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US Capitol breached

No, my point is that you yet again, failed to acknowledge that they were NOT all Trump supporters. But you keep supporting the Racist, Anarchist, Democratic party and point your blood soaked finger at everyone else in deflection.

Ok, there may have been that one dude. So 99.9% of the crowd were hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporters hellbent on storming the Capitol, disrupting the counting of the votes inside and overturning the election. But there may have been one dude there with some past history with leftists...who may not have been all-in with the 99.9% extremist Trump supporters.

So yes, I'd be remiss if we didn't hijack this entire conversation to focus on that one guy. You're right, let's highlight and amplify that one, single individual. This story is all about him. Not anything else that happened that day, or the 99.9% of the riled-up crowd, why they were there or what they were doing.

It's all about that one guy. I must have gotten distracted by the unprecedented attack on the Capitol to not hone in on that dude you pointed out earlier. Sorry about that.
Not anything else that happened that day, or the 99.9% of the riled-up crowd, why they were there or what they were doing.

Who did they kill? What did they burn? And there sure were a lot of brand-spanking-new Trump supporters because their MAGA hats were in impeccable condition. Almost as if they had bought them that day. Probably just a coincidence though.
Ok, there may have been that one dude. So 99.9% of the crowd were hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporters hellbent on storming the Capitol, disrupting the counting of the votes inside and overturning the election.

You are repeatedly, knowingly and aggressively false.

About 30,000 people attended the rally on January 6.

400 people have been charged with "criminal trespass" for entering the capital and law enforcement expected to arrest another 100 more, for a total of 500.

500 out of 30,000 is 1.7%. We know that at least two of those arrested - John Sullivan, Logan Grimes - are not far right, or kinda right, but instead are leftists. 2 out of 400 (the number actually arrested) would be 0.5%.

So you run screaming into the night over 500 protesters, many of whom were literally invited into the Capital by police, a total of 1.7% of protesters, and simultaneously blow off as completely irrelevant 0.5% of those arrested being left-wing agitators.

Not one protester carrying a gun. Not one protester killed anybody.

Oh, and the occupation of Nancy Pelosi's office? Not a problem, according to the shriveled witch, when these people did just that two years earlier:


The left is screeching about the January 6 riots because our country has suffered through more than 14 months of leftist riots in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, San Francisco, with dozens - at least 47 - murdered and $2 billion in damage and counting. Lefties are making the January 6 vastly more than what it was or is to take attention away from dozens of murders and billions of dollars in damage.

Because that is what lying liars do - they tell lies about their lies.
Ok, there may have been that one dude. So 99.9% of the crowd were hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporters hellbent on storming the Capitol, disrupting the counting of the votes inside and overturning the election. But there may have been one dude there with some past history with leftists...who may not have been all-in with the 99.9% extremist Trump supporters.

So yes, I'd be remiss if we didn't hijack this entire conversation to focus on that one guy. You're right, let's highlight and amplify that one, single individual. This story is all about him. Not anything else that happened that day, or the 99.9% of the riled-up crowd, why they were there or what they were doing.

It's all about that one guy. I must have gotten distracted by the unprecedented attack on the Capitol to not hone in on that dude you pointed out earlier. Sorry about that.
Typical, down playing the fact that the "mob" had left leaning insurrectionists as well. And Unprecedented? Here is what Democrats do to the capital. If you cant tell the difference between setting off explosives and breaking a few windows then God help you.

Ok, there may have been that one dude. So 99.9% of the crowd were hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporters hellbent on storming the Capitol, disrupting the counting of the votes inside and overturning the election. But there may have been one dude there with some past history with leftists...who may not have been all-in with the 99.9% extremist Trump supporters.

So yes, I'd be remiss if we didn't hijack this entire conversation to focus on that one guy. You're right, let's highlight and amplify that one, single individual. This story is all about him. Not anything else that happened that day, or the 99.9% of the riled-up crowd, why they were there or what they were doing.

It's all about that one guy. I must have gotten distracted by the unprecedented attack on the Capitol to not hone in on that dude you pointed out earlier. Sorry about that.
y'know, that's interesting.

I said that there is a small faction of idiots who make the BLM marches violent and don't condemn every ************ there. Human nature has proven it takes just one incident to start an out-of-control spiral. It's specifically why businesses board up windows when they're aware that some sort of protest might be coming. Certainly someone of your self-inflated IQ doesn't believe businesses board up windows, doors and glass to prevent the sun from making the stores too hot. I mean, the rays do bounce off the moon, but there's not been a single instance in recorded history that those rays have caused even a slight sunburn or damaged retinas at night.

So who starts the **** at the BLM protests and rallies? Those have by and large turned into **** shows that you can uncomfortably witness from your side chair and sofa while drinking a nice cold beer. If I were to use your illogic, Tibs, that is applied to the Capitol protest, then every single one of the people at a BLM rally/protest and all the people on the Left who support the BLM rallies/protests and all people in general who support the BLM rallies/protests are to be held 100% responsible for any damages, injuries and/or deaths that are a result - direct or indirect - of any and all BLM rallies/protests that have taken place or will take place in the future.

