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US Capitol breached

Excellent point. President Trump is the only one who can diffuse this peacefully. I feel for the lady that was shot in the chest...

So many are calling for Trump to go and say something to bring this back peacefully. Not a peep from him since his "stay peaceful" tweet, which I'm pretty sure he didn't mean at all.


UPDATE (Jan. 6, 3:50 p.m.):
POLL: Who will win in the Georgia runoff election tonight?
Supporters of President Trump continued to make their way through the halls of the U.S. Capitol after breaching security Wednesday afternoon. One broke into Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office and kicked up his boots on her desk.
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UPDATE (Jan. 6, 3:42 p.m.):

President Trump once again called for an end to the violence at the U.S. Capitol as the situation has progressively worsened.

I love peaceful protests. Glad it’s fairly represented as the ones months ago
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I dont see violence. I did see a few windows broken, but no real violence. nothing looted, nothing burned.
I dont see violence. I did see a few windows broken, but no real violence. nothing looted, nothing burned.

Wait no TVs, no burned CVSs? Da fuq guess we don’t know how to protest correctly
Funny how they go all bonkers when the other side gets a little rowdy after 4 years of being ******.

It all could have been avoided. This has been building for 4 years which was basically a 4 year coup attempt.

Thank goodness it's mostly peaceful. It's in the rule book. As long as it's under 4 billion in damages for the year, you're good.

Carry on.

The violence is starting now. Windows being broken and people entering the building. This out of control...

Berm, I've always had nothing but respect for you and still do. None of what I'm about to say is directed at you as a person. Moreso it's pointing out your selective outrage, something that seems all to common today.

I'm just startled at how divided we are and how differently we all see things based on what side of the aisle we are on. Your comments now and your lack of comments over the summer make a huge statement. I am startled that now you have an issue and say "this is out of control."

Where were you and your side when the rioting was happening all over the country? Was that out of control?
Where were you when the rioting was destroying lives and businesses and property and Democratic leaders refused to stop it, essentially supporting it? Was that out of control?
Where were you when AntiFa took over part of Seattle and people were killed in CHOP? Was that out of control?
Where were you when innocent shop owners were beaten with 2x4s trying to protect their stores countless times? Was that out of control?
Where were you when David Dorn was shot in the head in cold blood protecting his friend's store? Was that out of control?
Where were you when in Portland AntiFa was storming and attacking Federal buildings? Was that out of control?
Where were you when a Proud Boy was shot and killed by an AntiFa member? Was that out of control?

There are literally a thousand examples I could type that HAVE BEEN out of control for 10 months and you didn't show up to object and condemn. The Liberal/Democratic side literally turned a blind eye, supported the violence, and tried to call burning cities "mostly peaceful protests."

I ask this seriously...how can you with peace of mind show up today, aghast, calling todays events "out of control" while never being bothered to type your outrage at 10 months of death, destruction, and attacks of private, state and Federal property?


I'm tired. Sick and God Damned tired of Americans taking a "one sided" view of these incidents. It's tearing us apart. Is today out of control? Absolutely and I condemn it. But your side is pushing me to want to support it given your side only selectively condemns violence when it "suits you."

Today sums it up: "My violence, my protests, my looting, my carnage is justified, yours is not."

Condemn it ALL universally. Period. Otherwise, your outrage is bullshit meaningless political drivel.

Rant over.
I dont see violence. I did see a few windows broken, but no real violence. nothing looted, nothing burned.

Notice how the media is spinning it on tv. I had to turn them off. Most I want to throat punch when they speak anyway. jagoffs
That being said, breaching the US Capitol and breaking the windows on the building is not a good idea...

I thought it was a bad idea when citizens caused more than a billion - REPEAT, BILLION - dollars in property damage in May and June of 2020. Not a single politician seemed to care. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, blah, blah did not care. Not a whit.

I thought it a terrible idea when citizens tried to burn down a police station with the police still inside. Meanwhile, not a single politician seemed to care. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, blah, blah did not care. Not a whit.

So some of those chickens are coming home to roost and NOW they care?

Sorry, yeah, no. That ship has sailed.
Berm, I've always had nothing but respect for you and still do. None of what I'm about to say is directed at you as a person. Moreso it's pointing out your selective outrage, something that seems all to common today.

I'm just startled at how divided we are and how differently we all see things based on what side of the aisle we are on. Your comments now and your lack of comments over the summer make a huge statement. I am startled that now you have an issue and say "this is out of control."

Where were you and your side when the rioting was happening all over the country? Was that out of control?
Where were you when the rioting was destroying lives and businesses and property and Democratic leaders refused to stop it, essentially supporting it? Was that out of control?
Where were you when AntiFa took over part of Seattle and people were killed in CHOP? Was that out of control?
Where were you when innocent shop owners were beaten with 2x4s trying to protect their stores countless times? Was that out of control?
Where were you when David Dorn was shot in the head in cold blood protecting his friend's store? Was that out of control?
Where were you when in Portland AntiFa was storming and attacking Federal buildings? Was that out of control?
Where were you when a Proud Boy was shot and killed by an AntiFa member? Was that out of control?

