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US Capitol breached

I hear Nancy is handing out 2,000 bucks for anyone that wants to help stop this.
Actual live feed of the protesters in front of congressional building.

Wow, what a shock - less violence than the average Wednesday in Chicago and the lying media are fomenting a bald-faced lie about what is going on.
Actual live feed of the protesters in front of congressional building.

Wow, what a shock - less violence than the average Wednesday in Chicago and the lying media are fomenting a bald-faced lie about what is going on.

I have a friend who was in the heart of it until a little bit ago. He said it was only two morons breaking some windows and they were getting yelled at to stop. That's a far cry from all the storefront window bashing and looting that the libtards do.
CNN gaslighting is in full effect, "peaceful protesters" are now a violent Trump mob.

That's why I turned them off. I can't hate them anymore than I do now. That Wallace jagoff can go **** himself with a ballbat.
6pm curfew in effect for dc. shouldn't be an issue as most members of the "mob" have jobs to go to tomorrow morn.

they are being called a "violent mob" how many liquor stores were robbed ?fast food restaurants burned down? tvs stolen? targets looted?
6pm curfew in effect for dc. shouldn't be an issue as most members of the "mob" have jobs to go to tomorrow morn.

they are being called a "violent mob" how many liquor stores were robbed ?fast food restaurants burned down? tvs stolen? targets looted?

Violent mob =a couple broken windows vs mostly peaceful protestors = burning,looting, violence, death and destruction.

This is what lights my *** on fire about our beloved Pravda media.
yes - but the media ******* celebrated that
do you see the ******* difference in how one side is treated?

Yes, I did - and I'm telling you, the disbanding of this crowd was very different from every other one last year. To Tim's point - we need to treat them all the same. I'm going to upload the pic I took to support this comment.

I watched the police help a lady down the steps today - an commendable act. That never happened last year...20210106_170406.jpg
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BREAKING: Pipe bomb found at headquarters of the RNC; DNC evacuated; other suspicious packages being investigated, including at US Capitol

An explosive device was found at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee as the U.S. Capitol was under attack by rioters angry at Congress attempting to affirm the results of the presidential election.

An RNC official told the New York Times that the explosive device was identified as a pipe bomb, and it was successfully destroyed by the bomb squad.

Other suspicious packages were reported as the protests unfolded in the nation's capital. One was discovered at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, and was being investigated. Another was reportedly found on the U.S. Capitol grounds.

The DNC was evacuated as a precaution while law enforcement officials tried to identify whether the suspicious package was also an explosive device.

The alarming developments follow upon scenes of chaos from Washington, D.C., where some supporters of the president have taken offices and chambers of the Congress by force. One woman was also shot in the neck during the melee and carried out on a stretcher.

Yes, I did - and I'm telling you, the disbanding of this crowd was very different from every other one last year. To Tim's point - we need to treat them all the same. I'm going to upload the pic I took to support this comment.

I watched the police help a lady down the steps today - an commendable act. That never happened last year...

hard to help somebody while they are throwing things at you and calling you a pig. To equate the level of violence that happened today to what happened at many antifa and BLM rallies is absurd.

There would have been more violence in Bama if Kyle Trask had won the heisman.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.
hard to help somebody while they are throwing things at you and calling you a pig. To equate the level of violence that happened today to what happened at many antifa and BLM rallies is absurd.

There would have been more violence in Bama if Kyle Trask had won the heisman.

Yeah, the behavior that of the protesters goes a long way toward how they are treated. When you can show me anyone from today throwing rocks, frozen water bottles or fireworks at police, I can agree. The behavior of the protesters is not the same. Not even close.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.

You know OFTB, I agree with 99.9% of the things you post, but calling this a riot and looting is a bit of a stretch. If they had gone in there and burned the place, hurt people, spray painted graffiti and stole some stuff, I could agree. They were wrong, no doubt, but these guys even left peacefully.
You know OFTB, I agree with 99.9% of the things you post, but calling this a riot and looting is a bit of a stretch. If they had gone in there and burned the place, hurt people, spray painted graffiti and stole some stuff, I could agree. They were wrong, no doubt, but these guys even left peacefully.

I agree with you most of the time too Sarge but you can't breach the Capitol building while Congress is in session, sorry. That is a national security issue.

This never should have happened anyway. A peaceful transfer of power is crucial to our democracy. Trump had every right to raise issues of fraud through legal means and processes. He has no right to continue insisting the election was stolen when he can't prove it. When every issue he's raised has been debunked. It's irresponsible and could end up starting a civil war.