That's some sound illogic, is it not?

So, as has been pointed out - and you grudgingly accept - there was at least one or two KNOWN participants in the Capitol riot who were not ... ahem ... "hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporters hellbent on storming the Capitol". At this point, I'd ask you to present an image of a "hardcore, frothing-at-the-mouth Trump supporter" so we can all be witness to what you speak of, but we all know that you cannot and will not do so. Anyway, if there were KNOWN actors who were there who had stated they were intent to agitate and incite as much as they could, then we can also believe that there were UNKNOWN actors there to do the same. These type of people do not act alone. Look at your precious BLM rallies/protests for proof. There is solid, undisputable proof of this at BLM rallies/protests. It starts as it always does - with some idiots on skateboards.

A window happens to break for absolutely no good damn reason at all. Just a freak occurrence of nature, I guess. Then it spirals from there.

The difference is, the BLM rallies/protests are damaging private property because of government actions.
The riot at the Capitol was on government ground because of ... and for ... government actions.

oh, but again, I digress. Carry on in your safe-space vacuum


Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump
OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad
Trump Trump Trump OrangeMan Bad Bad OrangeMan Bad


LOL, yeah they were quite the rebels, thankfully they were civilized and didn't kill anyone unlike your criminal scum BLM and Antifa buddies.
oh my. the savagery and violence was akin to combining all of WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam, rolling them up and unleashing them on the Capitol Building.

Complete horseshit. Held without bail? For what? The demoncrats are a bunch of liars and gangsters. Bunch of ******* fiction, much like the foreign agent propaganda machine that trolls here.

I can only hope for a states convention and term limits to be passed. These scumbags all need gutted from our republic.
Complete horseshit.

Why do you hate America so much?

Do you not stand with the Republic? Our elected officials, our police officers?

MAGA has really twisted the hearts, minds and souls of so many. It's beyond sad.

FBI director says Capitol assault 'domestic terrorism,' no evidence of antifa​

Testifying in front of Congress for the first time since the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers Tuesday he was "appalled" about the violent attack while defending the bureau's handling of the rising domestic terror threat in recent years.

"I was appalled that you, our country's elected leaders were victimized right here in these very halls," Wray said in his opening statement. "That attack, that siege was criminal behavior, plain and simple and his behavior that we, the FBI view as domestic terrorism. It's got no place in our democracy and tolerating it would make a mockery of our nation's rule of law."

‘Be ready to fight’: FBI probe of U.S. Capitol riot finds evidence detailing coordination of an assault​

Poor little Decaf. Peeks out of his panic room for ten minutes and BOOM! More crazed white supremacist Trumpist vigilante heathens storming the Capital and Hungary, intent on establishing the Fourth Reich.

Poor, poor little baby. So traumatized. Mommy should cut off your YouTube access so you don't wake up covered in your own pee while screaming and sobbing about the battalions of imaginary crazed white supremacist Trumpist vigilante heathens and fire-breathing dragons pounding on the door of your studio apartment, intent on demolishing the only thing standing in their way to world domination - the brave and noble Stacy Decaf, coffee-maker, unemployed barista, and superhero rolled into one.
Poor little Decaf. Peeks out of his panic room for ten minutes and BOOM! More crazed white supremacist Trumpist vigilante heathens storming the Capital and Hungary, intent on establishing the Fourth Reich. Poor, poor little baby. So traumatized. Mommy should cut off your YouTube access so you don't wake up covered in your own pee while screaming and sobbing about the battalions of imaginary crazed white supremacist Trumpist vigilante heathens and fire-breathing dragons pounding on the door of your studio apartment, intent on demolishing the only thing standing in their way to world domination - the brave and noble Stacy Decaf, coffee-maker, unemployed barista, and superhero rolled into one.

Yet another MAGA yahoo who hates America and the Republic.

Former guy attracts you guys like flies buzzing around a putrid pile of ****.

The fact you've become so unhinged and so far removed from reality should really be setting off warning flags in your immediate vicinity. Hopefully there's someone around who can intervene and help you out.
Its hilarious when leftists project their own motives and actions onto others.

It's hilarious when far-right lunatics downplay and sugarcoat the attack on the Capitol and take a massive dump on the pillar of democracy itself, our free and fair elections.

In the end, that may be former guy's biggest achievement, getting so many of his supporters to hate America and the Constitution itself.

How far we've come in a few short years. It may take decades to turn this thing around, get folks off the ledge and return to normalcy. For some of you, that day may never come.
Yet another MAGA yahoo who hates America and the Republic.

Former guy attracts you guys like flies buzzing around a putrid pile of ****.

The fact you've become so unhinged and so far removed from reality should really be setting off warning flags in your immediate vicinity. Hopefully there's someone around who can intervene and help you out.