There are literally a thousand examples I could type that HAVE BEEN out of control for 10 months and you didn't show up to object and condemn. The Liberal/Democratic side literally turned a blind eye, supported the violence, and tried to call burning cities "mostly peaceful protests."

I ask this seriously...how can you with peace of mind show up today, aghast, calling todays events "out of control" while never being bothered to type your outrage at 10 months of death, destruction, and attacks of private, state and Federal property?


I'm tired. Sick and God Damned tired of Americans taking a "one sided" view of these incidents. It's tearing us apart. Is today out of control? Absolutely and I condemn it. But your side is pushing me to want to support it given your side only selectively condemns violence when it "suits you."

Today sums it up: "My violence, my protests, my looting, my carnage is justified, yours is not."

Condemn it ALL universally. Period. Otherwise, your outrage is bullshit meaningless political drivel.

Rant over.

Much respect to you as well, Tim.

Unfortunately, I took a sabbatical (from SN as a whole) just after the George Floyd incident. I agree w/ you comment, fully, and yes, we should all be upset about activities like these and the riots from this summer. It is not a good look of unity amongst us, as Americans, and I pray that some day 'the light turns on'.

I will make every effort to be holistically supportive moving forward.

Much respect to you as well, Tim.

Unfortunately, I took a sabbatical (from SN as a whole) just after the George Floyd incident. I agree w/ you comment, fully, and yes, we should all be upset about activities like these and the riots from this summer. It is not a good look of unity amongst us, as Americans, and I pray that some day 'the light turns on'.

I will make every effort to be holistically supportive moving forward.


Like I said, I know you're a good person. And I believe inside it all sits wrong with you. I just ask that we ALL be consistent. We are humans and brothers on this planet, regardless our political affiliations, locales, skin colors, religions. Death is death. Destruction is destruction. Violence is violence. You're either for it or against it. And to be against it...you have to always be so.

I'm sick of our media. Sick and fed up. They are manipulating us with what they show, what they don't show, and how they spin what they do show. They are playing us.

I'm just fed up. Disconsolate. I never thought I'd see America like this. And sadly we've allowed it to happen.
Notice how the media is spinning it on tv. I had to turn them off. Most I want to throat punch when they speak anyway. jagoffs

CNN gaslighting is in full effect, "peaceful protesters" are now a violent Trump mob.
to back what Tim said ...

when Obama was on office, those who did not support him were ridiculed. heckled. called idiots. openly laughed at. yeah, whatever. grow thicker skin. those who did not support Obama were told "elections have consequences" and "win an election"

challenge was accepted

those same people were called deplorables by Hillary Clinton. literally "basket of deplorables"

the line that Obama drew to divide the country was made darker and more broad by Hillary.

during Obama's admin, we saw Dallas cops get shot. hell, republican politicians were shot during a softball practice. to say that what is happening "now" is outrageous is feigning faux outrage at best. either you've not been paying attention to HOW and WHAT ALL politicians say or you agree with one side. which is the problem. Politicians stay in office by keeping us divided.

Americans as a whole are more alike than we are different.

regardless of skin color or religious background.

what is and has happened at the Capitol Building is disgusting. embarrasing. UGLY.

I hate the phrase "we're better than this" - but we are.

the people you see on tv on the Capitol Building steps ... they've been pushed and pushed and pushed. "Marginalized" if you will. The push back has started. Its ugly. Its disgraceful.

I do not agree with it but certainly understand the WHY.

Democrat politicians are evil
Republican politicians are spineless slime
they work together to keep US divided

Biden getting on TV and calling on Trump to condemn this ... dude, "come on, man"
Like I said, I know you're a good person. And I believe inside it all sits wrong with you. I just ask that we ALL be consistent. We are humans and brothers on this planet, regardless our political affiliations, locales, skin colors, religions. Death is death. Destruction is destruction. Violence is violence. You're either for it or against it. And to be against it...you have to always be so.

I'm sick of our media. Sick and fed up. They are manipulating us with what they show, what they don't show, and how they spin what they do show. They are playing us.

I'm just fed up. Disconsolate. I never thought I'd see America like this. And sadly we've allowed it to happen.

*exception to every rule*

violence and contempt and disgust and all manners of vile should be directed towards Ogres.
I think what would make this go away is for the SCOTUS to hear arguments by Trump’s lawyers on some of his
cases. So far all they’ve done is to dismiss them. And have Congress suspend the electoral thingy until after the court’s actions.

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They called them terrorists... Storming the capital is wrong, previous looting and rioting was also wrong. Just hope things don't get worse

yes - but the media ******* celebrated that
do you see the ******* difference in how one side is treated?
The repeated statements by legislators ridiculing the electoral fraud was infuriating, disgusting and condescending. That doesn't sound like a democracy, which we're not, to me.