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U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs


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Apr 20, 2014
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The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft," a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them. The previously unreported move is in response to a series of sightings of unknown, highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military formations and facilities, the service says.

To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.

More lawmakers are now asking questions, the Navy also reports. "In response to requests for information from Congressional members and staff, Navy officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety," the service said in its statement to POLITICO.

Advocates for treating such sightings as a potential national security threat have long criticized military leaders for giving the phenomenon relatively little attention and for encouraging a culture in which personnel feel that speaking up about it could hurt their career.



No wonder

Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world'

Retired Cmdr. David Fravor spent 18 years as a Navy pilot, but nothing prepared him for what he witnessed during a routine training mission on Nov. 14, 2004.

"I can tell you, I think it was not from this world," Fravor told ABC News. "I'm not crazy, haven't been drinking. It was — after 18 years of flying, I've seen pretty much about everything that I can see in that realm, and this was nothing close."

Fravor's stunning retelling of his encounter off the California coast with what appeared to be a 40-foot-long wingless object that flew at incredible speeds in an erratic pattern comes as the Pentagon revealed the existence of a secret program to investigate sightings of UFOs.

The program was shut down in 2012 because of other budget priorities, according to the Pentagon.

"I have never seen anything in my life, in my history of flying that has the performance, the acceleration — keep in mind this thing had no wings," Fravor said.

He recalled flying his F/A-18 fighter on a training mission on a beautiful Southern California day 13 years ago when things started to get strange.

Controllers on one of the Navy ships on the water below reported objects that were dropping out of the sky from 80,000 feet and going "straight back up," Fravor said.

"So we're thinking, OK, this is going to be interesting," he said.

As they were looking around for the object that appeared on the radar, another aviator spotted something. "I was like, 'Dude, do you see that?'" Fravor recalled saying.

“We look down, we see a white disturbance in the water, like something's under the surface, and the waves are breaking over, but we see next to it, and it's flying around, and it's this little white Tic Tac, and it's moving around — left, right, forward, back, just random," he said.

The object didn't display the rotor wash typical of a helicopter or jet wash from a plane, he said.

The planes flew lower to investigate the object, which started to mirror their movements before disappearing, Fravor said. "As we start to cut across, it rapidly accelerates, climbs past our altitude and disappears," Fravor recalled.

"When it started to near us, as we started to descend towards it coming up, it was flying in the elongated way, so it's [like] a Tic Tac, with the roundish end going in the forward direction ... I don't know what it is. I don't know what I saw. I just know it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it," he said.

The disturbance in the water also vanished with object, he remembered.

"So we turned around — we couldn't have been more than about a couple miles away — and there's no white water at all in the ocean," Fravor said. "It's just blue."

At that point, they decided to return to complete the training exercise when they were told the object or something similar reappeared.

"And the controller comes up and says, 'Sir, you're not going to believe this. That thing is at your half point,' which is our hold point," Fravor added. "And I'm like, 'Oh, great.'"

Another plane that launched from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz around the same time had its radar jammed and was able to pick up the object on an infrared channel.

"He gets close enough to see a couple of objects come out of the bottom, and then all of a sudden it takes off and goes right off the side of the screen and, like, takes off," Fravor said.

He recalled that the speed of the object, which he said had no exhaust trail in infrared scanning, was stunning.

"No aircraft that we know of can fly at those speeds, maneuver like that and looks like that," ABC News contributor and former Marine Col. Stephen Ganyard said.

Fravor said there is no rational explanation for what they saw that day.


What? No conspiracy theories?

Yup. This is my geek. Vid isn’t related, but his channel is my ufo ****

What? No conspiracy theories?


The video is real. It was an unexplained flying object captured on film.

Also, some of the Astronauts have seen some stuff, like craft following them.

The Canadian minister of defense is on record saying UFO's are as real as airplanes flying way above your head.
The video is real. It was an unexplained flying object captured on film.

Also, some of the Astronauts have seen some stuff, like craft following them.