Poor, poor little man. No longer able to stake his claim to the world by making coffee, borrowing mommy's internet to share the trauma of those meany white supremacist Trumpists with other little girls quaking in fear at imaginary villains.

Keep hiding, little man. You never know when a vampire, or a werewolf, or a goblin, or a Trumpist might jump out of the shadows and cause you to soil your panties.

It's hilarious when far-right lunatics downplay and sugarcoat the attack on the Capitol and take a massive dump on the pillar of democracy itself, our free and fair elections.

In the end, that may be former guy's biggest achievement, getting so many of his supporters to hate America and the Constitution itself.

How far we've come in a few short years. It may take decades to turn this thing around, get folks off the ledge and return to normalcy. For some of you, that day may never come.
People peacefully protested a stolen election. It got a little out of hand and some glass got broken and the podium got stolen from Vodka Nancy's office. If it had been an Insurrection the people there would have been armed, And they would have stopped the steal. Moreover every Democrat Pol they could capture would have been hung by their necks from lamp posts until dead and any RINO traitors to the Republic would have been tarred and feathered. But that didn't happen because it wasn't an insurrection.
Decaf continues his valiant surveillance for homicidal white supremacist Trumpist maniacs, werewolves, ghosts and rabid unicorns:


On seeing a red hat, Decaf's bravery kicks into high gear:

From someone who's seen the MAGA stench & rot from the within, Liz Cheney is 100% correct. The threat from former guy and his flock of batshit crazy, unhinged lunatics may just be getting started.

Trump critic Liz Cheney cautions Jan. 6 riot could happen again​

WASHINGTON — Rep. Liz Cheney, newly ousted from House Republican leadership for challenging former President Donald Trump, criticized GOP colleagues Sunday for downplaying the Jan. 6 riot and condoning Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen, saying they were “complicit” in undermining democracy.

In television interviews, the Wyoming Republican said there was “no question” an attack like Jan. 6 could happen again if Trump’s claims go unchecked.

“I think it’s dangerous,” Cheney said. “I think that we have to recognize how quickly things can unravel. We have to recognize what it means for the nation to have a former president who has not conceded and who continues to suggest that our electoral system cannot function, cannot do the will of the people.”

“We’ve seen not only his provocation of the attack, but his refusal to send help when it was needed, his refusal to immediately say, ‘Stop,’” she added.

Asked in a separate interview if she believes House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Rep. Elise Stefanik, who replaced Cheney in the No. 3 leadership job, are complicit by embracing Trump, Cheney responded: “They are.”

“I’m not willing to do that,” she said. “We all have an obligation to stand up against that.”
WASHINGTON — President Peepads, invigorated with a dry and scent-reducing undergarment yet to be soiled or soaked, criticized Deomcratic colleagues Sunday for downplaying Black Lives Matter riots and condoning the party lies that the murderous rampages were mostly peaceful, saying they were “complicit” in the deaths caused during the riots, and also by the burning of buildings and destruction of life and property.

In television interviews, the President, his onset Dementia proving the plagiarist is a sad shell of his former self, said there was “no question we landed a man on the moon and this could happen again if Arabs are allowed to hold Germany hostage for the border crisis created in Uganda." This caused quite a stir in the White House Press Corps as the journalists were taken aback at how well pressed the President's suit is.

“I think what I read off the prompter,” he said. “I think that I think we have to think that we think that people do think, I mean, come on man, this isnt lickety split rocket science that we took out back behind the school house.”

“We’ve seen not only BLM provocation of the attack on defenseless buildings and personal property, but also Nancy's inability to put the bottle down when the cameras and lights are on. I mean, even my unsnortunate son knows better than to do a line off Kamala's *** crack and she was a good ho back in the day, just ask Willie or Montel Williams!” he added.

Asked in a separate interview if he believes House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Rep. Elise Stefanik, who replaced Cheney in the No. 3 leadership job, are complicit by distancing themselves from BLM, Peepads responded: “Who?”

“I’m not willing to allow this to not happen under a Harris-Biden administration” he said. “We all have an obligation to provide for the poor illegals given fresh clothing, cell phones and free food coming across the border while our former service members struggle with mental healthcare on the battlefields of the homeless, where they live,” he said in a rare moment of lucidity.
Why don't you live in America so much?
to defend Tibs here, he has said he was on a basketball tour of Europe when he was presented with a capitalist opportunity to create a better life for himself, provide for a family and create jobs. While capitalism was a very important part of his life, he is now a socialist and demands you give up your money and lifestyle so he doesnt have to lose what he built all these years.
The threat from former guy and his flock of batshit crazy, unhinged lunatics may just be getting started.

Trump Trump Trump Trump, Trump Trump Trump Trump!




Barista Boy, you live in Hungtardia, you're safe from the Bad Orange Man you think is hiding under your hot wheels-themed bed.
