, every time an officer rolls up on a pulled over car, they could be killed. Times, you sure as hell don't know what that feels like! But they do the job knowing they may not make it back to their wife and kids. I know some are a little short tempered, ut damn - shut the f*** up and do whatever they tell you to do with a freaking smile on your face. The NFL should teach these guys how to say, "Yes sir". Just like someone else said, if you feel wronged, you'll have your day in court to settle things. Pulled over when you did something wrong is not the time!
Speeding like what? He wasn't speeding. He was a citizen driving to work who ran into the organized crime boss of that sector. The cop couldn't have been less professional -- and 99% of them are like that and get $250,000 a year to act that way
You think cops get paid $250, 000? Dude, put the crack pipe down! :ROFLMAO:
I'll send you the info about their pay tomorrow. Remember these guys have 25 years on the force and get OT

To whoever called me a crackhead - He was not speeding and he will not be convicted of speeding. He was driving to work and got pulled over and yanked out of his car and slammed to the ground by a bunch of hoodlums with badges.
All I know is that I am some little white boy who is here because I know how to keep my big mouth shut and follow directions to a "T"! If not, I would have been drilled in the head with a .45. Is it too much to ask to just do what they say without attitude, regardless of color? Damn, every time an officer rolls up on a pulled over car, they could be killed. Times, you sure as hell don't know what that feels like! But they do the job knowing they may not make it back to their wife and kids. I know some are a little short tempered, ut damn - shut the f*** up and do whatever they tell you to do with a freaking smile on your face. The NFL should teach these guys how to say, "Yes sir". Just like someone else said, if you feel wronged, you'll have your day in court to settle things. Pulled over when you did something wrong is not the time!
NFL? how about ...PARENTS!!!! FAMILY!!!!!
I'll send you the info about their pay tomorrow. Remember these guys have 25 years on the force and get OT

To whoever called me a crackhead - He was not speeding and he will not be convicted of speeding. He was driving to work and got pulled over and yanked out of his car and slammed to the ground by a bunch of hoodlums with badges.
Really? Everything he did was the exact opposite one should do when pulled over by the police.
Seriously.....no justice moving this thread. Simply sad. It dealt with football. Pathetic.
Speeding like what? He wasn't speeding. He was a citizen driving to work who ran into the organized crime boss of that sector. The cop couldn't have been less professional -- and 99% of them are like that and get $250,000 a year to act that way
Dude he was more than 20 over in a traffic controlled speed zone. The orange barrels set up on game days are the same as a school zone or work zone. He then acted like an entitled clown when pulled over. They called it in and I guarantee you the area supervisor told them to kick him loose because of the optics when they were well withing the law in arresting him and tossing him in the county jail until he could stand in front of the judge come Monday.