The Canadian minister of defense is on record saying UFO's are as real as airplanes flying way above your head.

If you go through the vid on the channe I posted, he has tons of this. Airliners, personal craft, military...etc. “we have an object X not showing ....”.
Well they certainly have a way of avoiding the general population if so. It would have to be some type of electromagnetic propulsion system. The kicker is what would the home planet be? Travel would have to be past the speed of light to be feasible. Which leaves only a space &time bend potential such as a wormhole or another dimension we have no clue of...
I believe that there is enough evidence showing that we have been visited. I also believe that the truth is being hidden.
Be advised,there is a cottage industry of "UFO experts" selling snake oil, and one needs to research their sources carefully.
I believe that there is enough evidence showing that we have been visited. I also believe that the truth is being hidden.
Be advised,there is a cottage industry of "UFO experts" selling snake oil, and one needs to research their sources carefully.

I'm not a UFO nut but I think the universe is too big a place for us to be the only life forms in it. Whether any of them are advanced enough to be able to visit us, I don't know.

I believe that there is enough evidence showing that we have been visited. I also believe that the truth is being hidden.
Be advised,there is a cottage industry of "UFO experts" selling snake oil, and one needs to research their sources carefully.

This guy is trying to steal my stuff

Aliens are interbreeding with humans to create a new hybrid species claims Oxford lecturer

Young-hae Chi, Korean instructor at Oxford's Oriental Institute, made the claims. In his lecture, titled Alien Abduction and the Environmental Crisis, he outlined his theory concerning the presence of aliens on Earth.

He believes in a correlation between alien abductions and climate change.

There are four types of aliens: small; tall and bold; scaly with snake eyes; and insect-like, Dr Chi said.

The insect aliens give orders to the lower ranks and exist in a comprehensive system that humans cannot experience because our organs limit our perception.

Despite saying that he was still looking for more evidence to support his view, Dr Chi suggested that the alien-human hybrids were of high intelligence and so could be the problem solvers of the future.


Whether any of them are advanced enough to be able to visit us, I don't know

Genesis 6:1: When the Sons of God Mated With the Daughters of Man

The sky gods have been coming here and seducing our women for thousands of years!
Genesis 6:1: When the Sons of God Mated With the Daughters of Man

The sky gods have been coming here and seducing our women for thousands of years!

Which genre is that on PornHub?
Its science, look up DNA discovery adds new mystery to human origins, interbreeding with "mystery species"

Humans DNA has changed a whopping 7%, in just the last 5000 years, thats unheard of, 100 x faster than ever before in humans

Thats right about the time all the world's religions begin describing gods, angels, demons, call them what u will, descending to earth, having sex with our women and producing hybrids! The scriptures even had a name for these crossbreeds, the Nephilim.

"Fallen angels" my ***, its in the scriptures

In the Book of Enoch "200 angels disobeyed God came to earth and mated with human women"

They had a kegger!
Last edited:
Its science, look up DNA discovery adds new mystery to human origins, interbreeding with "mystery species"

Humans DNA has changed a whopping 7%, in just the last 5000 years, thats unheard of, 100 x faster than ever before in humans

Thats right about the time all the world's religions begin describing gods, angels, demons, call them what u will, descending to earth, having sex with our women and producing hybrids! The scriptures even had a name for these crossbreeds, the Nephilim.

"Fallen angels" my ***, its in the scriptures

In the Book of Enoch "200 angels disobeyed God came to earth and mated with human women"

They had a kegger!

If you are looking for the "Missing Link", you got one right there.
Cover up!

Navy: No release of UFO information to the general public expected

The U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting that is typically included in such files.

Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons.

“Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.”

The Navy theoretically could release broad statistics about the number of sightings and the results of the follow-up investigations without disclosing any classified information. Even if the information isn’t made available to the public, it could be reported to Congress.

In terms of the number of solar systems present in the universe, there are something like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, so if 10 per cent of them have planets there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe for a total of something in the order of 10^21 (that's 1 then 21 zeros) planets in the observable Universe. There is still quite a bit of uncertainty in that number however, and we don't yet know how many of them would look like our solar system.