He's destroyed our party and he's handed the country over to Democrats on a silver platter,

This is not what the Republican party is all about.
“Peaceful transfer of power”

Trump colluded with Russia - year plus - false.
Trump colluded with Ukraine - year plus - false
And on and on and on. What was peaceful about that. And don’t give me they didn’t storm the gates. Tens of millions of OUR money wasted bc they didn’t like him and wanted him out. Peaceful.

I’m going to use we here. We stood by for 4yrs of this bullshit, rioting, burning, stealing, taking over a city, fraud for the election ....”it’s just peaceful” ....glad we stood up and said **** this.
I agree with you most of the time too Sarge but you can't breach the Capitol building while Congress is in session, sorry. That is a national security issue.

This never should have happened anyway. A peaceful transfer of power is crucial to our democracy. Trump had every right to raise issues of fraud through legal means and processes. He has no right to continue insisting the election was stolen when he can't prove it. When every issue he's raised has been debunked. It's irresponsible and could end up starting a civil war.

He's destroyed our party and he's handed the country over to Democrats on a silver platter,

This is not what the Republican party is all about.

Yeah, I can’t get behind what happened today. I think I’m gonna take your advice and get out of politics for a while. Everything is out of control right now. As far as the Republican Party, it was already dead. The spineless politicians that fill that party made sure of it decades ago.
hard to help somebody while they are throwing things at you and calling you a pig. To equate the level of violence that happened today to what happened at many antifa and BLM rallies is absurd.

There would have been more violence in Bama if Kyle Trask had won the heisman.
I agree and that's a funny, no ******* hilarious, comparison...

Sent from my SM-N960U using Steeler Nation mobile app
I agree with you most of the time too Sarge but you can't breach the Capitol building while Congress is in session, sorry. That is a national security issue.

This never should have happened anyway. A peaceful transfer of power is crucial to our democracy. Trump had every right to raise issues of fraud through legal means and processes. He has no right to continue insisting the election was stolen when he can't prove it. When every issue he's raised has been debunked. It's irresponsible and could end up starting a civil war.

He's destroyed our party and he's handed the country over to Democrats on a silver platter,

This is not what the Republican party is all about.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Steeler Nation mobile app
Yeah, I can’t get behind what happened today. I think I’m gonna take your advice and get out of politics for a while. Everything is out of control right now. As far as the Republican Party, it was already dead. The spineless politicians that fill that party made sure of it decades ago.

You are right. He just put a few more nails in the coffin.
I've read several places that Antifa had plans to dress up as MAGA and cause mayhem. Not saying that's what happened but it is possible.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.


You need to wake up. The idea that conservatives would be treated fairly and have a chance in national elections ended on November 3, 2020. The (D)ims cheated, boldly, openly, outrageously. Their (R) dinner buddies were more worried about getting reservations at Le Diplomate than election cheating. The game is ******* rigged.

You have now blamed Trump for the Chinese flu, the Georgia elections, the end of conservatism, and on and on. You have gobbled up the propaganda like a middling Soviet factor worker hoping to get ahead. Trump delayed the destruction of this nation for four years, over lies and cheating and scams and illegal spying and traitorous behavior by his top staff.

Conservatism died when the Bush family took over the Executive branch. George H.W., Clinton, George W., Obama, Biden - all professional politicians, professional liars, thieves, crooks. The (D)ims have brazenly cheated and gotten away with it.

Your claim that Trump somehow caused (R)'s to lose in Georgia is frankly stupid. ******* Biden never left his basement, Trump visited the state seven times during the campaign, including two visits with MASSIVE crowds. His coattails could not get Perdue over the hump, because of the thousands of "magic ballots," a.k.a., "table ballots."

Pulling out hundreds - thousands? - of ballots after sending poll watchers home? Oh, nothing to see here, folks.

So keep blaming Trump if it makes you feel better. Tell yourself that those honest, moral (D)ims - whose main policy goals appear to be aborting fetuses and stealing money - and the oh-so genuine media would not be so enraged but for the evil Orange Man, and conservatives would be held in high esteem and treated with respect, dammit, by the media and the (D)ims but for Trump. Go ahead and pretend.

Me? I know Trump is Toto, pulling back the curtain and showing the grotesque greed, stupidity, selfishness and outright fraud that is today's (D)im party.