Think about those numbers. "That we know of" there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in 100 Billion galaxies.

We think we are the only planet among 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 that have intelligent life?

Nonsense. I believe that there is other life out there. Now are they a superior species and they've figured out how to travel faster than the speed of light?

The closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. Traveling at 38,028 mph (the speed Voyager 1 achieved), it would take 75,000 years to get to the closest star to ours.

I believe other life is out there. If they have figured out how to travel well beyond the speed of light (who would travel for 4.2 years???), then perhaps they've visited.
are we now doing math? do you want the arktuary to stumble into here? please don't do math, and if you must, at least have the morals to not include the alphabet in the maths.
Think about those numbers. "That we know of" there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in 100 Billion galaxies.

We think we are the only planet among 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 that have intelligent life?

Nonsense. I believe that there is other life out there. Now are they a superior species and they've figured out how to travel faster than the speed of light?

The closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. Traveling at 38,028 mph (the speed Voyager 1 achieved), it would take 75,000 years to get to the closest star to ours.

I believe other life is out there. If they have figured out how to travel well beyond the speed of light (who would travel for 4.2 years???), then perhaps they've visited.

I agree there is TONS of life out there in the universe, some far exceeding ours in terms of evolution.

The real logical reason we never see them is right in front our noses: Einstein's theory of relativity is correct. Travelling faster than the speed of light for anything with mass is impossible. All the other hypothesis (folding space/time, using wormholes) is just nonsense. Can't happen because of the basic principles of nature and physics. We can't access quantum physics just like atoms don't behave like planets. The unifying theory is a myth and if there is one it's closer to Einstein than it is to string theory, math mumbo jumbo.

The truth is there are millions of intelligent life forms all evolving independently (but using the same natural and physical criteria, atoms, principles, etc.). It is very likely many animals look very similar to ours on our planet. Things like the Fibonacci sequence, which explain the shapes of shells and flowers and many other natural organisms, doesn't disappear on other planets.

But we are all "space-locked" into our own solar systems. If you believe in the basic premise of the Theory of Relativity then the idea intelligence species could travel 1 Light Year, let alone Millions is crazy talk. Sure, it's a great story. Great science fiction. But its fiction none the less. That is WHY we haven't seen intelligent life stop by or influence our solar system in 5 billion years since its inception (at least nothing provable). That's why we are safe from "invasion" by a more dominant species. Physics tells us why.
150 years ago it was "impossible" man would ever be able to fly a heavier than air craft

100 years ago it was said going to the moon was "impossible"

50 years ago it was "impossible" for a person to ever have a home computer

Navy Pilots Report Seeing Unidentified Flying Objects Over East Coast

For nearly a year, U.S. Navy pilots flying high over the East Coast reported that they repeatedly saw aircraft with no visible engine reaching hypersonic speeds—a type of flying object they could not readily identify, the New York Times reports. The pilots began noticing the objects—which appeared like white ovals—after their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system.

Some of the sightings were videotaped. What stands out most to the pilots is that the video shows objects accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns—a jolting flight path that would be impossible for a human crew to achieve. “Speed doesn’t kill you. Stopping does. Or acceleration,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, a pilot who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress.

The sightings were also reported to the Pentagon’s shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents.

150 years ago it was "impossible" man would ever be able to fly a heavier than air craft

100 years ago it was said going to the moon was "impossible"

50 years ago it was "impossible" for a person to ever have a home computer

Navy Pilots Report Seeing Unidentified Flying Objects Over East Coast

For nearly a year, U.S. Navy pilots flying high over the East Coast reported that they repeatedly saw aircraft with no visible engine reaching hypersonic speeds—a type of flying object they could not readily identify, the New York Times reports. The pilots began noticing the objects—which appeared like white ovals—after their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system.

Some of the sightings were videotaped. What stands out most to the pilots is that the video shows objects accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns—a jolting flight path that would be impossible for a human crew to achieve. “Speed doesn’t kill you. Stopping does. Or acceleration,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, a pilot who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress.

The sightings were also reported to the Pentagon’s shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents.


so, just a..a..tip?
We know they are coming here...the question is how

The Government’s Secret UFO Program Funded Research on Wormholes and Extra Dimensions

Documents released by the Department of Defense reveal some of what its infamous Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was working on.

The Department of Defense had not publicly acknowledged the program’s existence until it was revealed by media reports.

The first hints about the program’s existence can be credited to Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who managed the operation for seven years. When Elizondo resigned, he requested that footage of UFO encounters with fighter jets be made public—videos that were subsequently published by the New York Times and the Washington Post.

The agency claims the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program shut down due to a lack of funding, though Elizondo said it continued to investigate UFO sightings.

In a 2009 Pentagon briefing summary, the program’s then-director stated that “what was considered science fiction is now science fact.”

1. Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion, Dr. George Miley, Univ. Of Illinois (Product
2. Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space M-issions, Dr. F. Winterberg,
Univ. of Nevada - Reno (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE
3. Pulsed High-Power .Microwave Technology, Dr. James Wells, JW Enterprises (Product is
4. Space Access, Dr. P. Czysz, HyperTech (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOR
5.Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuurn (!:>pace time Metric) Engineering, Dr. Hal
Puthoff, EarthTech International (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR
6. BioSensors and BioMEM.S, Dr. Bruce Towe, Univ. of Arizona (Product is classified
7. Invisibility Cloaking, Dr. Ulf Leonhardt, Univ. of St. Andrews (Proquct is classified
8. Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech
International (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
9. High-F'requency Gravitational Wave Communications, Dr. Robert Baker, G-ravWave
I 0. Role of Superconductors in Gnrvity Research, Dr. George Hathaway, Hathaway
Consulting (Product is classified UNCLASSlfiED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL \')
11. Antigravityfor Aerospace Applicafions, Dr. Eric Davis, Earth Tech International (Product
12. Field 1.!-Jfects on Biological Tissues, Dr. Kit Green, Wayne State Univ. (Product is
13. Positron Aero~]Jace Propulsion, Dr. Geruld Smith, Positronics Research (Product is
14. Conceptsfor Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, Dr. Eric Davis, EarthTech
International (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED/!FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
15. An Introduction to the Statistical Drake Equation, Dr. Claudio Maccone, Intemational
Academy of Astronautics (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED/ /FOR OFFICIAL USE
16. Maverick Inventor Versus Corporate Inventor, Dr. George Hathaway, Hathaway
Consulting (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
17. Biomaterials, Dr. Bruce Towe, Univ. of Arizona (Product is classified
18. Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications, Dr. G. Shvets, Univ. of Texas - Austin
19. Wat7J Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions, Dr. R. Obousy,
Obousy Consultants (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE
20. Technological Approaches to Controlling External Devices in the Absence of LimbOperated lntelfaces, Dr. R. Genik, Wayne State Univ. (Product is classified
21. Materials for Advanced Aerospace J>latj(mns, Dr. J. Williams, Ohio State Univ. (Product
22. Metallic Glasses, Dr. T. Hufnagel, John Hopkins Univ. (Product is classified
23. Aerospace Applications of Programmable Matter, Dr. W. McCarthy, Programmable
Matter Corporation (Product is classified U CLASSIFIED/ /FOR OFFICIAL USE
24. Metallic Spintronics, Dr. M. Tsoi, Univ. of Texas- Austin (Product is classified
25. Space-Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality, Dr. J.
Cramer, Univ. of Washington (Product is classified UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)


In a 2009 Pentagon briefing summary, the program’s then-director stated that “what was considered science fiction is now science fact.”

What exactly is science fact now? From looking at some of these UFOs encounters they look like ghosts in the machine. They are software glitches. Many of the reports state that the pilot never actually saw the craft but was looking at it through camera sights. When the pilot looks out to find it he can't visually confirm it.